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Rhythm, Chord & Malykhin by Mariana Zapata (18)

Chapter Eighteen

"Flabby, why don't you dress like that?" Mason asked.

We'd been sitting in this karaoke bar for all of fifteen minutes. Half of the guys at the table had been staring at the same two girls for fourteen out of fifteen of those minutes. The other half of them were busy chugging down as much beer as they possibly could as quickly as possible. Today was Julian's birthday, and the guy apparently had a healthy, amorous relationship with karaoke. Go figure.

I didn’t even bother looking in the direction of the two women because I'd checked them out ten minutes ago. In skirts that showed more ass than my underwear do, and with shirts that plunged so deep I'm surprised nipples weren't laser beaming all over the place, I was completely uninterested. If I wanted to look at boobs, I’d look at Lucy and Ethel in the mirror.

"Like a prostitute?" I asked him, taking a sip of water.

Mason leaned into me from his spot on my right and nodded. "Ye-ah," he pretty much hissed it out with way too much enthusiasm.

Sacha who was two seats down, next to Carter, who was on my left, was looking at me with a grin on his face. The fact that he was one of the few not checking out the two half-dressed girls hadn’t escaped me. It was his grin that fueled my fire of ridiculousness. "You know I quit the biz a long time ago."

The guys closest to us started laughing, and Mason pulled on the end of my ponytail before grabbing where the hair band was and using my loose hair as a whip. "I'm glad you didn't grow up to be a slut," he said with all the seriousness that was Mason Meyers.

Cocking my head to look at my longtime friend, I karate chopped him gently in the throat, making him gag. "I couldn't. You stole that role from me."

"Asshole," he laughed, yanking on my hair one more time.

Eli walked back to the table in that instant, carrying a large glass bowl between his paws. When we were debating what to do for Julian's birthday celebration and karaoke had been the one and only thing the new twenty-eight-year-old wanted, we'd agreed that each person would write down a song that we wanted to see performed. It had to be a popular, Top 40s type at some point in recent history. The problem was that there were some of us—moi included—that weren't musically inclined, so the consensus had been that we could pair up if we wanted to. Anyone who wanted to go multiple times could.

"Choose your doom, bitches," Eli called out, placing the bowl in the middle of the two tables we had pushed together.

In no time at all, we filled the bowl with pieces of paper with song titles on them. Carter, my partner from the moment the duets had been made a possibility, gestured with his head for me to go pick out our choice. We'd agree to get it over with first. Each person or team—there was only one other duet that consisted of two of the TCC lackeys— would choose a slip when their turn was up, to keep the choices a surprise.

"Let's see what we," I started to tell Carter as I opened up the slip to see Justin Bieber’s “Baby” written on there. "Damn it, Eli!"

My twin grinned. "How do you know I chose it?"

"Mom," I groaned. It was the song he'd saved as his personal ringtone on our Mom's phone when he called her. Fucking idiot. Something about him being her baby. Like I wasn’t technically the baby in the family. If that wasn't enough, I could recognize his chicken-scratch handwriting from a mile away.

He threw his head back and laughed. "Oh, yeah."

Carter made a face and sighed. "I guess it could be worse."

I couldn't even disagree with him. It could be. He got up to join me with sagging shoulders, and Julian threw his hand out to knuckle-bump us on the way to the stage. The karaoke stage was one of the biggest I'd ever seen, but I didn’t let it intimidate me. The guy working to the side of the stage asked us what song we wanted to sing and when we told him, he smirked but nodded, handed over two microphones and waved us up. My brother had already spoken to him about our large group, and we'd agreed to switch on and off with the other people at the bar.

"FLABBY!" my brother bellowed from the table.

I could see them all laughing their asses off when the music started up and the lyrics appeared on the screen behind us. I glanced at Carter and slapped him on the back. "Remind me never to do this again unless I've been drinking," I told him, pulling the mic away from my face.

He grinned and nodded. "Remind me never to do this again, period."

That was an even better idea. Swallowing hard, I pointed at the birthday boy in the audience and said, “Happy Birthday, Julian!”

Then we started.

I sang the lead and Carter sang the chorus. We were only about a quarter through the song when I was laughing too hard to actually sing along. The rest of our performance was just an awkward mess of us mumbling, and the guys catcalling.

"I wanna be your baby, Carter boo!" That was Eliza.

"Be mine, Gaby!" Mason cackled.

