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Professor's Pet: A Student Teacher Romance by Alex Wolf (10)

Chapter Ten

Lights flashed all around the room in time with the blasting music, and Kristen could barely keep everything straight in her mind. There were people crammed in the place from wall to wall. There was limited space on the dance floor for those brave enough to venture out. Jordan was trying to get laid and made no attempt at hiding that fact. It was a mistake. She shouldn’t have gone.

She wanted revenge on Grant. That’s why she’d agreed to go, but she could imagine him now. He was probably sitting at home, relaxing, doing whatever it was he did. Probably didn’t even give her a second thought. And why would he? He’d told her he enjoyed having her as a student, and that was it.

She also felt betrayed. He’d had a little fun flirting with her and then casted her aside. That didn’t sit right with her at all. He shouldn’t have put out all those signals if he wasn’t interested.

“Want another one?” Jordan shouted in her ear after finally making his way to her through the crowd.

She held up the half-full drink she still had in her hand and shook her head. “I’m good.”

She had to shout to be heard. There was no way to have a decent conversation with the music so loud and such a huge crowd in the small building. Wasn’t there a fire code or something? They had to be in violation. It wasn’t the type of place she enjoyed at all. Not that she wanted to have a conversation with Jordan anyway.

She didn’t even like him that much.

He wasn’t the man she wanted, and she wasn’t the kind of girl to go out and have revenge sex, no matter what she made Grant believe in the classroom.

“I’m going to go sit down.” A wave of nausea slammed into her stomach. She hadn’t had this much to drink since the first day of school. At the pace she was going, she was going to end up with a massive hangover.

Jordan had already found another girl to hit on. Kristen rolled her eyes and walked over to the bar to sit down.

“Can I get a water?” Her words came out slurred.

The guy looked at her for a second. Heat rushed into her face and the nausea was getting worse. She felt her cheeks flush. It’d been a long time since she was the slobbering drunk girl at the bar, trying to flag down a glass of water.

“Good choice.” The voice came from two seats down.

She quickly turned and nearly fell off the barstool, sloshing her drink out of the cup and onto the counter.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Grant leapt from his chair and grabbed her shoulders, righting her before she fell to the ground.

“What are you doing here?” Kristen tried to catch her balance, and she shrugged his hands off her.

Electricity rushed through her body, but she wasn’t about to let him know that. The pain from earlier flooded back into her. Her face heated, and she glared up at his blue eyes behind the glasses.

“You’re drunk. I’m getting you out of here.” He reached for her arm.

She yanked it away. “No.”

His eyes narrowed.

Fuck him. He wasn’t her dad. She was allowed to go out and have a good time all she wanted. She was in college after all. And he’d missed his chance and broken her heart in the process. “You don’t get to follow me around. I practically throw myself at you, and you tell me I’m no more important than any of your other students. The fuck kind of thing is that to say to someone?” She shook her head at him.

“You’re acting like an idiot. Let’s go. Now!” He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her toward the front door.

She stumbled along the way, halfway pissed, halfway loving the way he was manhandling her.

“Where are you taking me? I’m not leaving yet.”

He turned, and his palms landed on the side of her face. Their eyes met, and she just wanted to get lost in them for a little while. He was concerned about her. He’d gone to the bar just to look for her. He did like her.

“You’re not staying here like this. Stop acting like a child. You want to be with an adult, then grow up.”

He pulled her through the front door of the place. The cold air slammed into her face and halfway sobered her up in one instant.

She raised her eyebrow, wondering if she had heard him properly. He said “with” an adult. As in be with him? She stared at him as he guided her forcefully to the car, his hand never leaving her elbow. Had he meant to say, “you want to be an adult?”

Her pussy was already wet by the time they got to the car, but she couldn’t just let him get away with yanking her out of the bar like that. It wasn’t how the game was played. It was leverage she planned to use. Maybe if she pissed him off enough, he’d stop being such a pussy and fuck her the way she needed it.

He opened the passenger door of his car and tossed her into the front seat like she weighed nothing. She heard him swear under his breath as he stalked around the hood. All of it heated her up in ways she’d never felt before. The anticipation was slowly swirling down to her center, and her thighs squeezed together just thinking about him and the animosity between them.

“This is kidnapping.” She whipped her head his direction the second his door opened.

“This is preventing you from being a fucking idiot.” He climbed into the car and shook his head for a second, staring straight ahead. Then he turned to her. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“What the hell is wrong with you? Fucking psycho, just pulling me out of there like that.”

She watched a small muscle jump in his cheek where he was clearly grinding his jaw. She wanted to lick it. She wanted to feel all of him on top of her, his cock pounding into her while he released all that pent-up frustration.

Grant took in a deep breath, refusing to look at her. She stared over at him and bit her lip unconsciously at his intensity.

