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NUDES: A Hollywood Romance (Exposed Book 1) by Sarah Robinson (27)

Chapter Twenty-Nine

"ARIA, LOOK OVER HERE!" Ben watched as photographers shouted for Aria to turn this way and that, lights flashing all over the red carpet. Smiling seductively, she peered back over her right shoulder at them, one hand on her hip.

She hadn't seen him yet, and he was happy to keep it that way for a moment. Watching her like this, strong and confident, adorned in diamonds and a gorgeous emerald was everything he'd ever wanted for her. This was her moment, and she looked like she'd been destined for it her entire life.

"ARIA, TAKE ONE WITH HIM!" a photographer shouted, pointing at Ben.

Aria's eyes widened, a glimmer of fear crossing her face when she turned to see where the photographer was pointing. Her shoulders relaxed when she saw him, however, and she gave him a small, tentative smile.

Ben approached her slowly, trying to calm the nerves in his stomach. "Hello, Aria."

She tilted her head to the side slightly. "Hello, Ben."

"Can I give you a hug?" He stretched his arms out, inviting her in.

"Sure." She slid her arms around his waist and he hugged her to his chest, despite the frenzy of cameras going off behind them.

It was only a few seconds before they let go, but it felt a million times longer and absolutely too short at the same time. Everything about her felt exactly like he remembered—warm and soft, delicate and tough.

She has to feel this, too.

Or maybe he just wished she was. Ben's mind raced as he considered everything that was about to happen. The movie premiere. His secret project. Travis's daring help.

"Let's take a picture together." She pulled away quickly, but left one arm wrapped around his waist as they both turned to the photographers and smiled. "For the fans."

"Sure. Just for the fans."

He wasn't buying her excuse.

A few minutes later, the cast and crew, along with the members of the press, were seated in the theatre as the opening credits for Scarlet's Letters began to roll.

Ben sat a row behind Aria, a few seats away, and overly aware of her presence. Sitting behind Aria for two and a half hours was literal hell. Being this close and still not being able to touch her, hold her, kiss her...damn, it was near impossible.

He barely paid attention to the movie. He didn't really need to since he'd seen it before the screening several times as the studio prepped it for release. Instead, his eyes were on her. The way she tilted her head back when she laughed, or brushed her fingers against her cheek to wipe away a tear. She was everything he remembered and more, and he was even more certain now than ever before that she was the only woman he'd ever love until the day he died.

She was it for him.

Ben waited for the final credits to roll, breathless for her to discover what he'd put together for the end. Not because he wanted her to come running back to him—though he'd definitely never turn her away—but because they were going to change lives, and she'd been the inspiration for it. Ben couldn't help but wish his father was here tonight, because he'd always told him this was the point of art.

The paycheck, the fame, the was nothing compared to the chance to impact people in a real way. To impact the world.

* * *

This is so surreal. Aria was fairly certain she'd never get used to moments like this. Standing on the red carpet earlier had been crazy enough, but here she was watching the credit roll after the screening of her very first big-budget film.

"That's you!" Tegan, Aria's sister, grabbed her arm and pointed to the big screen. Aria's name was displayed directly beneath Travis, who was seated on her other side, the followed by the rest of the cast.

A few months ago, she hadn't been sure she still had a career, and a few years ago, no one had known her name. Now her name was on a giant silver screen in front of the most influential names in Hollywood.

"So exciting!" Aria whispered back to her sister, then squeezed Travis's hand. "Travis, that was amazing! You were fantastic!"

"You were even better!" Travis whispered to her. "I'm so fucking nervous!"

"Why? It's over!"

He held her hand between both of hers, leaning closer to her. "It's just beginning. This is it, Aria."

"This is what?"

"The moment everything changes," he replied, then turned and gave a thumbs-up sign to Ben who was sitting a row behind them. "The moment the entire world learns who we are. Who I am."

Aria looked between them, then back at the screen, completely confused. Ben nodded back at Travis, smiling that rugged, sexy smile that made her stomach flip flop with excitement. Her skin felt like it'd been on fire since the moment he'd touched her, and concentrating on anything else was becoming increasingly difficult.

