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OUTLAW: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Evil Dead MC Series Book 1) by Nicole James (4)



The next morning Angel woke to the sound of the door opening. She turned her head on the pillow and saw Cole walking in with a steaming mug. He set it down on the bedside table.

“I brought you coffee.” He stood next to the bed, looking down at her. He smiled, lifted a hand toward her and ran the back of his knuckles gently along her cheek.

She smiled back shyly.

He leaned down bracing his palms on either side of her head and kissed her. Her response was soft and inviting. When he lifted his mouth from hers at last, he made a low purring sound of satisfaction deep in his throat. He rose back, suspended over her and held her gaze. “You tempt me to get back in bed.”

She looked away, timid under his scrutiny.

“Why you blushin’, baby doll?” he asked, his voice tinged with humor, the corner of his mouth pulling in a grin. “You gave me a lot more than a kiss last night. Don’t be shy with me now.”

She couldn’t help but return his smile.

He sat on the bed next to her and turned serious. He studied her for a moment. “Last night, if I hurt you, I’m sorry—”

“You didn’t,” she stopped him.

He studied her for a long time. “You’re okay?”

She smiled reassuringly, her hand closing over the top of his. “I’m fine.”

He nodded. “Okay.”

“How long have you been up?” she asked.

“A while. Look, will you be all right here for a couple hours? I’ve got a run to make. Shouldn’t take too long.”

“Sure. I guess.”

He nodded. “Good.”

“Cole. About our deal—”

“Yeah. I’m trying to work that out.” He blew out a breath. “The club is going up there in a couple weeks to patch their club over.”

“Patch?” she frowned, that word jogging something in her memory.

“They become a part of our club.”

“And Chuck?”

He blew out a breath. “Well I never did want to share a patch with that guy.” He looked down at her. “I figure I’ll need to get the information out of him on the Asian guy first. Then I can take care of both of them.”

“We,” she corrected.

“What?” He frowned down at her.

“I’m going with you, aren’t I?”

He stood, shaking his head. “Like hell you are.”

“If I don’t, how will I know you’ve got the right guy?” she pointed out.

He ran his hand through his hair, exasperated. “I don’t know. I’ll text you his picture right before I blow his head off.”

“But, Cole—”

“You’re not going, Angel. Get that shit out of your head.” He headed for the door.

Angel sat up suddenly, clutching the sheet to her chest, the fragment of memory clicking into place. “Cole. Wait. Before you go, there’s something, something else you should know.”

He paused at the door, looking back at her.

“That place. Where you found me…” she began.

He nodded, a frown forming on his face, and she could tell he was wondering where this was going.

“The night before you came, when he dragged me off from the campfire and everyone else, and—”

“Don’t!” he stopped her, shaking his head. “Don’t relive that nightmare, sweetheart. I don’t need to hear—”

“Damn it! I have to tell you something,” she snapped.

Her agitation startled him. He moved back to the bed and stood over her, his eyes searching hers. “Okay. I’m listening.”

Angel cleared her throat and started again. “He dragged me off into the brush and, well after he was finished with me…”

Cole looked away and clenched his teeth.

She could see the muscles in his jaw move. She could also see that this was as hard for him to listen to, as it was for her to say. She looked down. “He left me there and went back to the others. I…I lay there for a while. I wasn’t even sure if I could move.” She took a deep breath and continued. “I’m not sure how long I laid there, but after awhile I heard a man talking. I looked toward the sound. There was a guy not ten yards from me, dressed in the same cut as Chuck’s. I guess he didn’t realize I was there. He was talking quietly into a cell phone.”

She looked up at Cole.

“And?” he prodded her to continue.

“He was talking about setting them up.”

His mouth tightened. “What are you talking about? Setting who up?”

“That club. Both clubs, I think.”

“Are you saying he was an undercover cop?” Cole stared down at her, his expression hardening. He took a step closer, towering over her. “You realize you’d be signing his death warrant.”

