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Pirate's Passion (Sentinels of Savannah) by Lisa Kessler (11)

Chapter Eleven

Keegan showered and dressed in all black. He slid his Glock into the shoulder holster and his dagger into the sheath at his calf. He glanced at the clock. Four hours until his rendezvous with Agent Bale. The agent had an ace up his sleeve, some kind of informant inside the abandoned warehouse where Keegan was meeting the fanatics about purchasing the Grail.

But Keegan planned to scout the building on his own first. Now that he and his crew weren’t sure they could count on healing immediately, he wasn’t going to risk his life blindly.

His phone lit up with a text.

It’s Char. Please call me back.

He stared at the message. Shit. He should ignore it. The longer he spent with her, the more he wanted. The cycle led to an abyss he had no desire to stare into.

What if she was in danger?

He cursed under his breath and pressed the number to call. “Char?”

“Hey, Keegan. Sorry. I didn’t know who else to try.”

He frowned. “Are you safe?”

“I’m fine. It’s my mom. Something’s off. I don’t want to go alone, but…” She paused. “Honestly, I don’t have anyone else to take with me.”

His chest warmed. While his head screamed to run, his heart told it to shut the fuck up. “I’ll go. Where are you?”

“Parked in front of your place.”

His eyes widened as he crossed to the window. “How did you—”

“John. I owe him a big favor.” She looked up at his window from her car. “I don’t want to talk about it. Can you come with me? Now?”

“On my way down.” He stuffed his phone in his pocket and grabbed a denim jacket to cover his weapons.

Once he was in the car, Char pulled into traffic without a word. He glanced her way, fastening the seat belt. “What has you so desperate you’re willing to take a pirate to meet your mum?”

Her lips twitched. The first hint of a smile. “She’ll never know you’re a pirate.”

“Fair enough.” He stared out the windshield, sobering. “Why do you think she’s in danger?”

Char sighed. “We need to set some ground rules.”

Keegan chuckled. “This is why no other friends would come with you.”

She shot a glare in his direction. “Are we even friends?”

He raised a brow. “We’ve both put our lives on the line for a common goal. If you were on my ship, I’d call you ‘mate.’”

Her expression softened, her grip easing up on the steering wheel. “I’ve also seen you naked.”

He smiled, staring out the windshield. “Makes us lovers, not mates.”

“Can we be both?”

Dangerous territory. “I wouldn’t know.”

Char made a right turn. “I’m with you there.” She cursed under her breath at the bumpy graveled drive of the Sunshine Mobile Home Park. “This damn place keeps promising they’ll pave the driveway, but they never do.”

He couldn’t help but admire the way her breasts bounced as she plowed through the potholes. Maybe the road wasn’t all bad.

He forced his brain to engage. “You grew up here?”

Her grip tightened on the wheel. “I got out the second I could.” She pulled into a space marked by a sizable rock with Visitor painted in red. She killed the engine, her gaze meeting his. “I don’t mean to be a bitch. This isn’t a happy place for me.”

“Then I’m glad you didn’t come here alone.”

She reached out, taking his hand, and his mutinous heart leaped into his throat as her dark eyes searched his. He had no idea what he was about to walk into. Char was like a slippery fish he couldn’t quite grasp.

He should stop trying.

Her voice was barely a whisper. “Thank you for being here. I just need to be sure she’s all right. If someone in a serpent ring found out I was helping Agent Bale, she’s the only leverage against me.”

“No need for thanks, lass.” He lifted her hand to his lips. “Promise me a kiss later and we’ll be even.”

A sexy smile curved her mouth. “You drive a hard bargain.”

He released her hand with a grin. “Half of me was hoping you’d make me steal it.”

Her eyes sparked. “Who says I won’t?” She got out before he could reply.

Damn, he enjoyed her company. Too much.

He followed her to her mother’s trailer, her brow furrowing as they got closer. He caught her arm, holding her back as he pointed to a black town car with tinted windows. It was parked beside a faded blue VW Bug with a license plate frame that read, Proud Mom of an UGA Graduate.

“Your mum has company. Do you recognize the car?”

“The VW is Mom’s.” Char shook her head. “I’ve never seen the black one before.”

She started for the worn stairs leading up to the door, but he didn’t let go of her hand. “Give me a second. Let’s be sure it’s not a trap.”

She swallowed and nodded.

Keegan drew his Glock and walked around the back of the mobile home. Being that her mom’s house had wheels, the windows were high, even for him, but he managed to peer inside.

A couple sat around a small dining room table, talking in hushed voices. No sign of weapons or anyone else. He couldn’t make out what they were saying, but the way they clenched hands across the table, their nerves were palpable.

He glanced down at Char. “Could your mum be introducing you to a new bloke in her life?”

“No.” Char’s eyes widened. “No way. My mom doesn’t date.”

He shook his head, holstering his gun. “She’s holding a man’s hands right now, nervously waiting for her daughter to arrive.”

“You have got to be kidding me.” Char grabbed Keegan’s arm, practically dragging him to the door. She jogged up the steps and knocked.

Keegan stood on the step below her as the door opened.

