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Relentless (Otter Creek Book 13) by Rebecca Deel (30)













Piper stood in the circle of Liam’s arms as her uncle conversed with the owner of Ricci’s following their meal. They stood in an alcove and watched the interaction between two long-time friends. Eating the wonderful Italian food in the warm, familiar atmosphere brought back good memories of many meals she and her uncle shared in this restaurant. Those memories were tempered by the knowledge of the pending separation from her only living blood relative.

From his body language, Antonio Ricci knew Gino didn’t have long to live. “They’ve been friends for forty years,” she said. “Both men are hurting.” So was she. Despite her uncle’s disappointment with her, she loved him.

“Ricci has family here?”

She nodded. “He grew up in Hartman. His parents moved here from Italy.”

“He’ll have the support of friends and family when your uncle’s gone.” His arms tightened around her. “So will you.”

Tears stung her eyes. She didn’t want to imagine a world where she couldn’t pick up a phone and call her uncle when she wanted. Three years she’d wasted, waiting for him to understand her decision to leave Gavin and Hartman behind.

“I can’t fight this battle for you, Piper, but I’ll be by your side. You aren’t alone anymore.”

She turned, wrapped her arms around him, and laid her head against his heart. “You don’t know how much that means to me.” Piper wanted to say more but couldn’t, her throat tight with repressed emotion. She didn’t want to call attention to herself or Liam by giving in to the tears threatening to spill down her cheeks.

When Gino finished his conversation, the three of them walked from the restaurant together. They remained silent until they settled in the SUV and drove toward the Romano estate.

“How is Mr. Ricci?” Piper asked.

“He is like many of my friends. Sad because my body is failing.”

He wasn’t the only one. At least she’d had time to see and talk to him.

“Antonio also was of some help in the other matter we discussed on the drive to the restaurant.”

Liam glanced at her uncle in the rearview mirror. “What did he say?”

“Matteo made changes to his estate. He added additional security to the house. He also allowed a large building to be built half a mile behind the house on an adjacent piece of property with an access road between the two places. The new building resembles an oversized garage.”

Piper frowned. “Wait a minute. I thought he already had a garage. Why would he need another one?”

“That’s the question many are asking.”

“He bought more property?” Liam asked.

“Not officially. According to scuttlebutt around town, Bluefield Industries bought the property.”

“How do you know Barone is behind the purchase?”

“Matteo has been seen at the job site and is the one approving the work. Doesn’t take a genius to realize there’s a close relationship between Matteo and Bluefield even though his name isn’t on the paperwork. You’re in security. I’m sure you will confirm the connection.”

“I’ll look into it.”

Piper glanced at her uncle. “Did Barone bulldoze the miniature forest behind the house? From what I remember, the tree line started about ten feet from the edge of the driveway and went on for a mile or more.”

Gino smiled. “That’s what I asked Antonio. Matteo’s property has a clearing two hundred yards from the house. You can’t see it because of the dense tree cover. I’ve walked the property with Matteo several times. The trees thinned at the northeast end which is where the Bluefield Industries property begins. That’s where Matteo put the access road that leads to the garage.”

“Barone’s driveway leads to the Bluefield property?”

“He says it’s not a driveway since it doesn’t connect to his concrete drive. It’s more of an access point in case there’s a fire on either property. The interesting thing about this is according to Antonio’s son who was on the construction crew, no cars were moved to the new garage although that’s what the plans labeled the building. In fact, as far as he knows, that building will never be used to house vehicles.”

“How does he know that?” Liam asked.

“There aren’t any garage doors installed, just one large metal door like the ones used for warehouses. Giorgio said part of the space seemed to be wired for occupancy.”

He frowned. “Heating and air conditioning?”

“That’s right along with plumbing and small rooms.”


“It’s possible. Giorgio was afraid to ask too many questions. It wouldn’t have been good for his health.”

Piper eyed her uncle. “If you know how dangerous Barone is, why are you still friends with the man?” She’d known and avoided being in the same room with the crime boss.

