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Of Flame and Fate: A Weird Girls Novel (Weird Girls Flame Book 2) by Cecy Robson (7)


“The only one unaccounted for is Destiny,” Aric says, turning in her direction. “Someone has to watch her, given her position and title. Tye offered, but as son to our president, he’s under guard as well.”

“I don’t want Taran assigned to anyone,” Gemini interrupts. “I want her watched by me.”

Celia leans closer to Aric. I mirror her motions, taking Gemini’s hand and keeping my body close. More times than not, she’s managed to soothe Aric’s wolf this way. And while I’m not normally so intimate in public, I think it’s time I start given the circumstances.

Aric’s voice is harsh and leaving absolutely no room for argument. “Based on Taran’s position as an Alliance member, her resourcefulness, and her skills, she was chosen to guard.” Gemini starts to argue. “It’s either Destiny or Misha. Those are our only choices seeing that he is the only vampire who has agreed to stay.”

So it’s between a freaky zebra striped wall or a hard place with fangs. Nice.

I don’t like this. But as bothered as I am, I’m counting on Misha to protect Celia at all costs. He owes her as much. I’m also counting on Destiny’s sense of loyalty. She tore into the vamp who attacked Uri for “not being nice”. If I protect her, I’ll earn her loyalty, increasing the chances for Celia’s survival and that of her babies.

That said, damn, this is a pussy assignment. No way in hell is anyone going to go after Destiny.

She loses a little more plumage from her cowboy hat when she jogs awkwardly in place. “Sorry,” she says. “New boots and I have to break them in. Otherwise, I’m going to look funny walking in them.”

“Yeah, we wouldn’t want that,” I agree.

Aric starts to speak, stopping suddenly when Destiny switches to jumping jacks. “The guy at the boot shop told me this helps, too,” she adds when we all gape.

I pinch the bridge of my nose. Yeah, no one’s going after this little dickens.

“This is the best I can do,” Aric tells Gemini.

Gemini digs his fingers through his hair and steps away. He’s not quite on board. But I am. I have to be.

Destiny does a little shimmy and some odd movement with her hand, similar to what I do when I have an itch on my back and can’t quite reach it. “Babe,” I say, edging toward him.

He meets my face when I embrace his waist. It’s the first time today that I’ve had the chance to hold him close. He realizes as much, dropping his arms to circle my back. “I don’t like this,” he says, his thumbs brushing over my hips.

“I don’t either. But Destiny needs us, and we need her to help keep Celia safe.” I reach up to stroke the smooth hair of his goatee. “She’s not an easy target and she’s a friend.” He looks at me. “Okay, ally,” I clarify.

I peer around his large body to see what sort of boot-breaking-in-calisthenics she’s doing now. She stops in the middle of her toe-touches and offers me another enthusiastic wave.

My lips stretch into a smile and I wave back. This time, my smile isn’t forced. For all Destiny makes me nervous, and despite that I’ve often questioned her stability, she’s not mean. Another dismembered arm crawls away from its hiding spot under a nearby table. I crinkle my nose. Well, that is if you don’t piss her off.

“I can keep her safe, and me as well,” I assure Gemini, cringing as Misha’s vamps swarm the remaining body parts and tear into them like piranhas. “You know I can,” I offer, startling when I hear a wet crunch.

“It’s not that I don’t trust your strength, I just don’t trust what’s happening,” he tells me.

“I know,” I say, lifting up on my toes to kiss him. My lips meet his only briefly. He’s conceding for the moment, but he’s not happy about it.

He releases me slowly, turning back to our small group. Aric nods, but that’s all. I know he’s grateful for my help, yet out of respect for Gemini, he’d prefer not to involve me.

He kisses Celia’s cheek, whispering something I don’t quite catch. “Don’t worry, love,” she says. “Just do what you have to and I’ll see you tonight.”

She steps carefully away and toward Emme, except like always, Aric doesn’t appear to want to let her go.

“Emme,” she tells her when his hands finally pull away. “Why don’t we go back to Aric’s chambers? You can shower there and change out of these clothes.”

“I’d like that,” she says.

We grimace when she has to peel her sticky feet free from the floor. As she walks, her tiny flats make an odd squeaky noise. Christ, we didn’t clean her feet and she likely has vamp parts stuck between her toes. I’ll be sure to set her shoes on fire, too. What can I say, I’m a hell of a gal.

We march across the wood floors, avoiding the scuff marks created during the altercation and the mounds of ash from the now re-deceased attackers. I don’t know who the poor sap is assigned to floor mopping duties, but he’s going to fucking hate us.

My vision sharpens as we pass the cluster of supernaturals gathered closest to the door and my arm gives an involuntary jerk. There’s so much mystical energy, the communal power pokes at my skin and riles my arm’s magic. I think she sees them as competition. I only hope she’s wrong.

“Who are all these beings?” I ask Celia.

