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Scarlet Toys (Violent Circle Book 1) by S.M. Shade (3)

Chapter Three


It’s a completely normal morning until I show up at work. I listen to the radio as I get ready and some of my neighbors wave at me as I drive away. Nothing prepares me for the sight I see when I turn the corner onto the street where Scarlet Toys is located. The bright red sign has been uncovered and it looks fantastic, but it barely catches my eye because my attention is focused on the virtual traffic jam and the crowd around the store.

What the hell? Surely, we aren’t going to be that busy. I mean, I remember when the supercenter first opened and people were lined around the block like they were waiting to get in a concert, but for sex toys?

I turn on the smaller road that leads behind the building and am relieved to find it empty. When I pull into the back parking lot, I realize what’s going on. It isn’t customers or curious onlookers gathered around the building. They’re protesters. A lot of protesters.

Wow, if the Fifty Shades movie irked them, this really lit the fuse on these bitches’ tampons. I notice it’s mostly women, but there are a few men mixed in, carrying signs and shouting slogans.

As soon as I get out of my car and head for the door, I’m spotted and they practically sprint toward me. “How can you go in there? Don’t you know they’re selling hellfire and damnation? What would your mother think?”

All of this is being screamed in my face and one of the women gets close enough to step on my foot.

That’s it.

“My mother would tell you you’d better get the fuck out of my face before Jesus watches me whoop your ass!”

The woman’s mouth forms a perfect O and she steps back. An arm wraps around me from behind just as I’m being surrounded by screaming protesters, and I turn to shove the person off before I hear Wyatt’s voice. “It’s me. Let’s get inside.”

Martha pulls in right beside me and jumps out, completely fearless. As they start to shout at her as well, she gives it right back. “Mabel, I see you. Get off your high horse. Maybe if you’d gone for a vibrator instead of your gardener, Mike wouldn’t have left you and you’d have something better to do with your time!”

A snort of laughter escapes me and I grab her arm, pulling her inside with us where Jani and Clarence are waiting.

“Holy shit!” I exclaim, as the chants fade away behind the heavy door.

Wyatt’s concerned gaze sweeps over me. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. She just stepped on my foot.” I shake my head and a tiny grin sneaks onto my face. “I hate to say I told you so…”

I love his laugh. It’s deep and genuine, and he throws his head back with abandon. Sexy as hell. “I didn’t quite expect this level of blowback, but it’ll pass. It’s not the first time I’ve had to deal with dissent from the locals. The police are on their way now to move them back and make sure any potential customers can get inside safely.”

Clarence glances around the store. “Is there anything you need done in the meantime?” Wyatt brought us all in because he expected a lot of customers, but also so we could all get on-the-job training the first day.

“There are a couple of boxes in the back that were delivered this morning. Mostly lube and novelty condoms. You can get those put away.”

Wyatt crooks a finger at me. “Come with me a moment, Cass. I’ve finally got the uniforms in.”

“Yeah, I fell for that one before,” I grumble, following him. He stops in the hallway, just out of sight and earshot of the others. Surprised, I step back, my back pressing against the wall. His fingers close on a stray lock of hair on my cheek and tuck it behind my ear as his gaze locks with mine. “Are you okay? I should have had security here to walk you inside, but I didn’t expect this level of opposition.”

I open my mouth and a squeak comes out. Seriously, I squeak like a damn mouse whose tail has been stepped on. We’ve spent at least ten hours a day together for over a week, but this is the closest I’ve been to him. He smells fantastic, some kind of musk mixed with soap and his natural scent. It takes all my restraint to resist sniffing him like a psycho.

“You smell amazing!” I blurt out.

Yep. My ability to talk returns and that’s the genius statement that leaps from my mouth.

His lips raise in a smirk and I can’t tell if he’s pleased, trying not to laugh at me, or planning how to fire the weirdo who can’t answer a simple question. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean that.”

His smirk widens to a full blown smile.

“I mean, I did. You do smell. Good, I mean. Not bad. If you were stinky, I wouldn’t say anything.”

