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Playing with Fire (Dirty Filthy Men Book 1) by Sam Crescent, Stacey Espino (5)

Chapter Five


“So, you found a room after all,” said Luke.

“Actually, I’m staying with Dalton. He was nice enough to offer me a place to stay.”

Luke raised an eyebrow. “Is that so? How very neighborly of him.”

Dalton’s hand settled on her lower back in a possessive way. He led her to the station, glaring at his friends as they passed. She couldn’t sense any genuine malice among the three men, but she clearly felt Dalton’s claim on her. It surprised her how much she liked it.

The station was modern considering the size of the town. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected, but it was impressive, sterile, and spacious.

“Don’t mind the guys. There’re going to drill me all day,” said Dalton.

“Do they always do that?”

He shook his head. “They know I like you, so they’re not going to let me off easy.”

Eva smiled, but her heart felt like it would burst. She’d gone back in time, suddenly a teen falling in love for the first time. “Do you bring a lot of girls on calls with you?”

It was stupid of her to question him, but she wanted to be special, wanted to be desired. Eva was thirty-one, not twenty, but her relationships until now had pretty much sucked. After her recent love life disaster, her confidence had taken a major hit.

She didn’t expect the response she got. Dalton turned to face her, forcing her to back up against a stainless-steel cabinet in the hall. They were out of sight, and all her senses became magnified. He braced a hand on the wall near her head, leaning in close. “Only you, Eva.” The man was tall and built. He looked down at her, desire swirling in his eyes. She could hear their breathing, and her body called out to be taken by him.

Eva swallowed hard. “Your coworkers won’t mind?”

“Don’t worry about them.” He used the back of his fingers and gently brushed some stray hairs from her face. It was the most intimate thing she’d ever experienced, which was pathetic at her age. She leaned into his touch, her heart racing and body heating. Instead of moving to the next level, he winked. “Come on.”

Disappointment assaulted her as he led her into the main area of the station. Her entire body felt hotwired after just a few intimate moments with him. What appeared to be a decorative fire pole was actually functional. She’d never been in a fire station, so she found it all quite interesting. What surprised her even more was Dalton’s inhuman self-control. When he’d offered her a room, all she’d worried about was a strange man hitting on her, expecting something in return for kindness. Dalton was anything but a predator. In fact, she was ready to throw herself at him because her libido was off the charts.

“Truck’s ready to go,” Grayson shouted. “We should head out.”

They all boarded the big red fire truck, the rumble of the engine deafening as she climbed up onto the front bench seat. She felt so high up as the truck drove out onto the street with a jostle. Dalton set his hand on her thigh to secure her. Did he realize how high his hand was? His touch made her pussy clench, and if he moved any higher, she’d have a spontaneous orgasm right in the truck. That would be embarrassing to say the least.

“Do you always take this big truck out to do runs?” she asked Luke, who was the driver.

Luke turned onto the main road. “This was Dalton’s idea. He thought you’d like to see the town in style.”

She turned to look at Dalton, his hand still on her thigh. Eva couldn’t help but smile at him. These small, kind gestures meant more to her than all the gold in the world. She began to rethink all her plans, questioning if running from life was the answer.

They stopped after reaching the edge of town where there were a few factories and storage unit buildings.

“Sit tight. We won’t be long,” said Dalton.

She watched the three men patrol the area. There were some charred pallets and caution tape between two warehouses. Dalton squatted down, examining something. Luke took some measurements, and Grayson walked farther down the alley until out of sight.

They were all fit men, and ruggedly handsome, but Dalton took the prize. He was a born leader, and he made her feel safe. She couldn’t imagine a man like him would toss her aside like Mark had.

A while later, they boarded the truck again, bringing the freshness of the outdoors inside. “Everything okay?” asked Dalton.

“I’m good. What about your crime scene?”

“Something we’ll have to keep an eye on.”

She didn’t push further because she could feel the tension among the men. It probably wasn’t protocol to give strangers information about an investigation.

They drove to a couple more sites, and she waited in the truck while they did their investigation. The town was picturesque, and a little part of her heart felt like it had found home. She didn’t want to delude herself and fall in love with Dalton or the town. His type had to be looking for a picture-perfect virgin from a good family. Eva was used goods with a questionable background.

“Why don’t you two take a break? I want to give Eva a quick, private tour,” said Dalton.

“I could eat,” said Grayson.