“Royalty,” Destiny answers. I hadn’t noticed her follow. “Oh, I’m sorry. Do you mind if I tag along?”

“Not all,” Celia says, shooting me a poignant look.

Oh, yeah, I’m supposed to be watching her. Tee-hee, silly me. “Just stay close to me, kid,” I tell her, making a show of standing in front of her.

I pause, glancing over my shoulder at Celia. “Wait a minute, shouldn’t someone be with you?”

She purses her lips. “Oh, they will be. Don’t you worry about that.”

The moment we step through the doors, wolves in beast form surround us, their four hundred pound bodies creating a wall. Their stares are alert and some lick their jowls, already anticipating what their enemies’ blood will taste like pouring from their fangs.

We keep pace with Celia, Emme’s squeaky shoes outrageously loud along the dark corridor.

“I take it when we’re done they’ll follow us home?” I ask.

“I’m not going home,” she says, her expression growing sad. “We’re staying at the Den in one of the new buildings.” Her long wavy hair brushes against her shoulder when she turns to look at me. “So are both of you, as well as Shayna.”

Emme’s shoes stick to the floor with every step she takes, between that and all the squeaking, no way are we sneaking up on anyone. “Why are we staying here?” Emme asks.

“Because you’re our family and Aric wants to keep you safe.”

“That’s sweet,” Emme says. “But as an Alliance member, shouldn’t I be assigned to guard duty as well?”

“Aric argued against the Alliance assigning you a post, Emme,” Celia replies. “They agreed to his request.”

“What about Shayna?” Emme asks.

Celia’s gaze flickers to me as she carefully chooses her words. “He didn’t want either Shayna or Taran assigned to guard duty. But he couldn’t convince the Alliance. As a compromise, she’ll be helping Taran watch Destiny.”

“But not me,” Emme states slowly.

“No,” Celia answers.

“Is it because they’re mated and I’m not?” Emme questions, shedding light on what Celia doesn’t say.

“No, sweetie,” Celia tells her. “It’s because of who they’re mated to.” She glances at me, apologetically. “As second in command, Gemini holds an elite position in the Pack, as does Koda, being Aric’s Warrior. Due to Alliance numbers being low, mates of high-ranking weres who possess supernatural abilities are now required to assist the Alliance. If we were human, we’d have an out. But here we are.”

I glance behind me as we step outside. It’s close to midnight, and the temperature has dropped significantly since we first arrived. “Is that why Koda and Shayna are fighting?” I ask. “She wants to help, and he doesn’t want her involved?”

“It’s one of the reasons,” Celia says. “He wasn’t happy when he found her carrying that decapitated vamp head around like a purse.” She narrows her eyes. “You were supposed to go out for dinner and drinks, remember?”

“We had a drink,” I offer, not that it does anything to appease her.

“Before or after you hunted the vampires baiting you?” she asks. She doesn’t wait for another smartass response. “They tried bringing the head in for questioning. It’s all they had after the Pack killed the other vamps they tracked. But the stupid thing kept trying to bite them on the ride up. The moment they reached the base of the mountain, the wards blew him to ash.”

“Oh,” I say. “All over Koda’s new Yukon?”


“Yikes,” I say. Since meeting us, Koda hasn’t had much luck with his vehicles.

“But it’s Shayna’s safety that has him most upset. That, and the lying,” she adds, shooting me another dirty look.

Why am I always the one in trouble? “I didn’t make her lie, and honestly, it’s like that woman can’t wait for a fight . . .” My voice fades when something appears to make sense. “Wait a minute, is Shayna going all wolf?”

“The Elders don’t think so, I mean not to the point where she’ll change and go furry. But they think that the wolf essence that was passed to her has stirred a primal need to hunt.” Celia rolls her eyes. “Based on his growls, Koda would prefer she gather.”

“She gathered that decapitated head rather nicely,” I say, thoughtfully.

“Would you stop cracking jokes? None of us are amused,” Celia tells me. “Koda was already livid when he arrived, but he completely flipped out when Aric told him Shayna would help guard Destiny.”

“It’s going to be a real party!” Destiny squeals, clapping her hands. “Like a sleepover that never ends.”


We cross the street. The pads of the wolves’ heavy paws barely making a sound, unlike me in my heels and poor Emme. “What about you?” I ask as we hop onto the next walkway. “Is your inner tigress itching to hunt?”

“She’s itching to hunt, prance, frolic, you name it,” Celia says. “But pregnant weres aren’t allowed to change since it’s too traumatic on the fetus. I’m not were, but Aric doesn’t want to take any chances.”

Celia can also shift underground like sand through colander and surface unscathed. Aric probably doesn’t want her doing that either seeing how her body breaks up into minute particles. “It’s better to be safe,” I agree.

“It is,” she says. “But I can’t make my tigress understand. She wants to run for miles like we used to.” She motions between the walkways separating the houses and toward the forest. “Aric is hoping she’ll be more content here since there are more places to openly roam. I guess we’ll see.”

