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Restless Heart by Rhonda Laurel (11)






Savannah stood on the stage in the school’s auditorium and did her best to focus on her objective, which was to have an awesome auction event. People flooded into the place as soon as the doors opened at one o’clock in the afternoon and she was happy with the turnout. They ate snacks and chatted while they perused the list of items that were up for auction. The crowd was a testament to the community spirit, and it also meant there should be some good bidding going on. Everything started out fine until she saw Lucinda waltzing through the door late for their final meeting before the event started. She ignored it and kept her composure. It also helped that Peyton said she had her back.

Despite it being a hectic day, she couldn’t help but think that it was the nicest Valentine’s Day she’d had in a long time. She was greeted at her door by Austin this morning with another bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates, and a big butcher’s bone for Blue. But the best part was the kiss he laid on her before he darted off to help set up at the gym. It was sure to be a steamy night, and they’d planned a special evening at his place once the event was over.

The signal from the assistant backstage signaled they were ready to auction the next item. They would be auctioning various goods and services from people around town. Barbara Jean offered a cake for any event. Alex offered an autographed hockey Jersey from his brother Derek. Grayson offered a free consultation on plastic surgery. Marco offered a day at his vineyard to wine taste and have dinner with him. Peyton donated one of her photographs. And that was just the beginning…

The assistant approached and sat a pair of black riding boots and a t-shirt that said the Southern Comfort Ranch on the display table next to her. Austin had offered riding lessons, and they were next on the list to be auctioned.

“Next up are riding lessons at the Southern Comfort Ranch by our favorite rancher and local hero, Austin Holbrook,” Savannah said. “Correct sizing of the boots and the t-shirt will be adjusted for the winner.”

“One thousand!”

“I have one thousand from the lady in the fetching blue patchwork jumper. Do I hear eleven hundred?”

As the bidding frenzy ensued, she wasn’t surprised at the escalating price. She might have been under scrutiny, but it hadn’t quenched the local ladies’ desire for Austin. The bidding continued and soon they were hitting three thousand.

It was all going well until Lucinda’s booming voice silenced the room.

“Five thousand!” Lucinda said.

“I have five thousand from the woman in the silver disco ball shirt.” Savannah smiled sweetly. “Any more bids?”

No one called out. She couldn’t help but notice the satisfied, smug look on Lucinda’s face. The anger in her compounded when she saw people stealing glances at her. They looked as if they were settling in to watch a catfight. She reminded herself that fighting with Lucinda over a man or a smear job was beneath her. She could feel her blood-pressure rising, then she locked eyes with Austin. Seeing him immediately calmed her down.

“Going once, going twice. Riding lessons at the Southern Comfort Ranch sold for five thousand.” Savannah slammed down the gavel so hard the little block of wood cracked. Well, maybe she wasn’t so calm after all.

She proceeded to the next item and carried on. Two more auction calls later, she was getting a signal from Peyton that it was time to take a break.

“Folks, we’re taking a ten-minute break.”

She went over to the props table to put her mic down and remove the receiver box that was tethered to her belt. She walked toward the dressing room. She wanted to retouch her makeup before she had to speak again. She opened the door to find Lucinda being fawned over by Julie, the radio station intern. The intern was helping her get her mic in place.

“Thanks, Julie.” Lucinda grimaced. “I think you’ve got it.”

“Do you need anything else? I have to get back to the ticket table,” Julie said.

“If you must.” Lucinda rolled her eyes. “Don’t forget I get my mocha latte at three o’clock sharp. Not one minute before. Not one minute after. And it better not be too hot or cold.”

“Of course.”

Savannah took a deep breath. Lucinda was always treating someone like crap. “Hey, Julie.”

“Savannah. You’re pretty good up there on stage.”


“Julie, you can go,” Lucinda growled.

“I just need to adjust one thing.” Julie rushed over and fiddled with the box attached to Lucinda’s belt. “There, perfect.”

“Don’t forget to come backstage as soon as I’m done to help me change.”

“Sure thing.” Julie winked at Savannah as she left.

Savannah smiled, thinking that the wink was an odd thing to do. Oh well, she just needed to touch up her makeup. She didn’t have to fraternize with Lucinda.

“Savannah. I’m surprised to see you here.” Lucinda stared into the mirror, applying her lipstick.

She wasn’t going to let Lucinda get to her. “I thought you might be, but I don’t scare that easily.”

“It’s really brave of you to go about town knowing everyone is aware of what you did. They’ll never trust another word you print. Good luck finding a new job in journalism without any credibility.”

The wheels in Savannah’s head started spinning. It wasn’t about her it was about Lucinda. Since the day they’d met, the woman had done everything she could to malign her. The jabs about being a junior reporter. The taunts that she wasn’t good enough for Austin. Criticizing every decision she made coordinating the event. Apparently, Lucinda thought Savannah was threatening her position in the community. Right now she had to deal with Lucinda before she did any more damage.

