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Rescue Me: A Bad Boy Romance by Ford, Mia (96)

Chapter Twenty


“So,” I said. “Can we talk, now?”

Molly’s blush deepened from pink to crimson red. She nodded and silently walked over to the couch, sitting down like she was about to have her last meal before getting executed.

“It’s not bad,” I said. “At least, I don’t think it is. Want a beer?” I raised an eyebrow. “These kinds of talks usually go better with alcohol.”

Molly nodded. Her blush faded but her serious look stayed. With a sigh, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed two cold cans of beer from the fridge. I returned to the living room and sat on the couch next to Molly, handing her one of the cans.

“Here,” I said, turning sideways and crossing my legs. “Cheers.”

Molly nodded and clinked her can against mine, but she still didn’t speak.

“Come on,” I said. “You’re acting like you’re about to be tortured. What’s the deal, Molly?”

“I don’t know. I’m confused.”

I sighed and cracked open my can, tilting my head back and pouring the beer down my throat. It settled my stomach. There was nothing like the taste of beer mingling with the leftover taste of pussy, it was a combination I’d always enjoyed.

“Well, I am, too,” I said. “But it’s okay. That’s why we’re talking now.”

Molly pursed her lips and sighed. “Alex…I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t know what’s happening to me. And I wish I did, but it’s like…” She trailed off, biting her lip in an adorable way that made me want to pull her close and kiss her.

“I don’t, either,” I said, taking another swig of beer and running a hand through my hair. “I really don’t, I’ve never felt this way before.”

Molly looked at me curiously. “What way?”

I sighed. “Just…” God, just say it!


“I like you,” I said finally. “I like fucking you, I like spending time with you. I don’t usually feel this way about women…and I’ve never done this before, show someone everything.”

Molly nodded. She finally opened her beer and took a small sip, licking her lips like a kitten. “I like you, too,” she said. “But I’m scared. I know this isn’t going to last and I don’t want to get hurt.”

“No, that’s not what I’m saying,” I said. “I don’t really see this…whatever it is…ending any time soon. I want to be with you, Molly. I want you to be my girlfriend.”

“Your girlfriend?” Molly looked at me with wide eyes. “You’re kidding,” she said softly. “You can’t be serious, Alex. There’s no way.”

“Well, I am,” I said. I sighed. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders – finally, I’d manned up and acted like I had balls. Still, I couldn’t believe it. Deep down, I guess I’d known Molly had liked me.

So why had I been so afraid of telling her?

“This is new for me,” I said slowly, draining the last of my beer. “I never thought I wanted a relationship. I might not know how to be a good boyfriend.” I grinned and winked at Molly. “Hey, I’ve got it – you teach me how to be a boyfriend, and I’ll keep teaching you about sex.”

Molly laughed.

“Finally,” I said with a smirk. “That’s the sound I like hearing. Besides you screaming in orgasmic pleasure, I mean.”

Molly flushed deeply. “I don’t really know anything about being a girlfriend,” she said. “You’re forgetting I’ve never had a boyfriend before.”

I laughed. “Girls are like, born knowing how to act in relationships,” I said. “At least, that’s how guys think.”

Molly rolled her eyes. “Guys aren’t all that smart sometimes,” she said, raising an eyebrow. “Besides, who the heck would I have learned it from? Rebecca?”

I snickered. Suddenly, the image of Rebecca kissing and dancing with that other girl popped into my head. Should I tell Molly? No , I decided. You haven’t even made up your mind about it, or talked to Rebecca. Who knows, maybe it was some kind of weird prank. Still, I couldn’t deny that thinking about it made my stomach twist with anxiety. I knew Molly should find out at some point – especially if Rebecca really was harboring feelings for her – but I didn’t want to spoil the day. After all, my life had just changed.

I wasn’t single, bachelor Alex anymore. I had a girlfriend – I was finally acting my age.

“I’m happy you told me,” Molly said softly. She reached for my hand and twined her pudgy fingers with mine. “I just can’t believe it.” She blushed a deep crimson and looked away. “I’ve had a crush on you since the first day I met you.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Really?”

Molly nodded. “Really,” she said. She bit her lip and took a long swig of beer. “I remember it like it was yesterday.”

I raised an eyebrow. “I have to admit I don’t remember that,” I said. “Sorry. I know that makes me sound like an asshole. But it was a long time ago.”

Molly nodded. “You picked Rebecca up from school and you gave me a ride home.”

“Oh!” Suddenly, the memory appeared in my head. “I remember now,” I said, grinning slyly. “I should’ve known. You were falling all over yourself in front of me.”

Molly blushed. “I know,” she said. “I feel stupid now, trust me.”

“Don’t,” I said. I squeezed her hand and lifted it to my mouth, kissing her fingers. “You’re my girlfriend now,” I said. “I feel like going out and shouting it from the rooftops.”

