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Right Man/ Wrong Groom: Paradise Cove Series - Destination Wedding Book 1 by Patrice Wilton (13)


The dinner was fabulous, and the band played great dance music between courses. The guests and wedding party sang along to Jimmy Buffet and Bob Marley, familiar with the lyrics and their music. The words they didn’t know, they made up. The trio responded to requests and played a collection of Reggae, Calypso, and old favorites like Hot, Hot, Hot by Arrow, Harry Belafonte’s Day-O and of course Red, Red Wine and one of her favorites, No Woman, No Cry and One Love.

By the time the night was finished, her feet were killing her, she’d had too much red, red wine, and her jaw ached from laughing and singing. Her father drove them home and Michael fell in bed with her.

They passed out cold and woke up early in the morning to the sound of birds singing, and a knock at the door. “Who is it?” Michael called.

“Juanita. I have special breakfast for you! I leave on doorstep. Don’t let birds eat it. Happy wedding day,” she sang, and left them in peace.

Nadine rolled over and moaned. “What time is it?”

He glanced at his watch on the bedside. “Eight o’clock.”

“That’s too early,” she groaned. “Why are they waking us on our wedding day?” Wedding day! Her head lifted and she tossed off the covers. “Holy shit! We’re getting married today!” She pushed his shoulder. “Wake up, Mr. Snooze. We’re getting married.”

“Go to sleep.” He buried his head under the pillow, and she grabbed hers and pounded him with it.

“I’m going to see what they brought us.” She grabbed her robe and put it on, then opened the door. A huge basket with flowers, a chilled bottle of champagne, orange juice and two champagne flutes sat there. Next to it was a covered dish on a wicker tray. She brought both in and plopped it on the kitchen counter. “Oh my.”

“Oh my what?” He peeked out from under the pillow, his face squashed against the mattress.

“Oh my—mimosas with French champagne, plus crab eggs Benedict with fresh fruit on the side. My favorite!”

He put the pillow behind his head and sat up, his hair sticking up everywhere. He stretched and yawned and she drank in the sight of his bare chest and great abs. “Breakfast in bed?” he asked hopefully.

“Anywhere you want.”

“I’ve got to piss real bad. Let’s eat it at the table. It’ll be easier.”

“Okay, but hurry. I need the bathroom too.”

“Run off, I’ll wait. And open up the champagne.”

“Thank you.” She used the facilities then glanced in the mirror, and winced. Her eyes looked blurry, and her blonde hair looked like a rat’s nest. She washed her face, brushed her teeth, ran a brush through her hair, and rushed out when he pounded on the door.

Fifteen minutes later they were seated with their flutes, drinking mimosas and devouring the mouth-watering breakfast, the fresh chunks of crab oozing in delicious hollandaise sauce. She swiped some of the sauce off his chin and licked her finger.

“Best wedding day ever.”

He grinned at her. “And it’s only getting started.”

When every bite was done, they almost licked the plate, it was that good. Taylor really was a sensational cook, and Paradise went the extra mile to make sure everything was done right.

She felt like a contented cat when she pushed the dish away. “So what do you have planned for the day?” she asked innocently.

“Not much. I might find a golf course and practice some swings. Nothing better to do.”

She tossed a grape at him. “Nothing at all?”

“Oh, you mean you? I’m kinda full but if you want a piece of me, I can manage.” He stood up and took her hand. “Want some hot sex this morning before my round of golf?”

“Golf? You sure you don’t have anything better to do than that?”

He scooped her into his arms, and with a big grin tossed her on the bed. Then he jumped on top of her. “You mean like getting married?”

“Yeah. Something like that.” She kissed his mouth, then nibbled on the bottom lip.

“Well…I guess I could take the afternoon off for something like that.”

Her hands reached around his back and she pinched his ass.

“Ouch,” he said, and nipped her shoulder, grinding his pelvis into her. “Open wide. I want to take you one more time as a single woman.”

She laughed and punched him lightly on his back. “No. You shouldn’t even be here. It’s not allowed in the wedding book. I’m not supposed to see you until the ceremony. Not sure why, but it’s an unwritten law or something.”

“Why? What happens? Ten years of bad luck?”

“I sure hope not.” She closed her eyes. “Go. Pretend you never saw me.”

He kissed her, long and hard, then got off of her. She kept her eyes closed until she heard the slam of the door and he was gone, then shivered in spite of the heat. A common myth regarding this wedding tradition meant their marriage might be riddled with bad luck. Between her and Jeremy, and he and Melody, it sure wasn’t an auspicious start.

