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Prick by Sabrina Paige (19)

He’s talking about my father.  He’s talking about my father’s campaign, and “the really important issues,” and the Presidential race, and oh my God, I think he just said something about wanting a wife and kids.  I touch his arm and pretend whatever the hell he just said was funny, but really I’m thinking about Caulter.  I can’t get the image out of my head -- Caulter standing there with that woman in the library.

I want to vomit.  The idea of him fucking some other woman, in the library of all places, makes me sick.  I think she's married, too; I saw her on the arm of an older man earlier tonight. 

A server passes with a tray of champagne and I grab another flute, despite the fact that I’ve already downed two and deposited the empty glasses on the bar.  I wish Chase would just shut the hell up.  He talks and talks, endless streams of words, and it makes me want to claw my eyes out.

I wonder if I should just hook up with Chase.  He's not awful looking in a meathead sort of way.  Maybe that would be enough to erase the memory of Caulter's touch that seems to just linger on my flesh.  Screw Caulter, anyway.  There's nothing special about him.

I look up and Caulter is right in front of me.

"Excuse me," he says, putting his shoulder between Chase and I.

“What the fuck?”  Chase asks.

“I need to talk to Katherine.”  Caulter says.  “That means you can leave.”

Chase puffs out his chest and stands his ground.  “I’m talking to her, dickwad,” he says.  “Do you want me to have to beat your ass at your own house?”

“Chase.”  My voice is sharp, warning.  “This is not the place.”

“Whatever,” he says, rolling his eyes.  “Obviously you give more of a shit about your step-brother here than --”

Caulter looks at him.  “Why are you still here?”

“Fuck you, asshole.”  But Chase walks away.  I'm not disappointed to see him go.

But I am pissed at Caulter.  “What, did you get tired of banging the redhead in there?”  I hiss.

His grip on my arm tightens and he leans in close to me, glancing at a couple nearby, who toss us dirty looks before moving to another spot a few feet away.  The bartender is mixing a drink, but I have the sneaking suspicion he’s also listening.  Caulter whispers in my ear.  “That was not what you fucking think, and I will explain.”

I shake him off.  “I don’t want an explanation, Caulter.  It’s none of my business.”  But I do want to get the hell out of here.  I weave and wind through the people outside, and cut through the back entrance of the house.  I know Caulter is somewhere behind me, but I don’t care.  I want out from under the scrutiny of all those people, and I feel a little buzzed from the champagne.

“Kate.”  Caulter says my name loudly, then quieter, as I dart around one of the caterers in the kitchen and through the side door into the dining room, where it’s empty.

I whirl around, and look at him.  “What, Caulter?” I ask.  “What could you possibly have to say that I would want to hear?”

“This is not the place for this conversation, Kate.”  He nods toward the swinging door that separates the rooms, the door that barely provides any cover for the kind of heated argument this is bound to be.

“Maybe we should have this conversation in the library, then.  Would that be a more suitable place?"

"I already told you, that was not what it looked like."  He speaks low, looking over his shoulder toward the kitchen, and even though the last thing I want is for anyone to hear this conversation, I'm somehow made even more irritated by his concern.

I know we're hiding this -- whatever the fuck this is -- but the fact that we're skirting around just makes the whole thing seem shady.

"You're right," I whisper.  "I was probably just confused by the naked ass and tits.  I wasn't really clear about what was happening."

I'm done with this conversation, and I'm done with him.

I storm out of the room, taking the stairs as quickly as I can in my stupid heels.  He follows me, and when I reach the door to my room, he's behind me, his body dangerously close to mine.

"Hurry up and open the fucking door," he says, his voice a low growl.

I pause with my hand on the doorknob.  "Go to your room.  I don't want to talk to you."

"Open the fucking door before someone looks up here and sees us," he says.  "Because you have about two seconds before I drop my pants."  His hand slides up my thigh, and I slap it away.

"Don't touch me," I say.  "You're disgusting."  But I open the door anyway.  He's right that someone could walk down the hall and see us.

He shuts the door behind him, hard, and I walk to the other side of the room and draw the curtains, shutting out the partygoers outside before I spin around.  "You're pissed off," he says.

"I'm not pissed off.  I don't give a shit what you do."

Caulter crosses his arms over his chest, smirking at me.  The problem is, standing there in the tuxedo like that, he looks damn near irresistible.  "You really think I fucked that redhead in the library?"