Hugging him on the red carpet had been almost too much for her. He'd felt The feeling caught her off guard, since she'd spent the last two months thinking the exact opposite.

"What's going on, Travis?" she asked, turning away from Ben. Clenching her jaw, Aria tried to find her anger toward Ben. Tried to find the pain she'd once felt at his betrayal. How he'd been just like every other man in her life. But...something didn't feel very real about that anymore.

"Watch the screen," he whispered back, pointing to where the credits were just ending, the lights in the theater still dim.

The audience suddenly gasped, and Aria's mouth fell open.

Travis appeared on the screen, completely nude except for skin-colored undergarments and a giant red "A" painted on his chest. He held a sign by his side, but didn't have it turned to face the camera just yet.

One-by-one, every single person from the Scarlet's Letters cast walked into the frame. Everyone except her because she had no idea what on earth was going on.

Each person wore only skin-colored underwear, or pasties, and a painted "A" on their chests, a sign by their side. A montage began to play, each person individually holding up different signs to the camera.

"No one will love you until you lose weight."

"Get a real jobpassion doesn't pay the bills."

"You'll never be more than an ex-con."

"His life was worth more than mine."

"If you didn't want it, you shouldn't have dressed like a whore."

"Show me how badly you really want this part. On your knees."

Everyone who held their signs looked deeply emotional, and just from watching it, Aria felt the realness of their pain. She felt the vulnerability these people so bravely displayed to shine a light for others, to lead the way for aching hearts and forgotten souls. These were real…words that had actually been spoken to every person on that screen.

Her heart shattered for them, and at the same time, for herself. A cathartic release of everything people had called her over the last few months swelling inside her.

Travis returned on the screen next, and he held up his sign.


One word. So simple. So full of meaning.

Aria burst into tears and threw her arms around Travis's neck, hugging him tightly. He was crying as well, but smiling proudly, his gaze still on the screen.

The audience murmured, and gentle sobbing could be heard among the crowd.

She couldn't even begin to put words to the amount of pride she was feeling for her friend right now. He'd just come out to the entire world in one of the bravest ways possible, and she could only imagine how much this moment meant to him.

As the music reached a crescendo, the cast returned in the frame together again and lifted their signs in front of them at the same time. A website and non-profit organization was written across each sign that said it was collaborating with Shepherd Films to promote human rights, treating everyone with respect and dignity, and ending shaming in Hollywood.

Aria couldn't believe it. Did Ben put this together?

She got her answer seconds later when Ben joined the cast. Completely naked except for skin-toned underwear, he stepped onto the screen with a sign that read "we can do better." Then he gave a ten-second summary of the organization and how viewers could help and donate.

It was a line from her article, and she knew then and there that she'd inspired this. He'd done this for her, or because of her. Either way, this was the Ben she knew.

This was the Ben she'd fallen in love with.

She just wasn't sure how to reconcile this wonderful man with the man who'd sold her photos to the tabloids for ticket sales.

Tears streamed down her face as Travis whispered to her, explaining how it had all come about and that Ben was the one behind it. The video would play at the end of every showing of the movie across the country, as well as a regular commercial on television for the next few months to aid the non-profit and its cause, all thanks to him.

She glanced back to look at Ben, not even bothering to wipe the tears from her cheeks. He stared at her, unmoving, his eyes dark and tumultuous. They stayed like that for a moment, just staring at each other—communicating everything and nothing in a gaze.

Finally, she mouthed, thank you.

Ben gave her a small nod, but nothing more. He didn't seem to want the praise, and he didn't seem to be using this as some tool to win her back. He just seemed proud, as he should be.

As she was for him, for herself, for Travis.

It was truly a big night for all of them, and she was only just now realizing all that really meant.

Everyone in the theatre began clapping as the screen finally went black and the lights turned on. Before she knew it, people were getting to their feet. The room roared with applause—a standing ovation not just for the clip at the end, but for the entire movie. For what all of it combined had stirred inside each and every person in that audience.

Aria felt it in the air and on the smiles on all the faces around her. This is surreal.

And it's just the beginning.