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Proposition: A Dark Billionaire Romance by Angela Blake (130)

Chapter Eight


The next day Alexa noticed some of the strange stares at her in the office. Not everyone treated her awkwardly but she could feel a few eyes burning into the back of her head. However, she didn’t feel so insecure or angry about it. Somehow she felt a sense of pride knowing no one would try to insult her or cause trouble; insulting her was the same thing as insulting their boss.

When she got to see Gary, he was behind his desk working as diligently as one could expect. He wasn’t looking up some kind of porn on his phone or trying to showcase some kind of sex toy for her to marvel at. Throughout the day he never talked about their evening adventure or about their new plans for this night. It was just another day at work.

This is how it should be, Alexa thought to herself as she continued typing away at her desk. At least he has the brains to not bring up such a sensitive topic in the workplace. You don’t bring your problems or your hobbies to work and so far he was fulfilling his end of that saying.

For the rest of the day she had to help Gary settle some documents for a company aiming to secure insurance for an entire compound. It took the majority of her working hours to get the hardest chunks done and through the whole ordeal Gary was quiet, save for the few times he asked for a few adjustments.

By late afternoon, with only thirty minutes left for work, Gary called her into the office.

“You need anything, sir?” she asked as she walked in and sat in the chair opposite his end of the desk. “I think we’re all done for the Leifield deal and we’ve got a few petitions done for the resort that asked for an outsourcing option.”

Gary nodded back and then handed slid a small box towards her. It looked like one of those small, rectangular boxes for a smartphone. He didn’t say anything and didn’t even look at her. He just slid it towards her and continued clicking on things on his computer.

“Uh, okay?” Alexa commented as she took the box and began to open it.

To her surprise, she found the little egg vibrator inside. It didn’t look exactly the way she imagined it would be: it was about three-quarters the size of a quail egg, was white and pink, and had a Velcro strap attached to it.

What am I going to do with this? She touched the little egg and marveled at how something so small could make her lose her mind. “I don’t see any buttons. How do I turn it on?”

Gary then looked at her with a happy look on his face. He then produced a small remote control out of his blazer pocket. It was quick simple: it just had a single, large white button and a level setting that went from slow to medium to fast.

“Oh, that’s freaking evil,” Alexa said with a chuckle. She would wear it but he would keep the remote. She knew how his mind worked.

Gary smiled and then said, “I figured we’re not going to my play room tonight. It’s a good thing you’re still wearing something nice.”

“This is my office outfit, of course it’s going to be nice,” she replied. “Where do you plan to take me?”

“Ever ate at the Haltown Sky Place?” he asked.

That was a very high-end restaurant. The chef already had his third Michelin star and was a renowned professional all over the city and in Europe. A single meal could cost well over $220. Even with the kind of salary Alexa was earning she didn’t ever head to those kinds of establishments unless absolutely necessary.

“Once, last year,” she answered. “Denver brought me along when he expanded the company to the West Coast.”

“We’re going there tonight,” Gary told her. “I just got one little condition for you.”

Alexa had a feeling she already knew where this was going, “Yeah? What is it?”

“I want you to take this little egg,” he explained, “and I want you to wear it while we’re out.”



Putting the vibrator on was easier than she expected. She started by strapping the Velcro around her thigh and by the time she had it properly locked she noticed her pussy was already getting wet. She knew it was a risky move to actually do this, heading to a fine dining restaurant with a sex toy, but it was also quite exciting.

When it was time to slide the egg inside her pussy she was sweating in anticipation. She felt like a bitch in heat and when she first felt its plastic form pressing against her folds she wanted to moan. Alexa bit down on her lip to stop herself from getting too loud. This was the office bathroom and anyone in the stalls might hear her.

Once it was properly inside, she tried standing up and it felt quite awkward. It was like walking with a small cock inside her pussy but it wasn’t warm or moving. It was just there, like a constant reminder that Gary could suddenly switch it on at any given moment.

At least he said she could remove it once they were done eating. Sex toys were fun but keeping one inside for too long was not safe or hygienic. Fortunately, he had some common sense in his brain.

“There’s no way I’m going to survive walking around with this,” she mumbled to herself.

First she peeked outside her stall. Once she was sure no one was around she began pacing, hoping that she’d find a way to get used to the thing inside. After five minutes she knew there wasn’t really going to be any way of doing this right. No matter how she walked, she still looked a girl who just got fucked.

“Let’s just get this fucking over with,” she told herself and walked out of the bathroom. She tried to avoid walking past any of their co-workers but in such a busy building she still encountered many of her subordinates.

Just hurry up, she thought to herself. Hurry up and get the fuck out of here.

As she headed down the hallways and through the elevator to reach the basement parking lot, she started wondering what Gary would think or say if she ever wanted this game to stop. She was sure he would get hurt and disappointed but with a rich playboy like him could find a suitable replacement in no time. Maybe he had another girl already, a secretary he kept with him on personal travels or to manage his household expenses.

The worst case scenario was him firing her. She’d have to avoid a situation like that. If she ever had to stop these games then she might as well resign and to submit her resignation directly to Denver. That would prevent Gary from interfering. She can just say it was time to move on and step to the next level of her career.

“Okay,” she said under a breath. “I can do this.”

The elevator doors opened and she found Gary and his car already waiting for her.

He quickly opened the passenger door for her, “Hop in. I got a reservation for us but I’d like to be a few minutes early. It’ll give us more time to sample the wine choices.”

She had one last chance to say no, one last opportunity to tell him she wasn’t pushing forward with this experiment. However, as she stood there with him waiting and the vibrator deep inside of her, Alexa just couldn’t resist. She knew this was the point of no return but she still stepped forward and got into his car.