“Magpie!” Her mother embraced her tight, but her gaze locked on Keegan’s. She pulled back with a hopeful smile. “And who is this with you?”

Char turned on the small porch, meeting his eyes. “This is Keegan. He’s the lead singer of The Scallywags.”

Her mother took his hand in both of hers. “Good to meet you. I’m Kelly. Charlotte didn’t tell me she was bringing a guest.” She sobered as she focused on her daughter. “I should have told you about this over the phone, but I thought we should talk in person.” Color flushed her cheeks. “This probably isn’t a good time for guests.”

Char took his hand, her fingers lacing with his. “Keegan is my boyfriend, Mom. We don’t have any secrets.”

The corners of Keegan’s mouth twitched. His historian was a terrible liar. He froze for a second. His? Before he could lose his cool, Kelly took a step back to allow them to pass into the mobile home.

She closed the door behind them. “I’m not sure how to tell you this, Charlotte, but please know, every choice we made was to protect you. It was the only way.”

“We?” Char frowned. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Keegan glanced around for the man he’d seen through the window, but there was no sign of him. Char’s words echoed through his mind. Something was definitely “off.”

He wanted to investigate, but he also didn’t want to set off a panic. “Excuse me, Kelly. Is there a restroom I could use?”

“Yes. It’s down the—”

As he suspected, the hidden male came out from the hallway. Keegan instinctively moved toward Char.

The color drained from Char’s face in an instant. “Daddy?” Her tone strangled on a sob, dropping to a whisper. “But you’re…”

Her words trailed off as her eyes fluttered.

Keegan readied to catch her, but Char didn’t crumple like the corseted ladies of his day. Instead, her hands clenched into tight fists as she spun around toward her mother. “You lied to me. You both lied to me.”

Her voice wobbled, taking on a strident tone through clenched teeth. “How could telling your daughter her father was driving drunk and plunged to his death in the river possibly be protecting me?”

Kelly gaped, glancing at the man in the hallway. Keegan stared at Char’s father. His eyes were red, the stench of alcohol surrounded him, and his hands carried the telltale tremor of a man who would sell his soul to the devil for one more finger of rum.

Her father took a tentative step forward. “I’m sorry, Charlotte. If there was any other way—”

“No.” Char put her hand up, silencing him. “I don’t want to know how you justified lying to me for twenty years. If any of it was true, you wouldn’t be standing here right now.”

Her father rubbed his forehead, his British accent barely slurred, a testament to his ability as a functioning alcoholic. “I have so much to tell you and no time to do it.”

“Save your breath. I don’t want to hear it.”

Her father’s gaze locked on Char’s face. “I know you’re working with Agent Bale.” His eyes flicked up to Keegan. “And you and your crew tasted the Lord’s cup.” He pointed to the table. “You’re angry, and you’ve got every right to be, but you’ll have to do it later. Right now, your life is on the line. Sit down and let’s get started.”

Char grudgingly took a seat at the table, leaving Keegan standing with her father.

Her father turned and offered his hand. “Keegan, I’m Kingsley, Kingsley Pratt, and this is your chance to walk away. What I’m about to tell you tonight could get you killed.”

Keegan pulled out a chair beside Char without hesitation. “Such is a pirate’s life.”

Charlotte wanted to vomit, scream, and cry. All at once. Her head was going to explode. But she’d have to hold it together. Right now, her life was on the line.

She stared at her father as he talked about his job with Agent Bale’s Department 13. He was older than in her memories, like he’d suddenly flashed forward twenty years. The lines were deeper around his mouth and eyes. They were still red and puffy. She didn’t have to be close to him to know his breath reeked of breath mints mixed with the sweet scent of whiskey. Too much whiskey. No mint could overpower it completely.

Her mother’s voice carried a panicky edge. “Charlotte, I know you’re angry, but King risked everything by coming here to warn you.”

“You want me to thank him for being a drunk and abandoning us?” She lashed out at her mother like a wounded animal. Maybe she was. Either way, Charlotte had to let it out before she exploded. “Or maybe I should be grateful to you, Mom, for lying to me and sending me to therapy to help reconcile my grief and rage that my father chose to drink and drive and left us behind without a penny?”

Her mother recoiled, tears shining in her eyes. “I’m so sorry, magpie. We couldn’t let them find you.”

“Find me?” The wheels in Charlotte’s head screeched to a halt. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Her father cleared his throat. “We should talk in private.”

She tightened her hold on Keegan’s hand. “No.”

Keegan’s rough thumb caressed her knuckles. It was a simple touch. Silent support. She’d never had that before, not from her parents, not from the few people she called friends, and not from any man. Her insides were like lava, flowing tears she’d never allow herself to shed.

Her father rubbed his forehead. “Do you still get seasick?”

The abrupt left turn in the conversation made her head spin. She frowned. “I don’t know. I don’t get on boats.”

“Do you remember our boat ride?” His blue eyes would have been stunning if they weren’t rimmed in crimson.

She swallowed the lump in her throat. “I try not to think about it.”

He lowered his voice, pain lining his face. His fingers trembled on the table before he pulled his hands back into his lap. “I locked you in a bin with all the life vests.”

