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Reviving Graham (Project DEEP Book 5) by Becca Jameson (9)

Chapter 8

It was Blair who spun partially around so she could see the two of them while she spoke.

Kate was shaking next to Graham. She looked as unsteady as he felt. His adrenaline was pumping so hard he felt like he could surely jump out and push the car. Who needed gasoline?

Graham let his gaze roam to Dade, but he was concentrating on driving. So, Graham spoke again. “Start with Dade. You don’t seem like a man on his death bed.”

“He’s not,” Blair conceded. “He had an autologous stem cell transplant. The chances of success were about forty percent, but it worked.”

“And yet?” Graham asked.

Blair nodded. “It seemed safest to let everyone believe he wouldn’t make it. Ryan was seriously concerned about the fact that someone has been selling information about all of you to anyone willing to buy it.”

“Rightfully so,” Kate added, “but how does it help that Dade pretended to be dying?”

“Because we’ve been working from the outside to track the mole, hoping no one would suspect us. We’ve inadvertently hooked up with a computer hacker. Name’s Spencer. He’s just a kid really. Twenty-two. Technological whiz. He showed up at our apartment to warn us.

“He works for an organization called Blue Cell—the group responsible for everything happening to you. He’s capable of giving us a heads-up every time Blue Cell is about to act.”

“Why would he do that?” Graham asked.

Blair sighed. “Apparently he grew a conscience. And he wants protection in return.”

“Jesus.” Graham set his hand on the seat next to him, but it was going to be impossible for him to remain upright for very long with Dade whipping around corners and changing lanes. He had enough strength to sit up in bed, but trying to hold his balance was pushing his limits.

Kate must have realized his predicament because she suddenly unbuckled her seat belt and moved to the center. As soon as she was fastened once again, she subtly leaned into him.

He could have kissed her. No one commented or even looked askance. Graham leaned against her and looked back at Blair. “Go on.”

“The other three members of your team who were reanimated at the same time were sent to other locations for the last month. Someone found Josiah before he even woke up, and Khloe was located yesterday.”

“Located by whom?” Kate asked.

Blair shrugged. “Whoever isn’t happy you all exist. We don’t know the answer to that yet. We don’t even know if there’s truly a connection between these incidents and the people who found Tushar and Trish or even Emily, though Spencer said Blue Cell was behind it all.”

“Is everyone okay? Who else woke up three days ago at the same time as me?” Graham asked.

Blair nodded. “Besides Khloe and Josiah, Bianca. Colton was with Josiah. They were at a clinic about an hour from here. Colton noticed two men lurking around outside about a week ago. We put surveillance on them. They must have been waiting for someone to leave the clinic. Dade and I swept in and grabbed Colton and Josiah yesterday. They’re safe.”

“My God.” Graham couldn’t believe how complicated this was.

“I know.” Blair sighed. “Dalton Haines—a security guard—was with Khloe. He was diligent and overheard someone speaking in the hallway outside Khloe’s room about her.”

Graham’s heart was racing. This was so insane.

Blair continued. “Long story short, Dalton grabbed Khloe right out of her bed, borrowed the doctor’s car, and fled. They contacted Temple who called Ryan for assistance. Ryan, of course, called us, and we picked them up last night. They’re safe.”

Graham sighed. “It sounds like Temple is working as hard as anyone to keep the team safe.”

Blair nodded. “Yeah. I agree, but Ryan doesn’t want to widen our circle of trust, even to Temple in case she’s unknowingly reporting to the enemy.”

Kate grabbed the back of the seat in front of her and leaned forward. “You’re running around picking all of us up and not telling Temple?”

“Exactly.” Blair’s face was stoic.

“My God,” Kate whispered.

Dade inhaled sharply. “You have to understand, until yesterday, few people knew I was healthy or even alive. Temple is still not one of them. We can’t take the risk that her knowing about me would cause dozens of other people to know, and compromise everyone’s safety. It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. The less information Temple has, the safer we all are. Telling her the details of our locations puts her in a position to have to report that information.”

Graham nodded slowly. He understood. He just didn’t like it. In fact, he hated it. The thought that Temple could be involved in anything that would harm a single hair on any member of his team made his stomach roil.

At the same time, he was itching to be helpful. He hated that his body was slowing him down when his team needed him.

Dade glanced at them. “Temple has a lot on her plate right now. She doesn’t have time to check in with every one of you or even deal with the prospect of moving you yet. As far as she’s concerned, you, Bianca, Khloe, and Josiah need about three weeks before you could even leave your various safe locations.

“So, that’s our time frame. I can’t stick around long, but there wasn’t anyone else who could run down here and ensure all of your safety while remaining totally under the radar.”

Graham’s brain was racing.

Dade spoke again. “I hate to do this to you, but we’re going to have to leave you two in a safe location for a few days and come back. We need to snag Bianca before someone finds her.”

“Who’s with Bianca?” Kate asked.