For fuck’s sake, Cass, shut up.

His eyes heat as they sweep over my body, and I feel all the moisture in my mouth dry up. He’s never looked at me like that before. At least I don’t think he has. I’m probably reading too much into an expression. Just because he looks like he’s just seen a supermodel naked and spread eagle doesn’t mean anything.

“Do I make you nervous?” he asks, shifting his body closer to mine.

Only when you look at me like I’m dinner. “No,” I lie, tugging my earlobe.

“Good. We’re going to be here late tonight. I’d like to take you out for dinner after we close.”

I can’t think of anything to say. “Why?” Is he asking me out? Is it a reward like the pizza?

“Do I need a reason to take a beautiful woman out to dinner?”

“You…you told Jani you don’t date employees.”

His finger slips under my chin and he lifts my head until we’re eye to eye. My heart races when his gaze drops to my lips before returning to my eyes. For a second, I’m sure he’s going to kiss me and I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything as badly as I want to know how those thick lips feel.

“I’m not interested in Jani,” he replies before stepping back.

I release my breath. What the hell was that? As soon as he got close to me I felt an attraction I’ve never felt before, like some powerful force was drawing us together. And his reply. He isn’t interested in Jani, but he is interested in me?

Oh, this could go so, so wrong. If there’s one thing those few seconds showed me it’s that I completely lose my mind in this man’s presence. If he had kissed me, I’d have had him naked with no regard to our surroundings. He’s my boss. And I know that fucking your boss is never a good idea no matter how sexy he is smiling at me from the office doorway. Shit. I’m just standing here staring at him again.

Composing myself, I follow him inside. It’s a tiny space, made smaller by the large box on the desk that he starts digging through. He whips out a white polo shirt with Scarlet Toys embroidered on the upper left side and tosses it to me. “You’d better not pull some booty shorts out of there next,” I tease, trying to act like he didn’t faze me.

He shakes his head. “As tempting as that is, you can wear whatever you like with the polo.”

“Assless chaps and a leotard it is.”

Chuckling, he grabs shirts for the rest of the staff. “Are you always a smart-ass?”

I shrug. “Just comes naturally to me.”

“Wyatt!” Martha calls from the front of the store.

“Dinner tonight,” he says, and rushes off to see what’s going on.

Two officers stand on the sales floor, chatting with Clarence. I recognize the cop who showed up to catch my late night visitor last week, and he gives me a nod.

“Wyatt Lawson?” the officer asks.

Wyatt sticks out his hand and they shake. “Yes, sir. I’m sorry to have to call you out here. I’ve contacted a security company that can start this afternoon.”

“We can’t keep them from protesting, but we can make them stay on the sidewalk and grassy area. We’ve cleared the parking lot and entrance, and we’ll keep a couple of guys posted until your security shows up.”

“Thank you. I really appreciate the help.”

“In the meantime, it’d be best for you to continue as if they aren’t present. Retaliation is just going to rile them up.”

Wyatt blinks. “I have no intention to retaliate.”

The officer suppresses a grin, and his partner chuckles. “Sir, pulling in, I saw a bare ass in your front window, followed by a giant bobbing dildo. I understand the impulse, but it’s really not helpful.”

Wyatt glances around the room where Jani, Martha, and Clarence all give him a “who me?” look and sighs. “It won’t happen again.”

The officers head toward the door. “Just give us a call if you have any more problems.”

Wyatt hands out the polo shirts. “Okay, no more screwing with the protesters. They’re like stray dogs. You feed them and they’ll keep coming back. Jani, you and Cass can work the counter while Martha and Clarence finish stocking.”

The chime above the door dings, and two young women walk in. They look a few years older than me. “Hi, welcome to Scarlet Toys. Please let me know if there’s anything I can assist you with,” Wyatt greets.

The women take one look at him and suddenly require extensive assistance. “Well, my friend is getting married and we’re in charge of the bachelorette party. Of course, we never come to places like this.” She glances at her friend, and they giggle like grade schoolers. “Maybe you could show us a few things.”

