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Propositioned by the Billionaire Moose: A HOWLS Romance by Eve Langlais (16)

Chapter 18

It didn’t take a genius to see the news hit Bryce hard. Not only was Rory related to him, but he was the actual son of his grandfather. A twist no one expected.

So many revelations, all at once, important ones.

Unable to handle some of it, Bryce walked out without a word.

A step forward. A jerking halt. She stared after him, wanting to run after Bryce to console him, but how could she leave the father she’d just found? She cast a glance at the man she’d only just found. His expression a mirror golden gaze.

He had answers for her. Could she really run away to help Bryce? What could she give Bryce? They’d only come together as part of a deal to save his heritage. If it weren’t for the proposition, they would have never spent any time together.

He doesn’t need me. A thought that hurt.

She turned away from the empty doorway and faked a bright smile for her father. “Tell me everything. Tell me about my family.”

Over coffee at a shop down the street, they talked, and talked.

She got to see pictures of her mother, stored on her father’s phone. Bittersweet, especially given the uncanny resemblance. That’s my smile. My head tilt. She also got to hear stories of the life she could have had growing up. The cabin in the mountains where her parents lived. The extended family she’d meet. More lynx like her, because she’d inherited the gene from her dad. But apparently she should expect to meet some wolves too, because her mother used to be a shifter as well.

“So, you’re all shifters?” she asked.

“Most of us. There are a few cubs that never truly change, but carry the gene. We try to keep close tabs on all the family in case they’re late bloomers or their kids inherit. Nothing worse than coming of age not knowing what you are.”

“It was scary the first time,” Melanie admitted.

“I’ll bet it was.” The big callused hands covered her own. “But don’t worry. You won’t ever have to be alone again. Once we go home, I’ll teach you everything you need to know.”

“Go? With you?” She blinked. In all the commotion of meeting her father, she’d not really grasped what his arrival might mean.

“You didn’t want to stay, did you?” He didn’t need to remind her of the shabby apartment for her to understand what he meant.

Why would she stay in that place of hatred? She owed nothing to the woman who’d stolen her. She wanted to forget. But leaving meant ditching Bryce. She’d made a promise to him, a promise she’d shirked by letting him leave.

How utterly selfish of me. The man was hurting, and she’d let him run off.

“I want to come. I do, but I have to take care of some things here first.”

“This is about that womanizer, isn’t it?” Her father’s expression darkened. “Stay away from that bull. You heard what his grandfather did.”

But Bryce wasn’t Theo. People should be judged on their merits, not their bloodline. “He needs my help.”

“His idea of help probably involves seduction.” She didn’t reply, but her expression must have indicated something. “Like grandfather, like grandson. He’s a user. A rake.”

“I’ll be the judge of that.”

“Stubborn like your mother.” Spoken gruffly yet fondly. “If you’re going to stay here, then I guess we’d better find something more suitable than where you are right now.” His lip curled.

“We?” she asked.

“Yes, we, sweetheart. You didn’t really think after finding you I’d leave, did you?” He shook his head and smiled. “I meant what I said. I’m here to stay, and the moment that suave moose hurts you, let me know. I’ll take care of him.” Her father’s fist slammed into his palm.

“Thank you…Daddy.”

They might have both cried a bit after that. Good tears, the kind that meant something broken was healing.

It didn’t take long to pack her belongings. They’d mostly stayed in her bag from college, no room in the closet or dresser for her. The entire time, her father watched, lips pressed tight, angry, and she could guess why.

How it must hurt to see how she’d lived.

When she was done collecting her things, she didn’t pause to say a dramatic goodbye to the hellhole she’d stayed in for the past few months. Melanie was going to look forward from now on.

Not back.

And her new attitude about life meant she was ready to take some new steps. To boldly go where she’d never gone before. The resolve meant she had to track down a moose.

Alone. Because her daddy wouldn’t want to see what she planned to do next.