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Sassy Ever After: Demon Mate (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Sheri Lyn (9)

Brogan stumbled into his bedroom and collapsed into bed exhausted. It had been one hell of a day from start to finish. When he’d woken up that morning he never expected to chase a serial killer or assist in rescuing his friend’Bs mate, but that’s just what he’d done. The fear and worry he’d felt radiating off Caeden had been enormous. Brogan could sympathize with the man’s plight. To know his mate was in the hands of a killer was enough to drive you insane. He should know, he felt it every day Jericho was in hell. Now Caeden and Koira were home safe in each other’s arm. Brogan longed for the day he’d be able to do the same. It was enough for now to know he’d had a hand in helping them find their happily ever after.

He’d just started to doze off when a knock at his front door startled him awake again. He jumped up and stalked to the door ready to rip someone's head off for disturbing him when he jerked the door open and froze in shock.


“Let me in. We have to talk and there isn’t much time. Your friends are on their way. You’ll need their support and strength for this.”

Brogan opened the door wider and let the priestess into his home. Before this afternoon he’d never seen her away from her home. Now this was the second time in less than twenty-four hours. This did not bode well at all. He’d just begun to shut the door when he saw West and Rook approaching in wolf form. They yipped a greeting and shifted.

“Let me grab you some sweat pants.” Brogan called as he disappeared leaving the door open for the two men to enter if they wanted too.

He’d never really been afraid before but for some reason her presence in his house scared him to a level he never knew existed. He searched for an explanation but he could think of nothing that would satisfy her being here at this time of night. He grabbed two pairs of sweats and headed back down the hall, each step making him wish to turn and run from whatever news awaited him.

“Thanks for the clothes.” Rook said as he took them out of Brogan’s numb hands. “No matter what, remember you’re not alone. We’ve got your back.”

Brogan nodded and moved to sit a few feet from the woman who held his future happiness in the grips of her hands even if she didn’t know it. There was no doubt in his mind that she was the only one that could find a way to get Jericho back.

Once everyone had found a seat, Cadence let out a weary sigh and met Brogan’s eyes for what he realized was the first time since she’d arrived. His gut clenched at that.

“I’ve found a way to get Jericho out, but it’s not going to be easy.”

“Whatever it takes, I’ll do it.” Brogan exclaimed excitedly. “What do we need to do?”

Cadence smiled sadly, “This task I ask of you is not something you can do alone.” She held up one hand as Rook and West started to speak. “Let me finish. Before you all volunteer you need to know everything first.”

All three men shared a look and nodded slowly. Brogan knew he was going to do whatever it took no matter what. He couldn’t leave his mate there a moment longer then he had too.

“I’ve got an old friend who has agreed to open a portal between our realm and Hell. He won’t be able to keep it open, I’ll do that from this side as long as I can.”

“You can do that?” West asked incredulously.

“Yes, I can’t open one but I can maintain it for a bit once it’s been created.”

“So, Jericho can walk out then right?” Brogan asked cautiously. He knew that would be too easy but he couldn’t keep himself from asking anyway.

“No child, once Hell has one of its own locked away, it doesn’t give them up easily. In order for Jericho to come to this side of the veil we’ll have to take him from them. They will fight unfairly to keep him and anyone who comes for him. They will play mind tricks, they will test you beyond your ability to even comprehend, but you mustn't fall for it. Too much is at stake. Are you still willing to go in after him?”

Brogan didn’t even hesitate. “Hell yes I am.”

“Think of it this way. You know all those couples that say they would go to Hell and back for their partner. You can say “been there got the t-shirt”, when this is over.” Rook said with a nervous laugh before turning and looking to his partner.

Brogan didn’t want to laugh at his friend’s gallows humor but couldn’t help it. It helped release some of the overwhelming tension. The two shared some silent communication before Rook turned back to Brogan, “Count us in, like I said we’ve got your back and if that means going with you to Hell to get your mate back, then that’s what we’ll do.”

“I can’t ask that of you.” Brogan protested.

“You didn’t ask.” West pointed out. “This isn’t a negotiation either. We’re getting your mate back, end of story. Don’t argue.”

Brogan nodded but couldn't say a word. He was overwhelmed with emotions. Not many people would volunteer to go to Hell for a friend, like these two were. But that was pack for you. Forever a family that stuck together through thick and thin.

Rook turned to Cadence and took a deep breath, “What do we need to do to prepare?”

“I’ve never been there to know for sure, I’m not sure I can be much help outside of potions and elixirs. Get a good night's sleep and be ready. The door opens at noon tomorrow. I’ll come get you and lead you to its location.”

Before any of them could protest, Cadence disappeared with a slight popping sound leaving them stunned in surprise.

“In all the years I’ve known her I’ve never seen her do that.” Rook whispered quietly almost if he was afraid to speak too loud for some reason.

Brogan grunted before leaning back in his chair, “Anyone have any suggestions on what we should bring on this little adventure of ours? I for one am clueless, I mean if I take my gun, would shooting things we encounter work? Salt or iron or hell I don’t know. Help me out here.”

“Iron is for fae creatures or at least that’s the myths I’ve heard. If it works on others I have no idea.” Rook shook his head, “Did any of you think this is how we’d end this day? I mean storming Hell, really?”

West laughed, “Since I’ve come to this town I’ve discovered one thing, and that’s to always expect the unexpected. But maybe you’re onto something there. Before we met Jericho, we didn’t know demons existed really. Maybe all those tales and myths are based on some bit of reality. I plan on bringing my gun, a knife, a first aid kit, some holy water which I’ll have to run to town and get. And yes, I’ll pick some up for you both as well.” West trailed off for a minute. “I know this is crazy but I think we need to research and see what the myths say and bring whatever they mention that we can get our hands on quick.”

Brogan pulled his phone and typed in a search. “This could take a while to find anything useful.”

“We’re gonna head home and get some things in order. You okay alone tonight?” Rook asked as he stood.

“Yeah, it’s fine, go. I’ll understand if you guys change your mind. I just want you to know that. No hard feelings either way.”

Brogan had barely finished speaking before he was pulled into a hug and squeezed. “We’re not going to back out. We’ll be here first thing in the morning. And with luck by this time tomorrow you’ll be here alone with your mate using those skills my mate and Deader taught you.”