“Of course.” Wyatt leads them away and they follow, all eyes on his ass. I can’t blame them. It is a fine ass.

“They’re making a move on your man,” Jani teases as Martha and Clarence join us at the counter.

“What the hell are you on about now?” I sigh.

“Yeah, like we can’t see the way he watches you. All those late nights alone with him.” She leans against the counter. “Fess’ up. And I want details. How big are we talking? Banana? Cucumber? Oh no, it’s not a skinny little carrot, is it?”

“I have not seen his vegetable, you crazy woman.”

“Well, he sure wants to show it to you,” Martha laughs.

My knee bumps a shelf of batteries, knocking a few to the floor. “He hasn’t said or done anything inappropriate. It’s not like that,” I argue, picking up the batteries.

Clarence scoffs.

“Ugh, not you too,” I grumble.

“Cass, I know when a guy is interested and trust me, he wants you.”

“Maybe he’s got his eye on you. You never know,” I tease.

“I know I’d drag him home to Harvey in a second, but he’s made his choice,” Clarence chuckles.

“Is Harvey your boyfriend or is that what you named your penis?” Jani teases.

Clarence shakes his head. “My boyfriend. Who the hell would call a penis Harvey?”

“I knew a guy who called his Mr. Galifianakis,” Jani replies.

I chose the wrong moment to take a drink of water and it sprays out of my nose as I try not to choke to death.

“What?” Jani asks, thumping me on the back. “It was bearded.”

The chime dings, and two more customers enter, followed by three more. Maybe Wyatt was right after all. People do seem willing to walk past the protesters to check us out.

Customers stream in throughout the day with a few lulls. All in all, things go really well, despite the rough start to the morning. Wyatt lets Jani, Martha, and Clarence leave about an hour before closing, and Jani gives me a told-you-so look as security escorts them to their cars.

The last of the protesters have gone when Wyatt locks up and we leave the building. We aren’t open on Sundays, so everyone has the day off tomorrow before beginning our normal schedule on Monday.

Wyatt hasn’t mentioned dinner again, so I’m headed toward my car when he steps in front of me. “Is that your way of turning down my dinner invitation?” he asks, feigning a hurt look.

“I thought you might be tired and ready to get home. You know, you aren’t quite as young as me,” I tease.

“Ten years is a drop in the bucket. You’ll see.”

I cover my mouth like I’m shocked. “Ten years! You’re thirty-one? Do you remember when this was all farmland?”

I’m spun around with my back against the door of his car before I can laugh at my own joke. “Ten years of experience goes a long way.” His hands clamp on my hips and his breath heats my neck as he leans in and murmurs, “Tell me you aren’t interested and I’ll leave you alone, Cassidy. But if you don’t speak up now, I’m going to kiss you until neither of us can breathe.”

I can’t breathe now.

Fuck it, who needs oxygen anyway?

I slide my hand behind his neck, and our lips come together in a soft, slow kiss. The world around me fades away as his hands travel to cup my face and tilt it until he has me where he wants me, his lips brushing lightly over mine again.

The tip of his tongue strokes my lips, and I groan as it dips inside.  My hand travels up his nape into his soft hair. I know two things instantly. I never want to stop kissing this man. And this job can go straight to hell if it becomes an obstacle. I’ll gladly clean toilets with a toothbrush at an Indian restaurant if it means I get this kind of reward at the end of the day.

We deepen the kiss, exploring one another’s mouths, and his arms wrap around my back, pulling me against his body. The feel of his hard chest against my breasts makes my nipples perk up. It isn’t the only thing that’s standing at attention, though.

Judging by the size of the hard-on poking me in the stomach, he doesn’t think he’s out of my league. His lower lip is plump, and I can’t resist sucking on it before we break apart, drawing a soft hum from him that seems to travel straight to my core.

I may only be twenty-one, but I can’t imagine another first kiss that will ever beat this one.


* * * *


Our town pretty much rolls up the sidewalks after eight p.m. so we end up at a Mexican restaurant in the nearest city, about thirty minutes away.

