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On the Ropes (Windy City Nights) by Dania Voss (5)

Chapter Five


Abbey waited in the church vestibule with Leah, Cassie, her father Phil, and Leah’s five-year-old cousin Amy who was the flower girl. She smiled over at Amy. The little dark-haired girl wore her hair down in loose waves. Her little white lace dress was accented with a cornflower-blue sash around her waist. The white lace-trimmed basket Amy held was filled with white and cornflower-blue rose petals.

Leah gently stroked Amy’s hair. “You know, Miss Amy, it’s not right to look more beautiful than the bride.”

Amy giggled and blushed sweetly. “I’m not more beautiful than Cassie.”

Cassie acted as if she was giving Amy a thorough once over. “I don’t know, you look like a much cuter little bride. I sure hope Jake still wants to marry me after he sees you drop your rose petals down the aisle.”

Amy didn’t miss a beat and rolled her eyes. “Jake’s my cousin, silly, plus I’m not getting married ’til after I’m an astronaut.”

“I think that’s very smart thinking, Amy,” Abbey’s father added.

The calming sound of classical music wafted through the vestibule doors. Abbey took a few deeps breaths to calm the butterflies fluttering around in her stomach.

It’s going to be all right. It’s your reboot weekend. Go with the flow and have fun.

Two more deep breaths and she felt some of her stress drift away. She smiled to herself. It would be fine. Her sister was getting married, she was going to be an aunt soon, and she’d find another job. A better job. OSG would regret letting her go.

Abbey turned at the sound of heels clicking on the slate vestibule flooring, Hannah rushing toward them.

Hannah came to a stop in front of Cassie. “I hope you don’t mind, but there’s a little last-minute change in the procession.”

Before Cassie could ask what the little change was, Abbey saw Heath and Luke striding toward them. The butterflies in her stomach took flight and her heart raced.

Ten years. It had been ten long years since she’d seen Luke Stryker. He looked exactly the same but different. Gone was the young twenty-year-old boy she’d lost her heart to, and in front of her stood a tall, blond Viking. Luke stood at six-foot-four, compared to the six-foot-two when they last saw each other. His shoulders were broader and his body had filled out and strengthened into the hunk of a man she was now looking at. Thick, wavy, blond hair, sparkling baby blue eyes, and that smirky dimpled grin made her weak in the knees every time. God, he looked delectable in his tuxedo. She could feel her nipples tighten and her pussy get wet. This was not good.

All those old feelings resurfaced as if they’d been in hibernation for the last ten years, waiting patiently to be set free again. Feelings of love, betrayal, and sorrow filled her, nearly overwhelming her right where she stood.

How the heck did she think she would be to handle a reunion with Luke with calm, cool, and confidence when all she wanted to do was screw his brains out and scream at him for breaking her heart so many years ago? She stared at him, dumbstruck.

Snap out of it! Get it together. You’re calm and confident. Seeing Luke again is no big deal. Weekend reboot, remember?

Abbey stood there silently and watched as Luke and Heath shook her father’s hand.

“Good to see you, Luke. We missed you at rehearsal.” Abbey’s father had always been fond of Luke. Abbey hadn’t told her parents the real reason they had broken up ten years ago and made Cassie promise her she wouldn’t either. For some stupid reason, she hadn’t wanted to her parents to think any less of him.

Luke had the decency to look embarrassed. “I know, Mr. Jayne, I’m sorry. It couldn’t be helped. But don’t worry, you’ve got me for the entire weekend—at least.”

That surprised Abbey as she assumed Luke would be on a red-eye tonight or an early flight Sunday morning, off to another city to pitch another game.

Abbey’s father smiled, looking pleased. “That’s great. So you’ll be joining everyone for brunch tomorrow morning at the Fairchild?”

Luke smiled wide, his sexy dimples on full display, and nodded. “I’ll be there. Wouldn’t miss it.”

Luke was staying the entire weekend? At least? What did that mean? What was going on? “What’s the little change in the procession, Hannah?” Abbey asked before Cassie could.

Luke turned to Cassie, smiling brightly. “We thought it might be nice for Heath and me to walk the bridesmaids down the aisle rather than have them walk down alone. What do you think?”

