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Mr. CEOooooooo by Olivia T. Turner (2)


Mr. Decker

My cock is so hard that it’s aching as I look down at the pretty little blonde squirming in the chair in front of me. She’s looking up at me under her long eyelashes with these big brown doe-like eyes that are making me crazy.

“How old are you, Bambi?” I ask in a voice that’s deeper than normal. The name just kind of slips out, but it suits her perfectly.

If she’s a helpless young fawn than I must be the hunter. That’s pretty damn fitting too.

“Twenty-two,” she says, shifting in her chair as she answers. She’s a shitty liar.

“Okay, eighteen,” she answers quickly when she sees that I’m not buying it. “Is that too young to work here?”

“That’s the perfect age to work here,” I say, inhaling deeply. Mmmmmm. She smells delicious. Like cotton candy, and the mouthwatering scent is making me want to taste all of her pink areas to see if they taste as sweet as they smell.

At thirty-three, I’m a bit too old for her by society’s standards, but by my standards, she’s fresh and ripe and ready to go.

She will be mine.

I’m one of the most powerful CEOs in the state and when I want something I get it. And holy fuck, do I want this girl.

There’s just something about her that has me gripped. Fixated. Her smell is rewiring my brain like a computer virus, overriding every thought until all I can think of is her.

I can tell that I’m already obsessed. It didn’t take long, but I’m hooked. When she leaves, I’ll be pacing around this office like a wild animal, wondering if she’s safe, worried that someone is going to steal her from me.

I won’t sleep tonight. I won’t ever sleep again unless she’s beside me where I can keep my protective arms wrapped around her.

She’s fidgeting with the arms of the chair as I stare down at her, memorizing every detail of her flawless face. Every inch of her beautiful curves. I want to be able to see her perfectly in my mind when I close my eyes later. I want to picture every detail in one hundred percent accuracy as I jerk off over and over again.

“My mother was supposed to be here,” she says, starting to ramble nervously. “But she couldn’t make it, so I came instead. I hope that’s okay. If you want someone more experienced, my mother can come back tomorrow.”

No,” I snap, making her jump. “I want you.”

Her eyes widen and she leans back as I push off the desk and place a hand on each armrest of her chair, trapping her in.

“You’re going to be my personal secretary, Bambi” I say, clenching my hands around the armrests. She’s so dangerously close. I could just reach out and touch one of those round breasts that have my cock screaming. I could just lean down and take her luscious lips that are waiting to be claimed. “You’ll be here every day at eight A.M. You’ll do what I say, when I say. Understood?”

She slowly nods her head up and down, staring at me with large unblinking eyes. Her hands are flat on her thighs and she hasn’t moved an inch since I ambushed her, crouching over her chair like I’m going to devour her at any second.

I’m the one trying to trap her here, but I know that I’m the one who’s really trapped.

My hungry eyes roam down her body, over her huge tits that are moving up and down quickly with her fast breath. Tiny goosebumps appear on her arms as my eyes prowl down to her legs.

“How much experience do you have?” I ask, narrowing my heated eyes on her.

Her tongue darts out of her mouth, quickly licking her lips and the sexy sight makes my hard cock jump in my pants. It’s aching with the need to get out and violate her young ripe body.

“Not much,” she says in a soft timid voice. “Just some babysitting and I was a lifeguard for two summers.”

The thought of her in a bathing suit sitting up on display for every man walking by to see is making my arms flex and my jaw clench. Nobody but me should have the right to look at that body. She’s mine now, and no one will ever look at her like that again.

I don’t care what I have to do. I don’t care how low I have to sink. I’m a powerful guy and I can destroy anyone financially as well as physically. If anyone looks at her again, they’ll fucking regret it.

“That’s great,” I say, biting my bottom lip as I look down at her pussy, wondering if it’s wet, wondering what she would do if I just slid my hand up her skirt and touched it. “But that’s not what I’m talking about. Are you experienced?

I say the last word slowly as I raise my eyebrow. Her cheeks flush an adorable pink, and I know that she gets what I’m talking about.

I don’t care about her ability to take phone calls or sort files. I want to know if any other man has touched her. I want to know if there’s a cherry buried deep in there, waiting for me to claim.

“Oh,” she says, swallowing hard. She’s not breathing anymore as she stares up at me. I’m not breathing anymore either. My heart is racing in anticipation to hear her answer.

I don’t know what I’m going to do if she’s not a virgin. Fantasies of finding the guy who took what’s mine, and making him pay are already racing through my mind.

“No,” she whispers, dropping her head. “I haven’t…”

The words fall away from her lips, taking all of the stress and anxiety racing through my veins away with it. Thank fucking God. I take a deep breath of relief as excitement replaces the worry. She hasn’t been touched. I’ll be the first man to slide between those sweet thighs and claim her virgin cunt. She’ll never want another man after my cock has filled her.

I’ll take her without protection and root my seed in her body so she’ll be bound to me forever.

“Good,” I say as I release the armrests and step back from her. “You’re officially hired.”

A warm smile spreads across her face, and the sight makes my heart beat so fast it feels like it’s going to vibrate out of my chest.