Wyatt opens the door to the restaurant, placing a hand on my back and guiding me inside. My mom would’ve loved this guy. He’s got what she always described as hoity toity manners. Like having a guy open your car door or walk you to your door is a privilege of the upper class. And why is it always about doors? Whenever women describe a gentleman, they mention he opens doors for them. When did that become the standard?

After we’re seated, I order a margarita to try to settle my nerves. It’s not every day I’m out with a man who looks like he jumped from the cover of a fitness magazine. “So, um…why did you choose our town to open a store?” I ask, trying to break the ice.

“I’m trying to win a bet…sort of.”

“A bet?”

The waitress delivers our food, and I start eating as he explains. “I’ve worked my way up in my father’s company. He plans to retire in a few years, and I’m hoping to take over the company. The only thing we disagreed on was my desire to expand our adult stores outside of large cities. Finally, he made me a deal. Open two stores in two small towns. If I can get at least one of them to survive, then I can take over the company when he retires. If they fail, I’m stuck in my current position.”

“So, you have a lot invested in this. That’s good to know.” I grin at him. “For job security and all.”

His expression is serious when he replies, “I won’t let it fail.”

“So far so good. Protesters are a pain in the ass, but at least people are coming in. I imagine there will be more once the protesters get tired and move onto something else.”

“That’s what I’m hoping.” He sits back in his chair. “So, tell me, are you from Morganville?”

“No, I moved here when I was ten with my mom. She died a few years ago, right after my graduation. I don’t have any family left in Missouri, where we came from, so I just found a job and moved into a cheap apartment. I plan to go to college someday, once I figure out what I want to do and save some money.”

“You should. You’re smart.”

“You’ve seen me stock dildos and run a cash register,” I laugh. “It’s not exactly rocket science.”

I notice the small flecks of black in his amber eyes when he regards me. “No, I’ve seen you problem solve and serve customers who were shy or embarrassed. You have a way of putting people at ease, and that’s something that can’t be taught. You should consider going into business classes.”

My cheeks heat with a mix of embarrassment and pleasure. I’m not used to compliments. “Is that why you wanted to take me out? You were impressed by my customer service skills?” I tease.

A devilish grin spreads across his face. “Actually, I was hoping to take you home and show you some of my servicing skills.”

I’m stunned into silence for a moment before I reply, “And you come off as such a gentleman.”

“Only at work, sweetheart.”

“I’m not looking for anything serious,” I tell him. I’m not really averse to relationships all together, but I’m sure this is what he wants to hear. We come from two different worlds. He’s most likely looking for a little fun, someone to hang out with and fuck while he’s here. I’m more than willing to have a fling.

“I’ll only be in town for a few months, then I’ll be returning to Indianapolis.”

Wiping my mouth on my napkin, I sit back. “You don’t have a secret girlfriend or wife at home, do you?”

His laugh is deep and gravelly. There’s always been this rumor among men that women decide whether or not they’d sleep with a guy in the first ten minutes after they meet. I don’t think that’s typically true, but with Wyatt, I knew in the first five.

“No, I work too much to maintain a serious relationship.” He smiles at me. “And I’m not sleeping with anyone else.”

Grinning like my heart isn’t beating out fuck me now in Morse code, I shrug. “Your place or mine?”

“I’m staying in a hotel, so…”

“My place, then,” I tell him. No need to feel like a total whore accompanying him back to his hotel room. “Let’s get my car from work and you can follow me back.”

It’s a silly thought. I’ve never been the type to sleep around. Hell, I’ve only been with two guys; my high school boyfriend and a drunken hookup who still texts me occasionally. Neither of them were any good in bed. Something tells me that won’t be a problem with Wyatt. I could come just looking at him.

Wyatt pays the check, and we head back to town. It’s getting late and the highway is pretty much deserted. “Do you mind?” I ask, reaching for his radio.

“You don’t listen to country, do you?” he asks, his adorable crooked tooth showing as he smiles at me.