Cassie smiled back at Luke and nodded. Before Abbey could object to Luke stepping in and taking over, Cassie said, “I like that idea.” Cassie turned to Abbey and Leah. “What do you two think? Wouldn’t it be nice to walk down the aisle with these two handsome men?”

“I think that’s a great idea!” Leah looked over and Heath and flashed him an enthusiastic smile.

Just great. If Abbey refused, she’d seem like a total bitch. She would not be that petty, not on Cassie’s wedding day. And not in front of Luke after seeing him for the first time in ten years. “Sure, Cassie. That’s a great idea. Very traditional.”

Cassie shot Abbey a knowing smile and winked at her. She rolled her eyes. Obvious much?

Abbey’s father clapped Luke on the shoulder. It was slight but she could have sworn Luke winced.

No, you imagined it. Luke’s fine and he’s not your problem. He’s got Brenna Sinclair to take care of him now. Reboot weekend.

“Great idea, Luke. I like it,” Abbey’s father said.

Luke beamed back at her father and she wanted to roll her eyes again at her brown-nosing ex. “Thank you, sir. I thought since the men are in traditional black tails today, escorting the ladies down the aisle would gel with the classy vibe Cassie and Jake put together for the wedding.”

Abbey’s father, God love him, wholeheartedly agreed. Two peas in pod, those two. Always had been. “I agree completely.”

Luke kneeled down in front of little Amy and kissed her cheek. The sweet little girl giggled. Was Luke laying it on thick or what? “Look at you, Amy. You’re even prettier than the bride.”

“Yeah, well, she’s not getting married until after she becomes an astronaut,” Abbey blurted out. She needed to pull herself together. Fast. Was she jealous of a five-year-old getting Luke’s attention?

Luke tilted his head to the side and frowned at Amy. “Is that true, Amy? You’re going to make me wait until you’re in the space program to marry me?”

Amy giggled and blushed back at Luke. Abbey had to admit, their interaction was adorable. Luke was really dialing up the charm. “Yes. You’ll have to wait.”

Luke kissed the little girl’s forehead. “I can respect that. You’re a smart girl to want to want to get your career all set up before you marry me. I’ll try real hard and be patient and wait for you.”

Amy thought a moment before answering Luke. “You don’t have to wait for me, Luke. Maybe I should marry another astronaut so we could go to Mars together one day.”

Abbey snickered. Take that Mr. Charm. If the tabloids were right, not that Abbey cared, not really, Luke and Brenna Sinclair had recently gotten married in secret and would announce their marriage and Brenna’s pregnancy at the premiere of her upcoming film in the next few weeks.

She needed to get over the sting of Luke not loving her enough or of her not being enough to be the one he wanted to marry. She needed to get over not having the fairy tale wedding with the designer Bellatoni couture gown that Luke would drool over her wearing. Yes, there had been a time where Abbey had been foolish enough to believe she and Luke would go all the way. She had secretly put together ideas, clippings and the like to prepare for what she knew would be their amazing wedding day.

Look how well that turned out.

With renewed resolve and determination, Abbey stood up straight and pulled her shoulders back. She promised Cassie she would reboot this weekend and she would do her best to do that. Her interaction with Luke would not deter her from going with the flow and having her fun. There would be plenty of single men at this wedding. Abbey would take her fun where she could. With whomever she wanted. And if it felt right, she might take someone back to her hotel room tonight too.

So what if Luke was gorgeous? Abbey could still look her fill like all the other ladies attending the wedding would. It didn’t have to mean anything.

Luke rubbed his jaw, seeming to contemplate Amy’s suggestion of marrying another astronaut rather than him. “You know, I think you might be right, even though you’re breaking my heart right now.”

Poor Amy believed Luke and started tearing up. “Um … well, you could marry Leah or Abbey?”

Leah, who been openly drooling over Heath, chimed in. “Sorry, Luke. No offense, but I’ve got someone else in mind.” She winked at Abbey and Heath blushed, shaking his head slightly. Apparently it was on.

Good luck, Heath. You’re going to need it.

