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One Cheer to Win by Hart, Romi (15)

Chapter 15


When I woke up, Ryan was still asleep. Grabbing my iPhone on the bedside table, I noted the time: 8:52 AM. I climbed out of bed carefully to not wake him. Pulling my robe on, I quietly shut the bedroom door.

Monica, my high school best friend, was pre-med at the University of Michigan. Like me, she was on the cheerleading team for her school. I always promised her that once my V card was revoked, I'd tell her right away.

She was going to flip out. She had joked that I better not wait until my senior year of college to lose my virginity. Or worse graduate school.

"Please lose your virginity before you get your Ph.D.!" Monica had said to me at our high school graduation, throwing her arms around me in a hug.

I scrolled to her name on my phone and dialed. She answered groggily, “Kass? Do you have any idea what time it is here in Michigan?”

I plopped down on the couch. "Almost ten! It's almost nine here. Wake up, sleepyhead. I have some news."

Monica grumbled, “News? Can you call me back at noon?” Monica was notoriously a late sleeper.

I said in an urgent whisper, “No! It can’t wait. A certain someone’s V card has expired, and I’ve kept my promise to you all these years. You’re the very first person to know!”

Monica perked up instantly. “Ohmigod. No!”

I shrieked. “Yes!”

Monica squealed louder. “Ohmigod. No!”

I sprang up from the couch and jumped up and down on Ryan’s plush carpeted living room floor. “Yes!”

“That’s incredible! Who was the lucky guy? Gimme the stats. Tell me everything!” Monica gushed.

I looked at the closed bedroom door and said in a low voice, “Ryan Romero. Baseball player. Gorgeous. Tall. Six pack. Kinesiology Major. Smart!”

Monica huffed in disbelief. “All those things? Gorgeous and smart! Leave it to you, Kass, to make your first time as memorable as ever.” She yawned, and I knew it wasn’t out of boredom. She probably had a late night out.

She had many wild nights in high school. I imagined her now at the University of Michigan, partying and giving guys up there a run for their money. “Was this just a one-night thing or is there something more?” she inquired.

“We’ve been seeing each other for a while so it’s not a one-night thing. Actually, I made him wait.” I thought about Monica’s first time with Mario, which was definitely just a one-night arrangement.

Monica exclaimed, “Seriously? Wow! He must really be into you. If some guy made me wait, I’d be out of there.”

Laughing, I remarked, "Have any of your guys ever made you wait? Aren't they trying to jump your bones at the get-go?"

“It hasn’t happened yet.” She sighed. “But you never know. I might meet a guy that really wants to get to know me first before we do anything.” After a few beats, Monica cracked up hysterically. “That will never happen! I won’t let it! Any guy who pulls that stunt will be kicked to the curb.”

“You never know, Monica. I’m sure there are plenty of guys who’d be into you just as much as they are into your body.” Monica’s half Thai and half German descent made her a striking beauty, but she was just as intelligent as she was gorgeous, something a lot of guys underestimated in her.

Monica groaned, “Ugh. Gross. I hope not. Tell me more about Ryan!”

“He’s sweet, thoughtful, and loves House! But the problem is he’s a senior!”

Monica stifled a laugh. “Kass! He seriously must be in love with you, if he watches that old ass show with you. They make new medical shows every year, you know. You should watch one of them.” She huffed again. “And I don’t get it. Who cares if he’s a senior. He sounds hot and perfect for you!”

I explained, “No. What I mean is… he’s going to be moving away after he graduates. He’s probably going to play for a baseball team in California.”

“Cali! That sounds cool.” Monica paused. “Ooooh. I see, but you’ll be in Louisiana still for school. Could you transfer?”

“My scholarships. I can’t give up on my scholarships,” I reminded her.

Monica said quietly, “That sucks. You really like him?”

Looking at Ryan’s bedroom door, I whispered, “I love him.”

