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No Holds Barred (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 1) by Stephanie Nicole Norris (17)

Chapter Seventeen

They were immediately seated upon entry. The ambiance of the club held mystery the deeper they journeyed inside. Curtains draped at the entrance of each salon they crossed into and candlelit tables sat throughout. Sleek, black, high back chairs were comfortably positioned, and chandeliers hung from the ceiling.

Camilla strolled across the hardwood floors coming to a stop at a table reserved for their party. It sat in front of a fireplace that was built into the wall across from them.

“Thank you,” she said to the host as she went to take her seat.

“Would you like me to take your coat?” Hunter asked.

Camilla paused. “I’m going to leave it on for a second until I can shake off this chill,” she said.

Hunter tilted his head in a nod then turned to the host.

“Thank you, Walter,” he said.

“It’s my pleasure, sir. Casey will be right with you.”

The host gave a parting nod and left the table. Hunter took his seat next to Camilla no sooner than a blonde haired, blue-eyed woman glided up to their table.

“Good evening, how are you all tonight? I’m Casey. I’ll be your server.”

They all greeted Casey warmly, and she told them about their specials. Hunter leaned closer to Camilla and dipped his head.

“Do you mind if I order for you?”

She smiled back at him. “Not at all.”

“Are you in for something light or with a little weight on it?”

Camilla’s tongue traced the corners of her lips, and she pulled in a breath.

“I’ll take something light. I wasn’t sure if we were going to dine or not, so I ate a little bit before we left.”

“Oh yeah, what did you have?”

“I make a mean jambalaya.”

“No kidding?”

Camilla followed the outline of his mouth. “You should try it sometime.”

“Is that an invitation?”

Before Camilla could respond, the server regarded him.

“And for you, sir?” Casey asked.

Hunter turned his attention to the waitress. “We’ll have an order of stuffed dates and your Finocchio Focaccia.”

“And to drink?”

“For my lady, The Riviera.”

“And for you, sir?”

“I’ll take The Dance of Dragons.”

“Make that two,” Xavier chimed in.

“Okay.” The waitress finished entering their order. “Would your lady also like The Riviera?” the waitress asked Xavier.

“Yes,” he spoke up then glanced at Corinne.

She nodded and winked, and the chemistry across the table was in full swing.

“I’ll be right back with your orders.”

“Thank you,” they said in unison.

“The Dance of Dragons?” Camilla said.

Hunter eyed her. “It’s rum, Amaro Di Angostura, and Falernum.”

“Sounds strong.”

A deep intoxicating chuckle trekked from him.

“I guess it depends on who’s making it.”

“That’s true.” Camilla glanced around. “Do you come here often?”

“It’s my first time here.”

“But you knew what was on the menu.”

“I prepared beforehand.”

“Hmmm. What made you chose this place and what do you suppose is the reason behind the no phones rule?”

“It’s been one of those spots my brother, and I have wanted to try out. I can only guess the rule is, so their guests can enjoy a full experience in their ambiance without the disruption of a phone.”

Camilla nodded then glanced at Xavier who was wrapped up in a conversation with Corinne.

“So, what do you think, Xavier?” Camilla asked.

Xavier brought his attention to Camilla. “I’ll let you know by the end of the night,” he said. Xavier’s voice was just as strong as his brothers; however, it didn’t give Camilla the same thrill.

Camilla took her attention back to Hunter. “And you?”

“As long as you’re here, Angel, perfect.”

Camilla blushed, and the waitress returned promptly with their drinks.

“So, what is it you do for a living, Xavier?”

It was Corinne who’d asked the question.

“I’m a sports agent amongst other things,” Xavier said.

“Now that you mention it, I do remember seeing an article or two about you.”

“Good things I hope.”

“Maybe,” Corinne teased, pulling a full-blown charming smile from Xavier.

Xavier glanced over at Hunter, and the men enjoyed a secret laugh.

“What’s so funny?” Camilla asked.

Hunter cleared his throat. “My brother here was actually worried about being set up on a blind date.” Hunter glanced back at Xavier and Corinne. “I think it’s safe to say that is no longer the case.”

“To my defense,” Xavier said, “I’ve been set up on blind dates before, and none of them went over well.”