Luke stood and turned to Abbey, those baby blues nearly able to see into her soul. He regarded her briefly and turned back to Amy. “That’s a wonderful idea, Amy. Thank you so much for helping me heal my broken heart. Maybe you could be mine and Abbey’s flower girl when we get married?”

Amy’s eyes widened in excitement. “Okay! It’s a deal. Thanks, Luke.”

Abbey felt herself blush. The thought of marrying Luke had her skin feeling tight, her nipples pebbling, and her pussy getting slick. She would need to change into a new pair of panties if this kept up. She chided herself for getting excited. Luke was full of it. It would be easier on her emotionally to be angry at him this weekend. It wasn’t like she didn’t have good reasons to be.

Before Abbey could speak up and inform Amy and Luke she wouldn’t marry him even though this was all a ruse, Hannah stepped up and addressed them all.

“All right everyone, we’re just about ready. Let’s get you all in your places. Leah and Heath are first.” Leah eagerly led Heath by the hand to their place in front of the vestibule doors and hooked her arm around his. Huh… Heath shot a heated glance Leah’s way before he turned his head to face front.

“Next we have the best man and maid of honor.”

Luke took a hold of Abbey’s hand, his hand so big and warm, and led her behind Leah and Heath. Holding onto his strong hand brought back too many memories and had Abbey getting aroused all over again. She pulled her hand out of Luke’s and scowled at him. The jerk had the nerve to smirk at her.

Hannah placed Amy behind her and Luke. “Okay, Amy, after Abbey and Luke take their place up front with Leah, Jake, and Heath, you’ll walk down the aisle slowly and sprinkle your rose petals along the way. Just like we practiced at rehearsal, remember?”

Amy nodded her head. “Yes, I remember. And when I get to the end the aisle, I’ll go sit with Mommy and Daddy.”

Hannah nodded to Amy and proceeded to Cassie and her father. “All right, Cassie, Phil. After Amy takes her seat with her parents, that’s the cue for the bridal march to start. When it begins playing, then you both start down the aisle. I’ll be behind you to make sure your train looks beautiful, just like you do. Then after you’re in place up front, I’ll poof it up.”

Cassie and her father both nodded. Hannah and her assistant each took their places by the vestibule doors, waiting for their cue to open them.

“You know that was a real asshole move to change up the procession on Cassie like that,” Abbey whispered to Luke. “And what was that shit about asking Amy to be our flower girl? You can’t say those kinds of things to kids if you don’t mean them.” Luke hooked their arms. The heat emanating from his body seeped into hers.

He shrugged. “Tsk, tsk, princess. You shouldn’t swear in church, you know.”

Abbey’s heart ached a little at hearing Luke’s term of endearment for her. When they had been together, she felt like a princess. What the heck was wrong with her? He was probably married to Brenna Sinclair and was calling her a princess? Abbey grew angry all over again.

Luke continued, “First, the procession changes weren’t a big deal to Cassie, your father, or Leah. Second, who says I didn’t mean what I said to Amy about being our flower girl?”

“Oh really? Don’t you think your wife Brenna might have something to say about that?” Abbey countered. She felt Luke stiffen beside her.  Ah ha! She knew it! Luke was married and flirting with her. Did he think she’d be his little piece on the side or something? What nerve!

Luke glared at her. “Don’t believe everything you read, princess. You should know better.”

So if Luke and Brenna weren’t married, they were still dating at least. That meant to Luke, Abbey was nothing more than some easy piece of ass. Nope, she wasn’t going along with his two-timing plans. He’d have to find someone else to cheat on Brenna with. It didn’t matter that the thought of Luke hooking up with someone else made Abbey’s stomach clench up in knots.

“Whatever, Luke. Whatever game you’re trying to play, I’m not interested.” Abbey saw Hannah and her assistant touch their earpieces and nod to each other.

Pachabel’s Canon in D started to play and the vestibule doors opened. This was it. No time to argue now.

Abbey watched as Leah and Heath walked down the aisle. She and Luke stepped up, waiting for their turn. Abbey’s heart swelled with love at the sight of the church pews filled to capacity with friends and family sharing in Cassie and Jake’s special day.

