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My Kinda Mess - eBook by Lacey Black (16)

Chapter Sixteen


I’m nervous as I step up to her door. I’ve never really done the whole parents thing before.

But what do I have to be nervous about? I’ve met them all before? She dragged me off to a luncheon with her entire family a few weeks back, so what makes this so different?

Maybe because it’s a major fucking holiday and I had my dick inside her less than two hours ago? I swear her dad is going to know that I’m having sex with his daughter and kick me out of his house. And believe it or not, I really want her family to approve of me. If this baby plan goes through, I’m going to be in their lives for a long damn time. I’d hate for it to be uncomfortable.

Before I can knock, she opens the door, a vision in tight red material. “Why are you just standing out here?”

But instead of answering, I just stare.

She’s wearing a long sweater dress that hugs every curve of her body, black tights, and short little ankle boots. Her hair is straight and sleek, draping down her back like some Greek goddess. It makes me want to weave my hands in it and pull. While I’m buried to the hilt inside her.

My dick is concrete-hard in point two seconds.

“Wow,” I finally say, taking one more appreciative glance before returning to her green eyes. They’re smiling and full of mischief.

“Are you done?” she retorts.

“Not yet, but give me a few minutes and I will be,” I reply, taking a quick moment to adjust my throbbing cock in my suddenly too-tight jeans.

“Get in here,” she says, grabbing my arm and pulling me inside her apartment. It smells sugary sweet with a hint of evergreen.

“Did you bake?” I ask, following her into the kitchen.

“Just some sugar cookies. I bought red frosting and silver and gold sprinkles. I thought Bri could decorate cookies for Santa after dinner.”

“That sounds awesome,” I say, stepping up behind her, pressing my front to her back. “You smell amazing,” I add before placing a kiss on her neck.

“Thank you. You smell pretty delicious yourself,” she says, pulling my arms tightly around her front. There’s no way to mask my current state of arousal at this point. “And you look nice.” She’s talking about the long sleeve button-down shirt I found in the back of my closet. I’m pretty sure I’ve only worn it once or twice, probably to either a wedding or funeral.

She spins in my arms and stands up on her tiptoes. “You trimmed this up,” she says, running her cool fingers over my beard.

“I’m not a complete caveman,” I tell her with a smile.

“I happen to like your caveman side,” she says, reminding me of our tryst in the shop just a little over an hour ago.

“I promise to have a little more finesse next time. Maybe even take you to a bed.”

She seems to climb up my chest like I’m a tree, wrapping those fucking boots around the backs of my thighs. “Not that that doesn’t sound great, but I happen to really, really like you unhinged. In case you couldn’t tell, it sort of turns me on.” Lexi slides her sweet pussy against my aching cock, sending every single ounce of blood I possess straight to that one concentrated area. Suddenly, I can’t think at all. At least not about anything other than getting her naked.

My hands find her ass, the glorious globes fitting perfectly in my hands. “Firecracker, you gotta stop rubbing against me like that or we’re going to be late to your dinner.”

She makes a snorting noise. “We’re already late,” she says as she flexes her pussy against me.

“You’re a temptress. You know that, right?”

“Only with you,” she whispers before her lips lock on mine, and I’m gone.

Pinning her against the wall, I start to remove all of our clothing, which considering she’s still wrapped around me like a steering wheel cover, makes it pretty difficult. Yet I manage to strip us both naked without setting her feet on the floor.

“We’ve got ten minutes,” she whispers, breaking the kiss to position my dick right where it wants to be.

“Not that I’m proud of this, but I’ll only need five,” I tell her right before I thrust into her warm, wet pussy. “And you’ll have no less than two orgasms.”

Thrust. “Two? In five minutes?”

“Fuck yes.” Thrust, thrust.

“Do your worst,” she says, gripping onto my skin and holding on tight.

When we finally leave her apartment fifteen minutes later (so worth being late), I’m smiling big at the three more orgasms I was able to give her, even if that third one took me past the ten-minute mark. She doesn’t seem to mind, though. Her grin and flushed cheeks tell me she is just fine with running a little late to her dad’s house this evening.

Her hand slips into mine as we make our way down to her car, which is already laden with gifts and treats for this evening. Contentment washes through me as I climb behind the wheel and back her car from the parking spot. It’s almost freeing to be with her, as if the secrets and demons of my past aren’t still nipping on my heels.

But I push that all aside as I follow the directions to the home she grew up in. Tonight is about us, spending time with each other and getting to know her family. Before I can even think about my words, they’re already out of my mouth. “Will you come with me tomorrow to my mom’s place? It’s not much, but she cooks a mean honey glazed ham.”