There was something about the way he stood over her, looking down at her with that tick in his jaw as if… as if he was barely containing his rage. Angel swallowed, falling back onto her back, and realized in that moment just how deadly he could be if he was crossed. She’d witnessed a taste of it in the Dead Souls’ clubhouse. And now that expression was leveled at her. She knew the rage wasn’t directed at her, but still, it was scary to look into his eyes with that expression on his face.

“Answer me, Angel.”

“No. He wasn’t a cop,” she whispered, shaking her head. “He was talking about how if he gets this done, gives them this, would they drop the charges of what they had on him. He was—”

“A rat?” he coached.

“I guess that’s what you’d call him.”

“Give them what? Did he say?”

She nodded. “Something about blowing up some guy’s car. And how once you patch them over, they can get all of you.”

“Shit,” he whispered. “This guy, you saw him?”

She nodded.

“Well enough to ID him?”

“If you take me with you.”

He cocked his head, and his eyes narrowed as if he wondered what her game was. “You’re not making this bullshit up just to get me to take you up there, are you? Because I’m tellin’ you, babe. I know I promised you I’d get you your retribution. But I never promised you’d get to witness it.”

“No. I swear. I’m not making it up, Cole.”

He studied her face, wondering how much he should trust her. Wondering at her motivation for this. “Why are you telling me this? Why the hell would you do that?”

“Because…because I don’t want to see you go to prison. I owe you that much. For what you did for me. For what you’re going to do for me.”

Cole sat down in the chair. He leaned his elbows on his knees and stared at the floor, taking in all that she had told him. Finally, he looked over at her, shaking his head, a pissed off expression on his face. “Christ. This changes everything.”

Angel sat up, still clutching the sheet and scooted back against the headboard. “What…what do you mean?”

He stood and walked out, slamming the door behind him, the frosted glass rattling in the silent room.

Angel stared at the closed door and wondered if their deal had just gone out the window.




Cole walked downstairs and straight over to the bar. “Mack, we need to talk,” he said to an older man sitting at the bar sipping on a drink.

“What about?”

“In private.”

Mack looked up from his drink and watched over his shoulder as Cole turned and headed to the chapel. He set his glass down slowly, stood, and followed him. Closing the door, he walked around the table.

Mack, being president, sat at the head of the table. Cole sat next to him.

“How’s that fine piece of ass you brought back with you?” Mack rocked back in the leather executive chair.

Cole looked at him. “This involves her.”

“I’m all ears, Brother.”

“I told you what happened up there, how I ended up with her.” Cole had told him the story, leaving out only the part about her father being a cop.

Mack nodded, lighting a cigar.

“She just told me something. Something she saw and heard when she was up there.”

That got his attention. “What? She overhear some club business?”

“No.” Cole shook his head. “Nothin’ like that. She heard something that can help us.”

“Help us? What are you getting at?”

“We’ve got us a rat up there. Gonna set us all up.”

The leather chair creaked as Mack leaned forward. “Fuck! Are you sure?”

Cole nodded. “Pretty damn sure.” He explained to Mack what Angel had seen and heard. “Gotta be the Fat Tony hit that this guy was talking about. I’m gonna need to bring her back up there to ID the guy. Find out everything he’s given up. Before we kill him.”

Mack nodded and jabbed the table with his finger. “This needs to be quick. We don’t know what else the feds have or when they’re going to hit us with it.”

“I know. We need to move now. And the patch over?”

“No way. Not if this is true. That ain’t gonna happen.”

Cole nodded his agreement.

“Call a meeting. Get everyone in here. Goddamn it!”

Cole nodded, got up and headed toward the door.

“Cole!” Mack stopped him.

He paused and looked back. “Yeah?”

“This girl. Where you goin’ with that?”

Cole shook his head. “I don’t know.”

He walked out.




Angel heard a tap on the door and stopped her pacing. She’d been in this room for hours waiting for Cole to return. She stared at the door. Cole wouldn’t knock. She walked over and timidly cracked it open. A pretty girl with long dark hair was standing there with a tray in her hands.

“Cole asked me to bring you something to eat,” she said.

