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Red Hot Kisses: 3:AM Kisses 15 by Addison Moore (2)


You’re late.” It comes out stern without meaning to as Trixie lands next to Seth.

“I’m not even sure I’m staying,” she stammers it out while shrinking in her seat.

“You’re staying.” It comes out curt like a command as my eyes lock over hers. Trixie might be Knox Toberman’s twin, Rex Toberman’s little sister no less, but the moment I laid eyes on her last summer, I didn’t see her as either one of those things.

Trixie is stunning, and as much as she might resemble her brothers, both me and my dick seem to have the ability to look past the malfeasance. That long dark hair is the first thing I noticed, but it was those backlit eyes, that vixen-like glare she offered that made my balls ache. I grunt over at the bullet point list in front of me, trying my hardest to get my head back in the game and as far away from Trixie’s petal pink lips as I can get. Damn, they were soft. And if I try hard enough, I can still feel her curves pressed over my chest, making me hard all over again.

“The Media Club is a division of the School of Communication. But all majors are welcome. We’ve got a few gaps left to fill, and seeing that we’ve had such a whopping turnout, I’d appreciate it if you’d each take at least two positions.”

The door cracks open again, and this time my stomach nosedives at the sight. It soared for a moment when I saw Trixie, but then I knew she was coming. Seth let me in on it last night. In fact, when she came at me last night with that determined look on her face, I thought that’s what she wanted to discuss. But then, she took my hand and led me upstairs, shut us in that dark bathroom, and I knew.

But this face?

“Miranda.” My lips tense into something just shy of a smile. I may have bedded Miranda a time too many. It’s a personal rule of mine to never dip twice, but on three occasions? It’s clear I had lost my shit one too many times with her in my presence. The odd thing is, there’s not a stitch of attraction I feel toward her. Not overtly enough to want to bed her for a fourth time at least. And I’m not talking about the outside. Miranda is beautiful. Hell, there’s not a guy in his right mind who would turn down a proposition from her. But it’s the inside she’s shown me, the cattiness she’s had while snipping at other girls behind their backs, making disparaging remarks about the homeless by referring to them as street jockeys and laughing while one almost drowned in the rain. I got out of the car to help, and she was livid with me for a week for bringing that stench back into the car.

“Lucky for you, I’m here!” she sings. Her bright red lips open and close like a gaping wound. “Let the party begin.” Her blonde curls cascade down her back, and at least three of the dudes in the back, Tom Hicks, Justin Cramer, and Lewis Anka already look as if they’re struggling with a budding erection. Yes, she’s a showstopper, and yes, this will be her second year in the Media Club working shoulder to shoulder with me. Crap. I had hoped she’d blow it off this semester. I didn’t even bring it up last night when she did her best to accost me.

For the next ten minutes, I go over some of the club’s basics, review the plethora of social media outlets we represent for the university, let them know that under no circumstances does anything get uploaded, written, or seen without my expressed permission.

“Just shoot me a text and show me what’s up. I’m available twenty-four seven. My number’s available through the online group, and I’ll add you all to that. I expect you to use it. Any questions?”

Trixie’s hand spikes in the air without hesitation, and my stomach explodes in a vat of acid.

Here we go. I know for a fact Knox’s sister is a firecracker. I can spot a ballbuster an entire continent away, and she looks starved for some low hanging fruit to destroy, and not in any sexual way. A brief image of her on her knees before me bounces through my mind, those glowing violet eyes looking up at me while her mouth parts ready to meet me.

“Yes?” My voice breaks, and I clear my throat as I nod to Trixie. God forbid Knox finds out about what happened last night. He’ll hack my head off and use it at the next game to spike through those goalposts.

Trixie folds her arms across her chest, forcing the low cut V of her T-shirt to showcase her cleavage, reminding me starkly of the fact she might resemble Knox in some ways, but she is all woman—or girl, little girl is how I should be thinking of her. Little sister to be exact. Hell, she’s Sunday’s roommate for shit’s sake. I need to get ahold of this runaway train before it spirals out of control. I need to pull her aside and patch things up before this afternoon is up. My God, she didn’t tell Sunday, did she? No, she couldn’t have. Sunday wouldn’t have let me off the hook so easily. For sure she would have rained down a shitstorm on me by now.

Trixie huffs my way as if thoroughly disgusted in me. “What I want to know is how often do we need to post? And how fast can I get to work at the radio station?”