* * *

Her father and Anna took her and the bridesmaids to Lorelei’s for lunch and they sat outdoors under big umbrellas facing the bay. The place was busy but the atmosphere relaxed. Just what she needed. The wedding was scheduled for six o’clock and two hours at most was plenty for her hair and dress.

The girls were in a playful mood. They’d put a ridiculous tiara on Nadine’s head with a veil, and a pink slash to go over her t-shirt and shorts that said Bridezilla on it. And they made her wear it throughout their entire lunch. A lot of well wishers came by to snap pictures and wish her happiness, but she was uncomfortable with the pomp and show. And nervous about the upcoming nuptials.

“You’re quiet,” her father said, crossing his legs at the ankle. Jordan ordered another round of chilled tequila shots. “Everything okay?”

“Yes, Dad. I had an amazing time last night. I’m just a little anxious, that’s all.” She righted her tiara as it kept slipping down her forehead. “I guess all brides are nervous on their wedding day, hoping nothing goes wrong.” She asked Anna, “Were your daughters nervous?”

“I’m sure they were, but no more than me. I’m always a wreck around weddings. I cry, and gush, and get silly and emotional. I think a girl’s wedding day is the most special, precious day of her life. Nothing will ever equal it, and expectations are so high, that it may seem like a disappointment when it’s all over. So much planning and preparations and then in a blink of an eye it’s done.” She sighed, and rubbed her hands together. “But for the right man, it’s all worth it,” she said with a tinkling laugh.

Nadine smiled and squeezed Anna’s hand. “Thank you. You’re very sweet.”

Her dad gave her a long look. “You haven’t eaten much, and you’ve barely touched your wine. Want me to take you back to the cabin?”

“Yes. I want to take a long bath and relax.” She swallowed the last of her wine. “Thanks, Dad. For everything.”

Ashley and Jordan looked up from their smart phones, where they’d been showing Melody pictures of the reef. “You ready to leave so soon?” Jordan asked.

“I am, but that doesn’t mean you all can’t stay.” Nadine pointed across the highway. “The cottages are right across the street.”

“Sure you don’t want company?” Ashley started to rise from her chair.

“No, stay, please.”

“I’ll go back to our cabin,” Melody said. “I’ve got a bit of a headache.” Ashley and Jordon decided to have another drink.

Melody was quiet, but Nadine didn’t question why, assuming that the bridesmaid felt bad for being the subject of her and Michael’s fight. Nadine knew their friendship would never recover, whether guilty or not guilty.

They dropped her off at the cottage, and then Nadine was alone. It was odd to be alone on her wedding day, but she was glad to have time to collect her thoughts, a lot had to do with her mother. It was sad, and yet a happy day, and her emotions bounced all over the place from one to another. She longed for peace, but the man who settled her emotions was not hers to hold.

* * *

Rows of tiki torches enclosed the seating area for the guests and a flowered path led the way to the makeshift altar. Nadine, her father, and her bridesmaids stood near the pool waiting for the piped in music to begin their small procession to the altar. It was happening. In a matter of minutes Nadine would become Mrs. Williams, wife to Michael—for better or for worse.

Her white silk dress was ankle length and off-the-shoulder, a simple but elegant dress perfect for an outdoor wedding. The girls had done her hair in a side-swept up-do with flowers peeking from the locks. The style framed her face and left her shoulders and neck bare. She was tanned, her cheeks pink, eyes glittered with gold frost.

She looked every inch the radiant bride, and her father in his white tux jacket and dark pants looked handsome and stylish. Melody and Jordon wore matching rose dresses that fluttered to their knees. They were also off-the-shoulder, pretty, feminine, and did not scream “bridesmaid”. She wouldn’t have done that to them. Ashley wore a rose dress too but hers was calf-length with cap sleeves and a deep v-neck.

Her friends looked every bit as beautiful as she did, and Nadine wouldn’t have it any other way. They were here to see her joined in matrimony—the best friends any girl could hope for.

The music began. She’d selected Sam Smith’s “Stay With Me” rather than the traditional wedding march, and behind the altar a video screen was set up. As she walked toward the altar, she hoped Michael and the guests would be pleasantly surprised and as moved by this popular hit song as she was—the lyrics touched her heart.

An excited cry rang out when the vocals were heard. Then the bridesmaids made their appearance, quickly followed by Ashley, and last Nadine and her dad walked to the music, tears in both their eyes as Sam Smith poured his soul into his love song.

The video and music came to an end as she stepped up beside Michael. Dressed in a tan linen suit, his wavy brown hair framed his bronzed and handsome face. Sometimes she couldn’t understand why he’d want to marry her—especially now that he was a hot commodity. But love was love, and who could deny what the heart wanted?