Angel stepped back and allowed her in. The girl set the tray down on the bedside table and turned, taking in Angel, her eyes skating over her. Then she smiled and introduced herself. “I’m Crystal.”

Angel nodded. “Hi, I’m Angel.”

“That’s a pretty name.” She looked at Angel’s face, noticing for the first time the bruising along her jaw and the cut on her lip. Her smile faded, and she asked softly, “What happened to you?”

Angel reached up to touch her face and looked away.

“My God. Your arms!” Crystal reached out and touched the bruising on Angel’s wrist.

“I’m okay,” Angel replied softly.

Crystal looked into her eyes. “I know Cole couldn’t have done this to you.”

Angel shook her head. “He didn’t. He helped me. He took me away from the man who did this.”

“Now that I believe. Cole would never beat a woman. It just isn’t in him.”

“Have you known him long?” Angel asked.

Crystal shrugged. “I’ve been around for a couple of years.”

Angel nodded, not sure what else to talk about.

“Cole asked me if I could find some more clothes for you. I wasn’t sure what size you wore, but now that I see you’re about the same size as me, I’ll go get some things for you.”

“Thanks. That would be great. I’ve been wearing these same clothes for a few days now.”

“Anything else you need?”

“Some makeup would be nice,” Angel said, touching her bruised face.

“Sure thing, hon. Well, I’ll be back.” Crystal turned to leave.

“Hey, Crystal?” Angel stopped her.

“Yes?” She paused in the doorway.

“Do you know where Cole is?”

“Um, there was some big meeting, and then Cole took off with a couple of the guys. I think he said he’d be back soon.”

Angel nodded. “Thanks.”

About half an hour later, Crystal returned with a couple of pairs of jeans and some shirts. She set them on the bed, and then turned and handed a small makeup bag to Angel. “I grabbed together a little of everything.”

“Thank you. It’s very kind of you. I appreciate it.”

“No problem, hon.” Crystal’s smile faded from her face as she looked at Angel. “You okay? It looks like you’ve been crying.”

Angel smiled. “Does it?”

“Anything wrong?”

“Nothing. I’ll be fine.”

“Cole didn’t make you cry did he?”

“No. No, Cole has been very kind to me,” Angel assured her.

“He’s a good guy, Angel. Really.” Crystal looked down at the unmade bed. “You’re very lucky to be with him. Every girl around wants to be with him.”

“And has every girl around ‘been’ with him?”

“Oh, no. I didn’t mean that. I meant…they all wish.”

Angel nodded.

“I’m sorry. Maybe I’m out of line,” Crystal said, moving toward the door and wondering if Cole would be pissed if he knew she’d been talking about him.

“Crystal? Wait. I’m sorry if I said the wrong thing. It’s just…this biker thing, what I mean to say is, this lifestyle, well…” she broke off and smiled. “I’m a little in over my head here.”

Crystal stopped and looked back. She looked Angel up and down. “You’re sure not like the usual women that Cole… I mean, that hang around here.”

“Is that a compliment?”

“Oh, yeah. Big time.” Crystal laughed.

“Thank you.”

She nodded, winked at Angel, and turned to leave. She stopped in the doorway and turned back. “Hey, why don’t you come downstairs with me? There’s fresh coffee and you can’t just sit in this room all day, you’ll go stir crazy. I know I would.”

“All right.” Angel followed Crystal downstairs. The place was deserted, except for a couple guys playing pool.

Crystal led her over to the bar. She picked up a mug and poured Angel a cup of coffee. “You take anything in it, doll?”

“Black is fine. Thanks.”

Crystal picked up a bottle from a glass shelf in front of the mirror on the wall behind the bar. She turned to Angel, holding it up and grinned. “How ‘bout a shot of Bailey’s?”

Angel grinned back and climbed onto a barstool. “Now that sounds good.”

Crystal set the coffee down in front of Angel and tipped the bottle up, pouring a generous shot into her mug turning the black coffee a lovely café au lait color.

Angel took a sip. “God, that’s good.”

Crystal did the same with her own mug. “Breakfast of champions.”

“Oh, no, no, that would be the one, the only, Bloody Mary.” Angel grinned.