Something in me loosens. That’s it? No smart-ass remark about wanting to lop my balls off for that tongue action I gifted her last night? Even though we both know it was her doing the gifting.

Huh. Trixie seems to be here for all the right reasons, and I’m glad.

“I’d like everyone to post at least twice a week and attend as many WB centered events as you can. I’ve got a running list going on our page and be sure to use the forum. Someone’s always online, so feel free to ask as many questions as you like.” I look to Trixie. “Or just chat if you’re in the mood.” A goofy grin buoys its way to the top before I can stop it, and I blink back to reality. “And yes, there are several hours available at the station. If you’re interested in doing a show, come talk to me afterwards. You’ll need a theme, but I can work with you on that.”

Seth sits up. “Coral graduated.” His head tips my way before looking to Trixie. “She had a show that dealt with relationships—the Love in the Night hour. You could take her spot if you want. It could use a girl’s touch.” He elbows her and gives a quick wink.

Is he hitting on her? My blood boils in an instant, and for a second it catches me off guard. No way am I into Trixie. She just so happened to tie my brain up in a pretzel last night, and a part of me wants to warn Seth to stay the hell away if he happens to like his balls where nature intended them to be.

I clear my throat as chatter begins to light up the air, and both Trixie and Seth glance up my way.

“I don’t think that’s a good fit,” I say without having a single reason to back it. The only thing I don’t see as a good fit right now is the fact Seth keeps inching his seat toward hers. “Coral was a senior when she started the show. She had three breakups under her belt. She could empathize with people who were calling in. Trixie’s just a kid.”

Trixie’s cheeks pinch with heat, pink at first, then quickly migrating to eggplant. Crap. Why do I get the feeling I just stepped on a minefield?

“Pardon me?” Trixie says it so fast and sharp you can hear a pin drop—hell, you can hear two molecules trying to bind together. It’s that deadly quiet. “Did you just say I’m a kid?” Her left eye comes shy of winking. “Look, Mr. I Bed Them Each and Every Knight.” A small round of titters circles the room, and Bella Du Murex claps up a storm as if I had that pot shot coming for some time now. I’ve turned her away more than a dozen occasions, and now I’m starting to feel the heat from all those rejections. “I may not have whore stamped across my forehead like my fearless ‘leader’—” Trixie says the word leader with air quotes, and somehow the fact she’s mocking me stings more than the fact she’s just called me a whore. I already knew that part. “But I have a good head on my shoulders, and I can talk, write, or burn my way out of a paper bag. I do want that show on relationships. In fact, if you have a bona fide advice column, you can throw that my way as well. I think it would be perfect for me.” She pauses a moment to direct the heat of her hatred at me. “I think the student body at WB will find it refreshing that a young little ol’ freshman such as myself is able to bring new light to all things relationship. In fact, since I don’t have the vast bank of sexual knowledge someone of your STD stature has to contend with, I’ll call upon those with more experience. I bet there are a ton of romances that have blossomed right here at Briggs while you were busy bedding the masses. Real deal relationships that don’t rise and fall with the donning and sloughing off of a condom.” A circle of gasps takes over the room. Any brotherly affection I’ve felt for Trixie Toberman is quickly fading, and I’m wishing she’d suddenly be moved to leave the room and perhaps take Miranda and Bella with her. Those lavender eyes squint over at me. “I’m going to dominate the hour I’m on the air. I’m going to have the attention of the entire school before the semester is out, sweet cheeks. Just you wait and see.”

My entire body spikes with heat. All eyes are cast my way, every person in the room holding their breath as to what my response might be to this terse little freshman.

“Fine.” I stare her down without blinking until my eyes burn. “You can have Coral’s slot. One to two a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Good luck herding the masses to your relationship symposium—sweet cheeks.” I force a smile as I throw her own words back at her.

Trixie’s mouth falls open as she struggles to sit upright. “One to two in the morning? I’ll be dead on Wednesday for classes!”

