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Revenge (The King Brothers Series Book 5) by G. Bailey (12)


It didn’t matter if she wore a mask as she danced. It didn’t matter if every man in the room was focused on her body, wishing they knew what it was like to touch her soft skin. To feel her long, silky black hair between their fingers. To see her red lips part as she moaned their name.

They would never find out what that was like. Just like I would always remember every little inch of Emilia.

The mask couldn’t hide her from me. Emilia was mine the moment I kissed her all those years ago. I should have never let her go back then.

Maybe things would be different now if I wasn’t such an idiot as a kid.

I focused on her eyes, hidden behind the mask as she stared back at me, never pausing as she sways her hips. I see the moment she dances for me, pretending I’m the only man in this room.

Emilia is mine, and she knows it.

“Luke, come here, my son,” Arthur demands from behind me, reminding me why I’m even in The Cage to begin with. I briefly tighten my hand on my glass before downing the rest and turning around. Arthur’s gaze drifts from me to Emilia, before smirking. “She puts on quite the show, doesn’t she?”

“Yes, she’s something else,” I reply, keeping my expression blank like I’ve spent years doing. Working at his side has taught me how to perfect a blank expression no matter what is happening in front of you.

“I own her, just like you. Don’t forget it,” he warns, sitting back and stretching his arms across the seats. “Now sit down, we have a lot to discuss.”

I slide into the seat next to him, keeping my eyes on Emilia the whole time. I hate that she works here and that her husband not only allows it but comes to watch sometimes. That is no way to treat your wife. Sebastian told me their marriage is nothing more than paper and that they keep face because Eric is the mayor.

"You remember Emilia, don't you?" Arthur asks, and I give him a nod. "Good. Her husband is very important to us. We could not carry on our work without his cooperation. I expect you to find another woman to fuck and not mess up that marriage."

"Understood," I reply. I'm not stupid enough to explain to Arthur that nothing in the world would keep me away from Emilia after that kiss in the changing room. She tastes and feels like mine. There is nothing like Emilia in this entire world, and I will fight for her. I'm so close to finishing this job and everything I've worked for the last five years. I want a future after this is all over, and no one other than Emilia could ever understand it.

"Good. Emilia also keeps a close eye on your brothers for me. She is my little, well-paid spy. I don't know how she does it, but they invite her to everything. I find out everything. I trust she will keep her mouth shut about you being here," he says, watching my Emilia dance as I realise he doesn’t know about Parker. I hate that Emilia has been spying on my family, but I hope she has been screening everything she’s told Arthur.

"I’ll make sure she does," I say, trying to keep the disgust out of my voice. What the hell has Emilia gotten herself into? My brother wouldn't take it well if they found out she has been feeding Arthur details about their lives. I can't say I'm any better. This is all so fucked up.

"Just what I want to hear. You are good at that, aren't you?" Arthur says, grinning at me before watching Emilia with clear interest. "As my good little toy, you can chase her if you want. Just make sure no one sees you, especially not her husband or her mother-in-law."

"Got it," I reply.

"Also, I need you to kill the champion in the cage next week,” he says.

"Consider it done," I automatically reply, even though I know I can't do that. I can't kill Emilia's brother, she would never forgive me...but if I don't, Arthur won't trust me like I need him to do.

"After the fight, I want to show you the vaults. I know you've wanted to see them," Arthur says. Finally, just what I wanted him to tell me. I’m smart enough to know the reason he told me this after demanding I kill Emilia’s brother. If I don’t kill him, then there is no way he’ll show me the vault.

"I'm interested to see if they’re different from the many others you have. I liked the weapons stored in Germany's Cage vault," I finally say, controlling my panic and worry.

"Between you and me, these vaults are the biggest storage I have. They are interesting, very interesting. I want you to look after them when I leave," he tells me like it's a secret. For the last three years, the cops have been telling me the same thing: this is the place they want the passwords to. This is the place that will destroy Arthur forever, and even if it doesn't, my work will make sure he’s gone for good either way.

"I can't wait to see them," I reply, lifting my empty glass at a waitress who passes by us and she nods, running off to get me a drink.

"In the meantime, have some fun in your hometown," Arthur says, patting my shoulder before sliding out his seat and walking off into the crowd. I will have fun in my old town, but not in the way Arthur thinks. I will have fun destroying every bit of The Cage until it can’t ruin anyone else's life ever again.