Crystal laughed. “I’ll have to take your word for it. I hate to admit it, but I’ve never actually had one.”

Angel about spit her coffee out. “You’ve never had a Bloody Mary? Oh, honey, you’re missin’ out. There’s nothing better than a primo Bloody Mary. And I make a mean one, if I do say so myself.”

“Well, then, you’ll just have to make me one, but I’m pretty sure we don’t have any tomato juice.”

“Oh, we need more than that. Olives, Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, pepper, Bloody Mary mix, and of course Celery stalks, gotta have those.” Angel cocked her head to the side. “Got a grocery store near here?”

“Great minds think alike.” Crystal smiled and held her keys up. “I’ll drive.”

They headed outside and Crystal walked up to the driver’s side of an older black Corvette. Although it was older, probably late seventies or early eighties, Angel noticed it appeared to be in mint condition. It looked like it had recently had a wash. There wasn’t a speck of dirt on it and the chrome rims gleamed.

“Wow. Sweet ride,” Angel exclaimed as she sank her butt down in the passenger seat.

“This is my baby. It’s the only good thing that came out of a four year relationship I had with my last ol’ man.” She depressed the clutch and turned the ignition, and it roared to life. She slid the gearshift into first gear and pulled out.

“He bought it for you?”

Crystal pulled off the lot, shifting quickly through second and third gears. “My man had, shall we say, a strong sexual appetite. Two, three times a day, most everyday, with a few blow jobs thrown in between. I kept him happy.” She looked over at Angel and grinned. “So, let’s just say I earned it.”

Angel laughed. “Damn, girl. I won’t argue that.”

Crystal laughed back, and they headed off to the store for Bloody Mary manna.




About mid-afternoon Cole came back to the room with a leather jacket and helmet.

“Hey, baby,” he said, tossing them down on the bed.

Angel sat cross-legged in the center of the bed flipping through a hotrod magazine she’d found. Her eyes fell on the items. “What’s that?”

“You’re getting your wish.”

She looked up at him quizzically.

“You’re coming with us,” he clarified.


“The club is riding up there.”

“When?” she asked, setting the magazine aside.

“Now. We should have enough daylight to make it up there before dark. The ride won’t be as cold as the other night. You probably won’t need the jacket, but I’d rather you have it, just in case.”

Angel got up off the bed.

Cole’s eyes slid down her body, taking in the fact that she was dressed in different clothing. She had on low-cut, faded jeans and a skimpy top that clung to her curves and showed a couple of inches of her flat stomach. “I see Crystal’s been here.”

She noticed his eyes travel over her and felt self-conscious. Tugging on the hem of the shirt, she admitted, “It’s a little short.”

His eyes skidded past her to the tall glass sitting on the nightstand. It held some kind of red juice, of which only about half an inch remained. He stepped over and picked it up, sniffing the contents.

Angel watched as his eyes lifted to hers. She had long ago consumed the telltale celery stalk, so she wasn’t sure he could tell right off what it was, so she told him. “Bloody Mary.”

“Where’d you get this?”

“I made it.”

“You made it?”

“Well, I taught Crystal how to make them, and—”

“You taught Crystal?”

Angel studied him, wondering if he was pissed. She heard him murmur more to himself, “I should have known better than to hook you and Crystal up.”

He looked from the glass in his hand to her, his eyes studying the flush on her face, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Christ, how many of these have you had?”

“Um. Two,” she admitted, grinning.

“You gonna be able to ride?”

“Yes. I’m fine.”

He set the glass back down and pulled her to him. His mouth came down on hers, his tongue delving inside. After a moment, he raised his head and smiled. “Mmm. Delicious.”

She smiled back.

“My baby likes Bloody Marys, does she?”

She nodded.

Cole grinned and released her. He turned without saying anything and walked into the bathroom. Grabbing a flannel shirt off a hook on the back of the door, he walked back toward her, tossing it at her. “Here. Put this on over that shirt.”

“That bad, huh?”

“No. You look smokin’ hot, babe, but I’d rather not have to fight off the rest of the club.”

