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Reclaiming Madelyn: (The Reclaiming, #1) by Sorensen, Jessica (7)

Chapter Seven

I rest my head against the window of the plane and close my eyes, trying to take a powernap before we land. The second my eyelids close, my thoughts uncontrollably drift back to a memory I hate. Even after what Zane told me, that I didn’t kill Zoe, I can’t get the images out of my head.

“Come on; it’s just a little lightning storm,” Cole says as we walk toward his house with Zoe and Nolan. Or more like Zoe and I stumble along with the two of them.

I feel dizzy. Sure, I drank a shot or two, but why do I feel so dizzy and foggy-headed?

“I promise it’ll be worth the walk.”

I stare up at the rain showering from the stormy clouds, raindrops soaking through my dress and hair. “I hate when it’s lightning.” My words are slurred.

“It’s just a little storm. Stop being overdramatic.” He moves up behind me and puts his hands on my hips. “Besides, I promise it’ll be worth it. We’re going to have so much fun. In fact, we’re going to play a little game.”

“A game …?” I slur as I stumble up the paved sidewalk. “What kind of game?”

“Oh, I promise you’re going to have a blast.” He winks at me, his lips curling up into a smile as he grabs me by the arm. His fingers are cold against my skin, and I shiver, feeling dizzy. So dizzy … “Don’t worry,” he whispers in my ear. “Tomorrow’s going to be a new day, and you’re going to be an entirely new person, Madelyn .”

“How do you know… that name?”

He grips me tighter, rougher. I try to pull away, but I clumsily stagger in my heels.

Something’s not right.

I hear Zoe laugh. Why is she laughing when I’m scared out of my damn mind?

I snap my eyes open as the pilot’s voice comes over the intercom, announcing we are starting our descent. I shove the memory away and bury it way, way down where I hopefully will never have to see it again. But another memory creeps into my mind, of Zane visiting me in the hospital.

I haven’t heard from him since that day. When I returned home to get my stuff, the mirror had been wiped clean. I also haven’t received any messages from the unknown. It’s as if all the storms I suffered through finally managed to wash away that awful night and the days that followed. But I have a feeling this peaceful world I’ve been living in for the last couple days is the calm before another storm.

I can’t worry about that right now. I only have about an hour of preparation time before we are home; an hour until I see my other brother and my sisters. I should be excited, but after the last week, I feel overwhelmed.

“You doing okay?” Loki asks from the seat beside mine.

“Yeah.” I give a pressing glance at his fingernails digging into the armrests. “Are you?”

I feel sorry for him. He has always hated flying, and we have been on this plane for almost eight hours.

He bobs his head up and down. “Of course.”

I pull my hair back in a ponytail and secure it with an elastic. “You should’ve said yes to the flight attendant’s offer on the mini bottles.”

He shakes his head. “Nah, I’m all right. I need to be sober right now.”

I feel a sting of guilt, knowing the underlying reason for his sudden sobriety. It’s the same reason he hasn’t let me out of his sight since I was released from the hospital. He’s worried I might try to attempt suicide again, something I overheard him discussing with the hospital therapist when they stepped out into the hallway to speak privately. I heard enough to get the gist of their conversation.

“If possible, someone should probably stay with her for a little while to keep an eye on her,” the therapist suggests to Loki as he hands him a card. “She should definitely consider therapy. The problems she’s dealing with aren’t just going to go away.”

“All right, we definitely will. But she’s going home with me, back to the States, so we’ll have to find a therapist there.” Stress edges every syllable Loki utters.

I wanted to hug him, tell him I’m fine now, that he didn’t need to worry about me. However, I was hooked up to an IV and monitors, and getting up wasn’t an option. Besides, he probably wouldn’t have believed me. No one seemed to believe anything I said, not the nurse, the doctor, nor the therapist. They all acted like I was made of glass, about to shatter again. And maybe I was—am.

I wish I could just tell him the truth, but Zane told me not to. Plus, I’m still not sure I believe him about not killing Zoe. I mean, who is Zane, anyway, and how would he know what I did that night?

When I tried to call the number on the card he gave me, it went straight to an automated voicemail. The card didn’t even list his last name.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Loki’s eyes widen as the plane slightly jolts.

“I’m fine.” I reach for my bag under the seat in front of me “Loki, relax. The flight’s almost over.”

He nods but doesn’t release his death grip until the plane lands and pulls up to the terminal.

“Thank God that’s over.” He sighs in relief as we make our way into the crowded airport. “I hate flying.”

“Really? I didn’t notice.” My voice drips with sarcasm.

He shoots me a dirty look, but then smiles. “It’s good to hear you joke again. I was worried …”

“That I was broken,” I finish for him as I wind around a couple making out in front of the escalator. “I’m not.”

What a lie.

When did I become such a liar?

Maybe the night you killed Zoe? the strange voice whispers through my thoughts.

Fuck, I’m losing my damn mind. Maybe I really am crazy. Maybe that night didn’t even happen. I wish that were true. I’d take hearing voices over having blood on my hands any day.

I sink into my worries as we collect our bags from baggage claim then make our way through customs. Loki tries to make small talk while we wait in line but texts from Anna, Easton, and Nikoli keep interrupting him.

I sit on top of my suitcase to rest my eyes when my phone buzzes from inside my pocket. When I fish it out, my heart sinks.

Unknown: Think you can escape us that easy? I can easily find you. You’re not done with the game yet. In fact, you’re just getting started, Madelyn .