“So that’s your angle? Because you feel competition from me and can’t get a job as a syndicated radio host? You think running me out of town will help you keep the Queen Media crown?”

“You think too highly of yourself.” Lucinda touched up her makeup with a sponge.

“If I’m feeling important, it’s all because of you.” Savannah folded her arms across her chest. “Frankly, I find it refreshing you’re not bothering to hide the claws anymore.”

“Excuse me?”

“What is it about me that you find so intimidating?”

“You? Competition?”

“I seem to have beat you where Austin’s concerned.”

“I’m here to tell you that a man like Austin doesn’t settle down with Ms. Congeniality. Sure he’s having fun, but one day he’s going to wake up and realize he needs a certain type of woman in his life that complements him. He’s loaded, and I’m not talking about that ranch. His father owns a ton of media outlets, and that could go a long way to someone ambitious in this business. Don’t pretend you haven’t thought of it.”

“What Austin’s father owns is the farthest thing from my mind. I make my own way. I didn’t need my mother’s celebrity to get me a job, and I don’t need anyone else’s either.”

“You’re more of an idiot than I thought if you’re dating him just because he’s handsome and has an ass you can bounce a quarter off.”

“Austin is more than those superficial things. You should know that. But you were too busy putting together a dossier on how he could help your career. Funny how you questioned my integrity in your story, but you were out for that exact thing. You never considered his feelings for a minute. He was just a piece of meat to you.”

“And a damn fine piece of meat. If I’m going to sleep my way to the top, I’d rather do it with Austin and not some geriatric prune trying to keep his youth. Austin Holbrook is a damn fine-looking stepping stone.”

Savannah shook her head. It was the age-old law of the jungle when it came to women fighting over men. She’d thought Lucinda was above it, but here she was spewing clichés left and right.

“I think it’s shameful that you believe his most attractive quality is his money. He’s so much more than that. You are marginalizing him the same way women have been treated for hundreds of years. And because you didn’t get what you want, you decided to wreck my career as a lark out of spite.”

Savannah exhaled and felt like the weight of an elephant had been lifted off her chest.

“Putting you on public display was actually the icing on the cake.” Lucinda snickered. “Are you worried that some old feelings will ignite while he’s giving me a lesson? I intend to show him what he’s been missing.”

“Savannah. Lucinda.” Austin entered the dressing room.

“Austin.” Lucinda started. “I was just coming to look for you.”

“Yes. I bet you were.” His jaw ticked.

“What’s wrong? I thought you’d be pleased with my high bid for the riding lessons.”

“I heard every word you just said to Savannah. So did everyone else. Your mic is on.” He put his hands on his hips. “How dare you say those hurtful things to her?”

“I—” Lucinda looked shocked. “I was just being a little snarky.”

“Yeah, you’ve been doing a lot of that lately. Don’t take it out on her that we didn’t work out and with good reason. For the record, I could see through your little ploy. I’ve been around people like you all my life. Despite all the things you said I could give you, let’s cut to the chase. You’re mad because Savannah’s the one I love.”

Savannah blinked, and her throat went dry. She didn’t know which bit of news was bigger. Austin had just professed his love for her or the fact that Lucinda’s acid-laced pep talk had been heard by everyone in the building. Who was she kidding? Austin saying he loved her was way huger.

As if things couldn’t get any worse, Levi appeared in the doorway.

“Savannah, you’re not serious about this guy, are you?” he asked in a strained tone.

“Levi.” Austin moved closer to him.

Levi met him halfway. “Austin.”

Savannah stepped in front of Austin to put some distance between the two men but kept her eye on Lucinda. Lucinda was still fiddling with her mic box, and their soap opera was still being broadcast. Finally, she freed it from her belt.

“Lucinda, I think it’s the button on the right,” Savannah said to help her speed up cutting off the feed.

“I know. I got it.” Lucinda leered at her, then stalked out of the room yelling, “Who turned on the goddamn mic?”

Savannah bit back a smile. Turning on the mic was probably the finishing touch that Julie made before she’d winked and left the room.

One down. One more self-involved idiot to go.

“Levi,” she snapped. “What the hell are you doing?”

“Fighting for us.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Fighting for you. I saw your mother’s broadcast today, and it made me realize I’d been such an ass.”

“What you’re fighting is going through the motions of getting dumped. I heard your latest fling left you for that Silicon Valley tech nerd who lives by the lake.”

“It was a mutual parting of ways,” he huffed. “I am the reason you came to this town.”

“You may have been the reason I came, but you’re not the reason I stayed. I found myself here after searching for a long time. You were just the person who was supposed to lead me to my happiness, but I know my happiness wasn’t meant to be with you.”

Levi’s expression darkened. He looked as though he’d say something else, but one glance at Austin had him thinking twice. “I’ll see you around,” he said through clenched teeth. Levi walked out of the dressing room.