“If you don’t get that lip out of your mouth, I’m going to bite the fucking thing myself.”

Her breath hitched. It was the first time he’d actually said anything out loud about his attraction to her.

She spread her legs apart and leaned back against the leather seat. His eyes darted over to her and then straight ahead. But he wasn’t driving. He wasn’t going anywhere, not yet.

“What else do you want to do to me, professor?” If he thought he could just come yank her out of the bar without giving her what she wanted, he was dead wrong. She would torture him, if necessary, to get him. She knew men. They couldn’t control themselves, no matter how much they thought they could.

He turned to look at her just as one of her hands slid down between her legs. She ran her fingers over the tops of her jeans where her pussy ached for him just below a layer of denim.

“You’re playing a dangerous game right now, Miss Monroe.”

“I can go back in the bar. Show this to someone else. Let them fuck me. If you want.”

His face hardened and turned fiery red. God, what was it about having that power over him? She wanted more of it. She loved how badly he wanted her and how restrained he was. When he finally cracked, gave into it, it was going to be better than anything she’d ever experienced.

“I’m all hot and wet now. Someone has to fuck me.” Her eyes rolled over to the neon lights at the bar. “I know someone in there will want me.” Her eyes darted back to his. “If it’s not professional for you to do it.”

One hand.

It fisted in her hair before she knew what’d happened. How had he moved so fast? His other hand smacked her arm out from between her legs, and he cupped her entire pussy in the palm of his hand over her jeans. His mouth was inches from her ear.

“This is mine. You understand me?”

She nodded against the hand gripping her hair. His knuckles dug into her scalp, and she found herself pushing back against his hand, wanting him to grab more of her hair, squeeze it harder. The stinging pain was heaven.

“Tell me then, Miss Monroe. Who does this pussy belong to?”

“Whoever I want it to.” Her heart was like an Olympic sprinter, running a world-record time. Fuck, she had no idea he was this possessive. She had to stoke the flames even higher. She had to push him past the edge so he’d fuck her, spank her, tie her up—all the things she needed.

His hand wrenched her head back so that she was staring up at the roof of the car. His breath was even hotter in her ear. “You like acting like a naughty little bitch, don’t you?”


He licked from her collar bone up to the shell of her ear.

Goosebumps pebbled up and down her arms, and she squeezed her thighs against the hand that now cupped her pussy hard enough to bruise it.

“Yes, sir.” He smiled against her neck as he said it.

She shook her head, refusing to call him sir, all the while wanting to scream it at the top of her lungs.

“Keep testing me and you’ll find out just how cruel I can be, Miss Monroe.”

She turned and looked him in the eye. “Fuck you, sir.”

He grinned like the devil himself.

“Just take me home.” She glowered at him from the passenger seat, an obviously fake gesture, but she wasn’t about to break character while it was still working.

He smirked and started driving as if she didn’t matter.

“Where are we going?”

“Wherever the fuck I want.”

“I’ll call the police.”

“I’m sure they’ll believe an underage drunk girl over a tenured professor.”

To hell with this. She was tired of waiting. She reached over and palmed his cock. It was already huge and stiff in his pants, and he smiled at her as calmly as he could possibly be, took her by the wrist, and moved her hand back to her lap.

What the fuck?

Did he want her or not? The man was utterly confusing.

He stared straight ahead. “Patience is a virtue, Miss Monroe.”

“What the hell are we even doing? I thought you wanted to fuck me? I thought you liked me? You’re just sitting there.”

He glanced over at her. “You’re going to be punished for everything you did tonight. If you behave, maybe I’ll let you come later.”

“Let me?”


She slid her hand between her legs and stared over at his cock. Before long she’d began to moan, as if he were fucking her right then and there.

“If you come right now, I’ll take you and drop you off at your dorm. You can let Jordan and the whole football team finish you off for all I fucking care.”

What the fuck was this? Was he playing the same game as her? It was like they were trying to one up each other with who had the most will power. She knew he wanted her. She could tell by the way he pulled her out of the bar.

“Fuck this shit.”

The car swerved into a parking lot, and the tires squealed when he hit the brakes in a service alley behind a building.

His hands were on her before he even took his seatbelt off, and it yanked him back toward the seat when he tried to lunge at her. He unbuckled it and flung his car door open. Her heart came alive as he stomped around the car.

The passenger door flew open, and one of his big, strong hands reached in and unhooked her seat belt. He yanked her up by her shoulders and stood her in front of him.

“What the hell?”

“Shut up.” His words were a growl, and with two hands on her waist, he flipped her around so that she was staring down at the hood of the car.

He glanced around. It was dark out, and they were in a concealed area. She could’ve sworn he was checking to see if they could possibly be caught.

Once satisfied nobody was around, he shoved her down so that she was bent over the hood of the car, and his mouth was right next to her ear again. “You have to be punished for what you did tonight, Miss Monroe.”