“Not my problem.” I give a quick knock over the table and get everyone’s attention, not that I ever lost it. In fact, I don’t think anyone’s been this enthralled at one of these meetings since the club’s inception. “Seth, I want you covering football practice. Make sure to get a good shot of Rex. It’s his last hurrah as quarterback. Miranda, you and Bella can take the cheerleaders on. Be sure to get a few shots and quotes to give to the yearbook staff as well. I told them we’d help out.” I glance at Trixie. “Alpha Gamma Sigma is apple picking today at Hollow Brook Orchards and distributing to the food bank afterwards. Trixie, you’ll be joining me. The rest of you can enjoy your Saturday.” The group breaks apart as bodies swarm to the door. I glance up and catch Miranda sneering as she walks by Trixie.

“Good luck feeding the residentially challenged,” she hisses to her. “I hear they crave brunettes this time of year.”

“You would know. You are one,” Trixie snarks right back and Bella laughs, causing Miranda to swat her on their way out the door.

Seth comes over looking decidedly ticked.

Seth Baker is a good guy, mostly. His sister, Misty, and my brother, Nolan, are set to get married in a few short months. They were old flames who reconnected this past winter, and I’m glad about it. If anyone deserves to have love on their side, it’s those two. Nolan and my cousin, Lex, helped raise me once our mother passed away. My father is still alive and wreaking havoc on real estate in New York. His favorite pastime is scooping up buildings and businesses alike in Manhattan like they were candy at Halloween. He was too busy for us kids long before my mother lost her life at that intersection. My stomach sours just thinking of that awful day, and Seth slaps me over the arm, pulling me out of the trance.

“Dude, why did you have to talk to her like that? It’s her first day. She’s jittery.”

I glance over his shoulder to find Trixie messing with her phone. Probably giving my sister a play-by-play.

“She can take it. Besides, she swung the bat first. I simply waited until I was at home plate to swing back.”

Seth growls, signifying the fact he’s taking it way too personal. It’s obvious he’s emotionally invested because he’s interested in her. “Be nice.” He looks her way, and I can feel his concern for Trixie permeating the room with heat. “How about you cover practice and I’ll hit apple picking with Trix?” His shoulders sag as if he were taking one for the team. And I know which team he’s taking it for, Team Seth.

“I got this. Besides, it’ll be good for her to know who’s in charge. She needs a little structure in life. She’s not in high school anymore. She’s playing with the big boys now.” That kiss comes back to me. That was no high school closet game she was invoking. Trixie Toberman knows her way around the human mouth, and she wasn’t shy about showing off her skills.

Someone clears their throat behind me. “And let me guess. You’re that big boy?” I freeze before turning around. In no way am I looking forward to seeing her gloat. I turn slowly to find an ear-to-ear grin embedded on her face, her eyes sparkling like a clear night sky.

“That would be me.” My body tenses as she laughs right in my face.

Seth leans in. “You sure you got this?”

“Yes, dude, go,” I bleat before looking back to my newest irritation in female skin. “I’ll have my truck in front of Cutler Tower in ten minutes. Don’t forget your sunscreen and maybe pack a smile. That snarl you wear isn’t exactly your best look.”

Her mouth falls open once again, but I don’t hang out waiting for a response.

Nope, I head straight for my truck, but the image of those pillow soft full lips falling open for me can’t seem to leave my mind. In fact, the pervert in me keeps imagining her dropping to her knees for me, and it’s all I can do not to head back to The Row and get a little relief.

Something tells me with Trixie Toberman around there will never be any relief.

The drive to Hollow Brook Orchards isn’t a long one, but it feels like the most arduous twenty minutes of my life. Trixie sits stoic and stiff as a statue in the passenger’s seat with her arms folded tight in that worn jean jacket of hers, her hair in a ponytail, one long flowing black river setting the divide between us. She’s donned a pair of skintight jeans that set all sorts of alarms off in me once I spotted her headed for the truck. How in the hell am I supposed to concentrate on something as innocent as picking apples when she’s looking like someone just dipped the lower half of her body in blue paint? And I’m pretty pissed about the fact I noticed it, too. I shouldn’t notice anything about her that I wouldn’t on my own sister. But, then again, if Sunday were wearing those things that hardly qualify as a vague idea of pants, I would have made her march right back up to her dorm and find something more appropriate like chainmail.

“So you like Briggs so far?” There. I’m making an effort, even if it is at the exact moment I happen to be pulling into a parking spot.

“Ugh, don’t even pretend you want to have a conversation with me.” She gets out before I kill the engine, and I jump out after her trying to catch up. The temperature is a crisp forty-five degrees, a good sign we’ll get an early snowfall this year. That’s one thing my mother used to say she appreciated about Hollow Brook, the fact that autumn chases summer away as soon as September arrives. Ironically, she died in the fall, too. The anniversary is coming up in a few months, and I hate that day each and every year.

