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Playing Hard: A Chesapeake Blades Hockey Romance (The Chesapeake Blades Book 3) by Lisa B. Kamps (17)

Chapter Seventeen


"I do."

Cheers and applause erupted around the room, growing louder when Jon pulled Sammie in for a deep kiss. Shannon whistled a few times as she clapped her hands, helpless to stop the big shit-eating grin spreading across her face. The grin faded when she turned toward Caleb and noticed him watching her, his deep green eyes focusing on her with an intensity that made her blush.


She stopped clapping and dropped her hands into her lap, wondering why he was staring at her. He'd been mostly quiet the entire day so far—all two hours, since he had picked her up. At first, she thought it might have something to do with the way she was dressed, in an actual dress and heels. No, she didn't dress up often, or do the whole hair-and-make-up thing, but she did know how to. It just caught people off-guard when she did.

Then she thought his unusual quietness might be because he didn't really know anyone here. The wedding was a relatively small one, with Sammie's immediate family and Jon's sister and her husband, Jon's former Army buddies and co-workers, and everyone from the Blades. Even TR was here, but Shannon couldn't figure out if she was here as part of whatever she was doing for work, or as Mac's date. They were sitting together but damn if they were acting like they were actually together. At least, Mac wasn't. He was sitting straight up, his back rigid, his jaw clenched and his gaze focused on something straight ahead as TR leaned across him and said something to one of Jon's other buddies.

Not that much different from Caleb. No, that wasn't exactly true. Caleb wasn't sitting like that, all stiff and rigid. He was sitting back, relaxed and comfortable, one hand resting on his knee and his other arm draped casually along the back of her chair. And he certainly wasn't looking at anything in front of him. He was looking straight at her, his intense expression completely unreadable.

Shannon pulled her gaze from his and stood, watching as everyone slowly made their way to the other side of the room where the tables and a small buffet had been set up. Sammie had said they were originally going to have the wedding at her parents' house but once they counted up the invitees and their plus-ones, they realized that even the small guest list was just a little too big for that. So they had it here instead, in a ballroom at one of the few hotels in Hunt Valley. There would be the buffet dinner and dessert, the cake cutting, some dancing, and then...

Shannon stumbled and almost tripped but Caleb caught her by the elbow and steadied her. He probably thought it was because of her shoes and the ridiculously high heels. Heat filled her face because the stumble had nothing to do with the heels...and everything to do with the and then part of the night.

She already had a room here at the hotel, had checked in as soon as they got here. They had gone up there already, dropped their overnight bags on the huge king bed that sat so conspicuously in the middle of the room. Well duh, of course it was conspicuous. It was a hotel room, not like there was really anything else in it besides the bed.

Just the remembered sight of their two small bags, sitting side-by-side on that huge bed, was enough to heat her face. And dammit, Caleb was studying her again, probably wondering what was wrong with her, wondering why she was suddenly blushing every five minutes. Not that she'd tell him. Oh hell no. No way would she ever admit to being nervous and excited about what was to come later.

Or worried that he might change his mind, just like he'd done the other night after their date.

"You okay?"

"Hm?" Shannon turned, nearly bumping noses with Caleb. "Yeah, fine."

He didn't say anything, just watched her for a long minute before pulling the chair out and holding it for her. She sat down and reached for the glass of water at her place setting, drained half of it in two long swallows. And great, now even Taylor was watching her. "What?"

"I didn't say anything." Taylor's whiskey-colored gaze darted to Caleb, her brows lowering just a fraction of an inch as she nodded in his direction. "Caleb."


Shannon rolled her eyes and nudged Caleb in the side. "No fighting, children."

"Who said we were fighting?"

"Yeah. We're not fighting." Taylor reached for a roll from the basket in the middle of the table and for a second, Shannon was convinced she was going to throw it at Caleb. Chuckie must have thought the same thing because he reached over and snagged the roll from Taylor's hand.


"I am behaving." Taylor took the roll back, pinched off a piece, and popped it into her mouth. "I'm not going to waste food by throwing it at him."

Dani dropped into the seat next to Shannon and snorted. "Yeah, right. Sure you weren't."

"I wasn't." Taylor slid a sideways glance at Caleb, her mouth widening in something that might be called a smile. "I'll just wait until the exhibition game to kick his ass."

"Taylor! Enough. Not tonight, okay? No hockey talk. At least, not about the exhibition game."

"Since when don't you want to talk about hockey?"

