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Rodeo Rancher: A Bad Boy Romance by Lauren Wood (47)



“That is who you left me for? You could have done better.”

I just wanted her to shut up and I told her so. It didn’t help though. Nothing ever helped with Lisa and she went on as I went up the stairs, leaving her in front of my door. What she yelled towards me was a bunch of lies and I hoped that Cameron didn’t hear them. Lisa had to say something about being my wife. She loved to cause problems and this time was no different.

Knocking on the door, I waited only a few moments before I used the keys that I told Cameron I wouldn’t use again. I just had to talk to her before she started thinking the wrong thing. I didn’t even want her mind going there. Not for a moment.

“Cameron I am opening this door.”

I was already in when she came out of the bedroom and told me that I better not. She was standing there looking at me and I could see that her face was red and blotchy. Cameron had been crying and that was the very last thing that I wanted to see. “It really isn’t how it looks.”

“Who is she Joel?”

The question threw me off and I knew that the answer that I was going to give her was not the one that she wanted to hear. She didn’t want to hear that Lisa was my ex-wife. I hadn’t even gotten to tell her about her and this was not the way that I wanted to broach the subject. She was not going to like my answer.

“She is an old girlfriend.”

“From here?”

“No, she came down from Chicago.”

“Well she came a long way to see you. You could have just told me that you were going to be busy Joel. I would have understood.”

“I wasn’t busy. She just showed up and that was the end of it. I tried to get her to leave, but she needed a place to stay for the night.”

“How generous of you Joel. Please leave and don’t come back. I mean it this time. I don’t want you using my key to break in anymore. If that is going to be a problem, I will call your uncle. I have lived her a long time, but I am not going to deal with a manager that just comes in whenever he wants to.”

I was losing her. I could see it in her eyes and she was never going to listen to me. “She just came here to mess with me. She slept on the couch and I told her to leave this morning. I swear to you Cameron that nothing happened.”

I needed to touch her, kiss her, tell her with my body the words that she didn’t want to hear. She was mine and I wasn’t going to let her go, not for anything and just because Lisa had showed up, I was not going to lose everything because of it. That was what Lisa wanted and I wasn’t about to give it to her.

“Please hear me out Cameron. You know that I love you and that I would never do anything to hurt you.”

She shook her head and then smiled through the tears. “Yet here I am with my heart broken. How do you manage that?”

The sassy mouthed woman that I fell in love with was gone and the one in her place was sad. I didn’t want to see her like this and I moved to hold her. Cameron took another step back, but she had backed herself into a corner. I should have stopped and given her space, but every time I did, something went wrong. I wasn’t going to chance it this time. I had to have her and I was not above doing anything to make it so. Not this time.

Pulling her in for a kiss, the only thing that gave me a little ease was the fact that she still wanted me and moaned softly when our lips touched. I wanted her, badly and by the fever in which she kissed me, I had to believe that she wanted the same thing. There was nothing else that I was able to believe than she was going to be mine. That was all I could think of and there was no other thoughts past that.

Her body was soft and compliant when I pulled it closer to mine. It was such a contrast to my hard chest. I could feel her soft breasts yielding to my touch. Cameron was everything that I wanted and needed in a mate. She was all that I could think about and even though it was still in the air, Cameron was the only one that I was ever going to want. She made me feel invincible and I wasn’t ready to lose that.

Turning her around, I pushed her up against the wall and started kissing on the back of her neck and her shoulders. She was squirming from my touch and I had to stop myself once before I moved too fast. Her hips were non-stop, backing into me and rubbing her soft ass on the hardness below.

“What do you want Cameron?”

She whimpered and answered with her hand moving behind her to grab a handful of my cock. It wasn’t hard to understand what that meant and what she wanted. I wanted the same thing and I was pulling down her shorts before she had a moment to think of a reason as to why she shouldn’t.

I knew that Cameron was impatient and it worked out well because I was too. Just the idea of losing her had her even more preciously in my arms. I wasn’t so blind that I couldn’t see how badly it could have all went. Something told me that possessing her fully was the only real way to silence all of her thoughts. Words couldn’t express everything that I wanted to say.

“Now Joel!”