Savannah turned to Austin when they were finally alone. “I think this is the most exciting auction I’ve ever attended.”

“You come to a cattle auction some time. The white-hot drama that goes on—”

Savannah put her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. “I want to talk about what you said to Lucinda, and I want to talk about New Zealand.”

“I was hoping to just slip that right in there.” He grinned. “I wanted to tell you before we were interrupted in my office. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

He kissed her. “Why don’t we get out of here?”

“Because we’re responsible people who have a job to do.” She put her chin on his chest. “We have to hustle to finish up this auction so we can finish getting the gym ready for dinner.”

“True. After this, we’re heading to my house.” His eyes gleamed.

“It’s a deal.” She sighed. “I have to go out there and see how much I can get for Marco’s day at the vineyard.”

“Marco’s got a certain way with the ladies. If you say he’ll speak Italian all day, don’t be surprised if someone offers up their house.”

“Listen to the pot calling the kettle black.” She swatted at his arm. “That southern drawl of yours is like catnip to the women in this town.”

“I’m only concerned about the affections of one woman. And she’s perfect for me.”

Peyton knocked on the door and was holding a microphone. “Excuse me lovebirds, but the crowd is getting restless. No worries, this mic is not hot.”

“What’s going on?” Savannah chuckled and took the mic.

“The audience wants to know if there’s any more excitement in store.” Peyton laughed. “Austin, Alex could use your help with the concession stand.”

“Got it.” He kissed her again. “Soon as we’re done. We’re out of here.”

She smiled and watched him walk away. Now she had to get back to work. Too bad she was embarrassed that everyone had just heard the melee. She turned to Peyton. “Can we switch duties?”

“Heck no. You’re on fire. The crowd loves you.”

“Everyone just overheard the reality show I call my life. And to think I looked down my nose at my mother’s show.”

“It was awesome. Lucinda got her comeuppance. I saw Levi leaving with his tail between his legs, so I guess he found out the world didn’t revolve around him. This was better than binge-watching a whole season of one of the fake-looking for bachelor shows.”

A lightbulb went off in her head. “Wouldn’t Lucinda and Levi make a great couple? She wants prestige. He wants a trophy. Both are as deep as a mud puddle. It’s a match made in heaven.”

“You know, you’re right.” Peyton chuckled. “But I think two shallow people will cancel each other out. Let’s get you out there so a lucky woman can spend the day with Marco. A gorgeous guy, picturesque setting, and good food and drink. That’s a romance trifecta if I ever heard one.”

“Yeah. Men like him should not be single.”

“You can do it. Get back on that horse.”

She linked arms with Peyton. It was time to get the show on the road. “Thanks for having my back.”


They walked back toward the stage only to find Marco waiting in the wings.

“Marco, I am auctioning your day at the vineyard package next,” Savannah said.

He grinned. “I know. Peyton said it would help if I stood on stage with a bottle of wine in my hand. If I get more than a one-dollar bid, I’ll be a happy man.”

“I think you being up there will bring everything together visually.” Savannah smiled.

“Who wouldn’t want to spend the day at a scenic vineyard with a hunky wine savant? Maybe you’ll meet someone nice.” Peyton flashed a devilish grin.

“Peyton amore mio, what are you up to?” Marco gave her a quizzical look. “What kind of auction is this? I told you before my lack of a love life is voluntary. I’m taking a break from romance.”

“No such thing.” Peyton put her hands on her hips. “You just need the right woman to get you interested in getting back into the game.”

Savannah laughed. “I’ll make it clear we’re peddling a good time that’s above board. We’re not pimping you out. No matter how cute those dimples of yours are.”

The production assistant hurried over. “Savannah, take your mark. We’ll be ready in thirty seconds.”

“Good luck, Marco.” Peyton waved and scurried down the steps.

She went over to the marked spot next to the podium with Marco waiting for the curtain to open.

“Congrats to you and Austin. He’s done nothing but talk about you since the moment you met. From what I can see and hear in my friend’s voice, you make a wonderful couple.”

“Thanks.” She squeezed his arm.

“He gives me faith that it’s worth it to wait for the right person.” He winked at her. “And you are the right person for him.”

The curtain came up, and Savannah plastered on a smile. Not that it was hard after what Marco just said.

“Ladies, we are back for the grand finale. Who wants to win a day with the handsome owner of Paloma Vineyards, Marco DiGiovanni? There will be plenty wine, delicious Italian food, a breathtaking view of the vineyard and best of all, scintillating conversation with the vintner. It’s guaranteed to be a magical day.”

“Let’s start the bidding at—”

“Three thousand!” someone yelled from the back.

“Can he take his shirt off?” someone else bellowed.

“No he cannot,” she said. “Keep it clean ladies, this isn’t an escort service.”

A flurry of screams flooded the room. She’d have no trouble getting good bids for Marco. Once she was finished with her duties, she’d go off with Austin and get to celebrate their monumental night.




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