She squirmed against his hold, but his strong chest had her pinned down to the car. She smiled against it, knowing she was finally going to get everything she wanted, and then some from the looks of things.

She knew men loved it when she’d fight against them. They wanted her to be a challenge. If they said one thing, she said the other. Professor Wiseman seemed even more in tune to the game than anyone she’d ever met.

“Let me go.”

He wrenched both of her arms behind her back and pinned her wrists there in one hand.

“You go out to a bar. Get drunk. Plan to fuck another man.”

“I can fuck whoever I want. There’s nothing you can do about it.”

The air stilled behind her. Everything went quiet. She couldn’t even hear him breathing. The only way she knew he was still there was because his hand was still gripping her wrists.

She had to admit she loved the way it felt. She’d never been tied up or manhandled before, even though she’d always thought she’d love that. What girl didn’t dream of a man just tossing her around, completely owning her body and mind in every single way?

“When you fuck up, Miss Monroe, there must be a consequence for your actions.” He leaned forward and pushed a few stray hairs gently behind her ear so she could see his eyes. “That’s how this works. Otherwise, your poor behavior will continue. And we can’t have that, can we?”

Her entire body was alive for the first time since she could remember. Her pussy ached for him, and nothing but pure need and desire pulsed down into her clit. But she could see in his eyes he wanted her to defy him. He wanted her to resist. It made it so much hotter.

She shook her head. “You’re not my boss.”

“I’ll show you who’s the fucking boss.”


A sizzling pain raced through her right ass cheek, and the stinging ripped up her spine. The sound of his open palm connecting with her ass echoed down through the alley. She winced at the initial strike, but the corners of her mouth curled into a smile. She’d thought she would enjoy it, but this was a whole new level of euphoria running through her veins.

Maybe it was just because it was Professor Wiseman, or maybe she just loved the intimacy, surrender—probably a combination of all variables. But she was an addict. She knew it immediately.

She squirmed against his hold. “Oh my God. You can’t fucking spank me like that. I’m not a kid.”

“If it walks like a child, and behaves like a child, it must be reprimanded like a child.”


“Oh my God.” Her words came out on a breathy exhale, and she found her body beginning to relax with the pain.

His warm breath was in her ear once more, and she swore she could feel him grinning. “Why, Miss Monroe, I think you actually enjoy being spanked. Don’t you? You naughty little bitch.”

“Holy fuck.” She couldn’t even resist anymore. She arched her back, offering her ass up for more of the delicious pain.

He let go of her wrists, and her arms fell to her sides. Being spanked was like a release for her.

He gripped her hair, and she cooed.

“You like it, don’t you?”

She shook her head slowly from side-to-side, still in defiance.

She glanced back and didn’t see him. What the hell?

Fingers gripped the waistline of her jeans, and he yanked them so hard down her legs the inseam scratched at her thigh. Cool night air met her ass and pussy, and she was fully exposed in the moonlight.

“Fuck,” she gasped.

He was behind her in an instant, and his rough, calloused palm gripped her pussy with the same force he’d used in the car.

Words caught in her throat, and it came out as a jumbled gasp.

“You may say you don’t like it, but your wet cunt says otherwise.” He plunged two fingers into her, and her entire body stiffened at the initial intrusion. “Fuck me, that’s good.” He slid his fingers out and gripped her ass, then spread her cheeks apart.

“What are you going to do to it, sir?” She couldn’t help but notice her words were like a soft, inviting purr.

“You’ve been shaving, haven’t you? Just in case you got your little moment with me.”

She nodded.

He smacked her bare ass this time. Not because she’d done anything to deserve it. Simply because he could, and he wanted to. It was even better on her bare ass.

“Are you going to punish me some more?” She craned her head back to him and bit her lip when she knew he was looking.

“Yes.” He nodded as he spoke.

Before she knew what’d happened, he’d forced her down to her knees. He unzipped his pants while she waited patiently. She sat there and wondered what it would look like, how big it would be, how it would taste. He couldn’t get it out fast enough, and he didn’t even bother to take his pants off. He pulled it through the opening, and it sprang out, rock-hard and huge in front of her face.

She’d had enough of the charade. She licked her lips and lunged out for his cock, wanting to take it all in her mouth. He held her back by the hair, keeping her mouth just inches away from it.

“You want this cock in your mouth? Don’t you? You filthy little slut?”

She nodded furiously.

He yanked her hair back so that her chin tilted and her face angled up toward the sky. He fisted his dick in his palm, and it still had inches of length to spare that didn’t fit in his hand.

“Open up.”

Her mouth flew open as wide as she could, so much it strained her jaw.

He teased around the edge of her mouth with the head and then slapped it lightly on her lips a few times. “You’re going to suck this dick and swallow it all. Understood?”

Yes, fuck! Just give it to me!