“I didn’t drive you all the way out here to have us ignore one another.”

Her eyes meet with mine, and you can see the fire burning in them. She’s that raging mad. This, right here, is the reason I’ve never bothered with a girlfriend. This is exactly how I imagined it would work, her constantly pissed at something I may or may not have done and me expending energy I don’t have just trying to make it right. And that about sums up all I know about relationships to begin with. Just before my mother died, all she did was fight with my father. She wanted his time, and he didn’t want hers. Unfortunately for my father, once my mother died, his love life didn’t get any better. He brought home one bitter soon-to-be ex after the other, only to showcase to my siblings and me why relationships don’t really work. To this day he’s chasing skirts. The richer he gets, the younger they are, and yet not one of them sticks. I’ve decided to avoid the heartache altogether. I was the one mopping up my mother’s tears when he would storm off. That’s when I decided I wasn’t going to be the source of pain for people. There was no way in hell I was going to become my father.

“I’m not ignoring you,” she grunts. “Finding out that you were the leader of the Media Club was like looking forward to a nice big fat wet burrito, only to find a long greasy hair in it.” She growls as if she actually might bite.

“Greasy hair, huh?” I lead us straight for the fields, picking up an empty basket by the arched entry to the orchard, and Trixie arms herself with a fruit picker, basically a broomstick with a metal claw on the end. Typically, it’s harmless, but the way she’s wielding it with that look on her face lets me know I’d better keep my own fruit in check.

“So what’s your major?” Her upper lip lifts to the side as she snarls out the question.

“Business for undergrad. I’m going into real estate law next.”

“Just like Daddy.” She bats her eyes up at me. “Sunday filled me in on the fact your dad ate Manhattan. How very Godzilla of him. I’m guessing the financially motivated fruit doesn’t fall far from the fiscally sound tree.” She tries to jab me with that stick in her hand, and I narrowly jump out of the way before she impales me with it.

“Hey, watch it.” I laugh as I catch it by the tip and reel her in. “You mess with the bull, honey, and I’m going to make sure you get the horns.” My body slaps with heat at the innuendo I just let fly, and I feel like a jackass for it.

“Wow, you can take the beast out of the frat house, but you can’t do anything about that sexual predator lurking inside him.”

“That’s not what I meant.” My eyes close a moment because I’m afraid that’s exactly what I meant.

“That’s exactly what you meant.” She shakes me off the stick and thrusts the fruit picker at me as if drawing a boundary line. “I’m no afternoon delight, so you can get your sick head out of the gutter. I knew the instant you singled me out for this apple picking dalliance that you had nothing but sexual shenanigans in mind.” She spits the words out with such anger I’m stumped that she has the ability to muster it for me. “I’m not laying down for my leader if that’s where you think this is headed.” She glares with such venom—holy crap, I think I’m actually getting aroused.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I want.” Shit. “I mean no.” I shake my head, trying to get my brain to think straight. “We’re here for the club. I’m taking pictures, showing you the ropes.”

She huffs so hard her tits ripple from under her shirt. “I bet you’d like to show me the ropes.” She spits out ropes as if it were a dirty word. “I’m guessing there are just a few basics I’ll need to learn.” She taps a finger over her pretty pink lips, and my mouth begins to water. “Let me see. You’re going to lure me to some deep, dark corner of this apple pie hideaway and teach me to get down on my knees. I bet there’s some serious sucking up you’d just love for me to do.” Her scowl grows ten times with intensity as she glowers my way. All playfulness aside, I’m beginning to think her disdain for me is the real deal.

My face burns with heat, partially because a very demented part of me was envisioning just that, and if it were any other girl but Trixie, it probably would have been a reality. Hell, I should have brought Miranda. My stomach sours instantly at the thought. Screw that, any other girl but her or Trixie.

She leans in and glowers at me for no reason. “Just so you know, your powers are faulty with me.”

“Nice to know you appreciate them from afar.”

“You’re not funny.”

“Neither are you, honey.”

The wind picks up and ices the air between us. The blue sky behind her highlights her raven black hair and gives her a larger-than-life appeal. Trixie looks like the quintessential girl next door in her red and black-checkered flannel, the indigo of her jean jacket setting off the hint of purple in her eyes.