He gave her a wink and a slow smile as he took her hand. “No ‘here comes the bride’?” he whispered.

“Figured this was better.” The music had opened up a gap in her heart, making her vulnerable, yearning. Would Michael stay with her? Would he commit completely? Would their love be enough?

“By the look on people’s faces, I’d say it was a hit.”

Relieved, she let herself relax. And let the excitement begin. This was no time to doubt herself, or him. She, Nadine Thomas, was getting married. She’d be the envy of every female fan in the country. Not that she gave a damn. But she had the ring, the watch, and the man. And she’d make him happy, yes she would!

She smiled at her bridesmaids, even Melody, and Ashley gave her a big, encouraging grin. As young girls the two of them had talked at length what this day would be like. But this exceeded all her childhood fantasies.

The lady justice of the peace, Wilma Clemmons, retracted the screen, allowing the beauty of the beach and the sound of the waves breaking on the shore to silence the guests before she began her ceremony.

She raised her hands. “We’re gathered here today to celebrate the love of Michael Williams and Nadine Thomas—to be witness to the commitment they share with one another. I believe the couple have written their vows and would like to speak. Michael, you may go first.”

Michael looked into Nadine’s eyes and held her hand.

“Nadine, I give you my heart, my love and my promise that I will walk with you, hand in hand, wherever our journey leads us.” He grinned, adding, “To the golf course and back, and everywhere in between.” His voice grew husky. “I will respect and honor you, and try to be the man you want me to be. I take you, Nadine, to be my partner in life.”

He slipped a wedding band on her finger, a perfect match to the diamond she wore. She looked at it, and felt her mouth go dry. Her heart hammered pitifully in her chest, as tears filled her eyes.

Wilma Clemmons smiled fondly at the couple. “Nadine, it’s your turn.”

When she looked up, her eyes collided with Jeremy’s—he stood just beyond Michael’s shoulder, as his brother’s best man. He glanced away, but not before she saw the flash of pain cross his face.

She cleared her throat and lifted her chin to speak to her future husband. “I promise to love and care for you always. I will try in every way to be worthy of your love. I’ll be honest with you, kind, patient and…” she paused to catch her breath. “Forgiving. But most of all, I promise to be a true and loyal friend. I will celebrate your triumphs, and love you all the more for your failures.” She shrugged. “Not that I expect many.”

The guests laughed, and so did he.

The justice of the peace gave them their blessing and then turned to the crowd. “Before I pronounce them man and wife, I need to ask—is there anyone here who has a reason these two shall not marry?”

Watching Michael closely, Nadine saw guilt.

Her skin crawled and the gap in her heart widened a little more. She could feel the eyes of the guests at the back of her head and panic set in. Like standing in quicksand, she felt if the minister didn’t say something quickly, the earth would open up and swallow them whole.

Jeremy gave her a long hard look, and then he stepped forward. His mouth opened and closed as he breathed deeply.

No, no, no! she silently cried. Don’t say it. Don’t tell me you love me. Not here. Not now.

But he didn’t confess his love—instead Jeremy spoke to his brother. “Michael, don’t you have anything to say to Nadine?”

Her head whipped around. What was he doing? Michael had just promised to marry her. Shut up, Jeremy, shut up!

“I said what I came here to say,” Michael said, ignoring his brother, his eyes beseeching hers.

The blood rushed from her face and her stomach rolled. What was this about? Her gut instincts told her one thing but she didn’t want to hear it. She shook her head in denial.

“Tell her, Michael, or I will.” Jeremy stood proud, unmoving.

“Tell me what?” She didn’t know if she’d spoken the words aloud, but she saw her father moving toward her. He reached her side, and put a comforting hand on her back.

Michael’s shoulders tensed, his expression belligerent. “Shit, Jeremy, couldn’t you just leave it alone?”

Jeremy stepped up and pushed his brother on the shoulder. “Couldn’t you just walk away?”

Michael shook his head. “You’ve lost me, bro. Walk away from what? Nadine? She’s my wife now. You had your chance with her and blew it.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about. Confess. If she forgives you then so will I.”

Nadine glanced at all their faces. Her father’s. Her brother’s. Her best friends. Michael’s mom was crying and her husband John patted her knee to settle her down. Michael looked away from her, and Jeremy focused on him. Her perfect wedding was falling apart, and she wanted to run away and flee.

Melody burst into tears and held her face in her hands.

Seeing Melody’s reaction, Nadine knew she’d been betrayed. Her chest swelled and tightened, then her heart cracked open. Like a tidal wave she felt herself drowning.

Her words were choked. “You and Melody? You screwed my bridesmaid?”




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