Luke pulled the fire truck at the side of the next road, close to a twenty-four-hour diner. “Don’t forget about us,” Luke said as he tossed Dalton the keys. The men talked outside for a few minutes before Dalton climbed up into the driver’s seat.

“You can drive this thing too?”

“There are a lot of things you’d be surprised I can do,” he said, giving her a wink. Before he started to drive, he shrugged off his overcoat, then grabbed the wheel. The muscles in his arms flexed as the turned the truck onto the road.

She should keep her mouth shut but couldn’t. “Do you have to exercise a lot? For work, I mean?”

He gave her a quick glance, a smirk on his lips. “We have a full gym at the station. At home I only do push-ups and pull-ups. I jog a few times a week before shift too.”

“I feel tired just listening to that.”

Dalton chuckled. “We get performance tested every three months. Besides, I like to be at my best. I’m not getting any younger.”

“Well, you’re doing a really good job.”

When the truck stopped, she realized she hadn’t even been paying attention to the drive, too busy staring at his biceps. Her fantasies were drifting all over the place. They were on the outskirts of town, no civilization in sight.

“You like what you see?” he teased, shifting on the bench seat once he cut the engine.

She swore her cheeks were bright red. “Anyone with eyes can see you’re in great shape. I wish I had that much commitment.”

He narrowed his eyes. “You’re perfect just the way you are. More than perfect.”

“Really?” She wasn’t buying his compliments. “I don’t have any of those.” She pointed to the muscles in his arms. “And I have a bit too much padding.”

“Remember what I said about curves?”

She nodded, her mouth feeling dry. Could he really be attracted to her? She’d give anything for a man like Dalton to want her unconditionally. From her experience men weren’t loyal, only looking for the youngest and most beautiful arm candy they could get their hands on.

“Where are we, anyway?”

“I wanted to show you something. Come on,” he said. Dalton exited the vehicle, meeting her at the front of the truck. They were close to an embankment that overlooked the town. “Nice view, eh?”

“Wow, you can see everything from here.”

The blue of the sky met the green of the forests surrounding the town. The rooftops looked tiny from their vantage point. She felt like she was on top of the world, like a phoenix starting fresh.

“You should see it when the sun sets. There’s nothing more beautiful.” Then he turned to her, tilting her chin up. “Well, almost nothing.”

He stared at her, the sun reflecting in his blue eyes. Dalton ran the backs of his fingers tenderly along her cheek.


He shut up whatever excuse she hoped to come up with by kissing her on the lips. She was taken aback, but still felt like jelly as he pulled her close, his hand firmly at her back. Eva felt like she was dreaming, overwhelmed by the perfection of the moment.

Dalton leaned back slightly, his hands still possessively on her body. “You drive me crazy. I can’t stop thinking about you. But I’ll stop right now if you want me to.”

Was love a feeling? Was it making her heart race right now?

“Keep going,” she said. “Don’t stop.” Eva had never known passion like this. Kissing, even sex, had always been lackluster and forgettable. Dalton woke up something inside her, and she wanted so much more. Every time she looked at him, she thought of them naked and entwined. This was the beauty of new love, possibilities … and she hoped reality didn’t steal her joy this round.


Dalton couldn’t hold back any longer. Being trapped in the truck with her half the day had his control shot. Not to mention having her in his home. He had no plans of fucking her and walking away, so why keep waiting? She may not trust men, but what better way to prove himself than by showing her he wouldn’t move on after sex? He wanted a woman to keep, not a quick affair. That lifestyle was for younger men too focused on their own pleasure. Dalton was a man, and he knew exactly what he wanted. Right now, he wanted to fuck Eva.

When she gave him the permission he needed to take things to the next level, his cock tented his uniform pants. He imagined she expected some wholesome lovemaking, but she had no clue about the men in Hope Springs. Most had libidos that were off the charts. Maybe it was the water. She’d soon learn that good values didn’t mean boring in the bedroom.

He slipped his hand under the edge of her jeans, loving the feel of her soft skin. Eva ran both her hands up his arms, testing his muscles. She sought more of his kisses, pressing back against his body.

“I’m all yours, baby.”

“For tonight?”

Dalton smirked. Her insecurities were endearing. “I’m not going anywhere. Give me a little trust. Promise you won’t regret it.”

“Okay.” She grabbed a handful of his t-shirt, keeping close. “What are you going to do with me?” Eva was a tease, looking up at him with fire in her eyes. This was one game she wouldn’t win.

“I’m a firefighter. So I plan to strip you naked and fuck you in my truck.”

