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Pretty Little Thing: A Rich Bitches Novel by Kiss, Tabatha (22)



I already feel it before I even open my eyes; that deep muscle pain which comes from bending and twisting in ways you never have before. A smile creeps up my face and I roll over, completely delighted with the stretch of my thighs and the twinge in my abs.

I’m alone on the bed, but I wasn’t always — that’s for sure. The duvet is somewhere on the floor, probably. My dress lies in front of the mirror next to a man’s dress shirt and tie.


No answer. I sit up, letting the lonely sheet fall free as I drop my feet to the floor. My thighs clench as I stand, stretched and tingling with vague memory. I bend down and scoop Clive’s shirt off the floor to put on. As I slide it over my shoulders, I stop in front of the full-length mirror by the doorway.

My jaw slowly opens as I gaze at the fresh marks on my breasts. Deep, purple bites left behind. I gently pinch them, wincing at the tenderness, but smiling at the memory.

I button up and head downstairs.

I see him before he notices I’m there. Clive wanders around my condo in nothing but his black pants and socks. I delight in the crunch of his abs and the deep, v-lines on his back. His hair is wild and haphazard with a natural bed-head.

I quickly realize that I was so preoccupied with my nipples before that I didn’t check my own hair. I comb my fingers through to kill any tangles that might be there. He continues his slow walk from my sitting room to my office and I follow him with curiosity.

I peek in at him from the hallway. Clive scans the walls of my office, checking every nook and cranny as if he’s searching for something.

“Good morning,” I say.

Clive startles and twists around in surprise. He instantly smiles at the shirt I’m wearing and exhales a deep breath. “You move very quietly,” he says.

“The perks of being petite.” I step inside. “You looking for something?”

“No,” he says. “Not at all. I’m just...” His eyes flick back and forth. “You have a very nice place.”

“Thank you.”

“A little, black book did all this, eh?”

I nod. “It did.”

“That’s kind of amazing.”

My shoulders bounce as I look away. “I just got lucky, I think.”

“Turning a full house in Vegas is lucky,” he says. “You worked your ass off and you know it.”

I blush. “Well, I don’t like to brag.”

“Brag. You earned it.”

I pause, sensing a shift in his tone, almost as if he’s demanding it. “All right,” I say. “I am amazing.”

He smiles. “You also snore.”

My face falls. “No, I don’t.”

He pinches the air. “Just a little.”

“Fuck me...”

“Don’t worry about it.” He steps closer and I look up from my view of his smooth, exposed pecs into his deep, blue eyes. “How did you sleep?” he asks.

I take a breath. “Honestly... I don’t remember the last time I woke up this good.”

His brow furrows. “Me, neither.”


“Oh, yeah.”

“My snoring didn’t keep you up?”

He chuckles. “I zoned it out after a while.”

“Thank god.”

His hands rise to cup my face. My cheeks tingle as he leans down to kiss me.

Clive bends suddenly and hoists me off the floor. I gasp and wrap my arms around his neck as he carries me toward the stairs.

“And just where do you think you’re taking me?” I ask.

“Wherever I want,” he says, his lips locking on mine.

My pulse pounds as he ascends with me. I feel like I’m floating on air, so safe and warm, just like that night at the club. I could pass out all over again, though, I wish I wouldn’t.

We reach the landing and he takes me to the bedroom. I kiss him over and over again, letting myself enjoy the ride. His arms suddenly fall away and I drop like a rock onto my bed. I laugh hard but my cackling is cut short fast as he towers over me and shoves his tongue down my throat.

I flinch away. “What time is it?”

Clive blinks. “Uh...”

I look at the clock on my bedside table. It’s eleven-thirty. “Oh, shit,” I say. “It’s almost noon.”

“It’s Sunday,” he says, leaning in again. “Sunday’s are made for sleeping in. Even I don’t have to be at the gym until three…”

He kisses me again, his lips firm and demanding.

“Yeah, but I...”

My lips surrender to his and I kiss him back as he pulls me against him.

“I have...” I sigh, pausing as his mouth falls to my neck. “I have somewhere to be.”

He guides me backward until my head hits the pillows. “Where?” he asks.

“I’m meeting my friends for brunch,” I answer.