“Smile pretty for the cameras, princess,” Luke whispered.

“Shut up, jerk,” Abbey snapped.

Abbey elbowed Luke in the ribs and Hannah indicated they should begin down the aisle. Abbey did her best to smile pretty as she and Luke made their way down the aisle. Luke, being used the spotlight, had no problem flashing his sexy dimpled grin and nodding to several ceremony attendees, acting as if he owned the place. Jerk.

Abbey smiled at Jake and Heath as she and Luke arrived at the front of the aisle. Jake was wearing a black top hat?

Luke held on to her arm a little too long. “You can’t get away from me, princess. Don’t even try it.” Luke let go of her and took his place beside Jake. Abbey stood there, stunned for a moment before taking her place beside Leah.

Leah leaned in close to Abbey with an amused look on her face. “What was that? And oh my God does Luke look hot in his tux. Not as hot as Heath of course, but still.”

Abbey glared at her. She didn’t want to think Luke looked hot in his tux. Her body had other ideas, though. Stupid traitorous body. “It’s nothing. Luke’s just being a jerk. I don’t care how he looks or what he does. I’m going to enjoy this weekend and he can go suck it for all I care.”

Leah giggled and glanced at Heath, who was staring right back at her with lust in his eyes. “I’d like to suck a few things on Heath, that’s for sure.”

Abbey chuckled quietly. “Shhh … we’re in a church”

“Makes no difference to me. I’d suck Heath in a church, near a church…”

Abbey turned her attention to the open vestibule doors. Little Amy had begun her ascent down the aisle, smiling brightly and sprinkling white and cornflower-blue rose petals along the way. Folks ahhed and oohed over Amy and chuckled as she waved and said hi to some people she knew in the church pews as she walked past them.

When Amy reached the end of her journey, she turned to Luke. “See, Luke? I’ll be a good flower girl for you and Abbey.”

Luke winked at Amy and nodded his head. Abbey wanted to throttle him for putting that idea in her head. She prayed only the few people close to Amy heard. Amy took her seat with her parents, beaming with pride.

Abbey glared at Luke. He had a smug expression on his handsome face and had the nerve to mouth the word smile at her.

She was about to stick her tongue out at Luke when the music changed to the bridal march. Everyone stood and Abbey focused on Cassie and their father at the end of the aisle, ready to take their place up front. She smiled, but not because Luke told her to. Because she loved her sister, and because she would be an auntie soon, and because she wished all the love and happiness in the world for Cassie and Jake.


Luke watched Abbey shoot daggers at him and plaster a smile on her face as the music changed to the bridal march. He was transfixed by the look of sheer love and affection that crossed her beautiful face as she looked at Cassie and her father make their way to the altar.

Luke was saddened by her hostility toward him. He had hoped that after ten years she would be more even tempered. Softened a bit. But she was still angry. Very angry. And that smart mouth of hers. It had shocked the hell out him and turned him on. When they were younger, Abbey was sweet and gentle and kind. Never losing her temper even when she was upset and certainly never cursing.

Luke couldn’t help but smile. He liked the woman she had become. She was angry, sure, but Luke knew his Abbey. His princess was still the kind, giving, intelligent, and loyal person he’d fallen in love with years ago.

When he first came upon her in the church vestibule, he wanted to carry her off on his non-injured shoulder and fuck her senseless until she was too exhausted to argue with him so he could make her understand he’d never been unfaithful to her and he never would. He’d felt his cock get hard in front of her father and he couldn’t have that, so Luke made himself think of boring baseball stats, the weather—anything that would calm his dick the fuck down.

Luke was encouraged to see that although Abbey was still angry with him, she wasn’t completely unaffected. He’d noticed her hard nipples poking against the lacey bodice of her pretty bridesmaid dress. And he bet if he checked, he would have found her pussy was nice and wet for him too. She’d been so responsive to him back in the day and it appeared she still was.