“But, those were from your friends, not me.”

“You’re right.” Xavier lifted his drink. “Cheers, brother.”

Hunter lifted his in return. When the men took a drink, so did Camilla and Corinne. Both women eyed each other for a moment, and Corinne rose her brows as if to say, remember our deal.

“I didn’t miss that,” Hunter spoke up.

Camilla choked on her beverage, then cleared her throat.

“What didn’t you miss?” she asked.

“That little silent communication you two had there. Is that something we should know about?”

The music in the venue changed, and Alicia Keys’ “Fire We Make” sailed through the speakers.

“Ooh, that’s my song,” Camilla said trying to distract Hunter.

Like a charm it worked, or so she thought.

“Dance with me,” he said, standing to his feet.

Camilla took another long pull of her drink then she accepted his proffered hand. While she untied the belt to her trench, Hunter studied her as she popped each button loose. When her garment was revealed, and Hunter received his first look at her dress, a shower of chills fled down his neck. Her perky breasts were halted just right against the thin material, and it shimmered over her curves like a piece of art in a museum.

“Let me,” Hunter said, taking a few steps behind her to help remove the coat. It was then that he caught a look at the plunging back of her dress. His gaze smoldered as it followed the expressway of the sexy arch in her back. And it teased him, barely giving a peek of the hill that created her round ass. Hunter’s mouth ran dry. With the women who showed their ass daily, whether in the news, on a beach vacation or on Instagram, none of them took his breath away like Camilla. She turned slowly around and met his hungry gaze. It was so rousing that Camilla’s heart beat slammed against her chest as her nervousness was brought forth.

Hunter didn’t say a thing. He couldn’t. His thoughts were in a hail storm with every scenario in which this night could end. But the one he tussled most with was Camilla, in his arms, in his bed. He took a step forward, causing a stimulating brush of his chest to graze against Camilla’s. Wrapping her in one solid arm, Hunter pressed her soft body against his. A thrill of chills scattered over Camilla. This energy of theirs was enough to knock her off her feet. Her hands rode up his torso and with a slow toss, Camilla’s coat found its way against the seat of her chair. Her hair swayed against her shoulders as she looked up at him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“You’re the most beautiful girl in the world. Do you know that?”

Camilla smiled timidly. “I think you said that back at The Regency.”

“Well I’m saying it again.”

She giggled. “Thank you, handsome.”

Hunter arched a sexy brow and wiggled them, making Camilla laugh. They moved to the dance floor, and the slow drag of the beat gave Hunter the opportunity to lift her hand and rotate her slowly as they moved.

Camilla didn’t miss the virile way his eyes pierced her, and when he pulled Camilla in for a sway, she didn’t miss the log in his pants that brushed against her crotch. She shuddered. Hunter’s grazing palm slipped down her arms and outlined her waist. There they twisted their hips in a wine dance that sent an avalanche of heat coursing around them. Hunter felt like he’d struck gold. Everyone didn’t get to live out their dreams. And the same went for finding a true soul mate. But this thing between them felt too natural to dismiss. He wanted to know everything about Camilla; her dreams and aspirations, her hopes and fears.

Hunter twirled her around then quickly pulled her completely against him again. “Tell me, Camilla, what is the one thing you’ve always wanted to do or see that you have yet to?”

A breathtaking smile covered her face, causing Hunter’s heart to lug in his chest. “That’s easy,” she said. “But I don’t know if now’s the time to get into it.”

Hunter regarded her longer. “Tell me,” he prodded.

Camilla giggled. “So, demanding,” she said jokingly.

“It’s in my DNA, so it’ll be something for you to get used to.”

Camilla’s brow rose. “You say that as if we’ll be seeing more of each other.”

“Won’t we?”

Their conversation quieted as they both thought it over. Finally, Camilla smirked with a blush and dropped her face. When she looked back at him, soulful dark eyes watched back. She took in a breath and then spoke.

“I want to climb Mount Everest.”

His thick brows rose, and Camilla couldn’t hold in her laugh long enough to keep up the pretense.

“I’m just kidding. While I would like to climb a mountain, my first love would be to open a nonprofit business. A chain of hotels. They would be extended stay hotels and only open to the homeless.”