She nodded in understanding and stuck her tongue out for emphasis.

He smacked her tongue a few times with the crown, and she already loved how he tasted. A bead of precome glistened at the tip, and she was going to lose her mind soon if she wasn’t sucking on it.

She stared up at his eyes, seemingly begging with only a look. She wanted to suck his cock. She wanted to please him. Make his toes curl when he lost control. She wanted him to come undone and just completely let loose on her.

He inched into her mouth slowly, and his eyes rolled up in the back of his head. “My God, that’s fucking good.”

She took him deeper and deeper. Her tongue swirled around his shaft, while she sucked her cheeks tight around his length. There were slurping sounds, and saliva hung from her mouth, and she didn’t give a fuck. It was the best thing she’d ever tasted, but even better was watching his face react while she pleased him.

His hands raked through her hair, gently at first, and they tightened when she sped up on him. Before long, his hips were driving into her face, and her eyes began to water. He fucked into her throat so hard she choked but willed herself to not stop.

“Fucking hell.” He stared down at her, and their eyes locked while she bobbed on his dick. He angled his hips to the side and pressed the head of his cock into her cheek, then applied pressure until it popped out of her mouth.

“Fuck yes, right there.” He did it again—once, then twice, then she opened her mouth, and he drove his cock right back between her lips.

“Jesus, you’re good at that. You dirty bitch.”

His words only had her clit throbbing harder, and she reached down and stroked it with her free hand, while she moaned on his cock.

“Don’t you fucking come.”

She nodded on his dick, and then lifted the shaft and sucked on both of his smooth balls, practically juggling them with her tongue. She licked, sucked, hummed. Anything she could do that might reward her with his hot come in the back of her throat.

“Jesus, fucking, Kristen. Fuck.”

“I want you to come in my mouth. I want to taste you.” Her words were practically begging for his release.

He nodded slightly, gripped the back of her hair, and drove her head onto him as far and as deep as she could take him, until her nose smashed up against his body, and her lips wrapped around the base.

His cock kicked against the roof of her mouth. “Fuck, Kristen.” His hot, salty load exploded in the back of her throat.

She willed herself not to gag and tried to relax. She swallowed over and over, as fast as she could—wave after wave that never seemed to end.

His whole body was completely stiff, every muscle constricted, and his fingers squeezed her hair so hard she thought he might actually pull it out of her scalp.

He couldn’t even speak at the end, just groaned and grunted. Some of his come was still in her mouth when she released him, and some of it had spilled out around the edges of her lips and dangled from her chin.

She stared up at him as he opened his eyes and looked at her in amazement.

She fucking loved every second of that feeling, watching him, the way he looked at her like he couldn’t believe she’d just sucked him off that good. She opened her mouth to show that she still had some of it left, and then made a show of gulping it down.

He bent down to wipe her chin off for her, and she shook her head at him. He stood there with a confused look for a second, but she grabbed his cock and proceeded to clean the tip of it for him with her tongue.

“We have to get you cleaned up first, sir.”

His eyes widened, and a grin spread across his face. She used the head of his cock to wipe up the rest of his come from her chin and then sucked it off him once more.

When she was finished, he brushed his thumb across her mouth and chin to get the rest. She held her mouth open, and he plunged his thumb between her lips. She sucked his finger dry and looked at him as if to ask was that good?

He stood her up, and to her disappointment, he pulled her jeans back up over her hips. “Time to go home.”

She frowned but got back into the car.

* * *

She sat in the front seat, practically pouting the entire drive, until she realized they’d pulled up to his house. There was no way he was going to get his own rocks off, and then go to bed without fucking her.

She knew he’d never do something like that.

When they got to the house, he showed her around, and then handed her one of his shirts to put on. “Time for bed.”

He stripped down to nothing but his boxer briefs, and she ogled everything about him. He slid his glasses off and laid them on the counter.

She walked up to him for a kiss, but he held his finger out and pressed it to her lips and shook his head.

“There’s no way we’re going to bed without you getting me off.” She glared at him.

He smiled. “Yes, there is. And you will not come until I tell you.”

“What the fuck?” She folded her arms over her chest and pressed her tits together in his shirt.

He stared right at them, and she could tell it was a struggle for him to keep from grabbing her right then and there.

He shook his head, though, and his eyes remained cold and hard. Then they widened, as if in surprise. “Oh, you thought the spanking was the punishment for what you did tonight?”

Her heart sank. She realized immediately what he was doing.

“Wait, what?”

He snickered and climbed into bed. “You loved the spanking way too much for that to be a punishment. Like I said, you can come when I tell you. If you don’t like it—” He pointed toward the hallway. “There’s the door.”

She crawled into bed next to him, completely defeated. He’d gotten the best of her. How the fuck was she supposed to sleep with a throbbing clit she wasn’t allowed to touch? It was going to be a long night.




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