"How can you even ask me that question, Caulter?  Of course I think you fucked her.  Your reputation precedes you."

He looks disappointed.  "Despite what you might think," he says.  "I'm not an asshole."

I laugh.  "You must think I'm a complete idiot," I say.  "Or that just because I was a virgin when you did the deed, that I'm totally naive."

"I don't think you're stupid or naive," he says.  "Which is why you know I didn't fuck her."  He looks sincere, and I want to believe him, but I can't be sure he's not lying.

"You had a naked girl in the library, and you were holding her clothes," I say.  "You fucked her."

"I'm not an asshole, Kate," he says.  I'm distracted by the way his mouth looks as he speaks.  I want to feel the heat of his breath on my skin.  "She was repulsive."

"She was hot," I say.  "And naked."

"How long had it been since I walked out of the party?" he asks.  "Ten minutes?  Fifteen?  Enough time for me to have a drink in the library."

"Enough time for you to screw her," I say.

"You've fucked me, Kate," he says, his eyes boring into me.  "You tell me if you think fifteen minutes is long enough for me."

"What about when we were in the library before?" I remind him.  "How long was that?"

"The ladder broke.  That's not exactly my fault."

"You were coming before it broke."

"Only because you were coming on my cock."

"So?  What does that have to do with it?"

He reaches up with his other hand and traces his finger down the front of my dress, hooking it under the necklace on my chest.  "So...I can't hold out when it comes to you, Kate."

I laugh.  "I'm sure that's what you tell all the girls."

The edges of his eyes wrinkle when he looks at me.  "There are no other girls."

"I don't believe you."

"Yes you do," he says, moving his finger up to my face.  He traces the outline of my jaw, pulls my face up toward his.  "Because you know it's true.  Since you, there's been no one else."

My heart thumps in my chest.  "But the redhead..."

"I don't know her.  She walked in and stripped off her clothes."  He leans in close and kisses me, barely brushing my lips with his, the movement light as a feather.

I push him back, unable to contain my laugh.  "Women don't just walk in a room and take off their clothes."

"They do for me."

"That's ridiculous."

"I'm a celebrity," he says.  "It's not the first time."

"And it won't be the last, either."  I'm irritated with him again. I'm irritated with the idea that women walk into a room and throw themselves at him. I'm irritated with the fact that the insistent throbbing between my legs is making me stupid.  It's making me want to lose my mind and beg him to bury his cock inside me.

"I like this jealous streak," he says.  "It's adorable."

"I'm not jealous," I insist, lying, to him or myself, I'm not sure which.  "I'm making sure you're not riddled with STDs."

"Jealous," he says, his mouth close to mine.  He licks my lower lip with the tip of his tongue, and I inhale sharply, my thoughts clouded by lust.

"You're the jealous one.  You were jealous when you saw me outside with Chase."

He grabs a handful of hair at the base of my neck and pulls me to him, covering my mouth with his.  A twinge of pain shoots through me as he presses his mouth hard against my mouth, his tongue warring with mine.  My body is on fire, and I long for him to run his hands over my skin.  I long to feel him inside me.

When he finally pulls away, he keeps a firm grasp on my hair, holding my head steady so I can't help but look at him.  "You're damn right I was jealous," he says.  "Don't even think about talking to him again."

"Says the guy who had a naked girl in the library.  That's ironic."

"I didn't touch her.  I threw her out," he says.  "She was repulsive."

"She was hot.  And you could have touched her," I say.  "You and I aren't anything."

"That lacrosse player doesn't lay a finger on you," he says.  "You belong to me."

"What the hell is this, Caulter?" I ask.  "You're the one who says you're just having a little fun.  You're nobody's happy ever after, remember?"

He grips my hair harder, pulls me against him, his hardness pressing into my thigh.  "And you're not some frail little princess who needs swept off her feet," he says, running his hand up the side of my leg and cupping my ass, the tips of his fingers touching my pussy lips.  I'm wet, practically dripping, and when he realizes it, he pulls me against him, crushing my mouth with his again.

"Then what am I?" I ask, when I come up for air.

"You're the most irritating girl I've ever met," he says, his grip still tight on my hair.  He covers my breast with his hand, warm through the fabric of the dress, and my nipples harden immediately to his touch.

"And you're the --"

"You don't ever stop interrupting," he says.

