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Playboy in a Suit (Cockiest Suits Book 2) by Alex Wolf (13)


I haven’t talked to Lisa in a year or more. She’d moved to New York to intern for some designer. I didn’t want to get April’s hopes up, but she’d be a perfect asset to our business. Or at least she’d be handy as a consultant. Lisa knows the ins and outs of fashion. I think April and her would make a great team, possibly partners. April said it was her dream to have a boutique and I want to make that happen for her. I don’t know a damn thing about fashion or running a designer-operated store.

Lisa and I used to be fuck buddies, but that was a long time ago. We both moved on with our lives. I hope she doesn’t get the wrong impression about why I asked her to dinner so quickly.

I wish April felt up to coming along. I don’t want to make choices that she won’t be happy with. All of this—everything I’m doing is for her, to give her some security and to show her I’m serious about us raising this baby together.

But, at the end of the day, I want April.

She’s beautiful and sweet. Down to earth. Just a good person. I know she probably thinks I want to meet up with Lisa to fuck her and she’s willing to set aside her pride or whatever feelings she may be having. I probably should have told her that it was simply business, but it does make me hard to see her squirming with some jealousy. It shows me that she does feel something for me.

I haven’t left all my devious ways behind.

Knocking on her bedroom door before I go, I don’t get a response. Maybe she’s asleep, but I can’t leave without making sure she’s fine. She did say she wasn’t feeling so hot. Maybe I should cancel.

Cracking her door open, the light in the bedroom is off but light spills out from her private bathroom. The door is ajar, and I know it’s an invasion of her privacy, but I want to make sure she doesn’t need something before I head out.

Tapping my fist on the door, it gives and fully opens. “April, you decent?”

“I’m in the bath tub. You can come in.”

When I walk inside the room, I’m not prepared for the sight before me. April is in the tub. Her hair is pulled up on her head in a messy bun. One leg is propped up on the side as she glides a razor over her tan skin.

Fuck me. My cock wants to explode at the sight in front of me. Everything in me screams to claim her. To lift her up from the tub and take her to bed. Lay her out and eat her pussy until she can’t see straight. I need her coming on my face. I want to hear her cry out as she unravels from my touch.

“Are you heading out?”

“Yeah. I wanted to make sure you were okay and see if you need anything before I go.”

“I’m fine. You don’t have to wait on me hand and foot. I’ve got Klaire here, and I can drive and manage things on my own.”

Damn. I’m smothering her. April is used to being on her own. She’s probably uncomfortable with all the attention I keep laying on her. Hell, I practically offer to wipe her ass, but I just want things to go well. I want to make sure her pregnancy is a happy and healthy one.

“Right, well you have my number. I’m not sure what time I’ll get in.”

“It’s fine. Go have fun and catch up with your friend. Go do what single men do.”

I don’t miss the dark look in her eyes when she says single. Is she telling me I have her permission to fuck Lisa? I don’t need it. It makes my blood boil nonetheless. Not because she thinks she needs to give me her blessing to go out and fuck someone, because if I want to go and fuck one or ten women I will, but I wish she’d tell me if she has feelings for me. I wish she’d open up and be honest if she doesn’t want me to go out to dinner with another woman.

Stealing a glance at my watch, I see I should’ve been out the door ten minutes ago. “Right. I gotta go. If you’re still up when I get in, we should talk.”

“Okay. Sure. Have a nice time.” She shifts in the tub to rinse her leg off and her belly and tits pop up out of the water. Fuck. I never knew the sight of a naked pregnant woman could do it for me like this.

Leaving the room in a hurry is all I can do to keep from jerking her up, bending her over the sink, and fucking her brains out.

* * *

When I get to dinner Lisa is already seated and having a glass of wine.

“Sorry, traffic.” It’s a lie, but I don’t give a shit.

“No worries, I haven’t been waiting long. Though I must confess, I can’t believe you wanted to meet up so soon. Is playing house not all it’s cracked up to be?” She grins over the brim of her glass, taunting me as her long lashes flutter.

I cock my head to the side. “It’s great actually. I asked you here on business. On the street earlier, I didn’t really explain why I wanted to grab lunch. I have a proposition for you.”

“Don’t tell me you want me to be your mistress. We had a good run but that was before I met Karma.”

I blink. “Karma?”

“My girlfriend. The super model.”

“I have no idea who that is but congratulations.”

“Thank you. I’m happy for you. Have to admit though. It was a shock to see you with a woman on your arm and starting a family.”

“Shock to me too, but a welcomed one. Anyway, the whole point to this meeting is April designs her own costumes and jewelry and wants to open a boutique. I thought maybe your brother would know a good listing. All the places we’ve seen are shit.” I pause, meeting her gaze. “You have experience in fashion. I’d like to bring you in to work with April on this. I can’t dedicate the time it needs. I have my own workload to handle at the firm.”

“I’m intrigued. I’d need to see her work, but it’s tempting. I do miss being in Dallas. Does she have a portfolio?”

“I’m not sure. I haven’t told her about your part in this yet.”

Her brows pique. “Why not?”

“Because I’m an asshole and like making her jealous. Our arrangement is unique.”

“How so? You aren’t together?”

I shake my head and take a drink of my whiskey. “Nah, it’s a highly complicated situation. We’re living together, but I’m working on it.”

“Some unwarranted advice. Don’t screw around with her emotions. Be honest about what you want. You know men say women are confusing but all it takes is some communication. Go home and talk to her and see if she is cool with me coming on as a partner. I’d like to sit down with her and see if we can reach an agreement, but she has to actually like me, or it’ll never work.”

“I’ll be in touch.” I finish off my drink, eager to get home to April and give her the good news. When I get in she isn’t anywhere to be found. Klaire says she left, all dressed up to meet a friend. A guy named Ben.

What the fucking fuck?

The first thought through my mind is running my goddamn fist through Ben’s face. I don’t know what’s coming over me. I want to say it’s because she’s pregnant with my son, but it’s more than that. A possessive rage comes over me like I’ve never felt before. Where the fuck did she go? She’s not a prisoner, but Jesus. Smiling in the tub. Shaving her legs for another man with my child inside of her. Fucking ridiculous. I told her where I was going.

“Did she take the car?”

“No, sir. I believe she was driving herself.”

Fuck. If she had my driver take her I could find out where she is and force her home where she belongs…under me. I have no choice but to wait it out. The thought of her with Ben has me pacing around the apartment.

Klaire makes herself scarce. I have a feeling I made her uncomfortable.