Shannon shrugged, trying to ignore the astonished looks from her teammates. Even Caleb was watching her—again. Except his mouth was curled in a devilish grin. He draped his arm around her shoulders and leaned closer, his breath warm against her cheek. "I can handle Tay-Tay, don't worry."

"I know you can." She darted a glance at Taylor then rolled her eyes. "Well, you can try. But I'm putting the ban in place because we're here for Sammie. No arguing about ass-kicking during the exhibition game. Especially since we're so kicking your ass."

Everyone started laughing, even Caleb. Some of the tension and worry drained from her, tension and worry she hadn't even realized she'd been feeling. Nervousness, yes. Excitement, absolutely. And okay, maybe just a little worry since she still wasn't sure what had happened the other night, why Caleb had turned down her not-so-subtle offer.

She probably shouldn't be worrying, not with the way Caleb's arm was still draped around her shoulder. Warm, comforting. His thumb traced small circles on the bare flesh of her shoulder, prickling her skin with awareness, filling her with need. Good Lord, just that little touch and she was ready to climb into his lap and beg him to take her upstairs.

She reached for her water and took another long swallow then turned to Dani. "Where'd your date go?"

"He's not my date. And he went outside to make a phone call."

"Who ditches his date at a wedding to make a phone call?"

"I told you, he's not my date. Harrison is just a friend. And he's a detective so he's always on-call, even when he's out."

Maddison leaned across the table with a teasing smile. "I call bullshit. That hottie is way more than a friend."

Dani frowned and glanced over her shoulder then turned back and shook her head. "Just friends. He lives next door to my mom. We're talking total friend-zone here. Trust me, there's nothing there."

Shannon didn't miss the disappointment in Dani's voice, or the hint of regret. Even in the candlelight from the table centerpiece, Shannon could see her blushing. Friends? Maybe, but it was obvious Dani was hoping for more.

"You should put the moves on him if you want him."

Chuckie choked on his water, grabbed his napkin and blotted his mouth before shooting a glare at Shannon. "I'm not hearing this."

"What? It's a wedding. People get all crazy romantic and do stupid shit at weddings. I'm just saying if she wants him, now would be a perfect time to put the moves on him."

Now Caleb was choking, too. Shannon turned toward him, her face heating when she realized what she had just said. "Um, I didn't mean—"

"And on that note, I think I need a drink." Chuckie pushed away from the table and stood. "Anyone else want anything from the bar?" 

"I'll join you." Caleb leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to her cheek before standing. "Beer or wine?"

"Um—" She almost said beer. That's what she normally drank. But she had a sudden nightmare of belching later, at the worst possible moment. She didn't want that, and she certainly didn't want beer breath, either. "Wine. White, please."

She watched as the men walked away—Caleb, Chuckie, and Maddison's date. Then she turned back and saw three sets of eyes staring at her. Dani laughed and hit her in the arm.

"Way to go, Wiley. You just announced you were going to jump your date to the whole world."

"I did not!"

"Sure sounded like it to me."

Taylor leaned forward, frowning. "I thought you said you guys weren't sleeping together."

"We're not."

"But aren't you staying here tonight?"

"Yeah but—"

"Is he staying with you?"

"Yes. I mean, I guess, but—"

Dani let out a loud whoop and pumped her fist in the air. "I knew it! Damn girl, you go for it. I knew there was a reason you were all dressed up."

"Hey, I'm not the only one dressed up. It's a wedding. You're supposed to dress up."

"Yeah, but you're the only one wearing fuck-me heels."

Shannon opened her mouth to argue then caught Taylor's eyes and snapped her mouth closed. Her friend didn't look angry, not really, but there was no mistaking the concern in her eyes. "What?"

Taylor shook her head and looked away. "I just hope you know what you're doing."

"Taylor, would you lighten up? You've been giving Shannon shit about him for weeks now. Leave it alone already."

"Excuse me for not wanting to see her used and tossed to the side."

"That's not going to happen." The words fell from Shannon's mouth, filled with a conviction she felt all the way down to her pinched toes.

"How do you know that? I told you, he's a player—"

"Maybe he is, maybe he isn't." Or maybe he was but not anymore. A player wouldn't have turned her down the other night. "But you know what? So what if he is? Maybe I just want to have some fun. Have you ever thought of that?"

"No, but—"

"Then drop it."

"I just don't want to see you get hurt."