Hunter’s eyes widened. “I’m listening,” he said intrigued by where this was going.

“So, in my head, I have this perfect plan,” she continued as they danced in each other’s arms. “Basically, everything would be documented as for who was staying, age, nationality, etcetera. The homeless who are able-bodied men or women would have to work off their stay by cleaning rooms and keeping the grounds of the establishment clean. Meals would be provided, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And there would be a playground area for the kids.” Camilla paused then moved on.

“I would also like to have a foundation to partner with that could help them get into the workforce and make a better life for themselves. The homeless that aren’t able-bodied wouldn’t have to clean, but if they can live without assistance then they would be responsible for allowing the clean-up crew to come in. This would be people in wheelchairs or that sort of thing.”

Camilla’s eyes bubbled as she spoke, and Hunter knew this was a passion of hers.

“The way I see it, there are hundreds even thousands, depending on which city you live in, of homeless people on the streets. The government doesn’t want them there, the residents don’t want them there, but no one is proactively helping. What better way to lend a helping hand in an area that desperately needs it? There are charities and non-profits for everything you can think of, but when it comes to the homeless, they’re considered bottom of the barrel citizens, and though people say they care, their actions don’t show it.”

Camilla observed Hunter’s amorous stare.

“That’s not what you were expecting to hear, I guess.”

He took his eyes to her lips. “No,” he said. “Not at all. Maybe a luxury vacation in Sweden or Venice in the summer but never this.”

“Those things would be nice, don’t get me wrong, but when it comes to something I yearn to do, the nonprofit would be it. Sorry to disappoint you.”

“You haven’t disappointed me at all.”

It was an infrequency for Hunter to lose his verbiage, but he was in such awe with Camilla that he could hardly keep up with the words he wanted to say.

“It’s beautiful,” he said. “You’re beautiful, and I have a feeling I’ll never meet anyone like you again.”

Camilla blushed. “Thank you, but I’m not that different than you if you think about it. You’re doing something environmentally for the human race and so am I,” she paused, “possibly in the near future.”

“You’re right. We are alike in so many ways. Let me ask you, is this something you’d rather do on your own, or do you mind if I send you some contacts that might help you get started?”

Camilla’s eyes widened. “Why would I mind?”

Hunter tilted his head slightly to the side. “Some women want to do things on their own, and fear if they have a helping hand it makes them unable to call their success accomplishments.”

Camilla shook her head. “That’s not me. Besides, this nonprofit is not about me. Getting it off the ground is the best thing that could happen to our homeless community.”

“You’re truly inspirational right now, you know that?”

Camilla giggled. “And you’re truly charming, Mr. Valentine.”

The beat changed just as Hunter pulled Camilla in. He wrapped her in a snug embrace, and again, their hips moved together as they observed one another.

“Come home with me,” he said.

Camilla’s body heated more, and a pathway of festering nerves coursed down her vertebrae.

“Please,” he begged.

His baritone voice scrubbed against her skin, making her nipples immediately recede. The harder they became, the more she shivered, and an intense pulsing coursed from her pussy.

“I… um…”

Hunter captured her lips, his tongue deep diving into her mouth. A rushing surge of scattered chills covered Camilla again, and when Hunter moaned a deep, thunderous growl, Camilla knew she was finished.

Hunter’s hands sank into her back; his fingers riding the highway of her flesh down to her derriere. He was careful about his intentions, sinking a handful of her ass into his massive palm. The move was so meticulously snatching that one of his fingers nearly plunged into the crack of her ass, causing a delicious agony to rock against her core.

“Mmmm,” she moaned as her hands explored his biceps, shoulders, and thick column that was his neck.

He almost lifted her right there, drawing Camilla so close that she felt every sexual need there was to feel. A drip coaxed from her pussy, and when the music changed again, she pulled back, albeit slowly.

They panted, nearly out of breath as they took each other in. Camilla’s brain was fried. Could she go home with him? Should she?

Taking a minor step back, she spoke, “I need to go to the ladies’ room.”

Before Hunter could reply, Camilla was gone. Running for the hills as if staying any longer would obscure her natural will.