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Reclaiming Melanie: Granite Lake Romance by Jody A. Kessler (16)




THE COCONUT PECAN FROSTING smelled like sweet heaven. The three layers of German chocolate cake were baked and cooled. Melanie made the recipe once before when she was eighteen—one of her “kitchen experiments.” The cake had stuck to the pans. When she tried to put the layers together, she ended up with a mountain of broken cake covered with the gooey frosting. Her mother told her after the fact that Melanie hadn’t adjusted the recipe for high altitude. She and Braden had eaten the cake anyway, deeming it Mount German Chocolate Cake Fail. The dessert tasted delicious even if it looked awful. Melanie was determined to make the cake again and this time have it turn out perfect. German chocolate was Braden’s favorite kind of cake, or it had been all those years ago.

The first two layers were built and she bit her lip and held her breath as she flipped the third cake pan over to set the top layer in place. Her phone chimed with a text message.

Romany: Hi. How are you? Can we talk?

Melanie ignored the message as she spooned frosting over the cake. All three layers had released from the pans without incident. The cake looked amazing. Her phone alerted again.

Romany: I could use a friend and I’m still interested in the hall table.

Tweeny jumped up from her dog bed and barked. She ran to the sidelights next to the front door, peered outside, and barked again. Tweeny’s behavior alerted her to someone’s arrival. Melanie glanced at her flour dusted, chocolate-smeared shirt and skirt.

Romany: Are you home? I’m in Granite Lake.

Melanie put down the pot of frosting, wiped her hands on a towel, and went to see what Tweeny was barking at. Romany’s silver car was parked next to the curb.

“I guess I should have made myself clearer concerning this guy, shouldn’t I, Tweeny?” Melanie said to her dog. She stuck her phone in her pocket and opened the door. Melanie didn’t want to deal with Romany, but that had been the case the last time he stopped by unannounced. This needed to stop. She had zero interest in him since they met. He was a nice guy, but that’s the only positive thing she could say about him. Melanie waved when he noticed her standing in the driveway.

Romany climbed out of the driver’s seat and walked over. Melanie smiled politely and crossed her arms over her chest. She wanted to remain friendly but not give him false hopes about continuing any kind of relationship.

“Sorry for the short notice,” he said and stuffed his hands in his pockets. “I was out for a drive and ended up in the mountains. I like Granite Lake. I’m thinking about buying a second home here.”

“It’s a nice town,” she agreed.

Tweeny began jumping on Romany’s legs. Somehow, between dashing out the door and finding Romany, Tweeny managed to get mud on her paws. She left brown streaks on his tan slacks. Romany didn’t appear to care as he bent down and picked the dog up. He held Tweeny under the arms with her face in front of his and let her kiss him to her heart’s content. Romany spoke as Tweeny dished out the slobber.

“Oh, I’ve missed you, too, little girl,” he cooed. “You are a beauty, aren’t you?”

Melanie grimaced at this weird show of affection, but Romany was too busy making out with her dog to notice. She almost laughed out loud with the thought, but held in her perverse observation.

“I’m in love with your girl. That probably came out wrong,” Romany said, as he cradled Tweeny in his arms.

The words “You can have her” sat on the tip of her tongue, but she wouldn’t give in to the temptation no matter what. Tweeny was part of her family—and belonged to Sienna. Just because Melanie was a mediocre dog owner and said dog ate garbage, barked incessantly, and escaped from the yard didn’t justify abandonment, did it?

“Tweeny’s one of a kind,” she said with a forced laugh. “What can I do for you?” she asked. “I’m in the middle of a project, so...”

“Something new in your workshop?” Romany set Tweeny back on her paws and glanced at the garage behind Melanie.

“Actually, I was in the kitchen.” Melanie half turned toward the house as if to make her escape.

“Right,” he agreed almost absently. “You are good in the kitchen like you are in your shop. I can see that. You belong there like most women.”

Ugh. Melanie groaned silently, then ran a hand across her brow to hide the face she was making. Now she belonged in the kitchen. What was Romany’s problem? Everything, her brain informed her. “I should get back inside before the eggs hatch.”