Lexi glances my way, but I keep my eyes on the road. “You want me to meet your mom? On Christmas?”

“Why not? I’ve already met your entire family,” I remind her.

“I don’t have a gift for her.”

“She doesn’t need a gift, Lex. In fact, she’d probably be mad if you bring one and she doesn’t have anything for you,” I remind her, knowing that my mom is going to shit a brick when she sees me walk in with my girl.

My girl.

Feels fucking amazing to say it, even if it’s only in my head.

“Okay,” she says with a shrug and a warm smile. “I’d like to meet your mom.”


* * *


“You had sex!” AJ exclaims too loudly to Lexi when she greets us at the door.

“Hush!” Lexi whispers harshly, glancing around to see who overheard the declaration.

“Oh, don’t be shy. You know just about everyone here had sex before they came. Well, except Meg. And, well, me.” AJ shoots her sister a look before turning to face me. “Good to see you again, Linkin. Even if you are wearing your clothes this time.”

I bark a laugh, while Lexi hits her sister in the arm. “Stop trying to picture him naked,” she chastises.

“Oh, too late for that,” AJ snorts, leading us into the living room.

There’s a large tree in the center of a picture window and it’s overflowing with gifts. Everyone gets up to greet us, while helping to relieve some of the packages I’m holding and placing them wherever there’s room near the tree.

“Good to see you again, Linkin,” Dean says, extending his hand to shake mine.

“You too,” I reply before moving on to the next guy. Soon, I’ve received welcomes from Ryan, Levi, and Lexi’s dad, Brian. Her sisters are all there, wide knowing grins plastered on their faces.

“Oh, look who’s here! It’s Lexi Lou and her stripper!” Grandma exclaims when she enters the room.

“Grandma, seriously, we’ve been over this. He’s not a stripper,” Lexi grumbles as she steps into her grandma’s waiting arms.

“Such a shame, though,” she replies before turning her attention to me. “Merry Christmas, Linkin,” she says, wrapping her surprisingly strong arms around my waist.

“Merry Christmas. Thank you for having me.”

Before she replies, I feel a sharp pinch to my right ass cheek. “Oh, believe me, the pleasure is all mine,” she says with a wink and saucy grin.

“Stop fondling him. It’s Christmas,” Lexi rebukes.

“Christmas is the season of giving, Lexi Lou.”

“I don’t even want to know what pinching his ass is giving you,” she grumbles before taking my hand in hers and leading me towards the kitchen.

“Lexi!” Grandpa exclaims from the opposite side of the kitchen island.

“Merry Christmas, Grandpa,” Lexi coos while giving the elderly man a big hug. “Your wife is molesting my date again,” she adds.

“Link, I apologize,” he says, extending his hand towards me. “That woman is hornier than a three peckered billy goat,” he adds, shaking his head.

“Stop talking,” Lexi begs.

“Anyway, I’m glad you’re here. You can be my partner later when we play Euchre.”

“Sounds good, sir,” I say, wondering when the last time I actually sat down and played cards was.

“You gotta watch out for Dean and Ryan. Those two boys are cheaters,” Orval conspiratorially whispers.

“What?” Ryan exclaims as he enters the kitchen. “Dean, Orval’s calling us cheaters.”

“Are you kidding? This from the man who stuffs Jacks up his sleeves?” Dean enters the room, joining the conversation.

“Those were extras. I had no idea they were there.”

“Sure you didn’t,” Levi chimes in as he joins us in the kitchen.

All able hands, which surprisingly turns out to be the male hands of the family, make quick work of whipping boiled potatoes into creamy mashed potatoes, carving the turkey that smells devine, and pulling pans from the oven. Levi, actually, looks surprisingly at home in the kitchen, and seems to be telling everyone else what to do. I help where needed, which right now appears to be buttering steamy rolls and placing them in a fancy breadbasket.

When the food is ready, we gather around the table, hands folded in prayer.

“Lord, bless this food we are able to receive on this glorious Christmas Eve. I’m thankful that my son-in-law, six granddaughters, great granddaughter Brielle, and others could join us for this meal. I’m also grateful for the love of a good woman, my wife, Emma. Without her, I’d be lost in this world.” For some reason, my throat burns with emotion. I’ve never thought it possible to love someone the way Orval appears to love his wife. They smile at each other, even through prayer, and the prospect makes me yearn.

Yearn for more in life.

I feel Lexi’s hand wrap around my wrist, as if we’re being pulled together by some invisible, magical force. Just the feel of her fingers on my skin calms me and brings me comfort.