Her mouth fell agape, so he kissed her again, his tongue pushing inside as the kiss deepened. She wrapped her arms around his neck, standing up on her tiptoes. Dalton backed her up until they reached the front bumper of the fire truck.

He broke their kiss long enough to tug his t-shirt clean off his body, and then he unbuckled and pulled down his zipper. This time he nuzzled her neck, kissing and suckling all her erogenous zones until her breathing picked up. Her little hands roamed over his body—his chest, his arms, his abs. He loved the feel of her.

He’d never felt this excited about a woman before. Her scent, her touch, the sound of her voice, it all drove him wild. The chemistry between them was electric. Every time they made eye contact, something jolted to life within him. He knew Eva was the one.

“I swear I never do this kind of thing,” she said.

He unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them down past her hips, along with her panties, then hoisted her to sit on the bumper. “You have nothing to prove to me, sweetheart. All I care about is right here, right now. You and me.”

Dalton tugged her jeans away and spread her legs, positioning himself between them. Right now was about sating the burning lust. There would be plenty of time for slow, careful exploration and lovemaking—now wasn’t that time. He needed to fuck her hard and quick so he could think straight. With any luck, she’d want to stick around for more.

He was getting sick and tired of an empty house and empty bed. Dalton wanted Eva to realize life in Hope Springs was the answer. He wanted her to fall in love with him, to trust him to always be there for her.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” she said. Eva closed her eyes as he lifted her shirt over her head.

“I love these tits,” he said, peeling the cup of her bra to the side. Dalton leaned down and took her nipple into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue. She had ample breasts, the kind most men only fantasized about. She was going to be all his because he couldn’t imagine letting her walk away after he had a taste.

He stood straight, releasing his cock from his boxer briefs. She watched his every move, her hands braced on his shoulders as she sat precariously on the front bumper of the fire truck.

“Are you wet, Eva?” He slipped two fingers between her legs, plunging them deep inside her cunt. “Damn, you’ll feel like heaven around my cock.”

Dalton pumped his fingers inside her a few times before removing them. She writhed, anxious and receptive, her mewling sounds turning him on. He grabbed the base of his aching cock and rubbed the head up and down her overflow of moisture. The thick head of his dick was dark against her pale white inner thighs and pink pussy. When he couldn’t hold back another minute, he pushed in, inch after inch. He groaned as she squeezed him, gritting his teeth to keep some semblance of control.

Eva cried out, loud enough for onlookers to hear, but they were conveniently isolated from prying ears in one of his favorite spots. “Oh, God, Dalton!”

“You like me inside you? Filling you with my dick?”

“I feel so full,” she said between moans. “Please don’t stop.”

He pumped his hips, holding both her legs at his sides. Dalton kissed her as she held him around the neck. It was passion and intense pleasure at once, and the intensity shocked him. He felt bonded to Eva, addicted to her. She was perfect around his cock, hot and tight. Her curves were soft and comfortable, fitting seamlessly against his hardness. This was the woman he wanted to introduce to his mother, the woman he wanted to start a family with.

He pistoned inside her, the entire truck lurching with his thrusts. She held on tight, her heavy breathing and desperate whimpers close to his ear.

Dalton reached between them, rubbing her clit in quick circles as he continued to fuck her. “Come for me, beauty. Come all over my dick.” She was a receptive little thing, her body igniting on command. Eva moaned, squealing and digging her nails into his shoulders as her body stiffened, then sagged, her pussy pulsing around his cock.

He allowed himself to finally let go now that she’d come for him, pumping deep inside her as he released himself. Dalton didn’t move away. After he caught his breath, he braced both hands on the fire truck, his cock still inside her.

“That was amazing,” he said, giving her a kiss. She smiled, but it looked sad. “What’s wrong?”

She wiggled away from him and off the bumper, reaching for her jeans and other clothes. “Nothing’s wrong. I just want you to know that I’m not some crazy, fatal attraction kind of woman. I’m not going to force you into a commitment just because we had sex, so you don’t have to worry.”

He pulled a clean rag from his back pocket and handed it to her. She cleaned up and dressed. Dalton waited, not saying a word until he had her full attention. “I don’t know what rules you follow in the city when it comes to relationships. Around here, when a man says he’s interested in more than sex, it’s not just to get into a woman’s pants.” He held her hand and led her back to the edge of the embankment. He ran both hands into her hair, securing her head as he focused on her eyes. She was a beauty, and she continually mesmerized him. “I want you, Eva. I want you to stay here. With me.” He kissed her forehead. “No more running.”