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Newfound Love (The Row Book 3) by Kay Brooks (11)







RANDI WATCHED her sons eat lunch with Harriet Young at the picnic table in the back yard.  The GAL had spent most of the morning with her and her father, individually, and it was now her turn with Scott and Sandy.

Sebastian stood beside her, his arm around her shoulder.  “You were great with the boys last night.  I don’t think I would have been so nice about Tim.”

Randi rested her head on his shoulder.  “Dad, he’s their father.  I can’t deny that.  And if I’d told them the truth, it would have upset them more.  Made it harder for them to understand.  Plus, it wouldn’t have looked good for me to bad-mouth their father.”

“You saying he won’t do that to you?  Still, you did a good job.  We’ll get through this.  He’s going to mess up.  You know he will.”

Randi smiled.  “Let’s just hope it’s sooner than later.”

Sebastian looked outside.  “Ms. Young seems like she has a good head on her shoulders. Looks like she’s getting on with the boys too.  They’re both talking a mile a minute.”

After her father left, Randi tried to concentrate on her current project, Carolyn Payne’s kitchen.  She knew Carolyn loved cooking with her herbs and was googling for unique herb planters for the kitchen.  She jumped when Marcie spoke from the hallway.

“How’s it going?  Oh, I’m so sorry.  I didn’t mean to startle you.  I called out but guess you didn’t hear me.  I know you must be nervous.  If it were me, I wouldn’t be able to focus on anything.”

Randi stared out the window.  “They’re outside.  With Harriet.”  She sighed.  “I’m working on a project but can’t say that I’ve accomplished anything.  I’ve pulled up the same picture three different times.  Either that’s a sign I found what I need or I’ve researched the same site three different times.”

Marie nudged Randi’s mouse.  “Let’s check your history. Nope, three different sites.  I’d say you’ve found what you were looking for.”

Randi continued to stare out the window.

“You know, it’s good that you have your desk situated so you can watch the boys while they play and you work.  Love a multi-tasking mom, but I’d be willing to bet you’re not getting much done.  Doing more looking than working.”

Randi sighed.  “Marcie, I just can’t let those boys live with their father.”

“You know, you’ve never talked about your marriage.  We’ve tried to respect your privacy but considering how upset you’ve been, you can’t blame us for wondering.  Can you share what happened?”

“Have a seat.”  Randi started.  “Tim was an alcoholic and the more he drank the meaner he got.  He slapped me a few times but after that I stayed out of his way.  Then when he knocked me down the stairs,”

“Knocked you down the stairs,” Marcie exclaimed, “Randi, how is this man even still here?  Not in some jail cell?”

“That’s how I managed to get the divorce.  My father threatened to go to the police if he didn’t give me the divorce.  I lived with my parents till the boys were born,”

“The bastard pushed the mother of his unborn children down the stairs?”  Marcie leaned down, hugged her.  “Oh, Randi, I’m so sorry.”

“It’s history.  I’ve put it behind me.  Made a good life for me and the boys.  Hadn’t meant to tell anyone.”

“But does Ms. Young know?”

“Yes, of course.  And Brad.  I had to tell them when we found out Tim was filing for joint custody.  I also had to tell Trevor after he met Tim at the resort and started asking questions.  Marcie,” Randi looked deeply in her friend’s eyes, “please, please don’t tell anyone.  I don’t want to use that unless I absolutely have to.  Please, can you keep it to yourself for now?”


Harriet Young smiled as she watched the boys climb on the jungle gym.  She recalled her six grandchildren playing at the one in her own back yard.  Scott and Sandy appeared to be happy, well-adjusted little boys and she was sorry to see them in this situation.

They had gotten through the preliminary questions during lunch.  Their names, ages, birthday.  Now, it was time to get down to specifics.

“Hey guys, I was wondering, who fixes your meals?”

Both boys stopped and looked at her.  “Mommy.  Who else?”

“Your Grandpop doesn’t cook?”

“No, just Mommy.”

“Who helps you get dressed?”

“Mommy usually puts our clothes out but we’re not babies.  We dress ourselves.”

“Yeah,” Sandy said.  “Once she let us dress ourselves.”

Harriet smiled.  “And how did that go?”

The boys looked at one another and smiled.  “At first, she didn’t like it.  Then she said since we weren’t going anywhere, we could keep them on.”

“Who plays with you the most?”

“Mommy will play with us but she really likes to read us stories,” Scott said.  “She reads to us every night.”