Giving her what she wanted, I moved forward quickly, pulling her hips to meet mine as I thrust forward. She wanted it hard and fast, something I had learned the first time we were together. While Cameron was delicate, that wasn’t the case when we were in the bedroom. She wanted it harder than I would have ever expected and faster than I could manage sometimes. The woman got crazed and it didn’t take her long to start moving up to meet me faster. Her hands moved to my butt and pulled me in deeper. It was like she couldn’t get enough. It was something that we both agreed on.

“Turn around.”

Pulling out of her, we both groaned at the emptiness. I looked down at the wetness she had dripped on me and the round ass that moved out of my view. I wanted to see her face as I entered her and I picked her up, barking orders to wrap her legs around my waist. She was perfect and felt like nothing in my hands. Now I could go as hard and fast as we both wanted to. Cameron felt the difference almost immediately and threw her arms around my neck to hold on.

“Yes Joel, I am coming!”

I felt the flush of fluid run down my leg as she came all over my cock. It had never been like that with anyone else, but it was clear that she was satisfied. Her head moved to my shoulder and she had less ability to hold herself upright. I pounded into her a few more times before I could feel the need boiling up in my balls and I couldn’t hold it back anymore.

We stayed face to face like that, breathing heavily for several moments. I moved to kiss her and she didn’t kiss me back. Her eyes were still closed and I knew that she was getting through her pleasure. Cameron almost went comatose sometimes and when I set her down, her knees were weak. I liked that I had done that to her, more than anything else. The sound of her pleasure and the way she whimpered was nothing compared to the way she felt when I knew I had done her right. She couldn’t even stand up on her own two feet and I was silently taking credit for it.

“Will you listen to me now Cameron?”

She wasn’t listening to me, but she still nodded her head like she was listening. I knew that she hadn’t heard a word I was saying and that was fine for now. Anything to get her to agree with me was enough for me.

I took her to the bedroom and laid her down on the bed. Cameron looked beautiful and she didn’t even try to hide her body. It was as tempting as the time before, but I knew that I had to secure us. I couldn’t leave things as in. I didn’t just want her underneath me in the bed, I wanted her for good.

Lying down next to her, I traced her jawline with my fingers and played with her hair. She just sighed against me and snuggled in towards me as I ran my fingers through her hair. Cameron was perfect. She really was and I knew that if I didn’t get it out soon she was going to be asleep, another thing I had learned when we were together before.

“Are you going to go to sleep?”

She shook her head that she wasn’t, but the grin on her face told me otherwise. As soon as she started to come, that was it.

“I want us to be together Cameron.”

Her smile got bigger and she waved her hand to the bodies pressed together. “What do you call this?”

“I call this one night that I want it to be many. I want us to really be together. I love you Cameron and I don’t want to hear you say how we are not together again. We are together. You are mine.”

She opened her eyes and the blue ones met mine. I could tell that she disliked the sound of my owning her, but there was no other way to describe it. She was mine and that was it.

“Let’s just take things slow Joel. We barely know each other.”

“That’s not true and you know it. We know enough. I know enough to know that I love you and I don’t want to live without you.”

That got her attention. “You love me?”

“More than I ever thought possible.”

“Then what about Lisa?”

I sighed and kissed her. I had to tell her the truth, but I didn’t want to feel her pull away. I didn’t think I could take it.

“She is my ex-wife. We have been divorced over a year and she just popped up. I couldn’t do anything about it Cameron, I really couldn’t.”

“Do you love her?”

“Are you even listening? She is my ex and you are the one I love. It is that simple.”

Cameron turned away and I could tell that she was thinking about everything. I had given her a lot to think about, so I wasn’t surprised when she moved away.

“I didn’t know you were married.”

“I was and I want to be again one day, to you.”

“This is too much Joel. What am I supposed to say to this?”

“Just tell me that you love me too and I am not the only one.”

“You know I love you. I don’t want to, but I can’t help it.”

I chuckled at her answer. It was never what I wanted it to be, but somehow it was even more perfect. That was my Cameron and I wouldn’t have her any other way.

“Good enough Cameron. That is all that I needed to hear.”

Moving down to kiss her, I was filled with need once more and pressed inside of her. Cameron whimpered at the fullness and kissed me, as her hips rose up to meet mine. I was never going to get enough of her.