“Look, I didn’t bring you here to take advantage of you.” My voice softens as I raise my hands in surrender. Her shoulders sag as she slowly lowers her weapon of choice. “I brought you here to say that I don’t know exactly what happened last night, but I’m sorry. I don’t know what got into me.” There. I’m taking all the blame so she won’t have to. Our eyes lock as we enter a standoff.

Take the bait, Trixie, and run with it. I’m offering you an out. There’s not too many of those in life. I should know.

You’re apologizing to me?” The fruit picker dangles by her knees as her shoulders slump, her voice so soft it’s almost inaudible. I’m not sure what Trixie’s story is, but by the looks of things, not too many people have apologized to her for anything.

“Yes. Now, are you ready to do some apple picking for a good cause?” I nod back at the endless orchards, each tree decorated with round, juicy, red ornaments just waiting for us to take ahold of them for the greater good of the community center. I’ve been volunteering with them from as far back as the time my mother was alive. She had us kids there once every other week distributing food, passing out clothing and sundries to the needy. My mother never wanted us to forget how privileged we were and that the true privilege of our cushioned life was to be a servant to others.

Her eyes widen a notch. Her face turns away as if she were begging her gaze to follow but couldn’t. “I guess it’s time to show these apples who’s boss.” She stabs the fruit picker into the ground next to her foot as if we were about to declare war on all things Macintosh.

A dull laugh rumbles through me. I have a feeling Trixie Toberman shows just about everyone who’s boss.

We hike out past the frats and sororities that have shown up for that day and hit a couple of trees hard. I do most of the climbing, but there are several oversized stepstools set out to give us both the experience.

“How come you do all the pitching and I do all the catching?” Trixie calls out from below as I toss her another shiny apple with a pink blush on its cheeks just like the one she’s sporting now. Even though the temperature is steadily dipping as the afternoon wanes on, we’ve both managed to work up a sweat.

“Was that double entendre on purpose, or are you just sweet and innocent that way?”

What?” She shakes her head in disbelief as if I just informed her that I had two dicks.

“Geez, never mind.” I hop down and brush my thighs over hers without meaning to. The sun is setting behind her as the sky and all of its peach wonder explodes like a crayon box in hues of burnt orange and pinks. It sets off her hair, her skin, and makes her entire body glow like an ethereal being. I’d give anything to commemorate the moment with a picture. So I do. I whip out my phone and land next to her.

“Say cheese, sweet cheeks,” I say before snapping a quick picture of the two of us.

“Sweet cheeks,” she says it bored, omitting the actual command and I show her the picture, the two of us with our heads touching, each with an amicable smile as if indeed we had a good day, and I think we did, all things considering.

“Now, spot me while I get the real work done.” Trixie stomps her way up the stepladder and starts dropping apples at me as if they were live grenades.

“Slow down, would you? We don’t want to bruise the fruit.”

She howls out a short-lived laugh. “If by fruit you mean your head, then I’ll speed up the effort. I’m betting a little bruised ego will do you a world of good.”

“I don’t have an ego, sweetie,” I shoot right back with a laugh buried in my chest. “Everything about me is one hundred percent reality. And believe you me, when I knock out a box of condoms—stepping into the bookstore and purchasing a new one keeps me humble.”

“Don’t make me gag.” She nearly pegs me in the eye with a fat one. “I predict this is the year your ego explodes like an atom bomb. It’ll be the Hindenburg disaster all over again with coeds running around with their hands in the air shouting, Oh, the humanity! Oh, the humanity!” Just as she wails out that last sentence, doing her best impersonation of some ditzy chick, her hand hits a branch and throws her off-balance. The stepladder kicks out from underneath her, and I leap five feet to my left in hopes to catch her.

Trixie!” I bark so loud my voice trembles through the orchard with an echo. Her brothers are going to kill me if she meets her untimely end. Hell, I’ll do the honors first.

But Trixie doesn’t fall to her death by way of breaking her neck, nor does she break any other bone in her feisty little body. Instead, she falls like an anvil, landing hard in my arms, and I grunt as she nearly knocks the wind out of me in the process.