"And I appreciate it. I really do. But Taylor, your captaincy doesn't carry over off the ice and into our personal lives. I'm a big girl. I know what I'm doing." At least, she hoped she knew what she was doing. And if she didn' what? She meant what she told Taylor: maybe she just wanted to have some fun.

She locked eyes with her friend for a long minute, willing her to understand. Taylor finally nodded, a small smile teasing the corners of her mouth as she leaned forward. "As long as you give us a full, detailed report and let us know if he lives up to his reputation."

Laughter and cheers greeted Taylor's words. Shannon shook her head, unable to stop her own smile. "Oh hell no! That is so not happening!"

"What's not happening?"

Shannon jumped then spun around, surprised to see Caleb standing there. She shook her head, cursing as her face heated. How long had he been standing there with Chuckie and Maddison's date? Had he heard them talking? No, he hadn't. No way would Taylor have said that if they'd been within hearing distance. At least, Shannon didn't think she would.

No, she didn't. Taylor's own blush of embarrassment told her that much. And she was saved from answering when TR approached the table, dragging Mac with her.

"Hey guys." She sat down, looked over her shoulder and frowned at the big man behind her, then patted the empty seat next to her. "That was such a beautiful ceremony, wasn't it? I think I almost cried. You don't mind if we join you, do you? I'm trying to broaden Mac's horizons. I figure making him sit with a bunch of strong women would do him good."

Shannon glanced over, watched as the big man reluctantly lowered himself into the chair next to TR. Like he was afraid the thing would topple under his weight—and like he'd rather be anywhere else but here.

Shannon bit back a grin and turned to TR. "You're, uh, you're not actually working or anything right now, are you?"

"No, you're safe. Although you still owe me the rest of that interview." Her gaze landed on Caleb, interest clear in her pale blue eyes. "Especially since I think I need some clarification on a few things you told me."

Shannon frowned, wondering what the other woman was talking about. Then she remembered their talk all those weeks ago, when TR had asked her about any men in her life and if they had any issues with her playing. TR just sat there and watched her, one brow raised in silent question, a smile teasing her mouth.

Shannon shook her head and looked away, suddenly feigning interest in the centerpiece. Caleb shifted beside her, pushed the wineglass in her direction, then leaned forward.

"Why do I feel like there's a whole lot of something that I'm missing?"

TR waved off his concern with a wide smile. "There's not, don't worry. Have you guys met Mac?"

A few of them had, but only because they'd seen him at the rink with Jon and again at their team meeting the other night. TR placed her hand on Mac's arm, the action both flirty and possessive somehow, and made quick introductions. The man offered everyone a curt nod then simply sat there like an immovable wall, looking like he'd rather be dodging bullets than sitting there making small talk.

Music finally filled the room, drowning out the low hum of conversation and the clanking of glasses. Jon and Sammie made their way across the room, a perfect picture of a couple in love. Jon pulled Sammie into his arms and led her around the dance floor in their first dance as husband and wife. Well, their first one the second time around.

Sammie motioned for everyone to join in, a bright smile on her face. Her daughter Clare ran across the floor and jumped toward them, giggling when Jon caught her in one arm and held her between them as a collective aww filled the room.

A warm hand clasped hers and tugged. Caleb leaned closer, his mouth close to her ear when he spoke. "How about a dance?"

His voice was low, filled with husky promise. Shannon met his gaze, her heartbeat tripling when she noticed the desire in those deep green eyes. She nodded, knowing speech was beyond her when he was looking at her that way.

He led her to the dance floor with the other couples, his arm warm and solid against her back. He folded his free hand around hers and brought it to his chest, right above the steady beat of his heart. His gaze never left hers, holding her captive as surely as he held her in his arms.

"I guess we get to share the bride and groom's first dance, hm?"

"Yeah. But don't they always do that? I mean, invite other couples out on the floor to join them—"

"That's not what I meant."

Shannon tilted her head to the side, ignoring the hammering of her heart as Caleb watched her. "Then what did you mean?"

The dimple deepened in his cheek when he smiled. "I mean this is our first dance, too. As a couple. Now, whenever I hear this song, I'll think about you."

"Oh. Wow. Um..." Shannon cleared her throat and looked away, wondered if her smile looked as silly as it felt. "That's, um, that's pretty sappy. And romantic."

Caleb laughed, the rich sound sending heat throughout her entire body. "Yeah, well, it's a wedding. People get all crazy romantic and do stupid shit at weddings."