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Paranormal Dating Agency: Baiting A Berserker (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Savannah Verte (10)






The roll door flew up abruptly as Addian adjusted himself awkwardly, their conversation far from ended by his estimation. A female, even smaller than Fynn, stared him down curiously. “You must be Addian. I’m Fil. Nice ta meet ya.” She drawled out. “Hey Fynn. Great plan.”

“Thanks. It was a fun ride.” Fynn replied, winking to Addian.

“What’s next?”

“We’re taking off. Maybe better you don’t know.” Fynn replied cryptically.

“No fair!” Fil retorted, her hands slamming on her hips. “I helped.”

“Yes, you did. But you could be questioned.”

“Oooo, I might enjoy that you know. Who is doing the questioning? Renfield?” She teased. “Seriously, I can keep a secret.”

“Since when?” Fynn challenged, smirking when Addian asked “Who’s Renfield?”

“Since always. I just seldom choose to. Come on.” Fil pouted.

“The Grotto.” Fynn finally answered.

“Woah! Seriously?”

“Yes. I think it’s the perfect solution.



“Damnnnnn.” Fil said, drawing out the single syllable as she eyed Addian.

“Somebody want to share here?” He asked.

Fil made a show of locking her lips together. Fynn arched an eyebrow. “Keep it that way.” She directed.

“Yes ma’am.”

“This way please.” Fynn said to Addian, head-directing him to the exit.

Addian crossed his arms over his chest and planted his feet. “Not until you explain.”

“Do you trust me?”

Addian studied her, side-glancing at Fil. “I’m not sure.”

“I got you out. You can always say ‘no’ when we get there.” She retorted.

“I will remember that you know.” He answered as he moved to jump down. “For example, Who is Renfield?”

“I’ll tell you later…” Fynn clipped, stifling her laughter as she remembered the Bistro and tried to figure out how she was going to explain that.

In the car, she hummed. It was all he could do to keep from covering his ears at the off-tune melody. “I swear your voice is cracking.”

“It’s not.”

“If you say so., but if not, my ears need to be checked.”

She laughed as they took a tunnel road he didn’t recognize. “They don’t. Patience lover.”

He looked around curiously when she stopped the car and put it in park. “Where are we?”

“It’s The Grotto. It is the only place on land where Oceanus can come above the surface.”

Addian’s eyes flew wide. “Why do we want Oceanus to come above the surface?”

“You’ll see.” She answered as she led him in, pulling a long cord against the wall.

He heard a distant gong sound. “Now we wait.” She drew his attention back to her.

“Wait for what?”

“For Oceanus.”


Before she could reply, a male nearly as large as Addian appeared in the shallow pool ahead of them. He couldn’t miss the tail if he tried.

“You summoned?” The Mer asked pointedly, staring hard at Addian.

“I did.” Fynn replied, as she dipped into a small courtesy. “Oceanus, I wish to claim his soul.”

Addian’s head spun from the Mer to Fynn. “You wish to what?!”

“Trust me.”

The one addressed as Oceanus laughed deeply. “I see he does not know, or perhaps, approve of your plan.”

“He will.” She replied brightly.

“What makes you think so?” Addian interjected.

“Because it is what you want, and it is what you need.”

“How would you know?” He quipped.

Her grin blinded him. “Your mouth may not have said so yet, but every other part of you is shouting it.”

Oceanus held up a hand to stop the banter. “You know that it cannot be taken back once granted.”

“I am aware.”

“I’m not aware.” Addian cut in abruptly, trying to understand. “What cannot be taken back?”

Oceanus shook his head at Fynn. “The young Mer here is asking to take you as a mate. But, she is asking to claim your soul as hers as well. It is a gift.” He directed the explanation to Addian.

“How exactly is giving her my soul her gift?”

“He does not know our ways.” Oceanus turned to address Fynn, eyebrows raised in challenge.

“Actually, he does. He does not understand the full implications of them.” She replied.

“Should you explain? Or, shall I?”

