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Once Upon a Vampire: Tales from the Blood Coven Book 1 by Mari Mancusi (26)


I screamed in agony as the vampire’s teeth drove into me, hard and fast and cruel. The exact same action that Logan had taken only moments before, yet so much different in intention and feeling. What had once caused pleasure and warmth with Logan, now only brought on unbearable pain and suffering as the vampire tore at my skin. Siphoning my blood. His hand clamped against my neck, making it difficult to breathe.

I struggled wildly, arms and legs flailing, landing weak hits to his stomach and head. But he didn’t even acknowledge my pathetic attempts to regain control. And soon I was forced to stop anyway—no strength to continue. My body went limp. Stars danced across my vision. The blackness began to roll in like a thick fog.

In the end, it was all I could do to open my eyes. To turn my head and look at Logan, who was still trying to break free from his cell. He caught my gaze, returning a devastated look that shattered my heart into a million pieces.

If I had to die, I’d die looking at him. That would be something at least. In fact, that would be everything.

Because I was dying, I realized vaguely. There was no getting out of that. The vampire author would be drained dry by a vampire. It was almost a poetic way to go.

Yet, at the same time, pathetic, right? I mean, if this were a book this would never happen. I’d come up with some creative way to overpower him. To save myself and Logan, too.

But, it seemed, reality was a lot harder than fiction. I was weak. The vampire was strong. And I was no Buffy. No chosen girl with special powers and a stake that

Holy shit. I had a stake!

With all that had happened, I had completely forgotten Rayne handing over that chunk of wood back at Slayer, Inc. HQ. I’d stuck it in my bag and had totally forgotten it was there. Was it still there? I tried to glance over at my discarded bag in the corner of the room. Yes. I could see it, peeking out from the side pocket. If only I could get to it somehow

My head spun. My stomach wrenched. Which suddenly gave me an idea. I reached up with a shaky hand, sticking a finger down my throat.

Forcing myself to throw up on the vampire.

“What the hell?” he cried, breaking away as hot yellow vomit sprayed at his face. “Did you just fucking puke on me?”

I didn’t answer. Instead, I dropped to the floor, rolling across it until I reached my bag. I could hear him lunging after me, but I didn’t pause. Instead, I grabbed the stake and whirled around. Just in time for him to tackle me. I shoved the stake upward with all my remaining strength.

I didn’t miss.

He started to scream. But it didn’t last long. His body exploded into a cloud of dust. For a moment it seemed to hover above me. Then it dropped down on me like a blanket of dirt. I coughed as vampire soot filled my mouth.

“Ew!” I sputtered, rolling over, trying not to throw up again. “So gross!”

“Hannah!” I could hear Logan cry.

And then he was there. Out of his cage. By my side. Grabbing me into his arms, he pulled me to him with a fierceness that could have broken my bones. I cried out in protest and he seemed to realize what he was doing, loosening his hold, just a bit. I collapsed against him, desperate to absorb his strength.

“Nice of you to join me,” I managed to say with a weak smile.

“Oh sweetheart,” he murmured, stroking my hair. “That was so amazing. I thought---I thought…”

“Hm. Maybe you don’t know humans as well as you thought you did,” I managed to tease. But it took effort. I was so weak. So dizzy. So sick.

Logan pulled me away from him, studying me with worried eyes. “You’ve lost too much blood,” he said, his voice filled with fear. “That bastard. I would rip him apart--limb from limb.” He gave me a wry smile. “If only you hadn’t already done the job.”

I smiled weakly, loving the fury and indignation in his voice. I reached up with a trembling hand, brushing his cheek with my fingers. Wanting to feel him one more time.

Because I was pretty sure this was it. This was the end of my story.

“I’m so cold,” I whispered. “So, so cold.”

He let out a horrible moan. “No!” he cried. “I can’t lose you. Not now. Not after everything. But…” he trailed off, looking miserable. Torn.

My eyes widened, suddenly realizing what he was thinking. What part of the story we now found ourselves in. The part that came in almost every vampire novel. The decision every vampire and human got to make.

Our blood bond might have been broken, but I could still feel Logan’s agony raging through him like wildfire. His doubt, his hesitation, his fear. He wanted nothing more than to save my life and he knew only one way to do it. But he wasn’t sure if he should. If he could. To force me into the life he hated so much. To make me a monster like him.

But, in the end, it wasn’t his choice to make. It was my life, after all.

I drew in a shaky breath. “Let me drink from you,” I managed to say, my whole body still trembling. And not with fear this time. Rather hunger. My desire to go on burning through me like a fever. Suddenly I knew, no matter what, I couldn’t let it end like this. I’d finally found something worth living for. But I would have to die to get it.

I didn’t necessarily want to become a vampire. But if that was my only choice I was going to grab onto it with both hands. After all, how could I just give up? Let that bastard and his band of vampire vigilantes win? This wasn’t nearly over. Sure, we’d killed one of them—well, two of them. But like he’d said, they were legion. And as long as their fearless leader Pyrus was still alive, the world was not safe. For vampires…or humans.

Also, there was Logan. My Logan.

I lifted my eyes. “Please,” I said. “Don’t make me beg.”

He raked a hand through his hair, his eyes filled with agony. “You don’t know what you’re asking.”

“Of course I do. I’m not an idiot.”

“This isn’t like a novel.”

“I think I know the difference between fact and fiction.”

“I’d be cursing you for eternity. You’d never see the sun again.”

“The sun is overrated.”

“You’d never get to eat food. You’d never get to have a baby.”

I swallowed hard. “But I’d have you,” I whispered.

Something inside of him seemed to break. Blood tears flowed from his eyes. He drew in a breath. “Are you absolutely sure?” he whispered.

“I’m sure.”

With a choking sob, he pulled up his sleeve. His fangs extended. He put his mouth to his arm, ripping open his skin at the wrist. Then he pressed it against my mouth.

And I drank deeply.

The blood flowed, thick and sweet and syrupy into me. I moaned in pleasure, lapping up each and every drop and gulping it down. As I did, I opened my mind up to him. Not holding anything back. I had seen his dark secrets. His pain. Now it was time to share my own. All the horrors of that rape. All the years of being alone, scared to share my life with anyone again. I gave it all to him without holding back. Every humiliation, every embarrassing cut I’d made behind closed doors, terrified someone would find out. But with Logan, I had nothing to hide. He accepted me for who I was. And I was better because of it.

And soon, I would be better still.

Finally, he pulled his arm away. I cried out for a moment in protest, wanting more. So much more. A smile played at the corner of his lips. He pressed a finger to my mouth. “Greedy girl,” he teased. “They’ll be time for more later. But first, how about we get out of the bad guy golf club before anyone else wakes up?”

I nodded, feeling the strength already rising within me. “Now that’s the best idea I’ve heard all day.”