“God, no. All I listen to is Justin Bieber. Did you know he has his own station now? Nothing but the beebs twenty-four seven.” I intended to draw the joke out a bit, but the look of horror on Wyatt’s face forces a laugh from me. “I’m just screwing with you.” I tune the radio to a rock station, and he reaches over and grabs my knee.

“Think you’re funny, don’t you?”

Grinning, I roll my window down. “I’m very amused by me.”

His grin spreads and he drops his window as well as I crank up the music and start singing along to one of my favorites. I’m weird and impulsive. He may as well learn that about me right now.

Apparently, he’s not bothered because he starts belting out the lyrics along with me. His voice is smooth and deep and does nothing to quell the urge I have to fuck him senseless. We spend the rest of the ride back singing and laughing, the warm summer wind blasting across our skin. It’s fantastic.

He drops me off at my car, and I hesitate a little before walking away. “My neighborhood is a little…strange. Fair warning in case you see anything crazy.”

“I’m sure I can handle it,” he laughs.

I lead him back to my apartment complex, and he parks beside me. It’s after midnight, but the circle never sleeps. Samantha is ushering a man through her front door and she turns to give me a wave before disappearing inside.

Wyatt joins me and he looks toward the playground across the street where the swings are creaking as two shadows sit on them. “Doesn’t the park close at night?” Wyatt asks as I unlock my front door.

“There are hours posted, but no one pays any attention. It’s probably a couple of guys from Frat Hell.” I continue when he gives me a confused look. “There’s a large, four-bedroom apartment on the other end of the circle. It’s rented out by a bunch of college kids. It’s not really a fraternity, that’s just what the rest of us call it. They party a lot.”

As soon as I get mine unlocked, the neighbor’s door flies open and Dennis comes running out, stark naked. He’s holding his hands over his crotch as his belly flops around. A barrage of objects fly out after him and a hiking boot pops him right in the forehead.

“Go run to your diseased whore! And don’t forget these! Let her wear the fucking strap-on, you pervert!”

Sure enough, her words are followed by the launch of multiple dildos, flying through the air like pecker confetti, one still attached to a pair of panties meant for a strap-on. Dennis is as red as I’ve ever seen a human being get as he grabs a pair of pants from the ground and yanks them on.

He glances in my direction and mumbles, “Cass, do you think I could borrow a trash bag?”

“Sure,” I reply, fighting back laughter. It’s not the situation that’s funny, really. Granted, throwing him out naked is a new occurrence, but I’m used to their knock down, drag out fighting. What has me about to burst is the expression on Wyatt’s face. Yeah, I tried to warn him.

“I…do you want me to call the police?” he asks, following me into my living room.

“For what?”

He stares at me like my slinky is kinked. “For the naked man in the yard.”

“He’s not naked anymore. They fight a lot. Tomorrow, everything will be back to normal. They don’t hurt anyone,” I tell him, heading to the kitchen and grabbing a trash bag.

He takes it from my hand when I return. “I’ll give it to him.”

It’s cute how he’s suddenly so protective, but it’s really not necessary. I hear Mallory screeching about crabs when the door opens and a giggle escapes me. Wyatt looks back and smiles, shaking his head.

“Weird neighborhood.” I shrug. “You get used to it.”

I head to my room to grab something to wear and deposit the clothes on the bathroom counter. After working all day, I need a quick shower. When I peek out the window, I see Wyatt helping Dennis pick up his stuff and put it in the trash bag. The dildoes are no longer in sight.

By the time I shower and dress, Wyatt is sitting on my couch in the living room. His lips part when I enter—gah I’m always looking at his lips—and he looks at me like I’m dressed in lingerie instead of a tee shirt with little cotton shorts. He pulls me down on the couch beside him.

“Mmm…you smell good.” His light stubble scratches my neck as he buries his face there. “I can’t wait to see how you taste.”

A good licking from Wyatt? Fuck. Yes. Sign me up.

“Do you mind if I use your shower?”

“Of course not, there’s a robe hanging in the bathroom if you want to wear it.”

“I have a change of clothes in the car. I live out of a suitcase, remember?”