“Yeah, we...” I shiver as his hands crawl up the bottom of the shirt. “We’ve done it for like five years,” I say. “We have a reserved table every Sunday at twelve at Moira’s Cafe. We sit down, get blitzed on mimosas, and just... leave our troubles at the door.”

Clive looks at me and nods. “Sounds like fun.”

“Until recently, it was the best part of my week.”

“Oh, really?” He cocks an eyebrow. “What changed?”

I smile. “Nothing really.”

“Nothing, huh?”

He reaches beneath me, giving my rear a quick spank. I laugh as my legs slowly curl around his waist. He’s semi-hard and his dick pushes against my inner thigh, bringing back memories from last night.

I try and pull myself out of it. “I should really go...” I say.

“No,” he says.


Clive pins my wrists above my head with one strong hand and reaches for his belt with the other. I look down and watch as he unzips, pulls his cock out, and strokes himself.

“Where do you want it?” he asks.


His breath quickens. “I’m going to come on you,” he says. “I want you to walk around today... with my seed on your body.”

My pussy pulses with need, utterly turned-on by the request and I haven’t the slightest idea why. I just love that it’s coming from him.

“Better choose quickly,” he says, his fist stroking faster. “Breasts? Bellybutton?” He arches a brow. “Face?”

I swallow the building moisture on my tongue, listening to the quiet groans in the back of his throat. “Inside,” I whisper.

“No, that’s cheating,” he says. “I want it on your skin.”

I bite my lip as a crippling wave of heat tingles me from head to toe.

“Last chance,” he says. “Don’t make me choose for you.”

“Belly,” I say. “I want it there.”

Clive releases my hands and sits up, giving himself a more stable aim at my navel. He flips my shirt open, still stroking himself with a tight grip. His muscles tense up and I brace for that warm spray to touch my skin.

He comes on me with satisfying pleasure on his face as he lets out one long, agonizing grunt. Thick, white ropes leave a small pool of semen along my navel. I feel dirty already, but in the best of ways.

Clive drops his spent cock and stares at my body, from my curling toes to my heaving breasts. “What do we say?” he asks me.

I exhale, trying to calm my throbbing sex. “Thank you, Mr. Snow,” I tell him.

“You’re welcome, Ms. Payne.” Again, his eyes fall over my curves. “You look gorgeous.”

I try another breath but my body rumbles. “Uh-huh.”

He scolds me with soft, warm eyes. “You want to come, too,” he says. “Don’t you?”

I nod my head. “Yes, please,” I say.

Clive slides off the bed and kneels on the floor. With both hands, he takes hold of my knees and yanks me along, positioning me on the edge of the mattress in front of him.

His eyes look up at me, fueling my trembling need, as he purses his lips against my inner thigh. “Is this what you want?” he asks, his breath tingling my skin.

“Yes,” I moan.

He guides my legs straight up into the air and kisses the back of my knees. “I don’t think you want it badly enough,” he says, peeking at me.

“I do.”

“Then, why aren’t you begging?”

I quiver as his tongue draws a line down my right leg, continuing all the way along my exposed crack. “Please, Mr. Snow,” I beg. “Make me come.”

His tongue brushes my anus, making my ankles jerk in the air. He holds my legs in place and flicks me again.

“Yes,” I moan. “More, please.”

Clive spreads my knees and gently settles my legs up over his shoulders. As my rear shifts down, he keeps his tongue on me, slowly licking upward to my dripping slit.

“I want that ass, Ms. Payne.”

I nod, wanting him to take it. “Yes...”

“Are you going to give it to me?”

He taps my clit with his tongue and I shudder with pleasure.

“Yes,” I answer.

“Good girl.” He laps at me, bringing me so close to the edge I grow tense in anticipation. “Will I be the first?” he asks.

I hesitate. “No.”

Clive withdraws his lips and I ache with regret. “What was that?”

“No, Mr. Snow,” I say, breathing hard. “You won’t be the first.”

“How many other men have been in your ass?” he asks, staring up at me with dark, intense eyes.

“Two,” I answer truthfully.

He forces my knees together again. “Legs up,” he says, drawing my ankles into the air. “Don’t move.”

I hold them there as he stands up off the floor. He stares down at me with hard, unblinking eyes as he pulls his belt from of his belt loops.

