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Prophesy (The King & Alpha Series Book 1) by A.E. Via (23)

Wick reached out to Justice as soon as he finished with all his political crap. It took a lot to shield his anger from his mate after it took almost thirty-five minutes to convince his father and the rest of the royal family that his mating was real and blessed. They’d accepted it for now, and Wick’s revelation of a potential group of human extremists that were targeting them. He had full autonomy to handle this how he saw fit.

Wick slowly lifted his head, smiling. A feeling of brotherhood and warmth enveloping him.

“What is it Wick?” Ramon looked up from his own paperwork.

Wick liked how easily Ramon went back to casualness when the officials were no longer listening. He’d been promoted to captain and was now Wick’s third. His second was finally on the way. Wick never should’ve left his best friend in London. He’d needed him. And that whole debacle with Erman probably never would’ve happened because his Lord High would’ve torn Erman’s head off way before Wick ordered it done. They were all still sitting in the large conference room on the back side of the cabin making travel arrangements for the rest of his court. He couldn’t wait for them… especially Bell.

“Why are you smiling?” Ramon asked.

“We’re about to have company. And they’re having quite a bit of fun as they arrive.”


“Justice is coming back… with his betas, his two brothers... no, three brothers.”

The other vampires looked around at each other, unsure of what to do. They’d encountered the oldest two already and nothing bad had transpired. Wick knew it wouldn’t. They were too grown for the bullshit. The petty squabbles that sometimes erupted between the species were caused by the more undisciplined.

“Have Henry put together a few pieces of attire so they can cover themselves when they arrive.” Wick was already up and moving towards the entrance.

He opened both doors wide – his men standing behind him – at the same time four white and gray wolves trotted out of the woods and across the lawn. Justice was easy to recognize because he was the largest, and while he had dark tips on his ears and dustings of dark gray over his back and sides, his fur was mostly white. The other brothers looked almost identical, like triplets. Large white and gray animals with startling blue eyes.

“Welcome back.”

Justice led the group up the steps, stopping directly in front of Wick. He could tell he was talking to his brothers, so Wick waited. His mate finally shifted and opened his arms, pulling Wick in tight. No one disturbed them, their respect and love for each other was radiating in the air and it was meant to unite. 

“How was your day… um… night?”

“Productive. I have a lot to discuss with you. Thank you for bringing your brothers.”

Mac was the first one to shift, his nose high in the air. “What in the world is that delicious smell? I didn’t think vampires ate meat.”

Wick laughed. “Nice to see you again, Macauley.”

Henry quickly hurried over, his dark, black eyes on the floor as he politely presented a folded pair of sweats and a plain white t-shirt to Mac.

“Sorry. We forget about the nudity sometimes.” Mac took the clothes, as did the rest of them, and dressed before they came inside.

Wow, now they looked like quadruplets, dressed in the exact same white shirt and dark sweats. The Volkovs had some damn gorgeous genes.

“And you’re right, Mac, we don’t eat food. Henry has been in this kitchen all evening and I’m pretty sure it was in preparation of Justice returning. You’re welcome to come in and see what he’s done. I’m certainly intrigued.”

After all the introductions were made, Henry was the first one thrust into the spotlight. Who knew shifters loved food that much? They were practically drooling all over Henry’s beautiful lamb display. The side dishes of fingerling potatoes – he believed that’s what he’d called them – looked just like in the picture in the cookbook next to the stove.

“Oh my gosh. It wouldn’t do for the ladies to see this, especially Farica. She thinks she’s a good cook, but she has nothing on you Henry.” Mac said, dipping his finger in a saucepot, which had Alek slapping him in the back of the head.

Alek’s movements were swift, like he’d been popping his little brother all his life. “Can you act like you have manners?”

“If I have to act, then I shouldn’t bother,” Mac mouthed off to Alek, rubbing the back of his head, but he didn’t dare stick his finger back in that pot.