“She taught us to ride our bikes, remember Scott?”

“Oh, yeah.  GrandPop plays with us sometimes,” Sandy added.  “And Trevor.”


“Yeah, he’s the bestest.  He knows all about Sgt. Slaughter, and Darth Vader.”

“And we had a battle with him,” Scott said.

“Oh really?  Who won?”

Both boys laughed.  “We did.”

“Who puts you to bed?  Or does Mommy just let you climb into bed by yourselves?”

“Mommy lets us play in the bathtub for a while,” Sandy said.

Scott laughed.  “Yeah, we have battles.  Then, she reads us a story.”

“And then we talk about stuff.”

“What kind of stuff?”

The boys climbed off the gym and joined her on the glider.  Harriet worried their lives might not be so good after all.  “What kind of stuff?” She repeated.

“We talk about what we did,” Sandy said.

“What happened in school,” Scott added.

“Ginny is going to have a baby.  We talked about whether the baby will be a boy or a girl.”

“Anything else?”

“Just secrets,” Scott said.

“You share secrets?” Harriet asked.

“Yeah.”  Sandy said.  “We even shared one with Trevor.”

“Trevor put you to bed?”

“Yeah,” Scott said, “one time.  We asked him to.”

“What did you tell Trevor?”

Both boys spoke at once.  “It’s a secret.”

“You can share it with me.  I have six grandchildren and they all share their secrets with me.  I don’t tell their mommies or daddies.”

“So,” Sandy looked cautious.  “You won’t tell our Mommy?”

“No, not if you don’t want me to.”

Both boys leaned forward, each whispered in an ear.

Harriet smiled.  She hugged each, desperately hoped they could resolve this situation peacefully for these two adorable boys.  “One last question.  If you could have three wishes, what would they be?”

She watched the boys think a minute.

“GrandPop take us to play golf,” Scott said.

“Yeah, he’s always saying we’re too little,” Sandy added.

Harriet laughed.  “Okay, that’s one.  What else would you wish for?”

Sandy jumped up excitedly.  “Cliff and Ginny have a boy.  That way we’ll have another boy to play with.”  Scott nodded.

“That will be nice.  What else?”

“Trevor visits Mommy more,” Scott said.


“Cause he’s fun and he makes Mommy smile.”

Sandy giggled.  “Yeah.  And he kissed her too.”

Harriet laughed.  “Oh, he did, did he?  And what did your Mommy say?”

“She just laughed.”

Harriet couldn’t resist laughing herself.  She hugged them a second time.  “You know, I’ve really enjoyed talking to you two.  I’m sorry I asked so many questions.  Do you have any questions for me?”

“Mommy says Mr. Tim is our daddy.  How come he never comes to visit us?”

“Mommy said he lives far away, remember.” Scott said.

“That’s a good question though.  Yes, Mr. Tim is your daddy and he hasn’t been to visit you because he is a busy man.  He has an important job and can’t always get away.”

“Why?  David’s daddy lives far away but he always comes to visit.  And David goes to stay with his daddy sometimes.”

“Is that what you two would like to do?  Go stay with your daddy some?”

Scott and Sandy looked at one another.  “Can Mommy come with us?”

“Probably not.  What about if Mr. Tim and Miriam came here to visit you?  Would you like that?”

“I guess so,” Sandy answered.

“Only if Trevor can come too,” Scott added.

Harriet smiled.  She obviously needed to interview this Trevor.  “I’d really like for you two to draw me some pictures.  What do you say we go inside and I’ll talk to your Mommy while you color?”

“Yeah,” both boys jumped up and dashed towards the house.


How serious are you about this Trevor?”

“Trevor?  He’s the contractor on our firehouse project.  We’ve always missed one another on the job and I officially met him last weekend at the Snowridge.  Turns out, he owns the resort.”

“So, you’ve only just met him?  Hmm, he has definitely made an impression on your boys.”

Randi smiled.  “Well, he is fun to be with.  And took naturally to the boys.  He encouraged them to try the soccer clinic at the resort and as a result, they are signed up here with the recreation department.  He actually took them to their practice so I could meet with you.”

“So, you have no problem allowing your boys to go with a man you just met?”

Randi’s heart sank.  Had she said something wrong?  Was this a trick question?  “I, I just met Trevor, yes, but because he has been working on the firehouse project, I feel I’ve known him longer.  And no, I have no problems with Trevor being alone with the boys.  He genuinely cares for them as they do him.  I do have a problem with allowing the boys to be alone with my ex-husband.  It was his decision to walk away from his sons.  He has never made any effort to see them.  Never called in five years to ask how they were doing, wish them a happy birthday, nothing.  They met him for the first time the other day.  Trevor knows more and cares more about them than their own father.”