She put the shirt on, but left it unbuttoned.

He turned and dug through the top dresser drawer, pulling out a couple of ammo clips.

Angel watched as he pulled his gun from the shoulder holster under his cut and checked the load. The clip slid back into place with a smooth sinister hiss and click.

He shoved the gun back in the holster along with the extra clips and grabbed an extra pair of glasses off the dresser, tossing them to her. “You ready to roll?”

She caught the glasses and shoved them up on her head. “I guess so.”

Cole moved to the door and held it open for her. “Grab your gear.”

Turning, she picked up a lipstick and comb off the bedside table, jamming them into the pockets of the leather jacket and followed him.

As they walked past the bar, Crystal raised her Bloody Mary glass and jiggled it in the air. “Thanks, doll. These are a big hit. The guys love ‘em. I’m starting Bloody Mary Monday.”

Cole looked over at Crystal and shook his head. He grabbed Angel by the hand and tugged her along toward the door, grumbling under his breath, “Christ, now look what you’ve instigated.”

When they walked outside, Angel saw there were about thirty guys, some already on their bikes, some standing around. Most turned to get a look at her as she followed Cole over to his bike. Some, she noticed, were munching on celery stalks, big grins on their faces.

Cole took one look at them and shook his head, trying to keep from laughing. He turned to level her with a look that said he was not pleased with this new development.

She sucked her lips in, trying to hold the grin back.

“You realize you’ve been here less than a day?”

“What did I do?”

Shaking his head, he took her jacket from her and shoved it into one of his saddlebags. He threw his leg over the seat and lifted the bike up off its kickstand. He put his helmet and glasses on.

She did the same and climbed on the back.

He fired it up and looked to his left. A gray haired older man nodded, and they pulled out. All the rest fell in behind them.

It was a beautiful sunny day, and the ride felt great. Angel took her left arm off Cole’s waist and put it on her thigh, turning to look back. There was a line of bikes all the way back as far as she could see. She also noticed she was the only female on this trip.

“You okay?” Cole asked over his shoulder.

“Fine,” she shouted back over the wind.

Cole reached down with his left hand and took her hand off her thigh, putting it back around his stomach. “Hang on,” he ordered as they turned onto the entrance ramp for the interstate heading out of town.

He hit the throttle, and Angel felt the bike surge forward under her. She held on tight as he shifted through the gears. The whole group took off, getting up to about eighty mph. The bikes spread out, leaving more room between them.

They drove for hours, out through the desert and headed into the mountains as the sun set, finally pulling into their destination just as darkness fell. Angel felt the fear crawl up her spine as she saw the place again. Everything came rushing back.

Cole stopped the bike, cut the engine, and told her to get off. Then he backed his bike into a spot along with all the others. Dismounting, he pulled his helmet and glasses off and stored them on the bike.

Angel pulled her helmet off, and Cole took it from her hands and put it with his. She pushed her sunglasses up on her head.

Cole took her hand and pulled her to the side. He looked down into her face. “Look, I need you to let me know when you see this guy. You spot him you don’t say anything. You squeeze my hand. Understand?”

She nodded.

He studied her. “You okay?”

Angel nervously looked around. “It’s just…being back here—”

Cole nodded. “Yeah. Last thing I wanted was to bring you back here, babe. Didn’t see any way around it.”

She looked at him. “I know.”

“You gonna be okay?” He searched her eyes.

She nodded. “Just please…don’t leave me, okay?”

“If I have to, I’ll make sure one of our guys is always with you,” he reassured her. “All right?”

“All right.”

“Don’t talk to anybody and don’t ask any questions. You understand?” he warned.


“Okay. Come on.” He took her by the hand. They walked over to where the older man was standing.

“I’m going in. Talk to Wyatt.”

Cole nodded. “Okay, Mack. We’re gonna take a walk around, see if she can spot him.”

Mack looked at her. “We appreciate your help with this.”

Angel nodded.

He turned and walked off.

Cole looked down at her. “Come on.” He signaled to another member, who she noticed fell in behind them.