I feel her eyes on me as I walk around the desk and sit in my chair.

Rose is the best secretary in the history of secretaries, but I don’t care about work or my business right now. I would give everything I spent the last two decades working for if it meant spending my days close to Bambi’s perfect body. It’s all that matters to me now. She’s my only priority.

I hit the button on my phone that links me to Rose. “What can I do for you, Mr. Decker?” she asks.

“Rose, you know that advanced retirement you wanted?” I ask.

Yes?” her voice is raised. Excited.

“It starts in five minutes.”

With a full severance package?” she asks. I can hear her voice trembling.

“Yup,” I answer. “And a ten percent bonus.”

The phone line goes dead, but I hear a loud squeal through the window.

“What’s your name?” I ask Bambi.

“Violet,” she says, staring at me in shock. “Violet Martin.”

“From now on if someone asks, you tell them your last name is Decker,” I demand. One day it will be, and I just want to hear my last name attached to hers.

She tucks a strand of her silky blond hair behind her ear and nods.

“You’ll get paid $150,000 for your secretarial and other services,” I tell her. Her mouth drops open, making my dick ache.

“A hundred and fifty thousand?” she whispers, staring at me in disbelief. I can tell she doesn’t have lots of money, and that she doesn’t come from much. That will all change today. She won’t want for anything for the rest of her life. I’ll take care of her every need. Her every need.

I cross my arms over my chest as I watch her. “You will follow my every command,” I say, “no matter how uncomfortable it may make you.”

She swallows hard, but then nods.

“Come here.”

Her body tightens before she reluctantly gets up and walks over, looking at me nervously. I turn my chair as she stops at the side of my desk.

“Come here,” I command, putting a little more force into my voice.

She hurries over, standing in front of me.

“Let’s talk about your dress code.”

“Okay,” she says in a trembling voice.

My eyes are level with her big tits. I desperately want to rip off her shirt and coat them in my saliva, but I also don’t want her running out of here screaming.

“This shirt violates my office dress code,” I say, rolling my chair a little closer to her.

She looks down at it as her cheeks redden. “I’m sorry,” she says, looking flustered. “I don’t have a lot of work clothes, but I’ll be

“The shirt is fine,” I say, licking my lips as I stare at her big tits pressing out against the thin material. It would be better if it was off completely, but that will come later. “It’s the buttons that are the problem.”

“The buttons?” she asks, looking confused.

She takes in a sharp intake of air as I reach up and slowly undo her top three buttons. My knuckles graze her soft breasts as she watches with excited eyes. “From now on I want you to wear your shirts like this when you’re in my office,” I say, opening her shirt. Fuck, she’s so perfect. Her big round tits are barely contained by her bra. They’re spilling out over the top and all I can think about is sliding my hard dick between them and then cumming all over her flawless face.

I lean back to take a better look and a low growl rumbles out of my throat when I see her hard nipples showing through her bra. She’s liking this. She’s turned on as much as I am.

She looks down at her spectacular tits and her cheeks turn pink. “You want me to walk around the building like this?” she asks.

“No,” I answer curtly. “This is only for me. When you’re in my office and the blinds are closed, this is how you wear your shirt. But I want it buttoned up to the top when you walk around the building. Nobody sees this but me.”

Just thinking of her walking around the halls like that where Jason or Mark or any of the other guys in here could drool over her makes my heart rate jack up. These tits are for my eyes alone. I don’t even want them to see her curves pressed up against her shirt.

“In fact,” I say. “I want you to wear a jacket tomorrow. Do you have a jacket?”

Her blonde hair bounces on her shoulders as she shakes her head. She doesn’t look like she has a lot of money for clothes. The shirt she’s wearing is old and too small for her, but I fucking love how it looks.

I open a drawer in my desk where I keep some petty cash and grab all of it. I wish I had more on hand to give her, but there’s about two grand, which should be enough for some new clothes.

“Take this,” I say, slapping the pile of cash on the table. Her eyes widen like crazy when she sees it. “Get some new clothes. Shirts, dresses, skirts, jackets, shoes, but no pants. No panties.”

She jerks her head back. “What?”

“No pants. No panties.” My voice is firm. Unmoving. This is not up for negotiation. “Not while you’re in my office.”

She stares at me with her sexy doey eyes as she nods up and down. “Okay, Mr. Decker. Whatever you say.”

My lips curl up in a grin. Just the words I wanted to hear.

“I’m glad we’re on the same page,” I say, slowly looking down at her skirt. “But it seems like you may be in violation of the dress code. Come here, Bambi, and let me check.”

She steps toward me immediately. My hands are tingling with the need to explore her young body.

I know this is sexual harassment, but I don’t give a fuck. Laws don’t matter to me when it comes to her, besides I can tell by her hard nipples, her cute little quickened breaths, and the way her excited eyes keep darting to the outline of my hard cock, that she wants this as much as I do.

I must possess her completely no matter what. No matter what the cost. No matter what the pain and suffering. No matter what laws I have to break.

She will be mine. Every cell in my body will be on fire until she’s mine.

I’m having her. No matter what.