What?! What was wrong with her? When the conversation goes askew, make it worse by spewing nonsense. She wasn’t handling this well.

“Sure. Can I please use your restroom? It’s a long drive back to the city.”

“Umm.” Melanie hesitated.

Romany saw her stall and adjusted his request. “I apologize. You’re uncomfortable with me stopping in. I’m not good at this. Forgive me. I needed a friendly face today. You see, I found out some bad news about my prostate and I couldn’t stand to be alone in my house, so I started driving. Somehow, I ended up on my way to Granite Lake. It was a mistake. I see that now. I don’t have any family in the States and if I call my mother, she will insist on coming to visit. I don’t want to worry her.” A tear welled up in the corner of his eye.

Romany, embarrassed, turned his head and wiped it away.

Melanie suddenly couldn’t believe how cold she’d been acting. “No, I’m the one who is sorry. Of course you can come inside. And I have the table finished. You can take a look at it if you like.”

She turned and went inside. Romany followed and she directed him to the restroom. While she waited, Melanie went to the kitchen and threw baking ingredients back in the fridge and pantry. She was rounding up dirty utensils and dishes, and worrying about how she would get dinner done in time with Romany’s sudden drop in, when her phone chimed with a new text message.

Braden: Bored out of my mind over here. Starting to pace like a caged tiger. Can’t wait till 5. Need help?

Romany stepped out of the hall bathroom. Melanie typed a quick, S.O.S! and set the phone on the counter.

Braden found them inside the workshop two minutes later.

“Hey, it’s Romany, right?” He held out his hand and the men exchanged a brief hello.

“Romany was just dropping in to see the hall table,” Melanie said.

“That’s right,” Romany said, his spine a little stiffer since Braden walked in. “I took a measurement at home and I think this will probably not work after all.”

“That’s unfortunate. I actually like this piece myself and have been thinking it will go in the entryway at my house next door. What do you think, Mel? Is it a near perfect fit?”

“It is.” She hadn’t thought about it until now. The house next door was stripped to the floorboards and decorating would be months away at the earliest. “Now that I think about it, yes. This would be great to the right of the hall closet in the entry.”

“My thoughts exactly,” Braden said.

Romany stepped back, his dark eyes roving over the other pieces of furniture in the shop.

Could Braden read minds? While Romany did a visual overhaul of her work, Melanie tried with all her might to mentally plead for Braden’s help at extracting Romany from her house.

What she said aloud was, “I need to check on the shrimp. I’ll be right back.” She moved to the door.

“Are you hatching shrimp, too?” Romany asked.

She suppressed another groan by biting her lip, then said, “Yes.”

Braden laughed. “Should I even ask?”

She shook her head in answer, but also to clear whatever it was that totally befuddled her brain when she was uncomfortable. “No. I mean they are thawing and I don’t want the shrimp to get warm.” She darted inside the house before she could say anything else that made no sense.

Romany said something that sounded like, “Little blankets could be useful,” but she didn’t reply and entered the house wondering if Romany had a sense of humor after all.

While she rinsed the shrimp with cold water, she heard Romany’s car pull away. Melanie took a long drink of iced tea and let some of the tension fall from her shoulders.

“Where’s Romany?” Melanie asked when Braden walked into the kitchen.

“He’s on his way home,” Braden said without further comment.

“What did you say to him?” Melanie asked, wanting to know how Braden so easily dispatched Romany.

“Meh.” Braden made an indefinable noise and shrugged. “Guy stuff.” He snagged a cocktail shrimp from the plate Melanie had set out and dipped it into the cocktail sauce.

“I don’t think that’s working for me. I need details please,” Melanie said, her head cocked to the side.

Braden finished chewing. The spark in his eye reminded her of a look Tweeny would give when she issued an order and the dog refused to obey. He licked his lips and chose another shrimp.

“I told him you went to a women’s retreat recently and had an eye-opening experience. You realized you like batting for the other team.”

“You told him I’m a lesbian! That’s...but...that’s... I can’t believe you said that.” Melanie stumbled over the words as the absurdity of his made-up excuse sank in further and further. “Romany works with my brother-in-law. What happens if he says something to him?”

