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Quick N' Dirty (The Quick Ranch Book 1) by Aden Lowe (5)

Chapter Five


The four-wheeler broke down halfway out to the back pasture. Last damn thing I needed. Lucky for me, the horse pasture was nearby, so I whistled up one of the mares and rode back to the barn for the tools I needed. I grinned to myself, satisfied with the knowledge either of my brothers would have had to walk back. I trained the horses, and they wouldn't allow anyone else to ride without at least a bridle.

I rode back into the barn yard in time to see Ande hustling her kids toward the truck. She'd changed and done something with her hair that left it falling down her back like a waterfall. I barely noticed when the mare came to a stop and just stared.

"Horsey!" The shrill squeal caused the mare to jerk her head up and Ian came barreling at us full tilt with Ande chasing behind.

I hopped down and quieted the mare as he ran up. "Hey, man." I dropped to my haunches so he could see my face. "You gotta go a little slower around the horses. They're bigger, but they get scared real easy. This old girl thought you were gonna eat her at first."

He giggled. "Silly horsey! I won't eat you!" The mare huffed, not willing to take his word for it.

"You wanna pet her?" He gave an eager nod and I swung him into my arm. Then I spotted Ande's terrified expression. Too late, I realized I should have asked her permission. "Ask your Momma, make sure it's okay."

"Momma, pwease?" I nodded at her over his head, and she finally relaxed a little.

"Okay, but be very careful. She's really big."

I turned back and took his little hand in mine and showed him how to stroke along her neck. His expression turned serious as he took in the sensations. "When your Momma's okay with it, I'll take you for a ride. We gotta give Momma time to get used to the idea. I think she's scared of ol' Annabelle here." He giggled and nodded. I set him down. "You go with Momma now, and be good for her, okay?" He gave a vigorous nod and grabbed Ande's free hand.

She shook her head at me. "I think I just had a heart attack."

I laughed. "He'll be fine, and he won't run at the horses like that again. He's a smart kid." I patted my mare's neck. "Have fun in town." I headed for the shed as she loaded the kids into the truck.

The whole ride back out to the four-wheeler, my mind stayed with Ande and the way her chest rose and fell with her alarm over Ian and the horse. She was a tiny little thing, but she had curves for miles, and her clothes didn't do them justice. I scolded myself for imagining how her breasts would fit into my hands. That wasn't why she was here.

I managed to get the four-wheeler going again with only one scraped knuckle, and set about making up for lost time. I got the cattle moved and made it back to the house just as my dad and brothers were sitting down for lunch. I made myself a sandwich and joined them.

Dad gave me a look. "I think you might have done okay with hiring that girl. She can cook eggs and biscuits, at least."

"And apples. Don't forget the apples!" Sam threw in.

Dad nodded. "Her kids going to be a problem you think?"

My hackles rose a little. "No. It'll take us a bit to get used to having them around, is all." I examined that for a moment. Why did I already feel so damn attached to Ande and her kids? I barely knew them.

"I can't believe you said she looked like Shep's sister." Sam interrupted my thoughts. "You're blind, brother."

I chuckled. "No, I'm definitely not blind. I had to say something to keep you from breaking your fool neck to get a look at her."

Dad nodded agreement. "You boys remember, that girl is not here to warm your beds. She's here to work. I won't tolerate any of you disrespecting her like that. Keep your distance."

My temper rose a little more at the thought of my brothers thinking about her the same way I did. "I won't tolerate it either. She deserves better." I glared a harsh warning at my brothers.

Sam elbowed Nate. "I think Jake just staked his claim."

I grunted, but Dad scowled. "Nobody's staking a claim. She's off limits. I'll fire her before I let any of you get distracted from your work by her." With the decree laid down, he stood and stomped back out.

Shit. That hadn't occurred to me. I had to keep my focus and not let Ande occupy my thoughts too much. Still, I could hardly ignore her either. That would be rude and just as disrespectful.

My brothers exchanged a look. "I think he expected you to find an older woman for the job." Sam's quiet voice expressed all our concern.

I nodded. "Well, I didn't. She's perfect for the job. Don't you two go getting out of hand and getting her fired." I followed Dad out and left my brothers to stew about that.