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Rogue Royalty by Meghan March (20)



Finally, a chance to speak to the beautiful artist herself. What an incredible opportunity.”

The voice, a semi-familiar one, sends the hairs on my arms rising. I turn to see Giles smiling at me, and I want to shoot the smug grin off his face. If this man is a human trafficker, he deserves much worse.

Then I remember—he’s seen me without a mask at the club. Maybe he won’t recognize me. It’s the only thing I can possibly hope. It might be dumb, but what other choice do I have?

I hold out a hand. “I’m Temperance Ransom.” I try to add another pleasantry, like it’s a pleasure to meet him, but I can’t make my lips form the words. Instead, I go quiet.

He takes my hand, and immediately I want to bathe in sanitizer.

“Ransom, you say? That’s a unique last name.”

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

He knows my brother. How could I forget? Because Magnolia hooked him up with Giles in the trafficking.

I swallow the lump in my throat and pretend I don’t know shit about anything. It’s the only way I’m going to make it through this without doing something stupid.

“Are you interested in a piece? Can I tell you more about my art?” I redirect the conversation to safer territory.

“I’d like to hear more about you, my dear. After all, artists are truly my favorite kind of people.”

There’s a double meaning to everything that comes out of this man’s mouth. I know it.

“I’m not that interesting. Just a girl who’s good with a hammer, saw, and welder.” I inject a bit of warning in my tone.

“Fascinating. And where did you pick up these talents? Working at Seven Sinners?”

My hackles rise. He’s been looking into me. But why?

“Excuse me?”

“That’s where you used to be employed, is it not? The distillery here in town. The one where there was a silent auction, and a friend of mine was outbid on one of your pieces. Although, at that time, I believe it was under someone else’s name. Who was that again?”

I don’t like this man and have no idea what he’s digging at, but it can’t be good.

Kane is beside me before I can scan the crowd to find him. Sweet Lord, please don’t let Giles recognize him.

“Senator Giles, it’s a pleasure to meet you, sir. Glad to see politicians can be art fans as well.”

“Of course. Actually . . .” Giles pauses, and my plea goes unanswered. “I’ve seen you before, haven’t I? What was your name again?”

Kane holds out a hand. “I don’t believe we’ve ever had the pleasure of being introduced.” I have no idea how Kane acts so well, but he’s a master. “I’m Ken Sax.”

“Interesting.” Giles’s gaze travels from Kane to me and back again. “Such a striking couple. If you’re ever interested in a little more fun, I believe you do know where to find me.”

I choke on the water I’m sipping to keep myself from speaking, but Kane doesn’t react.

“Now, what can you tell me about this piece?” Giles points to the large sculpture of the couple I made similar to Harriet’s, and immediately I wish I hadn’t. “I absolutely love the carnal nature of it. Reminds me of you two. I have a wonderful place to display it where it could be admired and appreciated.”

He’s talking about the club. I know it.

Kane comes to the rescue again. “I believe that one is sold, sir. Someone else clearly had the same good taste you do.” There’s a hard edge to his voice, but I’m more shocked by his words.

“Sold? I sold a piece?” I look at the tag tucked by the base, and sure enough, it says Sold right on it.

“Over half of them are already taken, actually.”

My mouth drops open as I stare up at him. “Are you serious?”


“I suppose that means I need to go look at what’s still available if I want a chance to snap one up,” Giles says before slinking away, giving us both one last glance.

But not even Giles can detract from the euphoria of that moment.

I sold art! At a showing! I’m not a failure.

That damn burn behind my eyes is back again, but I refuse to shed a single tear tonight. Even a happy one.

“I did it,” I whisper.

“Congratulations, princess.”

As Kane slides his arm around me, a thought strikes.

“Please tell me you didn’t buy them all.”

He shakes his head. “Only two. The other four went to people I’ve never met. But you better be damned sure I’ll be adding their names to my list in case they ever go to sell. I get first dibs.”

A happy sigh works its way free of my chest. “You know, you do live with the artist. She’ll make you whatever you want, whenever.”

He looks down at me, and even I can’t miss the pride in his eyes. “I know. But it’s a hell of a lot more fun to plot how I’m going to get them from the other people who wanted them just as badly as I do.”

“What about—”

Kane shakes his head, cutting me off. “You’re not allowed to worry about him tonight. Tonight is about you. Enjoy it. He won’t bother you again.”

Kane’s right. I’m not going to let Giles taint this experience for me. Tonight is mine.