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Risky Chance (Chances of Discipline Book 4) by Tabitha Marks (15)

Chapter 15

Almost two months had passed, and even though Sara was fully healed, Keith continued to treat her like a piece of fragile china. The cast on her arm came off the week before and all the aches and pains from the crash were gone. The first two weeks had been awful though. Sara’s whole body hurt and she could barely force herself to get out of bed and move around as the doctor had instructed, but Keith was there every step of the way, making sure she followed all the instructions on her hospital discharge papers to the letter.

At first it was sweet how attentive and caring he was, but after the first few days, she couldn’t wait for his week off work to be over. He felt so guilty over their fight that it tinged everything he said and did with a hint of desperation. Like he felt driven to make it up to her. No matter how many times she told him she forgave him for his harsh words spoken in the heat of the moment, he refused to stop beating himself up.

Once Keith returned to work, Angie and Gina took turns coming over to watch Carter and keep Sara company. Her broken ribs and arm prevented her from being able to lift Carter, and she still needed help showering and cooking at that point. She felt terrible that they had to rearrange their schedules and use their own precious time off to help her and Keith, but both women assured her that they didn’t mind.

Finally, three weeks ago, the doctor gave her the green light to resume normal activities, at least as much as she could with a cast on her left arm. Still, Keith refused to let her watch Carter on her own. Instead, he paid Mrs. Thompson to come over and help out when the baby wasn’t napping.

Sara felt helpless, and though she appreciated Keith’s concern, she was starting to feel like he didn’t trust her with Carter anymore. When she asked him if that was the case, he denied it and said he just wanted her to recuperate fully before chasing Carter around all day, but she wasn’t sure she believed him. Especially since they hadn’t made love since before the accident either.

Even though they were engaged, the distance between them seemed to grow larger every day. Keith swore he didn’t doubt her loyalty and love, but something was holding him back. It couldn’t be Molly since she’d been taken straight to jail when she was released from the hospital. Sara no longer had any illusions that Molly would suddenly become a decent and loving mother, and had even volunteered to testify against her if the prosecutor thought it was necessary. Sara hoped she wouldn’t have to, but she wasn’t going to let Molly evade punishment either, both for her own safety and everyone else’s.

Now that Sara was cast-free and completely healed, she decided that Keith needed to come clean about whatever was bothering him. She was sick of feeling lonely and confused by his refusal to be intimate, both physically and emotionally. Unfortunately, she might not have chosen the best way to get his attention.

The doctor had cleared her to drive when he removed the cast last week, but Keith had decided he wanted her to wait a while longer. Sara had pointed out that the doctor said it was fine, which Keith knew since he’d been sitting right there, but he insisted that she take ‘just a little more time.’ He’d looked so worried and anxious at the prospect of her driving that Sara agreed, but regretted it within a day. She had things to do and places to go, and she was sick of having to ask someone to drive her around, or waiting for Keith to have time.

After a full week, she couldn’t take it anymore. It was seven days after her doctor appointment so technically she’d complied with Keith’s request. Carter’s first birthday was in a few weeks and she wanted to order the cake and shop for decorations. Both the bakery and party supply store just happened to be less than ten minutes away, so she’d probably only be gone for an hour at the most. Keith couldn’t get mad about a quick trip to the store after all these weeks cooped up in the house. Right? Once her mind was made up, she bundled up Carter and raced out the door before she had second thoughts, eager to give her new car a test drive.

The plan sounded great in her head, but Sara underestimated how long her errands would take, or how much she would enjoy her freedom. Three hours had passed by the time she eventually made it home and Keith’s car was in the driveway.

A ball of dread began to form in the pit of her stomach, but she firmly squashed it into submission. She wouldn’t be a prisoner forever. She’d already extended the no driving ban a week beyond what the doctor required and that was more than enough. Keith would just have to deal with it.

Keeping her arguments and indignation in the forefront of her mind, Sara gathered up the shopping bags and unstrapped Carter from his car seat. Before she even reached the porch, Keith swung the front door open and met her on the front steps with a glare.

“Where have you been?” he demanded, taking Carter from her arms and looking him over.

“We went shopping for Carter’s birthday party,” she replied. “What are you checking him for, Keith? He’s fine. Don’t you trust me anymore?”

It pained her to ask the question again, but that certainly wasn’t trust she saw in his eyes when he turned his assessing gaze on her.