Shit,” I pant as I laugh, staggering to catch my footing, the look of fright still etched on her face. Her skin is bleached white, and her eyes are set wide as if she just saw her life flash before her eyes. “Hey, it’s okay.” I give her a little jostle. “I got you.” I tighten my grip on her, and she shudders, her arms wrapping tighter around my neck, inadvertently pulling me closer. “I promise, I would never let you fall. And I won’t.”

Trixie holds on as if the earth were about to bottom out beneath us. That skin, those lips, those starlit eyes—my God, she’s beautiful. Yes, there’s an innocence about her, but there is also a very evident seductress lying just beneath the surface. Her lips curl into the idea of a smile as she continues to struggle to catch her breath.

“I thought I was going to die,” she whispers. “I’m afraid of a lot of things. Heights being at the top of the list. Have I mentioned I have the university-issued birth control loft bed?”

A tiny laugh rumbles in me. “No, you didn’t.” I toss her up in my arms, and we share a laugh as she falls back into my arms, safe and sound. Trixie tightens her grip around me as she sits up higher, her face just inches from mine.

“I guess this is the part where I’d better say thank you.” She leans in just a touch, her eyes darting from my eyes to my lips, her chest still pumping as if she ran a marathon. She clears her throat as if coming to.

“Yeah, I guess you’d better.” My head dips down just a notch as if gravity were demanding it to, and I can’t stop looking at those lips, all of the magic they contain just a hair away from mine. All I need is a quick brush, a barely there pass to reassure me they’re just as soft as they were last night, that I hadn’t imagined the whole thing. In truth, I had never kissed lips that luscious, so perfect in every single way. I don’t know how many miles Trixie’s put on those lips, but she has me mesmerized and left me thirsty for more. I could jostle her a bit once again and make a drive-by kiss look like an accident. I swallow hard because gravity has me bowing my head again, and she’s not making an effort to move, so I go for it.

A boisterous crowd bursts into our tiny sanctuary, and soon there’s an entire army of limbs trying to snap off the few apples Trixie and I couldn’t reach.

I pop her down to the ground like a reflex. The last thing I need is someone snapping a selfie with the two of us in the background. With my luck, it’ll go straight to one of her brothers.

“Thanks.” She blinks hard before slapping her hands over her jeans, but those pale blue eyes remain tight on mine. “I guess we’d better get going.”

“The sooner, the better.” Only I can’t seem to look away.

A group of girls playing catch with an apple wrangles their way between us. Trixie and I pick up our bushel and head straight for the truck.

I help her in and we take off.

Neither of us says a word all the way over to the community center.

No sooner did Trixie and I drop the bushel of apples off at the community center than we headed back to Briggs. I dropped her off at Cutler Tower, and she hardly grunted out goodbye as she took off. She’s a pistol and a character. I really don’t know what the hell to make of her.

But right now, it’s evening and my stomach is clawing at me from the inside, hoping that I’ll put a bushel of burgers into it, so I head over to the Black Bear.

The Black Bear Saloon is a bar-slash-eatery, essentially every student’s choice on where to dine, and it’s all but put the cafeteria out of business. I pass the oversized stuffed black bear, an ode to its moniker, as I head inside and the place is rowdy and boisterous, as loud as a 747 landing on my head. The house band is blaring, and the girls are shaking their hips on the makeshift dance floor. I do a quick scan and spot a couple of guys from the frat house. Eli, Grant, and Lawson are kicking back by the bar, and just as I’m about to join them, a sweet smiling girl tackles me for a hug, my sister.

“Is it Sunday Knight, or is it Saturday?” I give her ponytail a quick tug. Sunday is sweet as can be and far too innocent to be cavorting in a place like this, especially without her new best friend who could probably take on the trouble by the dozen. “Why aren’t you back at Cutler Tower with your roommate?” When the semester began, both Nolan and I lectured her until she begged for mercy regarding campus safety.

“Relax, I was just grabbing a bite with Serena and her roommate.” She nods over to the dance floor, and I spot Serena losing it to the music. Serena happens to work at the Black Bear, but I’m guessing she’s off for the night, considering the fact she’s cutting loose with the best of them—and by the best of them, I mean a majority of the girls whom I have an intimate knowledge of. The thought alone makes me frown. “Come join me. It’s been lonely ever since Serena heard her favorite song and they both took off for more rhythmic pastures.”