She ground her teeth. She wouldn’t cry. Hell no. She straightened her back. “How is reliving child abuse going to protect me now?”

He dug around in his pocket and slapped his hand on the table. When he drew it back, a silver ring lay in the center. A silver ring with a jeweled serpent.

Keegan tensed beside her. “Where the hell did you get that?”

Her father’s attention shifted to Keegan. “I used to be a member of the Serpent Society.”

“Used to?” Keegan raised a brow, his hold on Charlotte’s hand tightening. “I’ve known these lunatics longer than you’ve been alive. No one leaves the Serpent Society alive.”

“That’s why I died in a car accident.”

Charlotte stared at the ring, her thoughts distant. “You were supposed to take me fishing that day. You saw someone and made me drop my pole.”

Her father nodded. “They weren’t supposed to be on that boat.”

She forced herself to meet his eyes. “They kept calling you unholy, a demon.”

“I’m not a demon, magpie, but I have…abilities.” He placed his hand on the table, open, toward her. He pulled back when she didn’t take it. “I didn’t know until that day that you have them, too.”

“Abilities in what? Never mind. I don’t want to hear any more.” Charlotte bolted up from her chair, dropping Keegan’s hand. “This is insane.”

Her father shook his head. “You have to think back and remember. How did we get away that day?”

She held her head in her hands. “I don’t know.”

“You do.” Her father stood. “And I need you to remember.”

“I can’t.”

Keegan came to her side, his arm protective at her waist, his voice deep and controlled. “I think the lady needs some air.”

“It’s too dangerous,” King replied. “Not until she remembers what she can do.”

Flashes of memory lit through Charlotte’s head like a strobe light, full of images she couldn’t recognize. Every time she reached for them, the next would flash, never long enough for her to place, like a part of her was still locked in that box on the boat.

Her eyes narrowed at her parents. “What did you do to me?”

Shame shadowed her father’s features as he broke eye contact. “I thought my death could be the end. I didn’t think you would ever need the memories.”

“Your father is a shaman.” Her mother wiped a tear and sucked in a breath. “And that day when those men cornered him, they were going to kill him, but you saved him, honey.”

Now the flashes were longer, blending together as her knees wobbled. Keegan kept her upright as she whispered, “I was locked in a dark box.”

Her father’s watery blue eyes met hers. “That was the day your powers awakened.”

“My powers?” She shook her head. “What are you talking about?”

His voice was barely a whisper. “I cast a spell to keep the memories locked in that box. That’s why you get sick on boats. The wards on your memories repel you from opening the box and remembering that day. I’ve lifted the spell. You need to know.”

“Why now?” Her voice cracked, but her eyes were still dry.

“Because Agent Bale ran a background check on you using my magic enhanced search engine. When I left you to work for his department, I did it to keep you safe. Your mother told me that you changed your name to her maiden name, and I made sure there weren’t any internet mentions that might tie you to me.” He cleared his throat. “But I won’t be able to hold Agent Bale off for much longer. Since I haven’t answered his phone calls, he’s probably already connected the dots.”

She frowned. “Why would he care if I was your daughter?”

“Because I was drunk the day I met him.” He swallowed, eyes downcast. “I told him too much.”

She rolled her eyes. “Enough with the damn riddles. What the hell is going on?”

“You used astral projection, magpie.” He ran a shaky hand back through his hair. “Your body was locked in that box, but your spirit fought those two men like a wildcat they couldn’t see coming.” His voice dropped an octave. “You killed them.”

She shook her head, gaping, but no words would form on her lips.

Keegan kept her close, guiding her toward the door. “I think that’s enough for one night.”

“Wait.” Her father took a step toward them.

Keegan stopped, turning back. “Listen, I know we just met, mate, but if you hurt Char one more time, I’ll rip your throat out myself. This…” He gestured at the uneaten meal on the table. “This isn’t protecting. This is pretending.”

Charlotte broke free of the safety of Keegan’s arms. Having someone else stand up for her was new and unsettling. Discovering so much of her life was a lie, she needed to stand on her own two feet. Her parents once again reminded her she was the only person she could count on in this world.

She raised her hand, pointing at her father’s chest. “You made up this life without giving me any choice in the matter.”

“You were just a girl.”

“That’s no excuse!” Charlotte shouted, pulling her hair back from her face.

“You’re right.” Her father nodded. “But please understand…if Agent Bale finds out you’re my daughter—and trust me, he will—he’ll know what you’re capable of.”

Charlotte groaned. “What’s he going to do, arrest me for spiritual homicide?”

“Worse. You’ll become an asset of the government.” His voice hardened. “Just another person to be cataloged and watched by Department 13, and if he ever needs you, he’ll be on your doorstep.”

Char bit back the bile burning her throat. “And who do I have to thank for that?” She turned to Keegan. “Let’s get out of here.”

He nodded, opening the door, and Charlotte stormed out of the house before her parents could say another word.

Once they reached the car, he squeezed her hand. “Mind if I drive, love?”

She handed him the keys, secretly grateful. Driving probably wasn’t a good idea right now. Her grip on her emotions was cracking. And when the dam finally broke, she wanted to be miles from here.




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