They walked through the crowd. Cole spoke to several guys that he knew. There was a bonfire, and they walked over and stood by it for a while. Cole made small talk with several more people. He didn’t introduce her to anyone.

Cole lit a cigarette and glanced down at her. “Nothing, babe?”

She shook her head.

He took a hit off the cigarette. “Come on.”

She felt his hand close around hers again. He led her around another time, and then headed back up to the building. They sat at a picnic table that was located a few yards in front of the porch of the clubhouse. Cole sat with his legs straddled over the bench and pulled Angel down between them. One of their guys walked up and set two bottles of beer in front of them.

“Thanks, man,” Cole said, sliding one over in front of Angel.

The guy sat down across from them. “Pike said Chuck’s here somewhere, but he hasn’t seen him in the last hour.”

Cole nodded. “We’ll deal with him later.”

Angel took a sip of beer.

Cole bent close to her ear. “Keep your eyes open.”

She nodded and looked around.

They sat there for almost an hour, but she never spotted him.

One of the guys walked up and leaned over Cole. “Mack wants you inside.”

“Yeah. Okay.” Cole turned to him. “Stay with her, Crash.”

“You got it, bro.”

Cole kissed her and got up. The other guy sat down, but didn’t speak to her. He was about the same age as Cole. He had long dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. His beard was trimmed close to his face.

He drank his beer and pretty much ignored her. Angel tried to observe him out of the corner of her eye without looking directly at him. He caught her, and the corner of his mouth pulled up in a small smile.

Cole was inside the clubhouse for about half an hour when Chucky wandered over to the table. He leaned his hands down on the end of the table and glanced at the Evil Dead club members sitting with her, and then he looked at her. “Hey, baby. They passin’ you around?”

The guy next to her and the guy across from her both stood up. Chuck raised his hands and backed away. They stood there a minute staring at Chuck until he blended back into the crowd, and then they sat back down.

Angel reached for her beer, and her hand was shaking. The guy next to her, the one that Cole had called Crash, noticed.

“You got nothin’ to fear, darlin’. We’re watching out for you,” he assured her.

She nodded, wondering how much he knew and if Cole had told him everything.

A few minutes later she saw Cole and Mack emerge. They stopped on the porch, talking. Cole lit a cigarette, blew the smoke out and looked over at her. He raised his chin in acknowledgement. She saw his gaze slide to the brother next to her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Crash shake his head at Cole.

Cole nodded back once.

He and Mack continued talking. From this distance she couldn’t hear any of their conversation.




Mack looked over at Cole. “Anything yet?”

“Naw. Doesn’t look like it.”

“You sure she isn’t making this shit up?”

Cole could hear the irritation in Mack’s voice. He shook his head. “She’s got no reason to lie about it.”

“I hope not.”

Cole looked at him, understanding that if Angel was lying, it wouldn’t go well for her. He nodded and looked back at her. Just then he saw her face go still, and she slowly lowered her beer. He followed her gaze to a group standing by the fire.

She turned, looked at him and nodded.

Cole’s left arm came up and tapped Mack on the chest.

Mack looked over at him, and then followed his gaze to Angel.

Cole tossed his cigarette to the ground, stepped off the porch and walked over to her. He stood at the end, leaned down, palms on the table, and looked in her face.

She turned and looked toward the group again.

He turned his head and looked over his shoulder, following her gaze. “See him?” he whispered.

Angel nodded. She whispered, “Yes. The one with the bandana around his head.”

Cole glanced back, spotted him, and nodded once letting Angel know he saw him. He looked her in the eyes. “We get closer. You take a good look. You gotta be sure, you understand? If it’s him, squeeze my hand.”

She nodded.

He straightened up. “Let’s take a walk, boys.”

They all got up.

Cole took her by the hand and pulled her behind him. He led her over to the bonfire. He walked up and clasped the back of one of the other guys standing in the group. “Hey, Birdman. How’s it hangin’?”

The man turned to look at him. “Cole! How ya doin’, man?”

“Good. Good. You still ridin’ that old shovelhead?”