Henry’s cheeks held a very faint tint of pinkness. “I made plenty. So feel free to join Justice at the table and I’ll bring—”

It was as if Alek and Mac had only been waiting for the words plenty or join because Henry didn’t get a chance to finish his words before he was politely but urgently moved out of the way while the large shifters grabbed plates and utensils and started shoveling potatoes on their plates. Henry had to duck and dodge eager arms and rambunctious appetites as he dared attempt to fix Justice’s plate in the midst of Mac and Alek tussling over who got to cut the meat. It was only by the grace of the Mother that Henry made it out okay. The other vampires sure got a kick out of it. It ended up being the best icebreaker.

Justice thanked Henry for the food that was placed in front of him, and pointed to his left. “Henry. This is my youngest brother, Taleb. And, apparently, he’s my only brother that still has his manners. Taleb this is Henry FitzWell, he’s Wick’s Lord Chamberlain, which means—”

“He’s the master of King Bentley’s home. Home being wherever the King is,” Taleb said easily, cutting Justice off, reaching his large hand out to shake Henry’s.

“That’s correct. Oh wow, your hands are really warm, too,” Henry said softly. He didn’t look into Taleb’s eyes long, instead focusing on a blank spot on the table. “If you wouldn’t mind, I’d be honored to prepare a plate for you as well, Alpha.”

“That would be most appreciated. Thank you. I didn’t know vampires could sense our rankings?” Taleb raised one brow.

Wick watched an interesting exchange between the quietest of Justice’s brothers and his chamber lord. It was as if the room shrank down to only them.

“No, we can’t. But your strength is… you’re really… you present yourself as an alpha, so I assumed you were,” Henry said, fumbling, still casting his eyes away.

“You assumed right. Our bloodline can only produce alphas,” Justice said, around a mouthful of lamb. His admission drew the intrigue of the other vampires.

As the brothers ate and the vampires sipped what only looked like tomato soup from large bowls, they talked. Questions and answers about both species were the primary subject. The specific topics varied widely, from feeding on blood, to shifter dynamics, to the hierarchy in vampire covens. It was imperative they learned about each other again, their species having been separated and declared natural enemies for too long. There was nothing natural about hate, his mate told them. Wick and Justice were here to show there was another way to exist. A peaceful way. Soon, they’d all be traveling and working together to protect each other.



Justice hugged his brothers right before they shifted and headed back to the Humboldt lands. It was after four in the morning and shifters didn’t usually keep twilight hours. A moonlight run was fun and liberating... sometimes. The cabin was quiet for the most part, except for Henry humming as he cleaned the kitchen. Wick sent the others to go let loose a little steam in the city and feed from a live donor, saying they’d earned it.

“Does he hum a lot? He sounds different. Sounds

“Happy. And, no. In the thirty-seven years he’s been with me, I don’t think I’ve ever heard him hum. But I’ve also never seen him prepare a rack of lamb and successfully feed four large alphas, so… New things abound, moja miłość.”

Justice smile got wider. “What language was that?”

“Polish. It means ‘my darling’.”

“How many languages do you speak?” Justice crowded even closer, always eager to learn more about him. He felt good. His pack was happy, his belly was full, and his mate was back in his arms.

“I speak nine fluently and I can hold a minimal conversation in quite a few others.”

“That’s so impressive.” Justice pushed his growing hardness against Wick’s pelvis, pulling a salacious moan from him.

“Sure, for a regular person who’s in their forties. That’s an extremely difficult accomplishment to master in the short amount of time. It’s not really all that spectacular for a nonhuman who’s going on two centuries old. I should know all six thousand plus languages having lived that long.

“You hate giving yourself any kind of credit don’t you. Come on. Let’s go for a run. You’re not ready for bed?”

Wick looked at his expensive timepiece. “But it’ll be daybreak in a couple hours.”

“No worries. I’ll have you back in plenty enough time.”