“Please continue to watch over us, guiding us each day. Continue to watch over our Meggy, giving her extra comfort and strength, as she continues to learn to live her life without Josh.” There’s a sniffle somewhere in the room, but I don’t dare look up to find the source. Something tells me I already know where it came from.

“And continue to bless our family with love and laughter. In your name we pray, Amen.”

“Amen,” we all say in unison.

When I glance down at the woman standing next to me, she gives me a sad smile, her gorgeous green eyes filled with unshed tears. A louder cry comes from the corner, and Brian is there, comforting and holding is daughter.

“It’s her first Christmas without him,” Lexi whispers, watching her dad hold Meghan.

“The pain will never go away, but over time, it’ll lessen a little more.”

Lexi nods her head, and pulls me towards the kitchen. We fall in line and fill our plates with more food than I’ve eaten in the last week. Even as Meghan joins us at the table, chatter and small talk commences. We eat and laugh and enjoy each other’s company. There’s teasing and loving glances and maybe a few wandering hands beneath the table.

Even through the sadness and heartache, you can still feel the love, the happiness, the unity.

Life goes on.


* * *


“I can’t believe all those toys,” I say, steering Lexi’s car towards the apartment building. “Where in the hell are they going to put them?”

She laughs as she replies, “I don’t know, but that’s their problem.”

“I think Dean almost had a heart attack when he realized most of the gifts under that tree were for his daughter.”

“She’s the first niece, first grandchild, and first great-grandchild. What do they expect?”

“Help renting the U-Haul?” I offer with a laugh.

When we pull into the parking lot, I quickly help gather up all of Lexi’s goodies. She got a few new sweaters and scented lotion-y stuff from her sisters, a new smock with her name embroidered on the front, and a gift certificate to Adam & Eve from her grandparents. The looks on the girls’ faces when they all opened the gift certificates to the online sex toy retailer may have been one of my favorite moments of the night.

“This is what holidays will be like when we have a baby, won’t it.” I didn’t realize I say the words out loud until Lexi stops and turns to face me.

“What do you mean?” she asks, questions written on her beautiful face.

“A loving family who spoil and worry and stick their noses into each other’s business. Our child won’t want for anything.”

“Probably not,” Lexi confirms softly.

Not used to dealing with so much emotion in one day, I offer her a genuine smile. “Good.”

We’re quiet as we head up to the third floor. I bypass my own door and head down the hall towards hers. Our arms are laden with gift bags, but I manage to slip her key into the handle and unlock the door. When I walk in, the first thing I notice is the scent of pine.

“Is that the tree?” I ask, depositing all of her bags onto the kitchen table.

“What?” she asks, and I don’t fail to notice that she locks the door behind us.

“It smells like pine in here.”

“Oh, that. No, that’s not the tree. I bought a pine scented candle to cover up the scent of your dead, rotting evergreen.”

Laughing, I step forward and wrap my arms around her. “It didn’t smell that bad.”

“Even the critters vacated it. They couldn’t take the stench of death,” she quips with a smile.

“Oh, my little firecracker. Whatever will I do with you?” I ask, nuzzling her neck like some poor lovesick sap.

“I can think of a few things,” she purrs, her hands slipping under my button-down and skimming up my abs.

“I like the way you think,” I say, placing a chaste kiss squarely on her lips. “Let’s get this stuff put away so I can defile you in front of the dead tree.”

“Oh, that won’t take much. I’m the naughty sister,” she says, turning and grabbing the leftovers and putting them in the fridge.

“Oh, I believe it.” To punctuate my statement, I give her a quick slap on the ass.

We make quick work of putting away all the food and stacking the opened gifts in the corner of the living room. They’re all things she’ll have to put away after I leave. But when she comes into the living room with two mugs of homemade eggnog, something tells me I won’t be heading out anytime soon. Instead, I pop back into the kitchen, grab the leftover cream puffs Levi made for dessert, and join her on the couch.

“That was very stealthy of you to stick the cream puffs into our bowl when no one was looking,” she says, the corner of her lip curving upward.

“These little fuckers are delicious.” I should probably savor it and take bites, but instead find myself shoving the entire treat into my mouth and chewing.

“They are,” she says, reaching for one. Before she can grab one, I move the bowl just out of her reach.

“Hey,” she says, leaning forward and chasing the bowl.

Shaking my head, I take one of the treats and hold it up to her mouth. I’m transfixed on her movement as she slowly leans forward, her eyes locked on mine, and takes a bite of the puff. My heart thunders in my chest as her little tongue slips out of her mouth and licks away traces of white cream off her lips.