There are times I dream about traveling, living a nomadic life, but I think the novelty would wear off quickly. It may not be much, but this place has become my home. It would be depressing to live out of hotels and never feel at home.

Look at me, feeling sorry for someone who could probably buy this whole place. I may be overestimating his wealth, but I’ve grown so accustomed to being surrounded by people like me, who struggle and live paycheck to paycheck. The fact that he owns two stores and has worked his way to an executive level in his father’s company makes him rich in my eyes.

The money doesn’t change anything, though. I’m no gold digger. I enjoy being around him. He’s easy to talk to and always kind, which is a hard quality to find sometimes. Plus, you know, he looks like he stepped off an underwear ad.

I didn’t expect to bring a man home with me when I left for work this morning, but at least my bed has nice, fresh sheets and my room isn’t messy. While Wyatt is showering, I connect my phone to my speaker, choose a playlist, and put it on shuffle.

He returns wearing only a pair of sweat pants, his bare chest displaying a light sprinkling of dark hair. I love chest hair. Like, it’s probably an unnatural love. While other women expect men to wax or shave everything, I’m fantasizing about running my cheek across those curly hairs.

“If you keep looking at me like that, I can’t be held responsible for my actions,” he warns, his eyes full of lust as he stalks toward me. I suddenly feel like prey, but I’m only too happy to be devoured.

“Pshh…like I’m so impressed by your carved chest and swollen biceps.”

I’m sitting on the edge of the bed when he walks up between my legs and stares down at me. “I’ve got something much more impressive for you.”

His pants are expanding right in front of my face so I have no doubt he’s telling the truth. My mouth goes dry and teasing him is the last thought in my head. I want this man naked and on top of me.

I rub my hands up his chest as I stand. He’s so damn tall I’m tempted to stand on the bed. Instead, I throw my arms around his neck, and he leans down, bringing his lips to mine. His hands wander underneath my shirt until he’s cupping my bare breast while he owns my mouth with his tongue.

Wyatt’s kiss is intense and exciting. It steals the world from around me and all that’s left is him, the feel of his tongue exploring mine, his fingers caressing my nipples, his hand kneading my ass.

We part long enough for him to pull off my shirt, then our mouths clash together again. His back is warm and smooth, lined with muscles I can’t wait to lick, but my hands have a mind of their own when they slide down the back of his pants. I’ve never felt such a squeezable ass. Even through his clothes, I could tell it was a great ass, but I’m still pleasantly surprised by how round and firm it is.

His fingers hook into the waistband of my shorts and panties, and he removes both with one movement, pausing to let me step out of them. I’m generally happy with my body, even though I’m too skinny and my boobs struggle to reach a B cup, but this is the point where I’d usually become a little self-conscious.

Not this time. When Wyatt gazes down at me, all I see is the lust and appreciation that’s mirrored on my own face.

“Such a beautiful body,” he murmurs. “Such a shame I’m going to dirty it all up.”

If it isn’t clear by now, I talk a lot. I babble and say dumb stuff when I’m nervous. What I never do is get tongue tied, but this man has managed to steal my words. There isn’t a thought in my head other than I can’t wait to be dirtied up.

He smirks, obviously aware he’s thrown me off kilter, and yanks off his pants. Of course, he doesn’t wear underwear. His cock is every bit as impressive as he claimed. It’s perfect really. Long and thick, but not so big I can’t take him.

The smirk is knocked off his face when I bend forward and give it a long, slow lick around the head. He grunts and his head falls back for a second before I’m snatched off my feet. “As much as I’d love that, I have other plans for you tonight, babe.”

He tosses me on the bed and yanks my legs apart. Standing at the edge of the bed, he stares down at me for a long second, making me feel exposed. “You’re blushing,” he murmurs, bringing his gaze to mine.

“You’re staring at places I can only see with a mirror,” I reply, finding my voice.

“Get used to it. I plan to look at this pussy every chance I get.” His fingers brush gently between my legs. “And touch it, and fuck it, but right now, I want a taste.”

