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Savage by Julia Evans (86)

Adrenaline still coursed through my veins as I parked my car at the pub. The cops weren't close to catching me. My royal blood would protect me anyways. There was no way I was going to waste even a year of my life sitting in a cell. If worse came to worse, they fine my parents. I swung the keys around my finger as I walked inside.


Being rich was harder than it looked. Everyone treated you differently. Nobody wanted to really be your friend. They only wanted your money. Family was all that mattered.


Charlie greeted me and gave me the usual talk about the cops putting bracelets on me one day. Over my dead body.


Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted someone new. She wasn't the usual fare we got here at the pub: shoulder-length brunette, brown eyes, and innocent. You can tell the difference between the bad and the good—she was a good girl.


She had a gravity about her that pulled me in. I didn't even wait to ask who she was before I found myself walking her way.


“Name's Alexander,” I announced. Talking to women was like second nature to me. I could strike up a conversation with anyone.


The woman stared up at me from the table, not saying a word. I couldn't tell if she was frightened or just didn't care. She closed her eyes and gulped. “I'm Pearl.”


An American accent? Her voice was heavenly.  I glanced down at her cleavage and felt a pang of desire in my pants. Foreigners were my cup of tea.


I shook her hand and felt a jolt of electricity zap through me. A feeling I'd never experienced before. I'd been with a lot of women—too many to count. A prince got whatever he desired. But this one was different.


“What are you doing in a place like this, love?” I asked.


“I'm a student at the university and I'm trying to avoid writing a paper.” Her eyes averted my gaze—I just needed one more look at that beautiful face.


I never needed to go to school. Whatever education I received was from Percy who came by the house and tried to teach me and my brothers multiplication once a week. He didn't last very long.


I put my finger and thumb on her chin and lifted her head until her eyes met mine. I lost my breath as we stared at each other for an eternity. I wanted this woman—fucking needed her.


“If you need help with anything, just ask me.”


“I actually need to pick some king or prince to do a report on. I haven't lived here long enough to know very many.”


She has no fucking idea who I am. I could have fun with this.


“I can help.” I sat down across from her. The tension between us was palpable.


Charlie screamed from across the room. “Alexander, get off your arse. We have to get over to the house now.”


Fuck...Pearl totally made me forget about my parents.


I wanted to ditch my brothers and spend forever with this girl.


I snapped back to reality—why was I letting a woman affect me so much?