Luke had been Abbey’s first. He was still proud and humbled by that fact. He’d been the lucky one to introduce her to everything. The pleasure of getting her nipples sucked and teased, moving past her embarrassment of having him eat her pussy until she yanked on his hair and came so hard she shook. He’d taught her how to suck his dick so well he nearly went cross eyed when he came in her mouth. And the sex. Still to this day he’d never felt as connected to or as in sync with someone as he did when he’d fucked Abbey.

His sweet little princess had been so trusting and open to experimenting he couldn’t have asked for more. Her tight little pussy fit his dick perfectly, so snug, hot, and wet. It was the only place he ever wanted to be. It was home. She was home.

Luke cursed himself for getting hard in front of a church full of people. The damn tuxedo jackets provided no cover. They were cut leaving their crotches exposed.

Suddenly, Jake turned to him with tears streaming down his face. Shit, Luke hadn’t been paying attention. He’d been lost thinking about Abbey.

“Jake, buddy, you all right?”

Jake wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and shook his head. “No, I’m not. I gotta go.”

Luke panicked. Jake was leaving Cassie at the altar? He looked to Pastor Jenkins for help and the pastor shook his head slightly. Pastor Jenkins seemed calm.

Before Luke could say anything more, Jake took off toward Cassie and her father. Everyone in attendance gasped and whispered amongst themselves. The bridal march stopped playing. The photographer was clicking away, taking photographs of the impending disaster and the videographer was capturing every horrific moment as it unfolded.

Luke looked over to Abbey and Leah to find them both in shock with their mouths wide open. He didn’t know what to do. Should he chase after Jake? He turned to Heath, his expression guarded. Not much help at all.

Luke looked to his Uncle Darren, desperate for guidance. Darren, his father and mentor of twenty years now, would know what to do. Darren looked him straight in the eye and shook his head slightly. Luke raised a brow, not sure if doing nothing was the right thing or not. Darren smiled at him and shook his head again. All right, Luke would butt out.

Luke took a deep breath and waited along with everyone else as Jake made his way to Cassie and her father. No one was sure what would happen next.

Pastor Jenkins was right. Cassie was a vision to behold. She and Jake wouldn’t allow him to buy her a designer couture bridal gown like he’d wanted to, but the gown she chose was beautiful none the less. The lace looked like it was floating up her chest and down her arms.    Her hair was done up and she looked absolutely radiant. How could Jake turn tail now? He’d wanted to see her before the ceremony for fuck’s sake. And Cassie was expecting. He couldn’t believe Jake would be so cruel.

Cassie’s father looked more than a little concerned. “Jake, are you all right?”

Cassie cocked her head with a little grin on her face, poised and calm. “You decided on a top hat?” A few people laughed. Cassie was making jokes?

Jake’s hand quickly went to his head, touching the brim of the top hat like he’d forgotten he had it on. “Oh, right. I thought it would be fun?” He took it off, turned to Luke, and tossed it over to him. Luke caught it easily and put it on. A few people laughed nervously. Everyone not quite sure what to make of what they were witnessing.

Jake shook his head and looked at Cassie’s father. “No, Phil, I’m not all right. Would you mind if I walked Cassie the rest of the way?”

A collective sigh went through the crowd. Jake wasn’t leaving Cassie, he was overwhelmed and emotional by his beautiful bride. For a moment, Luke wondered if he would react the same way when he and Abbey got married because he knew they would. If he had anything to say about it, and he sure as hell did, they’d be getting married in the not-too-distant future. He had no intention of Mission Abbey failing.

Cassie’s father smiled warmly at Jake and nodded his head. “Sure, Jake, you go ahead. Take good care of my little girl.” Cassie’s father kissed her lightly on the cheek and placed her hand in Jake’s.

Jake nodded. “Thank you, Phil. And I will. I promise you.” Jake brushed his lips against Cassie’s knuckles and led her to their place up front. Phil followed behind, steering clear of Cassie’s wedding dress train.

Luke’s stomach, which had been twisted in knots, relaxed. Everyone sighed. Luke looked to Abbey and Leah. They were both smiling again, appearing relieved like he was. Luke shrugged and flashed Abbey a grin. She shrugged back, still smiling. That smile made his heart race and his dick hard. He wanted to keep that smile on her face for the rest of her life.