I laugh.  "You're a caveman, with your --"

He squeezes my breast hard, sending a jolt of pain through my body.  "Keep talking, and I'll give you something to put in your mouth."

I can't help it; Caulter has done something to me.  He flipped a switch in me the first time he had me.  That was really the night he claimed me.

The thought of his hand on my hair, forcing his cock inside my mouth, makes my legs quiver.  "Is that supposed to be a threat?"

"Test me, Princess.  Go ahead and see if I'm making idle threats."

"So go on," I say, dropping to my knees on the floor.  "Tell me what I am, again."  I unbuckle his pants and take his massive cock in my hand.

Caulter groans.  "You're the most stuck-up -"

Wrapping my hand around the base of his cock, I lick him, base to tip, the pre-cum salty on my tongue.  I slide my lips over his head slowly, savoring everything about him...his taste, his scent, the way he moans under his breath, the sound guttural, deep in his throat.  Then I pause, looking up at him.  "And you're an asshole."

"Goody-goody," he says, grabbing a handful of my hair.

"Dickhead."  I let out a moan when he muffles the word by pulling my head forcefully onto his cock, yanking my hair at the roots.  I wrap my lips around him as he pushes his way further and further into my mouth.

"Prim and proper, straight-laced little virgin," he says, as I relax my throat, taking him in as far as I can, the irony of his words not lost on me.  I cup his balls with one hand and he groans, pulling my head back and forth along his length, refusing to let me be the one in control.  It's a few minutes before his grip on me loosens and he lets me go.  I pull away from his cock, wrapping my hand around his base and sliding it up and down his length, his skin lubricated by a mix of our fluids.  He warns me, his tone gruff.  "You had better put your mouth back."

"I haven't been a virgin for months now, thanks to you.  And you're an arrogant, egotistical prick who can't think about anything except getting laid," I say, unable to resist.

"Nerd," he says, but his head lolls back as I jerk him off into my mouth, my tongue stroking the end of his head.

"Manwhore."  I wrap my lips around his head, sucking in as I stroke.  I cradle his balls with my other hand.

"Shit," he says, pulling my head down farther.  "Suck it like you mean it, Princess."

So I don't.  I pull away from him.  "I told you to stop calling me that."

"Go ahead and keep doing what you're doing with my cock, Princess," he says, "On your knees like that, with your sweet little mouth hanging open, and I'll come all over that pretty little face of yours."

The throbbing between my legs threatens to undo me.  I want him more than I can stand.  I stroke him, my grip firm.  "I'd rather take it all in my mouth," I say, my voice low.  "Jackass."

Gripping my head with both hands, he fucks my mouth, so much pre-cum dripping from the tip I think he's going to explode.  I've gone down on him a handful of times now, but he's always stopped long before coming in my mouth, yanking me away from his cock and rolling on a condom before burying himself inside my pussy.

I want to taste him.

"Fuck, I'm going to come," he says, warning me, but I grab his thighs, swallowing him more deeply.  "Kate..."

I moan my response, my tongue pressing on the underside of his cock, and I suck harder as I feel him start to lose control.

"Shit, Kate," he groans, his hands gripping my hair, holding me in place as he lets go, filling my mouth with his seed.  I swallow once, then again, as his cock pulses, shooting the liquid into my throat. 

After he comes, he doesn’t waste a minute, pulling me immediately to my feet.  “Your fucking mouth,” he says.

“Don’t tell me,” I say.  “I need to shut it, right?”

“Your mouth is fucking amazing,” he says.  “You can keep your mouth open as long as my dick is inside it.  Prude.”

“Thanks for the generous offer.  Spoiled brat.”

“I can be generous,” he says, zipping up his pants.  He’s still wearing his tuxedo, only now his shirt and jacket have a rumpled look, even though he’s been standing the whole time.  He loosens the button on his jacket, and places it neatly on the chair by my desk.  Watching me from across the room, he barks an order.  “Strip. Now.”

I roll my eyes.  “That’s romantic.”

“You already know that I don't do love.  And you don’t want romance,” he says, undoing his cufflinks and then the buttons on his shirt.  “You want someone who will tell you exactly what he’s going to do to you, and then fucking do it.  And what I want is to see you take off that dress like you did the other night and show me that sweet body of yours.”

He doesn’t wait for me to respond.  He just peels off his shirt and slides out of his pants, the whole time never taking his eyes off me.  Turning, I back toward him and let him unzip the back of the dress, and it falls heavy to the floor.