Celia wants to comply and keep Aric from worrying. Yet the way her bare arms gather around her belly assure me she’d prefer to be home. She doesn’t have a lot of good memories of the Den. How could she? For too long the weres attempted to pry her and Aric apart, angry that his pure bloodline would be ruined by mating with my non-were sister. It was a horrible time for them, causing deep scars that will never heal. Just because she’s finally welcomed doesn’t erase the damage that was done.

“You’re going to love being my bodyguards,” Destiny says, bouncing along, her giant spray of feathers fluttering in the breeze. “I have so many fun things planned.”

“Like shopping for new clothes?” I offer.

“How did you guess?”

“I just know you love your outfits,” I reply through my teeth.

“I do, but that’s just the start. I booked dinner reservations at the Fawn and Pheasant and arranged for a helicopter to take us.”

“Yeah?” I ask. It shouldn’t surprise me. All the higher ups in the magical world possess some serious cash. I never exactly understood how they acquired all that money, be it dues or investments. Whatever the way, it’s not in short supply.

“I also have front row seats to see Johnny Fate later this week. I’ll get two more, for you and Shayna,” she tells Emme.

“Johnny Fate,” I say, slowly. “Isn’t he that freak who tours with all those loud and obnoxious garage bands?”

“He’s not a freak,” Destiny says.

“Yes, he is.” I huff. “Believe me, I know a freak when I see one . . .” My voice trails when I realize who I’m speaking to. “Sorry, girl.”

“For what?” she asks, appearing confused.

And cue the crickets.

I clear my throat and try to help Celia up the stacked stone steps when we reach the building. That goes over as well as you think. She hisses at me, her hormonal inner kitty apparently tired of being placated.

Destiny continues as if uninterrupted, and as if I didn’t come close to losing an eye. “Taran, please. I’m dying to go. There’s something about Johnny that just calls to me.”

“Calls to you?” I ask.


Her eyes develop a vacant stare. I watch her closely, wondering why she seems to slip away. “Are you feeling well?”

“Of course,” Destiny replies, her enthusiasm returning with a vengeance. “Just tired and excited to meet Johnny.”

I’m not sure I believe her.

She smiles, appearing delighted just as another pair of wolves appear in human form. They open the doors, encouraging us to pass. “Thank you,” Celia tells them. She starts to head in, but the weres who escorted us refuse to leave. “As mate to your alpha, I thank you for your service and dismiss you to your remaining duties,” she adds.

They bow, retreating slowly and watching her as the doors shut.

Celia isn’t one for attention and I can tell she’s uncomfortable. She presses her back against the door, looking past the long winding staircase to where three more weres wait. “I’m sorry I hissed,” she says. “It’s been a long time since, you know.”

“Had sex?” I ask, wondering where she’s going with this.

Her face reddens and she glares at me. “I meant had any independence.”

“Oh, that makes sense.”

She covers her face, allowing her cheeks a moment to cool. When she drops her hands away the humiliation I caused is absent, leaving only her sadness. “I realize that my baby needs protection,” she admits. “And that Aric and I aren’t enough considering the threats surrounding us. Except it’s hard to accept that this is the turn my life has taken. Somedays, I’m so overwhelmed, I just want to flee with Aric and not look back.” She shakes her head. “But that’s not an option. Nowhere is safe.”

She seems close to tears, her sadness so tangible I’m ready to cry with her. But neither she nor I give in.

Emme steps forward, carefully wrapping her arms around her. “I’m sorry, Celia.”

Emme’s cadaver-ish aroma should send Celia running. Except Celia doesn’t move, welcoming Emme’s embrace and the kindness she offers.

I gnaw on my bottom lip, wishing she and Aric were enough, that we all were. But this big bad, is really bad. I only hope our combined forces can keep her safe.

“You’re going to be okay, Ceel,” I assure her. “None of us are going to let anything happen to you or baby Aric.” I stroke her back. “Have you eaten lately?” She shakes her head. “Let’s get you something to eat, it’ll make you feel better.”

She nods. Food comforts Celia in a way nothing else can.

Destiny steps in front of us, grinning and simply head-over-hideous-boots happy for what may happen next.

Oh, yeah, that’s right, I’m supposed to stay with her.

“When and where is the concert?” I ask.

“Santa Barbara, Friday night,” she replies.

“And you’re sure you want to go?” I question.

“I really do,” she says. “From what I’ve learned, he has the best voice ever. Mesmerizing, even.”

“Mesmerizing?” I ask, something about the word giving me pause and causing my arm to twitch. “Have you ever seen him perform before?”

“Never,” she admits. “But I’ve always wanted to. Something about him has always spoken to me.”

“I’m that way with Ed Sheeran,” Shayna says, nodding like she understands.

“Ed Sheeran is terrific,” Destiny says, approvingly. “But concert goers who’ve attended Johnny’s shows always agree on one thing, there’s no one else like him.”

I’ll give Destiny this, she was right.




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