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Sassy Ever After: Check Mate (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Sheri Lyn (22)

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chills went down Rook’s spine as he heard the forlorn cry of sadness that filled the air. That couldn’t be a good sign, he thought as he raced towards the last echoes of the sound. Brogan sat on a small rise, howling his pain into the night. Rook moved to sit beside him and offer what comfort he could.

A few minutes later, Brogan stood and moved back down the path. Rook followed silently. Both wolves stopped and stared into the woods a few feet to their left. Something was there watching them and it wasn’t human. The smell was back and stronger than ever. Without thought Rook took off after the creature, confident in the knowledge his pack member had his back.

The creature laughed and sprinted just out of their reach. Every time he thought they were closing in or ready to spring a trap the demon disappeared to reappear behind them.

“Wolves, stop,” Jericho called in their minds, causing both to stop in alarm and surprise. “Come here. We need to talk.”

Rook traded glances with Brogan, before they both headed back to the gathering of people. Never in their lives had a non-pack member been able to speak to their minds while in wolf form.

“Your clothes are behind the split tree. Hurry.” Jericho said again in their minds as they drew near.

Rook growled as he found the clothes, shifted and pulled on the sweats and tank he’d added to Deader’s clothes earlier. “What the hell?”

“Got me. Never had that happen before.” Brogan shrugged and replied, “Was nice of him to retrieve my clothes though.”

The two men quickly made their way to the waiting crowd full of matching scowls. “What did we miss?” Brogan asked in confusion. “We were chasing that thing out there, until you called us off.”

“Calm down, son,” Cadence said in a gentle motherly tone. “It was for your protection.”

“And who the hell are you and how did you talk to us like that?” Brogan demanded as he stared angrily at Jericho.

“What’s important right now is I can track it. He’s gotten too cocky and left a trail I can follow. The leash is loosening, if we don’t act fast these three deaths will be a drop in the bucket of what it’s capable of doing.”

“It’s a demon doing this, just to be clear?” West asked in frustration. “How in the hell do I explain this to the city council?”

“Babe, can we catch this thing before we worry about explanations? Besides in this town, it won’t be as hard as you think.”

“If you two are done,” Jericho interjected in a bored tone, “there is much to be done. The demon won’t be easy to stop. The longer they are on this side, the stronger they become. The more humans they consume, the stronger they become.”

“About that,” Rook interrupted. “How are you able to track it? Once the demon disappears so does any smell.”

“It made a mistake. I’m here, and it didn’t count on that. As soon as it manifested, I felt him. He can’t get away now.”

Brogan scowled. “What did you say you were again?”

“Demon hunter,” West supplied since Jericho didn’t seem inclined to answer.

“Well, yes, now, to track a demon, you have to be one first,” Jericho said with a smirk.

West, Rook, Brogan and Deader all took a step back at his words.

“Boys, stop. He’s not a threat. He’s never hurt a human willingly,” Cadence snapped in irritation. “Would I have let him help if he was a threat to any of you? Yes, he’s a demon, half to be exact, but as soon as he was free he became a hunter. He’s here to send it back to hell where it belongs.”

“I trust you, Mother Priestess. I’m reserving judgment on him for now,” Rook replied.

Brogan wasn’t so eloquent. “There’s something about you that I can’t quite place. Until I do I’ll be up your ass, watching every move you make.”

West coughed trying to hide his laugh at Brogan’s words. Rook glanced to him, and then realized what Brogan had said. He turned his head to hide his smile, but it was too late. The rest had caught on too.

“What are you all in middle school?” Brogan demanded in anger. “You know what I meant.”

Jericho licked his lips and gave Brogan’s body a once over. “I for one, like the way you said that. I’m open to trying new things with a sexy wolf like you anytime.”

Rook felt bad for his friend as he saw the blush that flamed up his entire neck and face. It was just a nice change to see the flirt finally get a little of what he was always dishing out to others. Especially from a man. That had to be a first for him.

“Okay enough banter. Tell us what to do?” Cadence said into the awkward silence.

Jericho rolled his eyes. “Fine, but you know it’s not often I get to spend much time up here. I was only having a bit of fun. I need supplies, mind if I raid your stash of ingredients, Cadence?”

“It’s yours, take what you need.”

“What do we do while you’re gone getting that?” West questioned.

“Just wait here. Instruct your men, do whatever you would normally do. So, you know I need all five of you to pull this off, so don’t go far.”

Rook opened his mouth to respond but before he could the demon hunter disappeared.

A chorus of exclamations filled the air in surprise as they stared at the empty space. That explains a few things, Rook thought.

“Sheriff,” a crime scene tech called from his place by the body. “If you’re done. We’re going to remove the body.”

“Go ahead. Make sure you photograph everything including the ground under her. Tell the detective to keep a couple guards on the area overnight. I want you guys back out here first thing in the morning. Take advantage of the daylight for anything overlooked.”

“Are we all set?” Jericho asked causing them all to jump in shock.

Brogan stared at the man in confusion. “You just left. How did you get back so quickly?”

“I might be able to manipulate time in small increments, but that’s not here or there,” he said with a cheeky smile. “Are we all ready to go on a field trip?”

“You’re demented, aren’t you?”

Rook silently agreed with West. Jericho threw his head back and laughed till tears ran down his cheeks. No one said a word, they were slightly afraid of the big man in that moment.

Jericho finally calmed down. “You have to be to survive as long as I have with those creatures. Don’t worry though, I promise to keep my inner demons under control.” He let out a short bark of laughter. “Did you get that. A demon with inner demons.”

They were so screwed, Rook thought.