Harriet covered Randi’s hand.  “Don’t get upset.  I understand completely.  I just had to ask.  See how serious you and Trevor are.  A possible step-father can sometimes cause friction in custody battles.”

“Trevor and I have just met.  We’re friends, that’s all.”

Harriet smiled.  “I’ve enjoyed being with you and your two boys today.  We talked about a lot of things and it is very evident that they are happy and well-adjusted.  You have been the primary caregiver and that’s all they understand.  I don’t want to upset them any more than necessary.  I have asked them to draw some pictures for me, but overall, I think I’ve learned all I need to know. 

I will be interviewing your ex-husband and his wife tomorrow but already feel strongly that the boys should stay with their mother and have supervised visitations with their father.  But I would like to see the boys get to know their father a little more.  Maybe he will come to Edmondsville for visits?  Would you be okay with that?”

Randi had been following Harriet’s words very closely but looked away when she suggested Tim and Miriam visit with them.  While she didn’t like the idea, it would be one way to observe her boys with their father.  At least she would be there and see for herself.

“Of course.  I will do whatever is necessary for the sake of my boys.”

“Good.  And if you’d like to invite Trevor as well, that might be good.  Your boys are comfortable with him and maybe observing him on a friendly basis with their father might smooth the situation.”

“Will you be along as well?” Randi asked.

“I can, if you’d like although I feel the boys will tell me any concerns they might have.”


So, how did things go?”  Trevor asked that evening.  He knew it had been an upsetting day for her.  Marcie had stopped by the job to visit him and rant about the fact that Randi swore her to secrecy.

“If that jerk causes any problems for Randi, I will not hesitate to tell Brina and Ginny and anybody else that’ll listen.”  The only thing that had calmed her was his promise not to let anything happen to Randi or her boys.

He had texted Randi, offered to pick up some steaks and suggested she invite her father to dinner.  He would cook them on the grill.

The boys were once again playing on the jungle gym.

Randi looked at her father.  “I guess it went okay.  Harriet spent the morning with Dad and me and most of the afternoon with the boys.  She was very complimentary about the boys and says they appear to be very happy and well-adjusted.  She’s supposed to visit with Tim tomorrow but has already decided that considering that he has never been in their lives, he should be allowed supervised visitations until they get used to him.”

“Sounds fair,” Trevor sipped his wine.  “I like her already.  What about you?”  He asked Sebastian.

“Humph, I’d be curious to see how long he keeps his cool with the boys.  How quickly they get used to him.”

“Harriet said something about inviting Tim and Miriam to some family events.”

Trevor shrugged as he flipped the steaks.  “Wouldn’t hurt.  Give everyone a chance to observe everybody.  Maybe Cliff and Ginny will do something at the manor house.  There’s the pool and plenty of open space to ride or have a picnic.”

“Yeah,” Randi agreed, “that’s what I was thinking.  Hope to talk to Ginny later this evening.”

After dinner, Sebastian went home and Trevor cleaned the grill while Randi prepared the boys for bed.  “It’s back to school tomorrow,” she reminded them.  “Gotta get up early.”

“Can Trevor read us our story tonight?”

Randi stared at her sons.  They were so innocent.  She hoped they weren’t going to get a double dose of hurt.  First with their father, then with Trevor when he moved on after the firehouse job.  “Sure, can I listen too?”

They chose one of their action hero stories and Randi chuckled as Trevor went a little overboard with some of the narration and dialog.  If anything, they had too much fun with the story.

Once the boys were settled, she walked with Trevor to the door.  “Thank you for this evening.  You’ve had as busy a day as I have and still you came to my rescue.”

“Anytime.  My day wasn’t as draining as yours.  It was kinda nice to have someone to cook for besides myself.  Hope we can do it more often.”

Randi smiled up at him.  “That will be nice.  The boys definitely enjoy being with you.”

Trevor reached for her hand.  “How about their mother?”

“Me, too.”

Trevor stared down at her, at her mouth.  It had been a long time since he’d stolen that kiss from her at the resort.  Would be good to taste her again, he thought as he leaned towards her.

Randi held her breath, then jumped.

“Mom,” one of the boys shouted.  “Can we have some water?”




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