Graham ran a hand over his face and then set it on Kate’s thigh. He was holding on to the door with his other hand, doing everything in his power to gain stability. “My head is spinning.” He didn’t mean that literally, and no one took it that way either.

Kate set her hand on top of his as if it were the most natural thing in the world, as if they had touched each other like this for years.

It calmed him. She was an anchor to him in this tornado. He would be totally overwhelmed without her. He also wished he weren’t so dependent on her, and he hoped to rectify that as fast as possible. He wasn’t used to depending on other people. It made him uncomfortable.

Blair twisted to face them more fully. “I know it’s a lot to take in, and we promise to bring you more up to speed as soon as we can get back to you.” She reached over the back of the seat and handed Kate a phone. “It’s a burner. No one has the number except us and Ryan. One of us will call you when we can.”

While Blair spoke to Kate, Graham watched Dade diligently keep an eye on both the road in front of him and every single detail around them. Did he think they might be followed?

A shudder ran down Graham’s spine.

Kate gave his hand a squeeze but didn’t comment. How was she so in tune with him? It was illogical how the two of them fell into sync together as if they’d been married for fifteen years when really they’d barely spoken to each other until three days ago and had only acknowledged being interested in each other yesterday.

Graham shifted his gaze to Blair when he realized she was holding out a second phone. Her voice was soft as she said, “Use this one to call your parents. And then destroy it.”

He nodded slowly, palming the phone. His parents…

In a few moments, Blair continued. “After we pick up Bianca and Grayson, our plan is to bring them to join you. It might take us a day or two.”

“And then what?” Graham asked.

Dade glanced in the rearview mirror and smiled. “We have sanctuary.”

“Where?” Kate leaned forward slightly.

“Montana.” Blair handed a slip of paper to Kate. “If for any reason you run into a snag or don’t hear from us, do what you have to do to head for this address.”

Graham leaned toward Kate to see it was an address in Denver. “Did Denver move to Montana while I was hibernating?”

Blair smiled. “The organization helping us is called SURVIVE. They have an entire underground system to help people disappear all over the country. They’re good at it. They were the ones harboring Tushar and Trish.”

Graham turned his attention to Kate. “I thought you said someone found them and tried to kill them at that ranch in Montana.”

Dade responded. “They were wearing trackers. The man who tracked them—our new friend, Spencer—had access to the GPS coordinates. You’re not wearing or carrying anything that can be traced.”

“Can we trust this Spencer?” Graham asked.

Dade nodded. “Pretty sure. He’s already helped a lot.”

Kate tipped her head to one side. “But SURVIVE? We’re going back to the same place where Tushar and Trish were attacked? Doesn’t that seem obvious? Why do you even trust them?”

Blair shook her head. “We’ve set up a home base at one of their ranches in Montana. Not the same one where Tushar and Trish stayed. I know it seems irrational, but we thoroughly checked them out. The majority of their employees are former military. Their reputation is impeccable.”

“I hate to point this out,” said Kate, “but we don’t have money.”

Blair snapped her fingers and reached into a bag next to her on the seat. A moment later she handed Kate an envelope. “Cash. It’s the only way to be sure you aren’t traceable. Divide it up into several pockets and locations just in case.”

“You’re going to leave us at a hotel?” Graham asked. He couldn’t imagine how they could possibly sneak him into a hotel without raising eyebrows.

“No. We’re taking you to a SURVIVE safe house. I’m not kidding when I say they run an underground system you can’t begin to imagine.”

“Is it…legal?” Graham asked.

Dade chuckled. “We’ve got unknown enemies tracking us down all over the country. Right now, I don’t give a fuck about legalities. I’m just trying to get my team to safety.”

Blair shot him a look and then returned to Graham. “SURVIVE isn’t running around shooting good guys, if that makes you feel better. Do they skirt the edge of the law? Probably. They’re like vigilantes. They take the hard cases like ours. But they also take government contract jobs. That’s how Tushar and Trish wound up with them in the first place.”

Damn, this was complicated. “What can I do to help? No way in hell am I going to hang around hiding while the rest of the team work their asses off to figure out who’s trying to eliminate us.”

Dade shot him a grin in the rearview mirror. “You haven’t changed a bit.”

Graham would beg to differ, but he didn’t. “Not about my team, no. Did you think I would turn my back and crawl into a cave?”

Dade shook his head. “Nope. But I need you strong physically before you can be of help. We’ve got an essential role for you, but we need you physically and mentally fit first. Get your hands on Kate’s computer and familiarize yourself with the latest technology too. It’s imperative. We’re all useless until we jump forward ten years.”

Graham nodded and then turned his head to look out the window. He flipped his hand over on Kate’s thigh and threaded his fingers with hers. She didn’t object.

They were driving up a windy mountain road now. He hoped for his sake and Kate’s that Dade and Blair were making the right choices. It wasn’t as if Graham was in a position to argue with Dade. He needed to trust his team members. He also needed bring himself up-to-date with technology. While he was waiting for his body to catch up with his brain, he could at least educate himself.