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Paranormal Dating Agency: Polar Attraction (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Arctic Circle of Love Book 1) by Lexi Thorne (8)



Knife to his left and dagger he had just sheath on his right. He surged to the back of the door and removed the kits he had purchased long before that moment, which would best and suitable for hunting and haunting around in the den. He believed as he is swift, being cautious with his skills and articulation might just do the magic. But the fears that there are much expectations from him in the tournament kept to make his heart heat up and beat abnormally. She came in to cheer him up. She gave him a hug and handed him the special sophisticated bow his father had bought for himself. She had come for herself and had come to convey the best wishes of his father. He had been training non-stop for the moment, and Barbara was all there for him trying to put her through the geographical areas marked for the competition on the map. She had been taken down to where the agency had asked of her, and it had seemed that ‘the company might soon come around to have an extension there as another branch past the shores of the United States of America' said the General Manager. He was proud to hold the expensive bow; he dropped the one which was already around him and went away with the one sent to him by his father as a sign of good wishes for him to return a victor –to make him proud. He went out with for real with it and had it tested. There were 10 men valor who are known well around the areas, marked amongst many to be good at hunting. Majority of them were born into the art whilst the rest just felt like to get to be good at it, and the mother universe smiled on them, and they were as good or even better those who were born into the art of hunting in the den, in the Arctic circle. It occurred that Emilio was the youngest among them all. That at first was intimidating, but he believed in his bow, arrow, dagger, and knife. They were not allowed to go with guns as the organizers wanted natural and crude.

The game began 9.00AM, and they are expected to alert the appropriate quarter at their first kill. It had to do with just first kill and nothing more. It is really survival of the fittest who'd made the best first kill. He went straight through to the old path where he had seen the track of wild polar bear, most probably tall and very huge. That path was also path of the spots marked for hunting on the map. He was hopeful he would be able to get close enough to it that time. One had already made his own first kill –killed a wild cat. It was guessed that the universe smiled on him, probably. The bear was spot feeding on fish in one river not that far away from when he retired the other time. ‘Yes, man, go make them proud' he said. On seeing him, he bounced with all its heaviness forwards to attack him and ran for it was way too big to withstand just that simply. It ran into the bush, as it fast as it could shattering snow up into the sky trying to escape would fight back if it had to. He chased right after it not to lose its sight; it was white and direly fluffy as all those were evident as it was running about in the den. He had prayed all he wanted to use to surprise his father would be to kill this big and tallest polar bear at the moment with one arrow on it in the right and the most delicate part of its body. He ran as fast as he could right after it when it noticed that he was closing up where there were rocks filled with snows slippery snows, it turned right there to face the chaser and crush it once and for all to be able to have peace. It was so angered that it gave a bulky shriek –roaring that shook the ears of all miles away. Even Emilio's father had never learnt or seen or killed any bear as strong in roaring as the one he just learnt. The attention of everyone there and close to that spot were directed to the path which the roaring had come from. They faced each other like almost like they wanted to be alt loggerhead. It stood like a man to man him –but really it was a man against some beastie wild bear which had been pushed to the tightest part of the wall and wanted to fight back. They began to walk calculatedly in that selfsame spot in cycle, its piercing teeth were all shown out and there drops of spittle-like or watery-like stuffs coming down its mouth with Barbados quizzical gaze… it pulled –jumped forward to pounce on him but he was able to dodge that and as he dodged that, the knife and dagger had slid away and they were then behind the beast of the den in the den then. All he had next and last where the bow and three arrows. It chased him he tried and avoided it's tearing claws which he forcefully thrust at him when it believed it was close enough to get him. The den was shook as all these were happening and the activities could be seen as he tried and forced the bear out to a clear valley for his father to appreciate life as it was happening. He summoned the courage and stopped right where he would be able to draw the arrow and would be able to take one good shot. The polar bear was then trying to chase what had come all the way down here to chase it a stood just facing it, and the land was slippery. He was already exhausted, and that was obvious in the way he breaths he had had his back on spiny stem right in the den. The bear believing it had had him to the tightest part of the wall as there was no place for him to pass through behind, ran with all the energies it has got left… and he had already removed the bow around, across his neck and filled the arrow rest, the nocking point, the serving and the cable guard with the still arrow at his back, he drew backwards the bowstring with all the energy that was left in him to the last stretch it could reach and aimed well as it was approaching with such insane speed. The polar bear jumped with all it'd gotten he bent immediately on seeing its soft spot to send in the one shot: all its claws and the big teeth clamoring for blood and descended just on top of Emilio right there. There was no movement at all for minutes, but everything on that plane land was transmitted, and helps were sent down to check things up. There was no movement from Emilio and the Polar bear wouldn't move as big, huge, fluffy fur, tall and devouring as it was.

The father who was there watching the transmission ran down to the spot alongside Barbara who were uncertain of whether he was fine or not. The polar bear was pulled up by a powerful equipment of some thingumabob. Emilio was fine for he smiled as seeing his father come around there was the last thing he would ever imagine. Barbara helped him up, and he limped away for special care in the case of any fracture of deep cut, ‘…safe for the spiny branches which he rested on in the den, he was all good' said the doctor who had ran the tests. His father came around to come hi him and with few words. ‘I always knew, I could only be good in any sense, but you would always be better. All I was trying to do was purely out of love and care and the need to see you grow past others anywhere you have found yourself… You know what I am saying, right son?' ‘Yes of cause dad. I am glad having you around.' Emilio said. ‘No worries, your mom would be proud again today' said the father. He gave him rub in the head and a pat on his shoulder and departed. Barbara was already waiting for his dad leave. Having seen him left, she ran joyously to him… ‘Damn, that was dramatic… You really are the warrior they have said you are. Could you guess how much that would worth in Dollars! That was incredibly epic of you' she gave her a kiss on the cheek and helped his back on the bed to rest.

He received a trophy as the one with the best first kill. His name was mentioned in all the dailies therein Norway, and the internet had of him a lot. He was being interviewed by different TV stations and Radio ones. He became famous all of a sudden through that. The father and all other shifters were quite proud of him for real, and they would not hide the expressions on their faces and in their words. Barbara had promised to come back, and she was already on her way back to the Arctic Circle with the renowned warrior –Arctic polar bear shifter. The agency had constructed an extension there, branch to be led by Barbara.