“You should be out there.” I can’t help but hold back a laugh as she leads me to a table in the corner. I’m a touch proud of the fact Sunday isn’t like the other girls at Briggs. She’s sane and a little on the shy side. Don’t get me wrong, Serena is like a sister to me as well, and I’m keeping one eye on her the whole time, but Sunday? She’s a delicate flower who needs a little more looking after. I’m happy to do it, and I’m happy as hell that Serena is here at Briggs now, too. Sunday and Serena have been closer than sisters. It never made sense to me that my cousin Lex insisted Serena go to Barnes—the self-righteous all-girls’ school down the road. Lex is quirky, insane by most standards, but like anyone else in the family, she means well. And she certainly meant well when she stepped in to help raise us once my mother died.

I glance to Sunday as she settles into the seat across from me and can’t help but think our mother would be proud. I know she is.

“You’re quiet. Trixie texted and let me know she was trapped with you all day. How did that work out?” She leans in and narrows her eyes over me as if questioning my motives. That kiss Trixie and I shared last night runs through my head, and it feels as if it were happening in real time. I can still feel that tongue twister right down to my bones.

“It worked. She’s not your average bear, so I needed to get her acclimated to the club.” Acclimated? Something tells me Trixie doesn’t acclimate well to too many things. She’s a jagged shard of glass in a sea of cotton.

Sunday furrows her brows as if she might be buying this. “Well, she’s not what I pictured for a roommate and I’m glad. I was afraid I’d get stuck with some boring bookworm who wanted to study all day. Trixie actually wants to have a life, and I for one appreciate that.” She lifts a shoulder my way as if to ward off any comebacks I might have. “What’s with the face?”

“Nothing.” My stomach grinds as last night plays through my mind. I’m not sure why, but I can’t seem to get that kiss out of my mind. I’ve been kissed before—that much is obvious—and yet not once before have I perseverated on such an innocent action. Although, in truth, there was nothing innocent about that kiss. Those lip moves she was putting out—that we both were putting out, were laced with sin through and through. Nope, that was no innocent action. But there’s just something in me that won’t let it go. Hell, I don’t know if I’ve ever been so aroused in my entire life as I was in that moment. Maybe it’s the way she was looking at me just before she took hold of me. Maybe it’s the fact she grabbed me by the hand and sailed me upstairs without a word—that dark bathroom, the slam of the door as she secured us inside, the way she grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me to her. And then the soft feel of her lips, her mouth falling open for me, and the welcome party her tongue threw. It was a good time, that’s for damn sure. But it’s what happened afterward that has me sitting uneasy all day. Trixie told me off as if I was the one who dragged her up there. Those words she used stained my brain all last night and every minute of today. Whore, joke, someone people laugh at. I get that she was embarrassed by what happened. It felt more like a knee-jerk reaction as she shouted those words, but something deep in my charred heart knew they were built on truth. I’ve slept with more girls than should ever be legal. Who the hell would respect me? I certainly don’t.

“Earth to Rush?” Sunday fans her fingers over my eyes, and I blink back to life. “Wow, you were really out there. Are you sure everything’s okay?”

“Everything’s great.” I shake my head as if denying it.

“Oh my God!” My sister’s face lights up as she screams with uncalled for glee. “You were thinking of a girl, weren’t you?”

My mouth opens for a minute as I glance to the door and in walks Knox sporting his sister’s face like a Halloween mask. “Actually, I was thinking of a girl.” Miranda strides in after him and gifts me a wink just as Sunday cranes her neck to see who’s stealing the show.

“Oh wow, her? I would never have guessed it.” She spins back around, her face flustered as if I’d just let her in on some life-changing secret—and for Sunday to think I’m into some chick, as in singular, it’s pretty life-changing. “Well, who knew there was a thorn so sharp she could pop that balloon of debauchery you’ve been floating in all these years? Good for her. And good for you! It’s about time you led by example. I mean, if you get to date a hundred girls, I should be able to date a hundred guys. Only I think we both know you were doing just about everything but dating them.” She gives my hand a tap as she gets up. “Serena is flagging me down. Are you gonna be here for a bit?”

“Yup.” I nod her over to the dance floor. “Get out there and have a good time.”

No sooner does she vacate the seat than Knox slides in and fills it. Those ice-blue eyes of his are gunning me down as if he were privy to the fact it was his sister I thought of last night as I slicked off in the shower.