Monica screeched, “Ohmigod! The L word!” She clucked her tongue. “See! That’s the problem with making your first time so special. You risking falling in L! That’s why I picked Mario. He was as dumb as a rock.”

I snorted, “Didn’t he get into Harvard?”

Monica guffawed, “Okay. Maybe he was academically smart, but he was definitely a doofus.” After a few moments of silence, Monica asked, “What are you going to do, Kass?”

I bit my lip as I thought it over. “I don’t know, but it’s too late now to do anything. I’m already in love.”

Monica sighed. “You’re right. It is. Has he said he loves you yet?”

“No. Not yet, but I think he feels the same way I do,” I offered.

“You’ve got the L bad,” Monica concluded. “And it sounds like he does too. He watches House with you for god-sakes. You guys are two nerds in a pod.”

“We are! We even watch those environmental documentaries on Netflix.”

“I’m getting bored just hearing you talk about it.” She sighed.

“What do I do? I already feel terrible, thinking about him moving away,” I pleaded.

Monica’s voice sounded sympathetic, “There’s nothing you can do now, Kass. What’s done is done. You two have the L bug, and you’ll just have to see how it plays out.”

I giggled. “Why can’t you just say love?”

Monica groaned. “Ugh. Love. You two are in love.” She paused. “Gross. I can’t believe you made me say the L word.”

I laughed at my old friend. “One day, you’ll fall in L too! I guarantee it!”

Monica made a gagging sound. “Don’t curse me.” I heard shuffling and a male voice in the background. Monica sighed. “Talking about avoiding L. I gotta go. This guy just woke up.”

My mouth dropped open. “You were talking to me while there was a guy there?”

Monica laughed. “Ya,” she whispered. “Just some guy. Nothing special, but I gotta go. Congratulations on becoming a non-virgin. I’m glad you did it before your thirtieth birthday. Good luck with the L problem, Kassie. What’s the saying? It’s better to have L’ed and lost than to have never L’ed at all.”

Giggling, I said, “Thanks. Bye, Monica.”

If only I was like Monica, I could sleep with Ryan and toss him like she did with all her guys. On second thought, I didn’t want to be like that. Last night was special precisely because it was with Ryan. I loved how he brought out a sex beast in me. I couldn’t imagine being as uninhibited with anyone else. How could I ever relax with complete strangers like Monica slept with all the time?

Quietly, I opened the bedroom door to find Ryan still asleep. Slipping my robe off, I crawled back into bed, wrapping my arms around his warm body. It saddened me to think that around this time next year, we wouldn’t be able to share a bed together. Ryan would be out in California somewhere while I would be here in Baton Rouge.

We still had the rest of the school year left. Monica was right. It was better to have loved Ryan and later lose him than to never have felt this love at all.

Ryan stirred, grabbing my hand resting on his stomach. “You feel so good behind me,” he murmured.

I pressed my body closer to him and intertwined my legs with his. “It’s so warm and cozy here with you. I don’t want to get out of bed!”

Ryan took my hand and brought it down to his engorged dick. “I might have something that will get you up and out of bed.”

I snatched my hand away playfully. “Oh do you? That’s rather presumptuous!”

Ryan flipped over to face me. “Trust me. I know what buttons to push.” His hands reached out to my breasts and ever so slightly brushed his fingertips against my nipples. Immediately, my nipples responded, fattening to his touch. “Or should I say…” Ryan’s fingers clamped down on my nipples. “I know what buttons to pinch.”

I moaned, feeling my pussy tingle as he squeezed. Ryan kissed me on the mouth, slowly tweaking my nipples with his strong fingers. With my hand, I stroked Ryan’s heavy cock, wanting it inside me.

Ryan pulled away and jumped out of bed. With a hand on his hip and the other jacking his enormous dick, he said, “Let’s take a shower together.” His eyes traveled down the length of my body. “I want to see you soaking wet.”

He held out his hand to me. Eagerly, I took it as he led me into the bathroom.