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Passion, Vows & Babies: Born in the Storm (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Storm Series Book 4) by M. Stratton (10)


Evie paced back and forth in the small waiting room, her displeasure showing with every step she took.

“You might as well sit down,” Jackson said. “Walking around like you're doing isn’t going to help.”

Glaring at her brother, she growled at him. “Shut up. You handle stress your way; I’ll do it mine.”

“You need to seriously relax.” Jackson absently patted his son’s back, who was sleeping on his chest. “See how parenthood has mellowed me?”

Evie’s lip curled back at him, and she wanted to do some serious harm to him but caught sight of her husband smirking from the other couch and threw up her hands in frustration. “I don’t know how you do it.” She pointed to her brother and Anthony. Each had a child sprawled out asleep on them. Stephanie loved her Uncle Anthony, and at four years old thought he was a prince to her princess. As worried as Evie was about Lexi, seeing Anthony with the children always melted her heart. She couldn’t wait to see him with a child of his own.

Kat walked into the room with a tray of drinks for everyone. “I have coffee, water, sodas, and juice. You guys pick what you want.” Walking around the room, she made sure everyone was served.

“Hey, wasn’t the Trio supposed to be helping you?” Jackson asked.

Rolling her eyes, Kat sat down next to him, putting her head on his shoulder and smiling at their sleeping son. “Oh, they were helping, until a group of young doctors came into the cafeteria to eat. At that point they decided they were going to stay and get something to eat.”

“And you just left them there?” Evie’s eyes were huge.

Laughing, Kat shook her head. “I’m not that brave to stop them when they are on a mission.”

“Lord help us, we’re going to have to bail them out of jail again, aren’t we?” Evie looked at her husband, who was trying not to laugh. “I don’t know what you think is so funny—it’s our turn to put up the money.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

Jackson laughed. “This is great! We’re out of state. Good luck trying to get them back here for a court date. At least the last time we had to do it, we were in Massachusetts.”

“Someone needs to get them.” She looked at her husband, who smiled, shook his head, and pointed to the sleeping child on him.

“Looks like it’s you, sis.”

“Doesn’t someone else want to go?” She looked around the room.

“Who else is there? You think someone’s going to pop up from behind the couch and volunteer?” Jackson rolled his eyes. “Suck it up and go.”

Noah walked into the room with Josephine in his arms. She was trying hard to keep her sleepy eyes open as her arms were wrapped around her daddy’s neck.

“Where’s the Trio?” Noah asked.

“In the cafeteria,” Kat said.

“Alone?” Noah frowned.

“Not actually alone, since there are a group of doctors there.”


“Daddy,” Josephine reprimanded.

“Sorry, honey. Here,” Noah tried to hand Josephine to Kat, but she patted his cheek and snuggled in closer to him.

“When does the band get here?” Evie asked.

Looking at the clock on the wall, Noah shook his head. “They should be here pretty soon. And I know what you’re doing.”


“Trying to distract me from the fact the Trio isn’t here and it’s your and Anthony’s turn to bail them out.”


“Aunt Evie,” Josephine said.

“Sorry, kid. Fine, I’ll go.” She turned to look at her husband. “But I’ll remember this.”

Anthony smiled and winked at her.

Whipping around, she stomped out of the room and down the hall, muttering to herself as she followed the signs to the cafeteria. Frowning, she wondered what that sound was. The closer she was to her destination, the louder the noise got. Opening the door, she saw the Trio trying to get the doctors to dance with them. They had music blasting from one of their phones on the table. Evie walked over to it, and with a swipe of her finger she turned the music off.

“Hey,” Evelyne said. “Why’d you do that? We were just having some fun.” She shimmied over to Evie.

Taking a deep breath, she tried to remain calm. “Oh, I don’t know, maybe because we are in a hospital. We have bigger things to think about than having fun.”

Leigh shook her head. “I don’t know how you are the biological granddaughter of Evelyne. I guess the fun gene must’ve skipped a generation.” She removed the hair tie from her long gray hair and smoothed it out. “Live a little—otherwise you’ll end up growing up to be an old fuddy-duddy.”

Evie tried to keep a lid on her anger, but the Trio knew exactly which buttons to push. Hoping to appeal to the most reasonable one, she approached Marie. “Please, we need to go upstairs.”

Immediately the ladies’ faces fell and Marie clutched her arm. “Tell us, are Lexi and the baby okay?”

“We still don’t know anything.” Evie hated making them worry, but she didn’t want Noah or Lexi to deal with the fallout from anything the Trio might do. “But one of the Dr. Halstons should be coming in soon to update us.”

The ladies looked at each other and nodded their heads. Within a couple of minutes they had said their goodbyes and had everything packed up and ready to head out.

They were almost to the door when Evelyne turned around. “If any of you boys want to know what it takes to be a real man, I’d be happy to show you. Call me: 555-Eat-Me69.”

“Grams!” Evie gently shoved her along, out the door. “You’re insatiable.”

“You got that right, kid. Did you see those young bucks? I was thinking; maybe after we got the update from the doctor we can go around the hospital bringing some joy and happiness to the poor, lonely men here.”

“You know, there is a reason why people are here, and it’s not as some kind of personal dating service for you.” Evie rolled her eyes.

“Dating service,” Marie scoffed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. We only want to bring joy and happiness to everyone. You know, I think this world would be a better place if there weren’t so many grumpy people around.” She looked pointedly at Evie.

“A-ha,” Leigh exclaimed. “I figured it out.”

Sighing, Evie knew she was going to have to ask, because from experience it was always better to find out earlier what they were up to, rather than later at the police station bailing them out. “What did you figure out?”

“The reason why you’re so grumpy, of course. It’s your turn to bail us out.”

“Yes, yes it is,” Evie agreed. “And since we are so far away from home, Anthony and I would really appreciate it if you all did not get thrown into jail while we’re here.”

“We can try. We can’t promise anything, but we’ll try. Anyway, it’s usually the cops’ fault anyway. They don’t seem to have the sense of humor they used to,” Evelyne said. “Why, when we used to—”

“Please stop reminiscing about the good old days. No plotting adventures that you can go on. I need you to be here for Lexi, Noah, and the girls. Please,” Evie begged.

“Of course, honey.” Marie patted her arm. “Why didn’t you say something to begin with? Let’s go cheer everyone up.”

“I know the perfect thing we could do,” Leigh said, and pulled her friends in close and started to whisper.

Evie trailed begin them, taking controlled, deep breaths. While she couldn’t hear what they were saying, she was able to keep an eye on them and make sure they didn’t take any detours into men’s hospital rooms.