“Of course, I trust you. I just want to make sure you’re both okay.” His voice rose with every word until he was practically yelling. Not wanting to create another scene, she quickly pushed past him into the house, knowing he would be right behind her. “You weren’t supposed to be driving, Sara.”

Instead of turning and giving him a piece of her mind, Sara continued walking until she reached the living room and set the bags on the couch.

“I waited an extra week, Keith,” she said, turning to face him. “That was enough.”

“No, it wasn’t,” he barked back. “I told you not to drive yet!”

Sara forced herself to remain calm in the face of his rising anger. “No, you asked me to wait a little while longer, which I did. How long am I supposed to sit in the house?”

“Until you’re healed and everything’s better,” he shot back. He was being completely irrational and appeared to be on the verge of losing it. What was eating at him to make him this crazy? They needed to work out these issues now, except without the audience

“Why don’t you go lay Carter down in his crib before we finish this discussion,” she suggested.

He glanced down at his son and seemed startled to find him still in his arms. Without a word he stormed down the hall.

Sara drew in a deep breath after he left the room and prepared herself for what was to come. She’d wanted to push him to talk to her, but hadn’t considered how awful it might turn out to be, and now it was too late to turn back. She couldn’t keep living like this, and Keith needed to open up and let go of whatever kept him in this constant state of fear he’d been existing in. Because that’s exactly what it was… fear. Not mistrust or doubt about her feelings. Sara could hear it in his voice and see it in his eyes.

He rejoined her a minute later looking slightly calmer.

“Sara, I’m very disappointed that you left the house without my permission and I think you need a spanking,” he announced.

She couldn’t believe that had just come out of his mouth! And now he was just sitting there, obviously waiting for her to assume the position. Not going to happen.

Sara took another deep breath and readied herself to say a word that didn’t come out of her mouth very often, but absolutely needed to now.


It had the effect she’d expected. He gaped at her like she’d suddenly sprouted another head.

“That’s not how this works, Sara. I’m in charge and you broke a rule.”

“No. It wasn’t a rule. You made a request and I did what you asked. And I never agreed to always ask permission before I left the house.” His mouth clamped shut into a straight line and his jaw twitched in anger, but Sara pressed on. “Keith, we need to talk about why you’re being so overprotective. I understand and respect that you want to know what I’m doing and make sure I’m okay, but I’m not going to report in every time I make a move. And I’m definitely not going to stop driving forever. So we need to work this out now.”

Sara tried to speak with a confidence she didn’t truly feel. It killed her to contradict him, but she had to stand up for herself before the situation got out of control. She wanted him to take charge and take care of her, but she wouldn’t let him rule like a tyrant.

He opened his mouth to speak, clearly ready to lay into her, but closed it abruptly, like he’d changed his mind. Sara stayed silent while he worked through whatever was going on in his head. She hoped that they could get through this and he didn’t just throw in the towel. It would just about kill her if he did, but still she stood her ground.

“You’re right,” Keith finally admitted, hanging his head. “I know I’m being crazy, but I’m terrified something bad is going to happen to you.”

Sara longed to crawl into his lap and reassure him that she was fine, but his body was tight and closed off.

“You can’t keep me in a bubble forever, Keith. Molly is in jail and I’m all better now.”

“I know,” he repeated. “But every time I think about you leaving, I panic. I guess I just need to get over it.”

Sara hesitated before she asked her next question, but pushed through her embarrassment. “Is that why you haven’t wanted to make love to me? Because you’re afraid you’re going to hurt me?” She hoped that was the reason and it wasn’t because he didn’t want to be with her anymore. “Or do you not want me?”

Keith’s head whipped up at her question and before she knew what was going on, he’d picked her up and sat back down on the couch, cradling her in his lap.

“Oh, baby, is that what you thought?”

The emotion on his face made her throat clog and her eyes water so all she could manage in response was a shaky nod.

“No, that wasn’t it at all. At first I was afraid of hurting you, and then I didn’t know if you still wanted me after everything that I said and did.”

“Honey, I’ve told you a hundred times that I forgive you,” she insisted. “I never stopped wanting you.”

His arms tightened around her to the point she could barely breathe, but it had been so long since she’d been wrapped in his arms she couldn’t bring herself to complain.

Keith took a deep breath and kissed the top of her head. “That’s good, baby, because I never stopped wanting you either.”

Sara felt the tension and worry she’d been carrying around for weeks melt out of her. Keith still cared about her, and wanted her. Everything would be all right.

“I love you, Keith.”

