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Relentless Fire (A Novel of the Dracol Book 2) by Michelle Howard (24)

Chapter 24


“What do you think Uvem meant?” Inez sat cross legged on Varyk’s bed. He’d scouted out a tray of food for them from the kitchen. Instead of eating, he stretched out beside her, the tray between them as Inez satisfied her hunger.

Sex with Varyk burned off a lot of her energy. The more she ate the more she wanted. Popping a chunk of bread and cheese in her mouth, she dodged his attempt to touch her bare breasts as he’d refused to let her dress.


He rolled his gaze skyward and flipped to his back. “I’m unsure. I’ll have to share what he said with the other Kings, but I’d hoped to understand or decipher its meaning. Of course, my Dracol also struggled with his death and I wasn’t fit for diplomatic conversation.”

Inez almost choked on a piece of fruit. Diplomacy wasn’t exactly what came to mind when she thought of Varyk.

He caught her humor and his lips twitched. “I’ve been known to be the voice of wisdom occasionally.”

At the bold lie, Inez fell sprawled back on the bed and let her laughter take her, giving full vent to her mirth until Varyk shoved the tray to the side. It crashed to the floor, causing Inez to sit straight up.

“You doubt me?” Varyk trapped her with his upper body over her chest and one leg slung over her hips.

“Mmm.” The moan slipped free and she bit her lip as she tipped her head back. If she wasn’t sore, Inez would be up for the challenge of another robust session. Varyk rubbed his body against hers, his thick cock teasing her inner leg and Inez winced in anticipation of the tenderness to come.

Varyk frowned and pulled back. “Inez?”

She rolled to her side, facing him and ran a hand down his broad shoulder to squeeze the upper portion of his arm. “I’m fine.”

He stared into her eyes as if he could read the truth of her words there. A kiss landed on her nose right before the world spun and Inez found herself flipped, Varyk on the bottom and his hands firmly planted on her ass as she settled on top of him.

“I don’t think so.”

Instead of lying, Inez slumped forward and enjoyed being cuddled by the King of the Green.

“Do you think Rylin will believe me?” Varyk asked, toying with the ends of her hair.

To everyone save Varyk and Milana, Uvem died when the mantle passed to Varyk. Questions would arise if it became known the former king had lived.

Inez thought of her cousin’s reaction. “Rylin will believe you and he won’t tell anyone unless the other Kings need to know. You can trust him, Varyk.”

He humphed and pulled on her hair, probably picking up on her chiding tone at the end. “Funny.”

Which was said with much disgust. In return, Inez sank her teeth into the thick muscle of his right chest. His twitch made her smile as she kissed the slight impressions from her bite.

“I trust you though and will communicate Uvem’s last message,” Varyk continued, his hand now soft and stroking in her hair.

Inez lifted her head to ensure he understood the feelings behind what she said. “Thank you for that, Varyk.”

He arched a brow and leaned up, neck taut to kiss her chin. “Not King Varyk?”

“Absolutely not.” Inez couldn’t maintain her stern visage and laughed at his feigned disappointment.




Laughing in bed with a lover was a novel experience for Varyk. Laughing in general was so far from his norm he had to wonder what magic she wielded. Inez lay her head back on his chest and fondled his forearm with the tips of her fingers as she stretched and slipped between the v of his legs. Varyk widened his thighs and cradled her close, one hand buried in her hair and the other palming her round ass cheek.

He couldn’t touch her enough. It soothed him and the grief his Dracol struggled with finally abated to a more manageable level. The pain in his heart lingered, but it was not at the forefront of his mind. For the first time since losing his mentor he felt calm and in control. Because of Inez.

“I want to hold the mating ceremony right away. Will you renounce the Black and become Green?”

Tradition dictated that matings involving two sects required they unite under one. Typically, it was the female who joined the male, but Varyk didn’t want to assume anything with Inez.


He stiffened and tipped his head down, trying to see her face. Black waves blocked his view and Varyk brushed her hair back. His heart thundered. “Inez?”

She continued to play with his arm. “Not because you’d try and make it a demand, but I want you as my lira too, you know.”

Inez pushed up and despite his wishes, Varyk let her sidle next to him as she folded her legs and sat by his hip. “I’m going to go out on a limb and say it—I love you. I can’t pinpoint when,” she glared, “or why, but I definitely am in love with your arrogant self.”

Air trapped in his throat, fear blasting through his mind and Varyk forced himself to sit up. Carefully. He placed a hand on Inez’s thigh, absently taking note of the love marks he’d left behind. “I have never told another female this. You have my heart, Inez.”

True pleasure burst across her face, eyes brightened and her smile widened. “Say it.”

Varyk reached forward and pulled Inez onto his lap. “I don’t need to.”

A blunt finger jabbed him in the side, causing Varyk to laugh as he caught her hand. Drawing it to his mouth, Varyk nipped the tips, then soothed with a lick from his tongue. “I love you, Inez. I didn’t expect it, didn’t plan for it, but I’m grateful to have it.”

She softened in his embrace and swiveled to face him, her legs curving around his waist as she draped her arms over his shoulders. “That was a pretty speech. That means you have to treat Rylin as family now.”

Varyk kissed her pouting lips. “Not likely.”

Inez smacked his shoulder but didn’t break from the kiss. Varyk rolled them over, grip steady as he devoured her lips. He slid a hand to her thigh and kept it high on his hip as he nestled between her legs and notched his cock against her wet center. When he broke from the kiss, Varyk murmured, “I love you.”

She grinned. “And you’ll work with Rylin and the other Kings on what Uvem wanted you to know about the madness?”

His lips parted but Inez got louder. “It’s important to me they see how magnificent you are.”

Varyk closed his mouth. How could he combat her generous spirit? “I do owe you an unclaimed favor. Fine, I’ll work with them. The spread of the madness must be stopped.”

Her gaze grew serious. “Good.”

And it was. Life was very good now that he had Inez in it.