“Who gives this lovely young woman to this emotional young man?” Pastor Jenkins bellowed out.

Once the laughter died down, Phil spoke up, pride shone in his eyes. “Her mother and I do.”

Luke was grateful the ceremony proceeded with no other incidents. Luke kept a careful eye on Jake just in case, and on Abbey too. Since Jake told Cassie he got the top hat because he thought it would be fun, Luke and Heath alternated wearing it throughout the ceremony. He caught Abbey rolling her eyes at him at a couple of times but she’d always had mirth dancing in them. Luke considered it a win.

After the ceremony was over and pictures were taken, Luke sat alone in the first pew on the groom’s side, enjoying a moment of solitude. He had spent a few minutes with Pastor Jenkins’s young sons Noah and Joshua, taking pictures, tossing the ball around, and signing autographs. His Uncle Darren had plenty of merchandise and swag in the trunk of his car to give not only Noah and Joshua but the pastor as well. Luke’s shoulder was faring well with only a slight ache.

The clean-up crew were busy tidying up while some ceremony guests were mingling and enjoying light refreshments in the church’s Fellowship Hall before everyone headed to the reception being held at Cucina Antonetti’s in Elmhurst. Antonetti’s was known for their amazing Italian food and they served the best family-style food service in the Chicagoland area.

Luke was famished. The last few stressful days had killed his appetite. He would make sure he ate well tonight. He needed to take good care of himself, especially now.

Darren had asked Luke not to lose his shit until after the wedding. Luke could only do so much without breaking down. His uncle’s diagnosis was a hard kick to the gut. He still hadn’t fully processed it. Luke’s own physical issues didn’t help his frame of mind either. Add to that Abbey’s hostility toward him, and he wasn’t sure how more he could take.

Since he was in a church and had a rare moment of solitude, Luke bowed his head and closed his eyes.

Lord, please help my dad get through this awful time. I know the statistics aren’t good but you can turn things around for him. Please don’t take him from me too. You took my parents way too soon, give me my uncle for as long as you can. Bless Jake and Cassie in their new life together and grant them many years of happiness. Take good care of Cassie during her pregnancy and bless her and Jake with a strong healthy baby. Please see your way to helping Abbey let go of her anger so we can move on from the past. Open her heart and mind so she can see that we belong together. Guide me with your divine wisdom as I do my best to handle the challenges that lie before me. Thank you for the many blessings you’ve given me over the years. I appreciate every single one. Please continue to bless me, my friends, and family. They mean the world to me. Amen.

Luke quickly swiped away the tear that slid down his cheek. He turned around to see if anyone was watching him and saw Abbey coming toward him from one of the church’s side doors.

God does answer all prayers, doesn’t he?

As Abbey walked toward him, Luke’s heart rate sped up and he felt his dick twitch in excitement. Damn how she affected him. He smiled at her, and to his relief, she smiled back.

Luke moved over in the pew so she could join him. She sat next to him, with her cell phone in hand, careful not to touch him. Luke was having none of that and scooted over so their thighs touched. He felt her stiffen slightly then relax. She wanted Luke to think she was unaffected by him, but her pretty blue eyes were dilating and he saw her pulse fluttering on her neck.

“The dove release you set up for Cassie and Jake, that was really nice. It was the perfect end to the ceremony,” she whispered.

Luke had asked Patty Hailey to tell Cassie and Jake that she wasn’t able to get a dove release for them if they had asked. It turned out they hadn’t so Luke was able to sneak in a surprise for the couple.

“No need to thank me, I was happy to surprise them with it.” Luke was encouraged by their cordial conversation. Did this mean Abbey was warming up to him?

Abbey’s phone chimed with a text and she frowned at what she read. Luke knew she was essentially always on call for her job. Office Supply Galaxy was too cheap to get her the help she needed. “Is the office paging you? Don’t they know you have important family commitments this weekend?”

Luke was pissed. Abbey’s manager took advantage of her kind nature. As soon as he got her back for good, he would ask her to quit her job. There would always be a place for Abbey in the Chicago Cobras organization. They could use someone as intelligent and hardworking as her. He’d prefer she not work at all, but he didn’t think she would agree to that. His princess needed to be challenged and contribute. It was one of the many things Luke loved about her and always would.