“I love you too, Sara. I’m sorry for being such a jerk and I’m glad you stood up for yourself and didn’t take my shit.” He sat back and raised her chin to meet his gaze. “I know that was hard for you to do.”

“I knew you were all mixed up inside and I just had to help you straighten it all out, so it was a chance I was willing to take.” And one she’d keep on taking if that’s what it took to keep them together forever.

“I’m so glad you were willing to take a chance for us, Sara.”

“Me too, Keith. Me too.”

Four Months Later

The late June sun shone brightly from a clear blue sky. A light breeze cut the heat enough to make everyone comfortable without ruining their hair. All in all, a perfect day for an outdoor wedding. Some might think getting married in the gazebo behind an assisted living facility was weird, but for Sara it made perfect sense. Grandma was the only family she had except for Molly, and even if she weren’t in jail there was no way Keith would have ever allowed her cousin to attend.

Though the location was unconventional, it really was quite beautiful. The gardening club tended to the gardens with the help of a volunteer horticulturist and they were more beautiful than anything that could be found at a banquet facility. It had taken a bit of persuading to let the administrator agree to allow them to set up a tent on the back lawn, but once Sara explained how the ladies her grandma lived with had come together to help her after the accident, he quickly caved. Even though they couldn’t physically help her in the days after she was released from the hospital they found ways to provide assistance and show their support. From cards and handwritten notes filled with get well wishes, to taking up a collection to have a meal delivery service provide dinners for the first two weeks she was home. One lady even donated all her bingo winnings for the week! Sara wanted to thank them and show how much their actions meant to her and Keith, and she couldn’t come up with a better way than to have them all at her wedding. Since transporting everyone would have been an insurmountable challenge, having it at the facility was the obvious choice. Luckily, Keith didn’t care where they did it so long as his brother was there and she had his ring on her finger as soon as possible.

Once they secured approval, the residents pitched in to make the day special despite Sara’s explanations that they were supposed to be guests not party planners, but they wouldn’t be stopped. The gardening club planned all the bouquets and floral arrangements and the cooking club made the desserts. They even formed a committee to organize hair and nail appointments for anyone who wanted one. At times, Sara felt like she’d completely lost control of her own wedding, but in the end it turned out beautifully.

Her gaze slid over the guests and rested on her husband. Her husband! She couldn’t believe they were married and Carter was now her son, legally adopted. Happiness threatened to burst out of every pore in her body, and Keith must have felt it from all the way across the lawn where he stood talking to his brother and Nate. He turned and found her immediately, his gaze burning her with its intensity. He’d wanted to leave a half hour ago, but Sara insisted they wait a little while longer, not wanting to give the impression they were dashing off to bed. Even though that’s exactly what Keith wanted to do.

Seconds later Keith stood next to her, having quickly disengaged himself from whatever conversation he’d been having once he found her watching him.

“Are you ready to go yet?” he asked, nuzzling her neck from behind.

“Let’s stay just a little longer,” she replied. “We’ll have time alone once we get to Belize.”

“Not that much alone time since my brother’s getting married there,” he grumbled. It had been quite a surprise when Angie and Kevin announced they had planned a destination wedding for the week after Sara and Keith’s. Sara offered to switch their day since Angie and Kevin had chosen theirs before Sara and Keith were even engaged, they’d just neglected to tell anyone. Since it had been so difficult to get the facility on board, Angie had declined, instead focusing on making the trip a fun honeymoon for both couples.

“We’ll still have alone time,” Sara reassured him, turning to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. “I’ll make sure of it.”

“Oh, will you, Mrs. Lane?” Keith asked with a wicked grin. “Do you have something planned I need to know about?”

His gorgeous smile, combined with the love that shone in his eyes, threatened to make her crumble. She’d planned two days of activities for just the two of them with the help of the concierge from the resort, hoping that Keith would enjoy zip lining through the jungle and snorkeling in the ocean as much as she thought he would. Though she was terrible at keeping secrets, Sara was determined to keep it a surprise.

“You’ll find out when we get there, Mr. Lane.”

He gave her a long look that made her squirm, but just when she was about to break, he gave in with a laugh.

“All right, my beautiful wife. I’ll wait to get my surprise, but in exchange, we need to start saying goodbye.” He leaned forward and whispered his next words in her ear, his warm breath making her tingle all over. “I need to get you home so we can be alone now. I need to make love to my wife.”

A wave of love and desire threatened to overwhelm Sara and she gave up any more thought of protesting. She took his hand and headed towards the guests, once again grateful that they’d both taken a chance that ended up being more than worth the risk.