Soft lips lay kisses up my thighs until he reaches his target. The first brush of his tongue between my folds make me gasp and raise up off the bed. A wicked smile appears on his face as he wraps his arms around my thighs, pulling me down and holding me open to his talented mouth.

Maybe I’ve only been with guys who didn’t know what they were doing or only knew the “lick the alphabet” trick, but I’ve never been able to come from this before. I had no idea it could be so incredible and overwhelming. Within minutes, I can feel the pressure building.

“Oh fuck. Yes…don’t stop. Don’t stop,” I plead.

I don’t know what little move he pulls, but I can’t stop from crying out as I’m seized by the sudden, devastating pleasure. The spasms go on and on as he continues to lick and suck. When I finally relax, I realize my hands are buried in his hair, trying to pull it out.

“Sorry,” I mumble, scratching at his scalp.

“Don’t you dare be sorry.”

He gets to his feet and grabs a condom from the pocket of his sweats, still balled up on the floor beside him. Seconds later, he’s crawling over me, his huge body looming above me like something right out of one of my Tarzan fantasies. The Alexander Skarsgard Tarzan, of course.

The heat of his solid weight on top of me feels so damn good as he showers both of my breasts with attention. God, his mouth. He has the best mouth. Damn it. I said that out loud.

His eyes delve into mine as he slides inside of me. It takes a few deep breaths before I can acclimate to his size, and he gives me a moment before he starts to move. Pain quickly gives way to pleasure, and I throw my legs around him.

As soon as I start moving with him, he groans and increases his pace.

The man can move.

It’s unfair, really, for one guy to have everything he does. Money, looks, a fun personality, a big cock, and moves that could win him a stripper award. If that’s something that exists. Either way, the man is a damned artist in bed.

He doesn’t just slam in and out of me, like the guys I’ve had before. He moves with purpose, and grace that shouldn’t be possible for a man his size. It feels like he’s hitting every nerve ending in my entire body every time he presses forward, and when I feel like it can’t possibly get any better, he shifts his hips and proves me wrong.

I don’t know how long we keep at it. It feels like forever and I never want it to end. Our moans and pants echo around us, overcoming the music as we both near the edge. “Wyatt,” I gasp before burying my face in his neck as I’m thrown into an orgasm every bit as strong as the first.

I feel him still, and a growl rumbles his chest as he comes. Seriously, a growl. It’s probably the hottest thing I’ve ever heard.

It’s instantly followed by the opposite of that.

My music has continued to play, but I barely heard it and I doubt he did either. Unfortunately, there’s no missing the song that’s filling the room now.

The theme song to Scooby Doo.

We’re lying here, covered in sweat, his cock still inside me, listening to the Scooby Doo theme song. Before I can comment, his body begins to shake with laughter and he looks down at me. “Ruh-roh,” he says, and we both fall into hysterics.

He rolls off me and goes to dispose of the condom while I stop the music that has totally killed the moment.

When he returns, he climbs back into my bed and pulls me close. “Do you always fuck to Scooby?” he teases.

“Nah, Flintstones is my jam.” Giggling, I lay my cheek on his chest. “I forgot I added a couple of kiddie songs when I was babysitting one of my neighbor’s kids.”

“Uh-huh. Sure,” he teases, tickling the back of my neck. “So, if I look at your phone I won’t see a wide selection of cartoon songs? Maybe a little Captain Caveman when you’re feeling freaky?”

“Hmm…you do growl like a cave man when you come.”

His fingers thread into my hair and he asks, “Do you mind if I stay the night?”

Did I hear that right? I was seconds away from getting up and letting him know I didn’t expect him to stay, and he wants to spend the night?

“Of course you can stay, but if you need to go, I understand.” I’m trying to give him an out, but apparently, he doesn’t want one. The hotel must be lonely.

“I don’t have anywhere to be until tomorrow afternoon,” he says.

“Good, then I can hear you growl in the morning too.”

Rolling over and tucking my body against his, he drops his voice to a deep rumble. “Captain Caaaavemaaan!”