“Don’t worry. I told him not to say anything because you’re a mom and this is all new to you. Your daughter doesn’t even know yet. Romany agreed he wouldn’t out you.”

“Braden Keehn! That is an awful lie. You can’t use sexual preference as a way to get rid of someone.” She paused to think through the other possible effects this may have on her. “Can you? Wait...” Her thoughts rolled around inside her head, loose and unruly. Maybe lying was the simplest answer. Romany wasn’t getting the clue. Like at all. She didn’t lie. She lived by her integrity and taught her daughter to live the same way.

“Well, it was an easier way to cut him loose. Now he doesn’t think it was him as much as all men in general. Getting turned down by someone as beautiful as you could slaughter a man for the better part of his life.”

Melanie blinked. “No. That can’t be true.” She shook her head as all outcomes of the possible fallout presented themselves. She’d have to call Emmeline and tell her what happened.

“You’re right.”

“What?” Melanie asked and refocused on Braden. The world of dating was a lot more complicated than she ever thought possible.

“All of it. You’re right, it’s not true. I really had you going though.” Braden’s smile spread from cheek to cheek and his laugh shook his entire body.

“You jerk! You didn’t tell him I bat for the other team?”

“No. I told him you’re joining a convent after your daughter graduates high school. There’s no point in starting a relationship with men when all you’re interested in is your commitment to the Almighty."

“Shut your trap.” She threw the kitchen towel from the counter at his face. “I’m not falling for your lies twice.”

He caught the dish towel easily and set it on the island counter. She should have been relieved that no strange rumors about her were out circulating around the world, but instead, she was peeved at how easily she’d been fooled. Braden came around to her side and wrapped his arms around her waist. She placed her hands against his chest.

“I’m just teasing. Forgive me.” Braden stared into her eyes and her embarrassment started to fade. “Don’t stress about Romany. The poor chump was having a rough day, that’s all.” Braden lowered his lips to hers.

She accepted a kiss and felt better by the second. The hardness of his chest and abs beneath her fingertips had just as much effect on her as his warm lips.

“So what did you tell him? You weren’t outside for very long.”

“I told him the truth.”

“Which is?”

“That we’re dating and you wish him the best, but you’re a one man type of woman.”

“Did he say anything?”

“He said he understood, shook my hand, and left.”

“That’s it?”

“Pretty much. He’s really infatuated with Tweeny though. He asked me to say goodbye to her. I gently suggested he pay more attention to the woman and less to the dog if he ever finds himself in a similar situation.”

“That’s sound advice.” Her brows gathered and she frowned with concern.

“What?” Braden asked. “What is the look you’re making? I can see you’re still upset about something.”

“I guess I was a little shocked that you brought up the whole lesbian thing. Did you pick that excuse because I come across that way? I really didn’t want my family to know I’m bisexual, but maybe it’s obvious. I’m not ready to tell them. The divorce was pretty big news and my mom is still recovering from the cancer treatments. I was going to wait another year or so to say anything. You should probably know since we’re sort of dating.”

It was Braden’s turn to look surprised. His face went blank and his body stilled just as hers had.

“When did you... How long have you known?”

“Does it bother you?” she asked with deepening concern in her eyes and voice.

He hesitated then said, “No. I just—” He stalled again.

“I’m not seeing anyone. Male or female. You were right in telling Romany that I only date one person at a time.”

“Okay,” Braden said and swallowed.

Melanie continued. “I’ve always felt like I can tell you anything, but you look slightly uncomfortable with this.”

“I’m not,” he said quickly. “I’m letting it sink in. Switch places with me for a minute. If I said the same to you, would you need a minute to accept that my potential competition has just doubled?”

“So you’re worried that I now have a much larger playing field?” she clarified.

“Yes,” he said slowly, as if the idea just struck him.

Melanie nodded. “It’s true. Competition can be brutal.”

“It can,” he agreed.

“I wouldn’t want you to lose me then,” she said.

“That would be bad,” he said and leaned down to kiss the spot just below her ear. “I’m not sure I could lose you to a woman, Mel.”