“Someone needs to. And, before any souls get given or taken.” Addian countered. “What is going on? Mating I understand. I actually might be on board for that. What’s the soul business?”

Oceanus chuckled, shaking his head as he propped back on his tail. “She is asking me to allow you as one of us. In so doing, you would be recognized as part of the Mer community.”

“I can’t swim. And, I don’t have a tail.” Addian commented offhand before thinking about his words.

Oceanus roared with laughter. “All the more reason it is a gift. You would become off-limits to our kind in the process. If you can’t swim, you are quite tempting as an easy mark.”

Addian’s head spun to Fynn. “The death part?”

“The death part.” She replied, motioning Addian to return his attention to Oceanus.

“You would be bound to us forever though. Once done, it cannot be undone. While I am here at her behest, I believe that you should choose, even as I am aware that you have already consummated your union.”

Addian looked from Oceanus back to Fynn, ignoring what Oceanus knew. “You would want this…me…us?”

Fynn blushed.  “I think I answered that back at my condo, but if you need me to announce it here, yes. Yes, I would want this, with you, to become us. Am I wrong to believe you want it also?”

“I…it’s…This is not how I ever thought this would play out.” Addian admitted.

“Maybe not, but you’ve thought about it.” She replied knowingly.

“Yes. Often.”

“Then please accept my gift. I promise the advantages outweigh the questions you have.” She said softly.

“Not a bargain?” He tested.

“Not a bargain.” She replied solemnly.

Addian watched her face as she spoke. He could barely discern the gold flecks for the width of her pupils. If it was love or lust, it was easy to see. He chose to believe it was love, or becoming love at the very least. Turning to Oceanus, he gave his answer. “Take it, give it to her.” He paused. “But it means she’s mine too, right?”

Oceanus snickered but stopped short of laughing. “As I said, it is a gift she gives…she would be yours…your mate, your lover, and your protector, forever.”

“I’ll be the one doing the protecting.” Addian countered, bolstered by the idea of her by his side.

Oceanus cut his thoughts short as his laughter roared, echoing and bouncing around the cavernous space. “I’m sure she’ll let you think so.”

Addian would ask more about that later. He was riding high on a wave of euphoria that she chose him. With so much going on, he had thought he would lose her as soon as they parted company. She was staying. He couldn’t be more pleased. “What happens now?” He asked finally.

“Your wrists please.” Oceanus commanded.

Addian didn’t understand, but complied, offering his wrist beside hers. He was openly curious as he watched Oceanus drape long stands of kelp and seaweed over and between them, tying them together for a time.

“I need his name.”  Oceanus commented to Fynn.

“Addian Hevir.” Addian replied quickly.

Oceanus snickered. “Now he’s anxious.”

“His name is Addian Hevir. He is a berserker.” Fynn finally commented.

Addian didn’t miss Oceanus’ reaction. “We don’t have one of those.”

“We will soon.” Fynn answered, smiling brightly.

“Addian and Fynn. As God of the Sea and ruler of the Merfolk, I bind you for eternity. Addian shall henceforth be considered as brother and kin, off-limits as prey, and ally to all that swim. His soul is received and acknowledged as belonging to Fynn Barrow. None other shall usurp my authority on this, or face me for the affront.

Fynn Barrow, you are charged with teaching him our ways, our song, and protecting him as one of our own. Do you accept the charge?” Oceanus commanded boomingly.

“I will, and I accept.” Fynn answered solemnly.

“Addian, as your consent was previously given, I will ask you now if you will work to take in the knowledge that is imparted to you, keeping it, and Fynn, forever as your most sacred…acting on her behalf for our kind if necessary?”

“I will, and I accept.” Addian answered, repeating Fynn’s response when he didn’t know what else he was supposed to say.

“So mote it be.” Oceanus announced, withdrawing the strands that bound them.

Addian gasped to see what remained. Twining vines dotted with water droplets and scales encircled both of their wrists. It was subtle, but perfect in ways he couldn’t speak to yet. “We are…” he questioned, not sure what the right word was next.

“We are.” Fynn countered, smiling. “Forever.”