“What’s up?” He leans back, his head cocked to the side in the same manner Trixie did this afternoon at the meeting. When she walked in wearing those jeans, that T-shirt, my entire body caught on fire. A blaze works its way up from my boxers just thinking about it.

“Are you blushing for me, sweetheart?” Knox laughs as the waitress comes by and drops off a glass of water for each of us along with a couple of menus.

“Dream on, dude.” I scowl at the exit as if judging how fast I can hit it. “Something is eating at me, though.” My heart sinks because Trixie’s caustic words keep stringing through my mind like a damning refrain.

“What’s that? Let me guess.” His brows pitch in the same demented way his sister’s did last night. “You having a hard time choosing between a blonde and a brunette for the evening? Let me make it easy on you—whichever one is closest.” He belts out a laugh and holds his fist out, just waiting for me to offer up a knuckle bump, but I don’t move.

“It’s exactly that.” I glare at his fist until he drops it slowly. “I’m sick of it. I’m sick of running around wondering what night my dick is going to fall off.” I catch a glance of Serena and Sunday dancing out there and my stomach sinks. “And I feel guilty. I’m not leading by example. It’s that frat house, dude. It morphs into a candy store each and every night,” I growl as I spot Eli Gates talking to Grant and Lawson. Eli was the one who talked me into the frat to begin with. “Believe you me, it wasn’t my idea to spike my stakes in the middle of the pastry aisle.”

“Dude, I won’t even begin to tell you what a sexist ass you sound like right now. Just because the girls are downstairs doesn’t mean you have to haul them up to your bed. Besides, nobody is holding a gun to your head. You can pick up stakes anytime you like. I’ve got a house for lease next door to mine. If you want, come by in the morning. They’re showing it.”

“House, huh?” I’ve been to Knox’s little getaway. It’s cool. I like it. It has a man cave feel, but it’s also nice enough to remind me of home.

“Yup, trust me, you’ll still hang out at Beta house, but you’ll love the fact you can walk away from the scene whenever you want. Harper and I really appreciate it.” His brow hikes ten times higher with the dirty insinuation.

“I bet.” My heart sinks because there’s not a girl in the world I’d want to drag there, not for those purposes anyway. Trixie runs through my mind, and I help her run right back out. Damn that kiss. It’s like she cast some kind of spell on me. “Maybe I’ll swing by and check it out. Thanks, dude. I owe you one.”

“Perfect. I’m glad you owe me one, and if you don’t mind I’d like to collect.” He leans in with something lethal layered in his eyes. “I need you to do me a favor.”

“Anything outside of a felony. It’s yours.” Although judging by the venom shooting out of him, whatever he has brewing, it qualifies as a felony.

“It’s my sister, Trixie.” He winces as he says it. “You know her.”

“Sounds like a felony right off the bat.” A tired lungful of air expires from me. “She’s in the Media Club. I spent the day with her. I guess you can say I know her well.” That soft as hell mouth comes back to me and I groan a little as I swallow down the memory.

Knox shakes his head as if commiserating with me. “Yup. She’s a pistol. Anyway, she’s out to stretch her wings, and I don’t want to be the helicopter brother. Rex is a little more laid-back with her, but me—dude, she’s like my other half. I can’t just let her run wild without keeping an eye on her. That’s where you come in. How about it? Keep an eye on Trix, and if you see any idiots trying to get in her pants give me the heads-up, will you? Lawson’s already agreed to do the same.”

Lawson is their stepbrother, and he happens to be on the basketball team with me. Good guy, and yet another brother for the girl who can’t seem to leave my mind no matter how hard I try to evict her.

Keeping an eye on Trixie? My dick twitches at the thought of getting in her pants, and I force my eyes to close in an effort to keep from seeing her face in his. “Will do. Look, I gotta run.” I jump up before I out myself and what I did with his sister last night. What I’m still very much doing with her in my perverted mind.

“Perfect.” He stands and slaps me five. “So you’ll keep an eye on Trix for me? Protect her as if she were your own sister? Keep her free from all the floating perverts?” Knox looks over at me with the faintest hint of desperation, the same level of desperation I’d feel if I were asking someone to keep an eye on Sunday.

“Yeah, you got my word. I’ll watch over her as if she were my own little sister.”

We head our separate ways, and I hit the exit fast and hard.

Little sister. I shake my head at the idea as the crisp autumn air bites right through the lie.

I feel like a lot of things around Trixie—a sibling isn’t one of them.