She gasps when I touch the warm skin on the outside of her thighs. Fuck. If my cock was any harder it would turn to stone. This girl feels even better than I imagined she would.

She’s breathing as fast as I am. Her big brown eyes are locked on mine as my hands slide up her legs, and dip under her skirt.

“Shit,” she moans under her breath as she takes a small step to the side, slightly parting her legs. Her skirt is raising up in bunches, revealing the soft milky white skin underneath. I lick my lips as her white cotton panties come into view in front of my face. There’s a wet spot over her pussy that’s slowly getting bigger as I stare at it.

“These are coming off,” I say as I slide my palms over the beautiful curve of her ass before gripping the waistband of her panties.

She doesn’t say a thing, she just nods up and down quickly as she holds her breath, watching me intently.

I slowly slide her panties down, moaning deeply when her succulent smell hits my nose, making me lightheaded. A blonde tuft of hair comes into view as I peel her panties down, and the thought that I’m the first man to see any of this nearly has me cumming in my pants.

The wet fabric sticks to her pussy lips and only separates when I give it a little tug. I swallow hard as my heart starts hammering in my chest. I’m so close to her virgin cunt that’s already so wet and I haven’t even touched it yet.

“Your cherry is still in there?” I ask, staring at her swollen pussy as I slide her panties down her legs.

She rests a small hand on my shoulder as she steps out of her panties that are now mine, one foot at a time. “I’m still a virgin,” she says in a shy voice. She shouldn’t be shy or embarrassed about that. She saved herself for me, which was exactly what she was supposed to do.

“You won’t be for long, Bambi,” I say, taking her panties and stuffing it into one of the drawers in my desk. She takes her skirt and is about to pull it back down her legs when I snap my head back around.

“Don’t,” I command. “I’m not done with that yet.”

Her big brown eyes are locked on mine as I’m about to tell her what’s going to happen next. She’s going to sit on the desk in front of me and I’m going to put my mouth on her spread cunt while she plays with her tits. Then I’m going to pull out my raw cock and slide it inside, taking her sweet cherry as I put a baby in her belly.

The lock clicks and the door swings open unexpectedly. Mark walks in. “Mr. Xi is here to sign the

“Get the fuck out of here!” I growl.

Bambi quickly slides her skirt down her legs and turns, hiding her open shirt.

Mark’s wide startled eyes darts from her to me. I want to take his eyes out for looking at her like this. I want to take his heart out for making her uncomfortable.

“I should go,” Bambi says, grabbing the money off the desk before fleeing out of my office like a skittish little fawn. “I’ll be back at eight A.M. tomorrow.”

I jump up from my chair so fast that it flies back and slams into the wall of windows behind me. “Wait!” I shout, but she disappears past Mark’s soon-to-be very bruised face.

“Sorry, boss,” he says, suddenly looking very worried as I turn my heated eyes on him. “It’s Mr. Xi. Eighty million dollars.”

I take a deep breath, trying to calm the fits of rage that are taking over my body.

“Where’s Rose?” I snap. “How did you open the door?”

Mark takes a step back, looking around nervously. “Rose is gone. The key was on her desk.”

I squeeze my eyes shut and take a deep breath. “I’ll be out in a minute. Close the door.”

I don’t have to ask him twice. He’s out of there as fast as humanly possible.

“Fuck,” I mutter as I drop down into my chair, rubbing my eyes with my hands. What the fuck was that?

One look at the girl and I was completely off-hinged. Completely obsessed.

I let my secretary that I had for the past decade go without a second thought, I nearly a fucked a girl in my office, I brushed off an eighty million dollar client like he was worthless, and my only regret was that I didn’t handcuff Violet to the bookcase so that she would still be here.

I keep my eyes closed, trying to picture every perfect detail of her face and body as I open the desk drawer and pull out her panties.

Fuuuccckkk,” I groan as I stuff them to my nose, smelling her delicious scent while I unbuckle my belt and pull out my thick cock.

It barely takes five strokes of my fist before I bunch them over my dick and cum all over them.

Cumming does nothing to relieve the pressure built up inside. There’s a man outside waiting to give me eighty million dollars, and all I can think about is leaving to go find her.

I’ve never been like this before. I’ve always been so professional, always putting work before women. I haven’t had a relationship in years because it took time away from growing my business, and now after ten minutes alone with this girl, I’m ready to throw it all away for a taste of what’s waiting between her legs.

I groan as I start jerking off again, desperate to release some of the obsession that’s taking root deep in my bones.

What the fuck is happening to me?

* * *

I told myself I wasn’t going to do this, but deep down, I knew that it was a lie.

I’m watching Violet from my car, looking through her window as she walks around her apartment, making dinner for her mother.

She looks just as beautiful in an old t-shirt and sweatpants than she did this afternoon. My cock has been rock hard all day, and no matter how many times I jerk off into her panties, it doesn’t relieve an ounce of pressure. There’s only one thing that will do that, and that is taking her cherry.

Tomorrow. Eight A.M.

I throw my head back and cum in her panties as I picture cumming deep in her warm cunt.

Tomorrow. That cherry will be mine.