“Two men,” he says, folding the belt in half. “Two lashes.”

I shiver in place, rocked to the core but still intrigued. “I’m sorry

“It’s too late for sorry. Don’t move.”

He grips my ankles with his left hand, easily holding them together with his strong fingers.

I look into his eyes. So wild and intense, unlike anything I’ve seen in him before. He’s displeased, that’s for sure, and that’s my fault.

My tongue twitches for the safe word but I bite it instead. The heat building on my skin screams even louder. I’m still throbbing for release and I know the only way to get it is through this. I want to know where this leads. I want to know how it feels to be truly punished.

Clive raises the belt over his head. His eyes shift to look at me for a brief second before he takes aim at my lifted ass.

The belt descends, slapping my skin with a quick, smooth whip.

“Ah!” I cry out, arching my back in pain.

“One,” he counts.

I dig my nails into the bed, riding out the red fire shooting up to my knees. It hurt. Really hurt. But part of me doesn’t care. Part of me knows that it’s halfway over. One more and he’ll forgive me. One more and he’ll be satisfied. One more… and he’ll give me pleasure.

Clive hits me again, this one faster and more biting than the first one. I don’t cry out this time. I grit my teeth and hold my breath, letting the discomfort ride through me.

“Two,” he says, dropping the belt to the floor.

I open my mouth, letting my breath out through my trembling lips. A warm tear creeps out of the corner of my closed eye, sparking a sense of bliss deep within my chest.


Clive’s hand touches my cheek, prompting my eyes to open. He stares at me the same wild intensity as before, but the opposite emotion. Kind and gentle. Sympathetic comfort. He thinks he’s gone too far but I’ve never felt more relaxed in my life.

I smile. “Yes, Mr. Snow?”

He smiles back and leans down to kiss me. I meet his lips and cup his face to reassure him that I’m still here. I’m still his.

“Please,” I whisper again. “Make me come.”

One more kiss and he lowers down to the floor again, taking my fatigued legs along with him. His face slips out of sight and he leaves gentle kisses up my thighs again before burying his face in my pussy.

I gasp and laugh, fawning over his impressive tongue. It burrows in me, lapping and sucking and fucking until he feels my legs twitching around his shoulders.

“Fuck,” I moan, biting my lip.

Clive looks up, his eyes smiling and nose wet. He reaches up and swipes my belly, coating his fingertip with semen. “Open. No swearing,” he scolds.

I open my mouth and he slides his finger inside, making me suck it. He latches his lips on my clit and gives it a long, slow suck. I gnaw on his knuckles to try and keep myself together but the pressure inside is just too much.

I come hard on his face, my knees pushing up his shoulders and slipping upward to lock around his head. He doesn’t release my clit. It’s almost if he refuses to. He continues his fierce, flicking assault on me as I squirm and shift on the bed.

I slap his forehead, giggling like mad. “Stop! Stop, stop, stop.”

Clive releases me with a wide, happy smile. “Yes, Ms. Payne,” he says, licking and wiping his mouth.

I breathe hard at the ceiling, unable to move.

He stands up and towers over me as he quickly secures his belt. “Are you all right?” he asks.

I give him a thumbs-up. “Yeah, I’m good. Think I’ll just… rest my eyes a little…”

“Aren’t you late for brunch?”

My eyes snap open. “Ah, crap.”

Clive laughs and extends his hand. “Come on.”

I take it and he helps me up. I wobble a bit on my quivering legs, feeling a rush of blood to… well, everywhere.

He cups my face and draws me closer for one smooth kiss. “Guess I’ll see you at the office tomorrow morning,” he says.

“Right.” I take a breath, filling my lungs with him. “Tomorrow.”

We kiss again. His hands slide from my face to my shoulders, pushing my shirt down my arms.

I chuckle. “I thought you were leaving…”

“I am,” he says. “This is my shirt.”

“Oh!” I roll my eyes and hand it to him. “Sorry.”

He takes a step back and throws it on as I head toward the closet for my robe. “But before I go…”


“Was there anything about last night you want to talk about?” he asks as he buttons his shirt.

I think back, getting lost in the memories for a moment. “No,” I answer, smiling. “Last night was perfect, Mr. Snow.”

Clive nods. “I agree, Ms. Payne.”