His hands are on me, palms sliding over my arms, down my waist, then across my ass.  When he brushes his fingers against my pussy lips, I’m already so close I nearly come in response to his touch.

I inhale sharply before I speak.  “You’re wrong.”

“Am I?” he asks.  He takes his hands off me and I’m afraid for a moment that he’s not going to touch me again.

“What -- where are you going?”

He takes my hand.  “Kneel over me,” he tells me as he lies down on the floor.

“What?  Why --”

“Put your pussy on my face,” he says.  “Now.”

If I weren’t already so hot I could barely speak, the command alone would make me weak.  I start to turn around, but he stops me.

“No,” he says.  “Face forward.  This is all about you.”

I kneel over his face, my pussy inches from his lips, and watch with rapt fascination as he arches up and touches the tip of his tongue to me, licking from one end to the other.  A gossamer strand of my juice hangs off the end of my lips, and he groans as he begins to lap me.

I'm nervous, self-conscious despite the fact that this isn't the first time his lips have touched me.  But when he grasps my ass cheeks in his hands, pulling me hard against his mouth, that feeling dissipates.  “Oh my God, your mouth,” I moan.

He growls and holds me away from his face, looking at me with his mouth shiny, covered in my juices.  “I love the way your pussy tastes.  I can’t get enough of it.”

I moan softly, conscious of the guests downstairs, the crowd of people gathered to celebrate my father’s engagement to Ella.  We have to be quiet; anyone could hear or come looking for us.  The thought makes me hotter, and as Caulter covers my pussy with his mouth, eating me like a starving man, I ride his face, threading my hands through his hair.

I slide a hand to my breast, kneading it, tweaking my nipple between my fingers as I fuck his mouth, riding him as he brings me higher and higher.  His tongue seems to be everywhere at once, flicking over my clit, thrusting inside me, teasing me, making me think about his cock.  He grips my ass, his fingers spreading my cheeks, and I feel his fingertip against pressing against my asshole.

I squirm at his touch, at the pleasure that surges through me in response to his finger, and I think I hear him laugh, the sound muffled between my legs.  He grips me harder, pulling me against his face as he devours me.  I’m quiet, trying with everything I have not to cry out the way I want to, mindful of the fact that if I do, someone will hear me.  Someone will walk in to see me buck naked, riding my new step-brother’s face like he’s a fucking horse, my breasts bouncing in the air.

Caulter has his tongue lodged in my pussy, his fingertip pushing into my asshole, and the thought of someone seeing me like this, while I'm being so thoroughly debauched by him, pushes me entirely over the edge.

When I come, it’s blinding.  I'm gasping for air as I nearly yank his hair out by the roots, trying only to focus on keeping my mouth closed and not screaming.  Waves of pleasure, the pent up frustration of being around Caulter for a week, the jealousy of seeing him with another girl, wash over me, and I come hard against his face.

The orgasm isn't even finished when he lifts me up.  “On your hands and knees,” he growls.

I'm in a haze, preoccupied with my throbbing pussy, overcome with the void of his tongue being withdrawn from between my legs.  “What?”

“You heard me,” he says.  He grabs a condom from his pocket and rips open the wrapper with his teeth, looking at me like a feral animal.  His cock is rock hard, and he rolls the condom on his considerable length.  “What did I fucking say?”

I giggle, his harshness somehow striking me as funny.  “Okay, bossy.”

He doesn’t answer, just grabs a pillow from the bed and throws it on the ground in front of me.  “Scream into the pillow.”

“You think highly of yourself,” I say.

“You’re going to need the pillow.”  He doesn’t wait for me to respond, just pushes me down on all fours.  His tip presses against my entrance, and he plunges his cock inside me in one swift thrust, my wetness easily guiding him in.  Hands on my hips, he fucks me with hard thrusts, each one deeper than the last, my breasts swaying as he slides in and out of me.

“Shit, Caulter.”  I whisper the words, trying to be quiet, the sound of our flesh slapping together loud enough to make me nervous.  My pussy is so sensitive from my orgasm that I can barely take the sensation of his cock inside me.  It’s so overwhelming I want to crawl out of my skin.  “I don’t know if I can take it.”

His hands are on my back, roaming over my skin.  “I’m going to make you come again,” he says.  “This time will be insane.”