“Spend more time broke down on the side of the road than riding,” he joked.

They all laughed.

Cole looked over at the man next to Birdman.

Birdman jumped in, “You remember AJ? He’s been away a couple years. Just got out about six months ago.”

Cole nodded. “No shit? Where at?”

The guy in the bandana took a hit off a beer. “Folsom.”

Cole nodded. “What’d they get ya for?”

“Possession. Dealing. Weapons. Bunch of shit.”

“Bet your not itchin’ to go back, huh?”

“Ya got that right, Brother.” He laughed.

Cole laughed back.

Angel squeezed his hand.

Cole looked back at Birdman. “I got a new ride. Real sweet.”

“Yeah? What’re you ridin’ now?” Birdman passed him a joint.

“A ‘58 pan-head.” Cole took a hit off it and passed it back.

“No shit? Where at?” Birdman perked up.

“Parked around the side.” Cole nodded his head back toward the clubhouse. “You should take a look.”

“Let’s go,” Birdman agreed.

“Come on, bro. You gotta see the paint job,” Cole said to AJ.

AJ fell in with them.

Cole’s brothers followed behind them.

When they reached the picnic table where Mack was now sitting, Cole turned to her and ordered, “Wait here, darlin’.”

Then he gave Mack a look.




Angel watched as Cole and the group moved on around the side of the building into the darkness.

Mack pulled her down on the seat next to him. He motioned with his head, and several more guys followed Cole. Mack turned to her. “You sure about this?”

She nodded.

He studied her eyes a moment, and then stood up, leaving her sitting with three other brothers.

Angel watched him walk over to the porch and say something to Wyatt, whom she remembered. Wyatt turned and said something to one of his guys. That guy motioned to another and suddenly the stereo was turned up to the volume where you could barely hear conversation. Then Wyatt and Mack both headed around the building.

It was a long time before Cole came back. When he finally did, he was with Mack and a couple of the others. They sat down at the table. Someone got them all a beer. Cole put his arm around her and pulled her close, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “You okay?”


“You were right,” he confirmed, looking into her eyes.

She nodded, afraid to ask what they’d done to him.

Cole looked away, taking a hit off his beer.

“Chuck came by earlier,” she informed him.

He slowly lowered the bottle, looking back at her. He nodded. “He’s next on the agenda.”

Wyatt came back around the corner with some of his guys. He looked over at the table and jerked his head toward the building.

Cole and Mack both got up and followed him up the porch steps and inside. The volume on the stereo was suddenly turned back down.

They were inside for a long time.

Angel was getting really tired. She drank the last of her beer and set the bottle down on the table, yawning.

“Want another beer, darlin’?” Crash asked her.

Caught yawning, she smiled at him and shook her head. “No thanks.”

“Okay, babe. I’m gonna get me one. Be right back.” He grabbed her empty and got up, leaving her there with several of his other brothers.

Angel put her hand to her neck, massaging it and rolling her shoulders, her eyes traveling around the grounds. She froze as she spotted Chuck standing across the yard, watching her. Hugging the flannel shirt tighter around her, she tried not to tremble.

He smiled an evil grin at her.

Tearing her gaze from him, she glanced up at the porch and saw that Cole was now standing there, staring at her. His eyes slid from her to where Chuck was standing. She watched as the look on his face hardened, and he stepped off the porch heading toward Chuck. Angel noticed a couple of his brothers following at a distance.




Cole walked up to Chuck, his hands in his pockets. “Hey, man.”

“Hey, Cole. It hasn’t been two weeks yet. If you’re looking for the rest of that money—”

“Naw, man. I said I’d give you two weeks.” Cole looked back at Angel. “It was a good trade actually.”

Chuck looked from Cole toward Angel. “How’re you liking her?”

Cole looked back at her, and then turned back to Chuck. He nodded, smiling. “She’s a handful all right. You weren’t kiddin’.”

They both laughed.

Cole lit a cigarette. “Sure would be nice to get my hands on some more like her.”



Chuck nodded. “Well, I’m sure I could find you some more. Maybe you could cut that debt down.”