Abbey quickly replied to the text and shook her head, frowning. “They know I have commitments this weekend, but no, they’re not paging me.”

Luke couldn’t stop himself from wondering why the text was bothering her so much. His protective instincts rushed to the surface. No one bothered his princess. Not now, not ever.

“So what’s got you upset if it’s not the office bothering you?” He hoped she’d confide in him, like she used to so many years ago. Once upon a time, they’d shared everything. He desperately needed to get back to that time. He needed Abbey now more than ever.

She waved a hand dismissively. “It’s nothing for you to worry about. Just forget about it.”

Luke tried to not let the brush off bother him, but it wasn’t easy. He leaned into her a little closer, reveling in the warm feel of her body against his. “I do worry about you, princess. Let me help you.”

Just like that, the daggers flew from Abbey’s eyes at him. She shoved at him and he moved away, putting space between them in the pew. He mourned the loss of her touch.

“Shouldn’t you be worrying about your wife? I doubt she’d be thrilled to know you’re coming on to me while she’s who knows where, pregnant with your child. I stopped being yours to worry about a long time ago.” Abbey made to stand and leave, but he took a hold of her arm and pulled her back down onto the pew.

Luke’s ears rang and his heart galloped in his chest. If Abbey wanted to do this the hard way, he’d oblige. “And I told you, don’t believe everything you read or hear. I also told you, you can’t get away from me, so stop trying.”

Abbey’s phone chimed again with another text message which she ignored. “Okay, fine, so you’re not married. You’re still with someone else. And not just any someone else, one of the biggest actresses in Hollywood right now. If Brenna’s off on location somewhere this weekend and you’re looking for some company so you can cheat on her, look somewhere else. I’m most certainly not going to be that girl for you. If you thought you could just breeze into town this weekend and I’d be some quick and easy fuck, you couldn’t be more wrong. There are plenty of other women attending the reception who’d be more than happy to screw the Luke “Strike ’em out” Stryker, so leave me alone.”

Luke needed to calm her down quick before someone heard them. What he really wanted to do was take her somewhere and fuck the hell out of her and shut her up so she could listen to him without being furious.

“Look, princess, it’s not like that. I don’t think of you that way.” Luke spoke in calm, even tones.

“Stop calling me princess. I’m not your princess. Brenna is now. Can’t you just leave me alone? You’re ruining my reboot weekend.”

This time, Luke let Abbey stand up to leave as Jake approached them. He didn’t want to continue upsetting her, but he didn’t know what to do to get her to calm down and listen to him.

What the hell is a reboot weekend? I thought Abbey said the office wasn’t paging her?

“There you are,” Jake said to Abbey. “Cassie’s looking for you. Do you mind helping her out for a minute? She’s in Fellowship Hall.”

Abbey’s eyes widened in a panic. “Oh no, is she all right?”

Jake chuckled and nodded. “She needs your help real quick to go to the bathroom.”

Abbey smiled at Jake. “We don’t want her dress ruined now, do we?” She kissed Jake on the cheek and took off to help her sister. Luke heard her phone chime with another text message. Abbey didn’t stop to look at it.

Jake took a seat next to Luke, a sappy grin on his face. Luke couldn’t blame him. He’d married the love of his life at long last and they were expecting. Life didn’t get much better than that. If Luke could only get Abbey to calm down and listen to him, life could get a hell of a lot better for him too.

Jake leaned forward, placing his forearms on his legs. He turned to Luke, seeming concerned. “Things didn’t sound like they were going too well when I walked up. I’m sorry. I should have asked Leah to help Cassie. Maybe you and Abbey just needed another minute.”

Luke blew out a breath and leaned back in his seat, gazing up at the beautiful religious paintings that decorated the church ceiling. He hoped his prayers would be answered soon. He looked over to Jake. “A few more minutes wouldn’t have helped. She’s pretty angry.”

Jake leaned back and admired the church ceiling with Luke. “You didn’t really think you could just show up after not seeing her for ten years and she’d fall into your lap, did you? That’s arrogant, even for you, little brother.”