My pussy tightens around him as he plows into me, the heat of pleasure radiating through my body.  “Your cock is --”  I want to say ‘too much,’ but I don’t want him to take it away.  The mix of pleasure and the overstimulation bordering on pain, is something I’ve never experienced.

“Your pussy is so damn tight,” he whispers, his balls pressing up against my lips as he thrusts deeply inside me.  “You fit me like a fucking glove.”

“Oh God, Caulter, you’re going to make me come again,” I warn.

“You don’t come until I say you come, you hear me?”  He grabs a handful of hair at the base of my head, pulling my head back like he’s taking the reins on a horse.  “You fucking wait until I tell you.”

“Oh God.”

“Oh God, what?”

“Yes,” I gasp.  “Yes, yes.  Wait.”  I don’t know if I can.

Caulter slaps my ass cheek, the jiggling of my flesh sending a ripple of pleasure through my body.  “Touch your clit.”

“No,” I protest.  If I do, it will make me come in an instant.

“Rub your clit,” he orders, and I press my finger against it as his thrusts get faster.  “Tell me you love this.”

“Oh, yes, I love it.”  I’m rubbing my clit harder.

“Tell me you love me fucking your sweet, tight pussy.”   He thrusts into me, balls slamming against my lips, his cock so deep inside me.

“I love when you fuck me.”  I’m so close, I can’t hold off.

He grips my hips so tight it think he’s going to leave bruises.  “Say it again: I love you fucking my sweet, tight pussy.”

“”  I rub circles on my clit, harder as he thrusts into me, his thrusts punctuating each word.  “Caulter, don’t stop.  Don’t stop.”

“Do you want to come?”

“Yes, Yes.  Please.  Yes.”  I think I’m going to die if he doesn’t let me come.

“Please.  Say please let me come, Caulter.”  His hand on my lower back, he pushes me farther down to the floor, my face hovering just over the pillow.  I’m gripping the pillowcase as he thrusts into me, my ass high in the air.  I bite the edge of the material, trying to keep myself from coming.  But my pussy feels so wet and swollen I can’t hold off.

“Please.  Please.  Please.  Caulter.”

He growls, slamming into me with one deep thrust.  “Come for me, Princess.”

I finally let go, muffling my cries with the pillow as he buries himself deep in me, filling me with his cum.  The orgasm washes over my entire body like a tidal wave, the intensity so powerful I might be swept away.  I don’t know how long it is after that, that I finally start to come down, and tear my face away from the pillow to look at him.

Caulter rubs his hands on my back and down my hips.  “I told you’d need the pillow.”

“I don’t have words.”

He grins.  “Speechless,” he says.  “That’s what I’m talking about.”

I laugh.  “You wouldn’t want me if I were speechless.  You’d be bored.”

“I’d be in heaven.”

“Screw you.”

“Again?”  He slaps my ass.  “I’ll need another minute, but if you insist.”

“Do you think anyone noticed we’re gone?”

“I think we probably have an audience outside the door,” he says, sliding out of me and slapping my ass a second time for good measure.

“What?” I squeal.

“Calm your tits,” he says.  “It was a joke.  Your face was in the pillow.  If it wasn’t, well...then we’d be on the front page of whatever the hell little newspaper they have up here at Lake Winnipesauke.  I'll go ahead and assume it's something with the word gazette in it.”

“How am I going to sneak out to take a shower in the middle of the party?” I ask.

“You’re not,” Caulter says, throwing me my dress.

“What?” I ask, my voice high-pitched.  “I’m not going down there smelling like --”

He interrupts me, looking at me with his eyebrows raised.  “Like you just had filthy sex on the floor of your room with your step-brother?”

I grab the pillow from the floor and throw it at him.  “Please stop saying that.”

“Step-brother?” he asks, grinning.  “Does it bother you?  I mean, you are keeping it in the family.”

I cover my ears.  “La la la la,” I say.  “I don’t hear you.”

He crosses the room to me, takes my hands off my ears, and kisses me on the lips, his kiss at once changing the tone of the moment from jovial to sensual.  “Put on clothes and slip into the bathroom to clean up, and then I will,” he says.  “I’ll meet you downstairs.  If you say one word to that guy from school, I'll beat his fucking ass in the middle of the party, then bend you over my knee and tan your hide.”

My eyes go wide.  “The sad thing is, I think you might be insane enough to do just that.”

Caulter grins.  “Good.  I think you’re starting to get to know me after all, Princess."




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