When it was finally over, we bowed and ran off the stage. A few people I didn't know threw out their hands for high-fives as we made our way back to the table. The guys all began whistling as we got closer to the table, and I went to sit down in Carter’s old seat to be next to Sacha.

"How bad was it?" I asked him. My face was so hot I was sure I was blushing all over.

He was grinning from ear to ear. "You weren't bad at all, but I wouldn’t plan on releasing a solo album anytime soon," he laughed. "Or ever."

"Jerk." I poked him in the side and smiled. The same thought I’d been fighting with for the last few days rolled through my head. Did Sacha really like me? My deductive reasoning said that chances were high, but I was still too scared to be the one to say something. To say anything.

Mason went up a few minutes later when no one else approached the stage and sang along to “I Kissed A Girl”, which was atrocious but funny enough to make me cry. But it was when my brother went up to sing to “My Heart Will Go On” and instead decided to start stripping halfway through that it got ridiculous.

"Take it off!" Julian had yelled.

Eli began peeling up his shirt, which made me scream, "Put it back on! Put it back on!"

I don't think it was intentional for that song, but it was then that I felt Sacha put his arm around the back of my seat. I turned to look at him over my shoulder and gave him a little, shy smile. We stayed like that through Julian and then Miles's performances, until Sassy decided it was his turn.

Something warm pressed against my bare shoulder as he drew his head back, and I knew, I knew he'd kissed me there. Holy shit. A moment later, he pulled a slip of paper out of the bowl and marched up to the stage, shaking his head the entire time. It was when the opening beat to “Since U Been Gone” started that I almost peed myself. It was the song I'd chosen.

To no one's surprise, and thankfully for our ears, Sacha hit the high notes without a problem. He curtsied to the audience of people who were busy clapping and yelling in appreciation of the fact he wasn’t tone deaf. When he got back to the table, he resumed his position in the seat with his arm around the back of my chair but closer than he'd been before. He leaned forward mirroring my posture. I didn’t dare move. It was dark enough so that no one could see him press his lips against the same spot he'd kissed before.

I shivered and didn't say a word. But I did edge closer to him.

We stayed like that quietly until it was his turn to go again after Gordo's rendition of a Red Hot Chili Peppers song. Julian's choice of “Tubthumping” had Sacha and my brother rushing the stage and joining him about a minute in.

There were still a couple more papers in the bowl by the time he was done.

"I think you should start a Chumbawamba tribute band," I told him when he sat down next to me.

He slid his arm over the back of my chair once more, smooth like silk. "I'll do it after I finish my Vanilla Ice gigs."

"Oooh, that would've been a good one to put in the bowl. I'd like to see your little butt up there trying to rap “Ice, Ice, Baby,”" I snickered.

His eyes narrowed. "You think I have a little ass?"

I was on dangerous ground and I knew it. But screw it. I’d never know unless I tried, right? What did I have to lose besides my dignity? "No. I think you have a great ass."

Those pale eyes went slightly wide, but he said nothing. He simply looked at me. And then he leaned forward and pressed those warm, full lips against that spot on my jaw that ended at my ear. His mouth lingered there, lips on skin, hot on smooth.

His phone lit up. It had been sitting on top of the table the entire time, and I glanced down in a daze from the most intimate kiss I'd ever gotten. What distracted me wasn't at all that he'd gotten a text message from his mom, but the fact that the background was a picture of me he'd taken at breakfast a few days ago when I had shoved two pieces of napkin up my nostrils because I had a runny nose.

There wasn't a trace of embarrassment or fear in his eyes when our eyes met.

"So what's going on with you and your boyfriend?" Eli asked me right before he shoved a forkful of eggs into his mouth during breakfast the next morning.

I made a face in the direction of my plate before shooting a glance upward to find Gordo’s eyes on me, a smirk on his face.

"Mason?" I asked, going back to my food.

Eli made a gagging noise, elbowing me hard in the ribs. "I'm not gonna go into details on how disturbing it is that I say ‘your boyfriend’ and you automatically think of fucking Mase."

"He's always calling me his wife, or telling people I don't know that we're getting married," I replied, elbowing him back as hard as he got me. It was partially the truth… but mostly, I didn’t want to talk about the man who had been kissing my shoulder hours ago.

"I love Mase, but it'll be a sunny day in my asshole before you and him get together," he mumbled.

I snorted, biting into my biscuit. "Who the heck else would you be talking about?" I asked, but I knew. Oh, I knew damn well he was referring to Sacha.

Freaking Gordo snickered from across the table before putting his hands up in surrender when I glared at him. "I didn’t say anything."