“We’ve been friends for sixty years, Piper. I didn’t know for a long time how ruthless he is. By the time I learned the truth, Matteo and I had a long history and we were in business together.”

Her heart skipped a beat. Was Gino hinting at the criminal activity that the feds were accusing him of?

“We are from the same neighborhood. We fought back-to-back against those who hated us simply because of our ethnic heritage. We beat the odds to become successful businessmen. My business enterprise is legal. Matteo’s view of ethical business practices is more liberal than mine. In any case, I can’t turn my back on a lifetime friend.”

Time to move the discussion forward. Liam would be turning into the estate grounds soon and their opportunities to talk without fear of being overheard limited. “Back to the oversized garage. The building inspectors didn’t question the odd arrangement for a garage?”

Gino looked troubled. “No one questions Matteo. I’m afraid my old friend wields much power in this town.”

“Do you mind helping us get into Gavin’s suite, Uncle Gino?”

“No, child.” His laughter was wry. “If Matteo discovers the ruse, what can he do to me that won’t happen in the next few weeks anyway?”

Pain speared Piper’s heart at the thought of the impending loss. “I want you to have those weeks to visit with friends and me. I’d love to take you to Otter Creek for a few days. I want you to see the life I’ve built, Uncle Gino.”

He was shaking his head before she finished speaking. “You know I can’t, Piper. I’m under a doctor’s care even if they cannot do more than hold my hand. I also have a business to run, one I must prepare you to take over when I’m gone.”

Another glance from Liam in the mirror. “I’m marrying your niece in a few months, Mr. Romano,” he said. “My job requires me to stay in Otter Creek. I can’t move here. Call me old fashioned, but I don’t want to be separated from my wife.”

Her uncle waved their protests aside. “There are ways around the problem. Piper will own the company, a company many hundred workers in Hartman depend upon for their livelihood. That doesn’t mean she can’t have someone manage the company for her.”

Her uncle had effectively laid the livelihood of hundreds of workers on her shoulders. Yeah, no pressure. “What do you mean I can have someone manage the company for me?” Piper asked.

“A team of managers you trust or a team of advisors. You’ll need to come to Hartman several times a year to keep an eye on things. I’m sure Liam will be happy to come with you.”

“He’s gone frequently.”

Gino shrugged. “Come home when he’s available. You can choose the times except when stockholder meetings are scheduled. I have a few names to suggest for the management team. Ultimately, however, the choice will be yours.”

She and Liam exchanged glances before she turned back to her uncle. “Give me the list along with their work histories and their track record with the company. I’m not promising to hire any of them, but I’ll give them a fair evaluation.”

Another glance from Liam. Piper reached for his hand, aware she had just committed to running a multimillion-dollar company for the duration without consulting the man she planned to marry. She knew him well enough, though, to understand that Liam would support her decision and work with her to keep her uncle’s legacy alive and healthy.

Gino gave her a thoughtful look. “I hope you mean that, dear, because one of my recommendations is to place Brandy on your management team.”

Sophia had been right. Gino had been grooming Brandy to take over leadership in the company. The question was why. Brandy hadn’t been close to Gino when Piper lived in Hartman. What changed? “I’m not sure how wise it would be to appoint someone I don’t trust with keeping your legacy alive.”

“You said you would be fair. I expect you to uphold that promise for the good of the company. If you find others with more experience and credentials, we’ll talk.”

Wow. So much for handing over leadership to her. Gino Romano wasn’t planning to let go of the company until he had no choice. Suited Piper fine. She didn’t want to take away the business giving him the will to fight cancer a little longer.

“When will people begin paying condolence calls to Barone and his wife?” Liam asked.

“Tomorrow.” Gino sighed. “I already spoke briefly with Matteo this afternoon. Since he’s unsure when Gavin’s body will be returned to Hartman, he can’t give a date or time for his son’s funeral. He’s considering a memorial service in a few days. If he follows that plan, then the burial would be a family-only event when Gavin’s body arrives. Already the town dignitaries are asking when they can offer their condolences. Matteo felt that it would be less disruptive to his work and comforting to his wife to receive people tomorrow evening.”