Molly smiled. “I know,” she said. “But Alex – what are we going to tell Rebecca? Are you going to tell your friends?”

“Yeah,” I said. “Well, Rob and the guys at the firehouse at least. Hey, maybe you could come by sometime.”

Molly bit her lip and looked nervous. “I don’t know,” she said. “Maybe they wouldn’t like me.”

“Why wouldn’t they?”

Molly sighed in exasperation. “Because I’m fat, Alex,” she said, looking glum once again. “And it’s like no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to fix that.”

"So? Who cares?”

Molly gave me a stern look. “A lot of people care, and you know it,” she said. “I just don’t want to embarrass you, that’s all.”

I rolled my eyes. “If anyone is mean to you, fuck them,” I said. “You’re mine now, and that’s what matters.”

A small smile crept onto Molly’s face. “I can’t believe it,” she said. “I never…I never would have thought that’s what you wanted to say to me.” She swallowed hard. “I really wanted to tell you, but I was afraid. I’m sorry I was such a coward. That’s why I was ignoring you.”

“It’s fine.” I pulled her into a hug. My cock was throbbing and aching, but I had to be at work in half an hour, and I didn’t want a quickie when I knew I could fuck Molly all night long as soon as I was free again.

“Rebecca went out running,” Molly said.

“Yeah.” I got to my feet and stretched, draining the last of my beer. “I should probably get going. I have to be at the firehouse pretty soon for a shift. I’ll text you, okay?”

Molly grinned widely. “Thanks,” she said. “I’d like that.”

I smirked. I always loved her transformation – meek and quiet before sex, then lively and vivacious as soon as she’d had an orgasm. This should make for a fun relationship , I thought as I grabbed my keys, wallet, and phone.

“See you soon,” I said, leaning down and kissing her cheek. “And be good.”

Molly flushed. “I always try to be good,” she said softly.

I grinned. “I know,” I said. “But sometimes I like it when you’re bad.”

Molly bit her lip and nodded. “Bye,” she said. “Have fun at work.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ll try,” I said. I leaned down and kissed her once more, inhaling the scent of dried pussy on her face. “Have a good day, babe.”

Molly blushed. With a grin, I sauntered out of the apartment and got into my Mustang. As I drove down the street towards the firehouse, I felt lighter and happier than I had in ages. I’d finally done it – I’d had a mature talk with the woman I was starting to love. Is this how normal people act , I wondered. Are they able to have these kinds of talks without freaking out and going to pieces?

I felt both excited and a little nervous when I pulled up in front of the firehouse and parked my car. After going inside and taking a short shower, I walked into the common room and flopped down in a chair.

Rob smirked when he saw me. “Feeling better, bro?”

“Yeah,” I said. “Molly and I are together. I asked her to be my girlfriend.”

“What?” Rob’s jaw dropped. “Are you kidding?”

I narrowed my eyes and frowned. “Why would I joke about that? I like her a lot,” I said. “And she’s so fucking good in bed, it’s incredible.” I closed my eyes and sighed. “She fucks like a dream,” I said. “I can’t believe she was a virgin before I slept with her for the first time.”

“Dude,” Rob said. “She’s a whale. You can’t date someone like that.” He shook his head. “You need someone hot, like Amanda Frick.”

“Amanda’s a stupid slut,” I said, rolling my eyes. “I fucked her a couple of times last year. She didn’t even know where Europe is.”

Rob burst out laughing. “So? I like dumb chicks,” he said. “They don’t ask too many question.”

I shrugged. “I like her,” I said. “And that’s not a joke. I like spending time with her. She’s very sweet.”

Rob shook his head and laughed. “Man, I thought you were going through some kind of chubby chaser stage. I don’t get it – why her? Why not someone else?”

“Because I’ve never had feelings for anyone else the way I have feelings for her,” I said angrily. “And I’d like to think that you’d understand that. You’re my best friend, dude,” I added. “Why do you care so much if I date Molly?”

Rob shook his head. “Man, whoa, calm down,” he said. He snickered. “I’m just worried about you, that’s all.”

“Worried about me?” I narrowed my eyes. “What the fuck does that even mean?”

Rob laughed. “I’m worried about you being crushed to death by that girl,” he said, laughing so hard he fell over in his chair. “It’s a real danger, you know, getting crushed by fat chicks.”

“Dude, fuck you,” I said. “That’s not cool. When I bring Molly here to meet the guys, you’d better goddamned well be nice to her.”

Rob looked at me with his mouth hanging open. “You’re seriously bringing her here? What is wrong with you, dude? You do realize everyone else is going to act the same way I’m acting, right?”

“Then you’re all a bunch of shitheads,” I said angrily. “And you can all go get fucked.” Shoving my hands into my pockets, I stormed into the kitchen and grabbed a beer.

I was starting to realize that being with Molly was going to be a lot more complicated than I’d initially thought.

But I didn’t care. I was starting to fall in love with her, and I wanted to be with her no matter what.




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