"Sacha, Flabby. Sacha. Your boyfriend. Your snuggle bug." Eliza finally answered.

Suddenly the half-eaten biscuit on my plate needed to be eaten immediately. I shoved the entire piece into my mouth to avoid the conversation my brother was trying to edge into. I'd had talks about boys with Eli in the past, and they never ended—or started—well. "There's nothing going on between us. We're just friends."

Because we were.

Eli made a noise that sounded like “hmmph” deep in his throat. It was incredulous and disbelieving. Then he asked the question to prove it, his attention back on his band mate. "Gordo, do you think I'm blind?"

Gordo shook his head.

"Gaby, do you think I'm blind?" he asked.

"Not blind, just dumb.” I smiled.

He shot me a frown. A moment later, he threw his arm over my shoulders and started shoving his plate away with his free hand. "Flabby Gaby, that kid is in love with you."

In love.

With me?

I leaned forward and tried to sniff his breath. “Are you still drunk?”

But my brother kept talking before I could keep going. "Anyone with eyes and ears knows that guy thinks you shit out Lucky Charms."

Gordo and I burst out laughing.

"Is that a good thing?" I asked him.

Eliza shoved my face away with his palm, ignoring my commentary again. "And I think that you love him, too."

The noise that came out of my mouth sounded like a hybrid “moo” and squawk at the same time. "I—,” I slammed my mouth shut before opening it again with a sputter. “What? We haven't even—we haven't even—”

That didn’t help the situation any because Eli threw his head back and laughed from deep within his throat. That huge, bellowing laugh that could cause an earthquake. "Gaby, remember when you swore you were in love with Reiner Kulti? But you'd never met him? If he would've shown up at our door, you would've sold your soul to the devil to be with him."

I nodded because it was the fucking truth. If that happened now, I'd kick the retired soccer icon to the curb, but ten years ago? I would have totally been a teen mom.

"You know that day you were sick?" Gordo asked me in his quiet voice from across the table. When I nodded he continued, "He looked miserable the entire day. He kept asking once every hour if we'd checked on you. If anyone had made sure you had something to eat. Blah, blah, blah."

The words settled onto my skin, my pores absorbing them slowly.

"And he's always talking about you. ‘Gaby said this, Gaby said that.’"

Eli shook his head in disgust. "What killed me was that a few days ago, this girl—"

"That girl!" Gordo exclaimed, knowing exactly whatever girl my brother was referring to.

"This girl," Eli settled his hands in front of his chest, leaving enough space so that two melons could fit. "This girl that looked like a Victoria's Secret supermodel came up to him, and she was pretty much raping him with her eyes from the get-go. She's telling him what hotel she's in, what room number is hers, and he's just in his own fucking world. In his own fucking world. Like he wasn’t paying any fucking attention. When she left, all the TCC guys were like ‘Dude, hit that!’ What did he do? He shrugged.” My brother shook his head like he couldn’t believe the words coming out of his own mouth. “You don't shrug when somebody that hot comes onto you."

Gordo nodded in understanding.

But my brother wasn’t done yet. "So Julian tells him, ‘Sacha, she's so fucking hot. Do it.’ And this guy," he snickered, shaking his head. I couldn’t tell whether it was in disappointment or amusement. "He tells him, ‘She is hot, but she's not my type.’"

"That girl was everybody’s type," Gordo added. “Even I would have thought about going to her hotel room. You would have messed around with her, Flabby.”

I opened my mouth to make a comment about Gordo being attracted to a woman for the first time in his life, but Eli apparently needed to keep going. "And I knew it! I fucking knew it right then, and everyone else knew it right then. This motherfucker is in love, but then he seals the deal when he said, ‘I'm not interested.’"

Gordo looked like he was in church as he threw his hands in the air. "Every human being would have been interested."

"So, my point is, Flabby. That guy more than likes you," he finally finished. “Quit being dumb and worried and all shy and shit because we all know you’re really not, and get on it. ”

I was reeling. My heart felt like it could beat through softened butter. I remembered, I remembered all too well his mouth on my shoulder. On my jaw. Oh God.

"I guess that means, I gotta start saving, huh?" Eliza asked me with a squeeze to the shoulder.

"For what?" I croaked, still thinking more about what he'd said.

"Your wedding, estupid. I'll pay for your motherfucking wedding if you're going to marry Sacha one day." He held up his glass of orange juice in Gordo's direction for a toast. "I like that guy."




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