Luke sat up in his seat, smiling at Jake’s endearment. It was true. Luke had two big brothers, Jake and Heath.

“I didn’t expect her to fall at my feet, but I also didn’t expect her to be so angry after all this time either.” Luke didn’t want Abbey thinking he thought so little of her. She wasn’t some quick and easy fuck like she’d suggested. She was his woman, always had been and would be again. He needed to convince her of that fact.

Jake sat up. “Don’t give up on her. Give her a chance to let her feelings out, then go from there. The day is still young.”

Luke knew Jake was right. But it wasn’t easy because he knew he hadn’t betrayed Abbey. He needed her to let him explain what she actually saw when she had walked in on him ten years ago, not what she thought see saw.

“Do you know what a reboot weekend is?”

Jake eyebrows furrowed. “Like the server maintenance they do at OSG? According to Abbey, they reboot their servers on a rotating schedule.”

Luke shook his head. “The Cobras’ data center does that too. I don’t think that’s it, though. She got a few texts that upset her but she said it wasn’t the office. But she said I was ruining her reboot weekend.”

“Sorry, Luke. I don’t know what that means. Cass hasn’t said anything.”

A thought occurred to Luke that had his blood boiling. Was Abbey seeing someone? Were those texts from him? Was he trying to upset her today of all days? The thought of Abbey with someone else now that he was back in town to claim her as his had him fisting his hands. He wasn’t stupid enough to think Abbey had pined over him for ten years. He knew through Jake that Abbey had dated over the years, but with her work and night school schedules, it had never resulted in anything serious. That gave him a small sense of comfort.

Luke didn’t relish the thought of Abbey fucking another man, even if that made him seem like a caveman asshole. Abbey belonged to him. All of her—her soft full tits, luscious lips, and her tight little pussy. They belonged to him and him alone.

Although Luke had been seen with various celebrities, models, and reality show stars over the years, much of what everyone saw and read wasn’t true. Most were strategic photo and publicity opportunities.

Not that Luke had been a monk over the last ten years. He’d done a fair amount of fucking, but never with anyone he had ever considered special. Luke’s own schedule had been brutal these last ten years too and the truth of the matter was no one, no matter how famous or outwardly beautiful, compared to his princess Abbey.

Luke needed to know what he was up against though. “I know I should have asked before, but is Abbey seeing anyone?”

Jake shook his head. “Not that I know of, and Cassie hasn’t said anything about a man in Abbey’s life.”

Luke’s stomach grumbled. He needed to eat something. He needed more in his stomach than pain pills, breath mints, and a few pulls of beer.

Jake stood and Luke followed suit. “Luke, thanks for the dove release. Cassie was thrilled. But you’ve got to stop with the gifts. It’s too much. I mean it.”

Luke walked toward the door leading to Fellowship Hall and snacks. “Jake, get over it. You know I’m a simple guy. I don’t own twenty homes and a hundred fancy cars. It makes me happy to spend some money on my friends and family. What else am I going to do with it? And soon I’ll have a new little niece or nephew to spoil.”

Jake smiled at the mention of his new baby. He let out a breath. “How about you tell me about all these secrets you’re obviously keeping and then maybe I’ll relax on the gift giving?”

Luke laughed at his big brother and shook his head. Jake wouldn’t let it go. “Sorry, man, you need to trust me. Come on, I’m starving.”

“I really hate you right now. But don’t overdo it. We’re doing dinner up well at Antonetti’s tonight.”

Luke had no intention of stuffing himself on snacks. He loved Antonetti’s. Cucina Antonetti’s had been an Elmhurst staple for years and one of Chicagoland’s favorite Italian restaurants. It was one of Jake and Cassie’s favorites and when they decided on their wedding date, both Luke and his Uncle Darren contacted the owner Carlo Antonetti to ensure they had an available banquet room. Luke smiled to himself. Not all of his wedding-related gifts had been obvious. Jake and Cassie didn’t need to know.

With the ceremony behind them, Luke could now refocus on Abbey. He’d told her earlier she wouldn't be able to get away from him and he meant it.




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