Cole nodded. “Maybe.” He took another hit off his cigarette. “She told me some story about an Asian guy you bought her off of.”

“She did, huh?”

“Yeah. She did. Is it true?”

Chuck shrugged.

“Maybe you could hook me up with this guy.”

“Yeah. I don’t think so,” Chuck replied, shaking his head.

“Make it worth your while. Mack’s talking about opening a cathouse. I get some young pussy like that. Make the place. I clear your debt. We cut you in for a piece of it.”



“I didn’t know the Evil Dead were into running pussy.”

Cole stared him down. “Dead Souls don’t know all our business.”

Chuck nodded.

“Can you get me a face-to-face with this guy?”

Chuck thought about it a minute. “Sure. I guess.”

“Where’s he at?”

“Here and there.”

Cole nodded, seeing Chuck wasn’t going to give up too much information. “How far we got to ride?”

“Not far.”

“Think you could set up a meet for tomorrow? Score you some big points with Mack. With the patch over and all.”

Chuck studied Cole a moment. “Yeah. Okay. I’ll make a call.”

“Sweet. Let me know.”


Cole walked away.

Returning to the picnic table, Cole sat down next to Angel. He looked over at Mack, who was sitting on his other side. “You headin’ back tonight?”

Mack puffed on a cigar. “Yeah.”

Cole nodded. “I got some unfinished business with Chucky. I’m gonna stay until tomorrow.”

Mack glanced at Angel, then asked Cole, “You need some guys?”


Mack nodded. “Take who you need.”


Mack stood up. Cole stood with him. Mack looked from Cole to Angel. “Been a very successful trip.”

Cole nodded. “Yeah.”

They slapped each other’s backs in a bear hug. “Thank the lady for me,” Mack said in his ear.

They broke apart.

Cole looked in his eyes. “Will do.”

“See ya back at the clubhouse tomorrow?”

Cole nodded.

Mack walked off. The six brothers standing around the table stayed. Angel noticed the rest leaving.

Cole sat back down. He put his arm around her, pulled her close, and kissed her. He pulled back and looked up at someone beyond Angel’s head. “We all set?”

Angel turned her head and saw Chuck standing at the end of the table.

Cole could feel her instantly tense. He tightened his arm around her.

“Yeah. Said he can meet us around 10 a.m. tomorrow.”

Cole looked at Crash and back at Chuck. “Where?”

“There’s an abandoned rest area out on I-80.”

“How long will it take to get there from here?” Cole asked him.

“Fifteen or twenty minutes.”

Cole nodded. “Great. Mack said to pass on his appreciation for making this happen.”


“So, we’ll hook up in the morning?”

“Yeah. Okay. Got some real good weed over there if you want,” Chuck offered, nodding toward the group at the fire.

“Me and the lady are gonna go find us a spot.”

Chucky looked at her and smiled. “I know a nice little spot just over that hill.”

“Yeah. I heard you do,” Cole replied in a deadly voice, his eyes taking on a predatory quality.

Chuck smiled and walked away.

When he was gone, Cole gave Angel a squeeze. “You okay?”


He pulled her close and kissed her forehead. “I’m right here, baby. Don’t worry about him. He’s never gonna touch you again.”

She nodded.

He looked down at her and brushed a stray lock of her hair out of her eyes.

“Now what?” she asked.

“Now we find us a place to crash. You don’t mind sleeping on the ground again, do ya, baby doll?” He smiled down at her.

She groaned.

“How’re we gonna handle this tomorrow, Cole?” one of the brothers asked.

Cole took a hit off his beer and looked around to make sure no one would overhear. “Here’s what I’m thinking. First light tomorrow two of you head out on I-80. Look for that abandoned rest area he was talking about. Scout it out. See if it can be seen from the interstate. When you find it, call me. Me, Angel, and Crash go with Chucky to the meet. The rest we play by ear.”

“Wyatt okay with this?” Crash asked.

Cole nodded. “He’s done with Chucky.

Cole stood and pulled Angel with him. “Come on, babe.”




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