“I think you would live,” she said.

“I don’t know about that. I may have to switch teams as well.”

She laughed at the idea. She absolutely couldn’t picture him with a male partner. He moved down the side of her neck with tantalizing kisses. A shiver raced down her spine and her toes curled. Man or woman, she didn’t think she’d have that response to anyone else on the planet.

“You wouldn’t,” she said.

“No. I would have to become a monk instead.”

“Removing yourself completely out of the game would be truly sad. I guess it’s a good thing I made up this entire conversation,” she said with a devious smirk.

Braden growled in her ear. “Melanie, you are in so much trouble.” He swept her off her feet and cradled her against his chest.

Her arms came around his neck. “What are you doing? Put me down!”

Braden strode to the patio door, slid it open, and turned sideways so Melanie wouldn’t bump into the wall or the glass.

“You think you had me going? Bisexual? Seriously, Mel, I was so onto you. You want to play with me?”

Braden made his way across the backyard. They were being followed by Tweeny, who was either growling with concern at Melanie’s shrieks, or cheering Braden on. Melanie couldn’t tell what motivated Tweeny’s reaction.

“I totally fooled you. You should have seen your face,” she said, not backing down even as they approached the dock over the lake. “Don’t even think about it,” she warned.

“I’m not just thinking about it. You need a dunk in the lake for messing with my head.”

“So you admit it. I fooled you!” She hooted with glee. Talk about a sore loser. He used brawn and brute force because she pulled the same trick on him as he did to her.

“I admit nothing,” he said and walked across the small dock in her backyard.

“I can’t swim today!”

He stopped on the edge of the wood planks and began to swing his arms.

“Doctor’s orders! I’m—” she thought quickly and spewed, “I’m having corrective eye surgery and I’m not supposed to put any pressure on my retinas.”

Braden paused and eyed her with skepticism. She was getting good at this.

“I’m not kidding. I wanted to get the eye surgery done while Sienna is at her dad’s. I really can’t reschedule.” The words flew from her mouth.

“You are pure trouble, woman.” Braden narrowed his eyes and released her legs, but didn’t let her go completely.

Melanie stood before him and let a sly smile creep across her lips. “It’ll be wonderful to see clearly again. My vision changed after having Sienna.” She batted her lashes at her friend/boyfriend/lover. If only he knew that her last statements were more metaphorical than real, she thought.

He appeared to be experiencing a mixture of emotions. Playfulness, curiosity, and disbelief flashed behind his incredibly sexy eyes, but also a bit of sulking that he’d lost this round of the game.

“When is your surgery?”

“On Monday,” she said.

“Need a ride?” he asked.

“Nope. Emmeline’s coming over for a couple of days,” she said. “Do you want to let me go so I can finish cooking dinner?”

“Hmmm...” he hummed low in his throat. “I am getting hungry.”

“Me, too. Let go,” she said and backed out of his arms.

Braden dropped his arms and Melanie saw her chance. She somehow couldn’t help herself and reached forward with more speed than she knew she had in her. She shoved Braden to the side with considerable strength and watched him stumble before going over the edge of the dock.

“Whoa there!” he yelled.

Melanie laughed so hard she forgot to jump out of the way.

Braden was even faster than she was and had the side of her shirt clenched in his fist. Braden went to the right and she went to the left. The splash and her whoop were heard around the entire lake, or maybe just by a few of the neighbors. Melanie surfaced, laughing and spitting out water. A huge wave crashed over her face as Braden splashed her. She splashed him back.

The thin cotton of her skirt clung to her legs as she swam out of his range. Melanie dived below the surface and swam for safety. The cool water was exactly what she needed and she stayed under for a full breath. She spun around before coming back up and when she opened her eyes, Braden was nowhere to be seen.

Melanie waited for him to surface. It took a second before she saw his long shape in the water close to her. He came up for air six inches in front of her.

“Give up yet?” she asked.

“Hardly, you wicked woman.” A devilish smile lifted the corners of his mouth. “Your day will come,” he said before moving in close and claiming her with a kiss so hot the lake water wasn’t enough to keep her body cool.






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