I almost groan.

Lexi leans forward, taking the rest of the cream puff into her mouth, and moreover, my fingers as well. Her eyes dilate as she sucks the sweetness off my fingers. How in the fuck can something as simple as eating dessert turn so erotic?

“Can I ask you something?” she says, leaning into the cradle of my arm and kicking her legs up onto the couch.


“What was your childhood like? You kind of alluded tonight that it wasn’t so great.”

Sighing, I knew this question was coming. “I have an awesome mom. Got pregnant with me young, while she was still in high school, and my sperm donor ran off before she had a chance to tell him. It was tough, very tough. Money was tight, but she made it work with what little we had. Then she met Larry, married him, and had the twins. Everything seemed great for a while, but it didn’t last. He’s gone too, like my father.”

“I’m sorry,” she says soothingly, rubbing her hand along my arm as she snuggles into my embrace.

“Nothing for you to be sorry about,” I say, my hand sliding along her outer thigh and underneath the dress. Slowly bringing my hand to her front, I can feel the heat radiating off her sweet pussy. It makes me so hard just thinking about how mind-blowing it feels to be inside her.

“Are you trying to distract me?” she mewls, arching her back and my hand slips into her tights.

“Is it working?”


Maneuvering us until she’s beneath me, I position myself in what is quickly becoming my favorite place to be: between her thighs. Pushing up her red sweater, I expose her fit abdomen and red bra. Gently, I push aside the cups, revealing two perfect little nipples. They’re tight little buds, begging for my mouth.

And who am I to deny?

My mouth descends, first licking and sucking on one, and then the other. I’m rewarded with a soft moan. “You know,” I start, as I alternate between licking, sucking, and nipping at her perfect tits. “We never really discussed the real issue with the condoms.”

“I told you I’m clean,” she gasps.

“Not that. The other issue. The baby.” This time I bite down on her nipple until she hollers in pleasure.

“I can’t think when you do that,” she whispers.

“You mean this?” I ask, leaning down and latching on to one nipple, while my fingers tweak and pinch the other.

“Yes. That.”

“Should I stop?”

“Yes. No. Wait. I can’t… No, definitely don’t stop.”

“Lexi? I haven’t worn a condom the previous two times we’ve had sex,” I remind her, even though I’m not sure she’s even paying attention to my words right now.


“Are you okay with that?” I ask, looking for confirmation.

“That I might get pregnant? That’s kinda the point,” she reminds me.

“It is, yes. But I know you’re not completely divorced.”

“Potato po-tah-toe. He signed the papers. It’ll be final when we see the judge on January twenty-ninth.”

“So if it happens before your court date, you’d be okay with that?”

“Soooooo fucking okay,” she groans, grinding her sweet pussy against the bulge in my jeans.

“We should get rid of these clothes.”

“Yes, get rid of them. Gone.”

I get up and remove all of my clothes, while she does the same. Once we’re both naked again, I take her in my arms and carry her towards the bathroom. I’m feeling like getting a little dirty, so we might as well kill two birds with one stone.

“I feel like getting a little wet,” I tell her as I turn on the water, waiting until steam starts to fill the small space before stepping under the spray.

Lexi squeals as the hot water hits her back, so I quickly turn so that the majority of the water is pelting me. Reaching down, I turn on a little more cold until it’s a bit more manageable. When the water temperature is right, I pin her naked body against the shower wall. My lips savor the flavor, the scent, and the texture of her skin. She’s quickly becoming an addiction I’ll be powerless to fight.

Not that I want to.

“Please,” she begs, her legs wrapped tightly around my waist for the umpteenth time today. I crave her.

Instead of thrusting into her waiting pussy, I peel her body off mine. Lexi whimpers her protest, but I have other things in mind for my little firecracker. “Turn around,” I demand.

She moves, giving me the most luscious view of her ass and the arch of her back. My hands grip her hips as I position myself behind her. “Hang on, Firecracker,” I warn, taking my throbbing cock in my hand and giving it a squeeze. A tinge of pain sweeps through my groin, but I revel in the discomfort. The last thing I need is to fire my gun too soon. Lord knows this woman makes me lose every bit of finesse I thought I possessed, replacing it with a ravishing fever to consume and own her.

Lexi glances over her shoulder as she places her hands on the shower wall. Her mouth is slightly agape, her breathing choppy with anticipation. Our gazes locked, I gently slide into her wet, hot pussy. Collective moans of pure ecstasy mix with the humidity clouding the bathroom. It’s fucking heaven.

