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Not Husband Material: Billionaire's Contract Series by Violet Paige (54)


I paced back and forth on the marina, occasionally stopping to stare into the water and watch the occasional fish dart by. I was completely restless. There was no way I could settle down long enough to clear my thoughts while I waited for Jillian to get back.

Part of my worry, of course, was whatever she was going to be going through in that conversation. Jeff had always been the more even-tempered one between us, but I knew that when he was upset about something, he could raise hell like nobody else I knew. I was more likely to just get it all out as I felt it.

But there was more to what I was feeling. I had something big weighing on my heart. Something not even Jillian knew about. I was more sure about it than anything else in the world, regardless of what Jeff said, but so much of it hinged on Jillian.

And if Jeff did anything to hurt her spirit, there would be all kinds of hell to pay. I would make sure of that.

So when I heard the sounds of footsteps running down the dock, I turned and felt my heart soar at the sight of Jillian and the shining look on her face.

Watching her run toward me was like something out of a dream. The most beautiful woman in the world, racing toward me, her smile more valuable than any yacht my money could buy.

Already grinning ear-to-ear by the time she got to me, I caught her in my arms and swung her around, peppering her face with kisses as she laughed mirthfully, a sound that was like a golden harp to my ears.

“Bruin, oh my God, Bruin,” she gushed, and I finally set her down on her feet in front of me. “I talked to Jeff about everything, about us, about the cruise, about everything we had together and everything we want.”

“And?” I asked.

She held my face, and I helped push her up on her toes to kiss me deeply, our hearts thumping against our chests as my cock grew and I felt her warm palms on my face. It must have lasted ten seconds, but it meant a lifetime of bliss.

“Glad to hear it,” I said with a playful grin when we broke the kiss.

“There’s more though,” she said, her face growing anxious.

“What do you mean? He’s not making you quit or something, is he? Because my company

“No, not that, he’s fine with everything,” she said. “But I... we… ” She took a deep breath and looked up at me, her face glowing with beauty even as she looked nervous. “On the way over, I realized I was late.”

“Late? What do you?” I paused, and my heart stopped in my chest for a moment. My eyes grew.

Is she saying what I think she’s saying?

She paused, biting her lip, waiting for me to react. I grabbed her hips.

“Bruin, I’m pregnant.”

Those three words sent me crashing, and I lifted the love of my life into the air as she giggled and kicked her feet, my face a stupid, sloppy grin as I gushed, “Jill, are you serious? Oh my God, Jill. Jill.”

I was a dizzy mess, bringing her back down into a warm hug and showering her with kisses as I said her name over and over again, listening to the sound of her warm laughter with every kiss.

I was going to be the father of Jillian Hargrove’s child.

In the rush of everything, it almost made me forget that one last thing on my mind. And if I’d had any doubt about it before that moment, it was gone. I set Jill down and smiled at her, watching her gorgeous face.

“That makes this a lot easier, then,” I said. Her face looked puzzled.

Then I got down on one knee.

I reached into my pocket.

I pulled out a little black velvet box.

With all the sudden power of a lightning strike, I saw tears appear in Jillian’s eyes, and they started flowing down a flushed face the next second. “B-Bruin, what are you doing?”

“Jillian Hargrove,” I asked, and I opened the box to reveal a golden ring with a perfect diamond shining brilliantly in the winter sun set in it. “Will you marry me?”

She gasped, and she nearly collapsed onto me before I caught the sobbing mess that she became the next moment, grinning so wide it hurt.

Behind us, I heard an applause, and I turned to see the yacht staff spying on us, all of them clapping and cheering, and I gave them a wink as I helped Jillian to her feet. She grabbed my face and kissed me deeply, and I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her up into me.

It was a feeling I’d be able to savor for the rest of my life.

And it just got sweeter every day.

Minutes later, we fell into my bed, shirts already off, hands on each other’s faces as I grinded my thick bulge against her pussy through her panties.

My fiancée was Jillian Hargrove.

That filled me with such an unstoppable energy that I could have taken on an army on my own.

I was going to make her Jillian Kincaid, and I wanted the entire world to know.

We devoured each other’s faces, her lips probably as sore as mine as we bit and sucked each other, hands practically clawing each other’s backs. The feeling of her nails raking down my rippling muscles just made me all the more eager for her.

Without letting my face leave hers, I reached down to her panties and ripped them open. She wouldn’t need them while she was with me. Not now, not ever.

I did the same with my underwear, not bothering to stop long enough to take them off like a reasonable human being. I was not that, not right then.

Her bra went next, and I tossed it to the other side of the bed. All I could focus on was my gorgeous, wonderful, unbelievable fiancée and her body.

I took her hair in my fingers and held it tight, pushing myself up and holding her head back so I could attack her neck. I didn’t even wait to position her. I didn’t have the patience.

I used my free hand to haul her leg over my hip, and I thrust my cock deep inside her. She groaned in pleasure, and with my teeth biting at her neck, wanting to devour as much as her flesh as I could, my cock started thrusting in and out of her like a piston.

My head was spinning, and I was letting my body’s desires give way to rut like an animal.

Jillian, my Jillian, who’d watched me from a distance for years, had just agreed to marry me. The thought of making her my wife made my cock swell larger and firmer than I’d ever felt before. Even though my body was so used to sex, so powerful and primed for this, it felt like a totally new experience as I bucked my hips up into her.

There was no finesse from either of us. My hands ran over her shoulders, her back, her hips, her breasts, whatever I could get a hold of, I felt her ass and grabbed it, using my hands to hold her in place as I sent my cock deep into her pussy, its ribbed girth feeling every inch of slick space, grinding against any surface it could find.

Her hands felt my strong jaw, the stubble on my face, the muscles that ran from my shoulders to my pecs to my abs, and she clawed me desperately. No matter how much I pounded into her, she wanted more, and the thought of having a lifetime to give it to her made my heart beat like a drum and my balls tighten.

I moved in and out of her, using her body like it was made for me. And we were made for each other, even if it took us so fucking long to realize it.

I was going to make up for that every single day, every morning, every night.

It didn’t take long for me to feel her pussy tightening around me, her whole body starting to get tighter. A long moan started to come from her, and I knew it was only a matter of seconds. I utterly let myself go, bucking like a wild animal. Short, low grunts came from my chest with every thrust as I felt her clenching pussy drive me over the edge of bliss just as she reached the peak of hers.

Our groans of release mixed in the room at the same time that we released together, and every pulse shook our bodies together with an orgasm so strong that I lost control of my body for the first time I could remember. I was in shock, paralyzed with her as we melted into each other, a slick, sweet mess of bliss.

When it was finally over, we let out long breaths, and I rolled over to let her rest on top of me, my twitching cock still inside her.

“That,” I said in a low, husky tone when I finally managed to speak. “Is what I’m going to do to you every day, from now and forever. Together.”

“Together,” she said, enjoying the sound of the word on her lips.

I smiled up at her, and for the first time in my life, I really understood what love felt like.