“We’ll go to Barone’s estate about 7:00 p.m. It will be full dark and better for our safety if we have to leave quickly.”

Better for Liam’s teammates to enter the estate under cover of darkness if they were needed as well, Piper realized. She prayed that wouldn’t be necessary.

“I don’t know what information Gavin left for you, Piper, but Matteo will be relentless until he gets what he wants.”

Liam reached over and squeezed Piper’s hand.

“I know, Uncle Gino. I haven’t forgotten how ruthless he can be.”

“He isn’t a good man to have as an enemy.”

“We’ll be fine. Liam will make sure of it.”

“Are you as good as you claim to be, Liam?”

“Better. I know what I’m doing, Mr. Romano. I’m well trained with years of experience. Nothing and no one will harm Piper as long as I’m breathing.”

He gave a slow nod. “I’m glad to hear that, young man. Many people have gone up against Matteo and come out losers in the skirmish.” He patted Liam’s shoulder. “You must call me Gino. You’ll be marrying into the family soon.”

“Yes, sir.”

The rest of the drive to Gino’s house was completed in silence. To Piper, her uncle looked exhausted. Hopefully, she wouldn’t have surprise visitors tonight. Gino needed to rest. Tomorrow might prove interesting and dangerous.

Soon after they walked into Gino’s house, Piper’s uncle excused himself to retire to his suite. She turned to Liam. “What would you like to do now?”

“Spend some time with my computer and you. I need to work for a while and I’d love your company while I do it.”

Relieved she wouldn’t be alone in a house she no longer felt safe in, Piper led the way upstairs toward their rooms.

Liam nudged her toward his room where he retrieved his laptop. He set it on the coffee table in her sitting room and held his finger to his lips as he pulled out his electronic signal detector.

Right. He had to check their rooms for more bugs and cameras. Hopefully, the person planting them would grow tired of dumping money into the bugs and cameras only to have Liam find and dismantle them.

Ten minutes later, he declared her suite clean. No one had planted devices to keep tabs on her. Some of the tension twisting her stomach into a knot disappeared. At least for now, they didn’t have to worry about someone listening to their conversation.

Liam sat on the couch with her and reached for the television remote. “Find something to watch. When I finish working, I’ll watch a movie with you.”

A slow smile curved her lips. “You’re giving me control of the remote?”

He tapped the tip of her nose with a light touch. “Don’t get used to it. My hand gets twitchy without the remote.”

Piper laughed. “You can hold my hand when the emptiness overwhelms you.”

“Hmm. I like that plan.” His smile faded. “Do you mind if I work for a bit?”

“Of course not. I don’t need to be entertained, Liam. I’m happy just to be with you.”

He pressed his forehead to hers. “I love you, Sunshine.”

“I love you, too.” While Liam booted up his laptop, Piper turned on the television and surfed for a program that wouldn’t distract him while he worked. To be honest, she would have been content to sit with her head against his shoulder while he worked even if the television was turned off.

Finding a cozy mystery movie she loved, Piper settled against his side. To her delight, Liam frequently stopped to share a brief kiss with her before returning to his research.

Ninety minutes later, Liam’s cell phone chirped with an incoming text. He checked his screen and frowned.

Piper sat up. “What’s wrong?”

“Not sure. Zane wants me to call him as soon as possible.” He called his friend, tapping the speaker button. “It’s Liam. What’s up?”

“Where’s Piper?”

“Beside me. You’re on speaker.”

“You in a secure place?”

“I checked her suite. It’s clear. What’s going on, Z?”

“Two things. One, someone blew up Piper’s car.”

Piper gasped. “When?”

“About thirty minutes ago. I have bots scouring the Net for any mention of your name and Liam’s. The explosion hit the town’s newspaper website a few minutes ago.”

“What’s the second thing?” Liam asked, his arm around Piper’s shoulder.

“There’s a contract on Piper. Someone wants your woman dead.”