I keep my strokes slow and long as I continually fill her over and over again. She glances over her shoulder once more, her lips swollen and gorgeous face flushed. My grip on her hips tightens as I watch her eyes glaze over.

Suddenly, she moves, standing up and arching her back so that her sweet ass is pressed firmly into my groin. She lifts her arms, extending them over her head and wrapping them around the back of my neck.


One hand slides to her sexy stomach before slipping down to stroke her clit. It’s hard and begs for my fingers. I give it a gentle pinch causing her to call out my name. Mother fucking hell, I’m not going to last. I’m like a sixteen-year-old boy again, unable to last more than a few minutes. She just makes me lose any semblance of control.

While I play with her wet clit, I continue to piston my hips forward. Her tits are pushed skyward, begging to be touched. My fingers find one perfect little nipple, as I lightly pinch and pull on it until it’s hard.

Lexi turns her head, giving me access to her mouth. My tongue dips inside, licking and tasting every square inch of her delicious mouth. Keeping the connection, I tweak her clit once more at the same time as I pinch her nipple. She bucks against me, wild and with abandon. I know she’s getting close, I can feel her pussy starting to milk my cock, tightening and gripping me for all I’m worth.

“Fuck, you feel so fucking amazing,” I tell her, my lips hovering over hers.

“So fucking good,” she chimes, gasping as I continue to work her clit and nipple.

“Do you want to come?” I ask, slowing my strokes until I’m buried completely inside her.

“Yes. Please.”

“Hang on, baby,” I tell her before pulling out and slamming inside her. I pinch both fingers at the same time, right when I know I’m hitting that sweet spot deep within.

“Oh, God!” she hollers, clamping down on my dick so hard I see stars.

Her body spasms against mine as she rides out her release, which triggers my own. Her pussy squeezes my cock as I slam into her body. “Fuck,” I groan, releasing everything I have inside of her.

When the aftershocks finally subside and our breathing has somewhat returned to normal, I rest my head on the back of her neck, burying my nose into her soft skin. Her hands are still extended over her head, wrapped around me. Placing tender kisses, I lick away the water, tasting the saltiness of sweat. It’s erotic as hell.

Feeling her start to sag against me, I reach around and grab the bar of soap. My cock pulls from her body, limp and overused from three rounds of fucking in the last several hours. Yet, give me a few minutes and I’d bet my Harley I’d be ready to go once more.

As long as it’s Lexi I’m with.

No words are spoken as she turns around and watches me wash her skin. I lather up my own body while she starts to wash her hair, a mundane task that I have the sudden desire to assist with. So, I do. She doesn’t say anything when my hands start to scrub her scalp, working the suds around in her shiny dark hair.

We rinse together, a few stolen kisses here and there, before declaring our shower complete. She grabs two fuzzy towels from the cabinet beside the tub, handing one to me before wrapping one around her body.

I follow her into her room, not really sure if I should run to the living room and grab my clothes or not. I’m not really sure what she’s thinking, where we go from here. I know what I’m hoping for, but I make no assumptions when it comes to Lexi. If it were up to me, I’d climb into bed, pull her in close, and fall asleep beside her.

Keeping my towel fastened around my hips, I sit on her bed and watch her get ready for bed. She uses some face stuff and removes eye makeup, and then some other girly moisturizer on the rest of her face. She brushes her long brown hair until it’s smooth and glossy. Then she turns my way.

And drops her towel.

Slowly, she makes her way towards me, stepping between my legs. “I’m not sure what your plans are, but you can stay.” She clears her throat, maybe looking for a little courage to keep going. “I’d really like you to stay.”

Sliding my hands up her outer thighs to her hips, I answer honestly. “There’s no place I’d rather be.” I’m rewarded with one of those smiles that makes my heart beat faster and my gut tighten.

Lexi slips out of the bedroom, turning off lights left on in the other room, and verifying the apartment is secured for the night. When she comes back into the room, still naked and curves on full display, my tongue practically dangling on my chin, she gives me one of those sassy little grins that I can only associate with my feisty little firecracker.

She flips off the light before slipping into her bed. Dropping my own towel, I climb in on the opposite side, but quickly move to the middle. Her skin is warm as I cradle her body against mine, spooning her close and secure.

“Good night,” she whispers, glancing over her shoulder at me.

“‘Night, Lexi,” I reply before placing one more kiss on her waiting lips.

As I drift off to sleep, probably more comfortable than I’ve ever been in my life, I can’t help but smile. I have a beautiful woman in my arms and more possibility on the horizon than ever before.

Life is good.





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