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Ravinn (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) by Maia Starr (117)




I smiled smugly to myself as I paced back and forth in my prison cell. This was not the end for me. I was proud that I had charged and attacked Sentinel Vuna the way that I had. It had been coming for a long time, because of our past. But I had never seen him so angry. In those last few moments he had me pinned and was bashing me on the head as though there was some other source to his madness, besides being angry about illegal cargo. He had let loose an anger that came from the heart, and I could only assume it was from the past. But I had my suspicions. I had to admit that his beating was severe, and my head was pounding. But I would heal quickly; I always did. I knew that this prison cell would not be my home forever. I had already made arrangements. When I met with my buyer for the plutonium, I made sure to make another arrangement just in case this happened. A good captain was always prepared.


When I exchanged the plutonium for wealth, I made sure that the wealth was stored on another planet, one not owned by the Drackon. It was a distant planet called Riolb that was two galaxies over. It was a planet full of outlaws and one could get lost there and create a new identity. I had already had a second life set up for me, my warriors that were devoted to me, and of course my new wife Adriana Adams. She would still be mine, Earth contract be damned.


"Captain, over here," I heard a voice whisper. I looked around my locked prison cell and out of the bars to the hall. The hall was empty.


"Who is there?" I whispered back.


"Captain, the window. Over here," I heard the voice say. I looked over to the window to see my Lieutenant Rix hanging upside down. He was shifted into dragon form, and must have his entire body on the roof. Only his head was hanging down from the high window.


"Lieutenant Rix, what news? How did you escape?" I whispered as I went over to the window.


"It seems that the king himself has ordered Sentinel Vuna to arrest you. They know about the cargo, the plutonium. I think you will be indicted and sent to prison forever," he whispered.


"Shit. How could they know? It does not matter now I guess. I must escape."


"Yes, precisely. I escaped and came directly here. If we pull on these bars together, I think our strength can set you free. We must go quickly. We must go now," he said.


"No, that is too brash. We will get caught. We need a plan. We will have to leave Sala and Mooreah and our Drackon behind. We must leave far into deep space. We must find a new home. We cannot do that without a ship. This is the plan. I want you to find out where the Beti is being kept. I want her fueled and ready to go in secret. I need you to find out where Adriana is being held. When I escape I plan to take her. I need all these parts of the plan to be together so that when I free myself from the cell, I can get it all done within minutes and launch into space. Go now. Report back to me. Be careful do not be seen," I said.


"But Captain…" he began to say.


I cut him off, "Go now."


The sound of flapping wings filled the room as the lieutenant took off into flight. He would not get caught. He was one of the best warriors in the Drackon battalions. He was smart and stealthy. I had made him a Lieutenant for a reason. Now I needed his help and he needed mine. We were going to get through this. As soon as he had the report for me, I would set the plan into motion. I was  pissed off that I had to choose exile over being in prison. But if I was going to be exiled and an outlaw, then I might as well be one to the fullest extent. I was also pissed off that Sentinel Vuna had busted me. I knew it was personal. We had our issues from the past, ever since we were younglings. He had always kept a close eye on me, even when I was finally made captain. Now his suspicions had made it harder for me to get away with what I had carefully devised for so long. But if I was going down, I was going to take him with me. But when I took him down, he would not be getting back up. When I escaped, I was going to kill Terik Vuna.


No matter what it took, I was going to take down the Drackon that took me down. I jumped up and grabbed the bars of the window. I pulled myself up and down, keeping my muscles in shape. There was nothing to do while in prison except prepare for what I needed to get done when I escaped.