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Seal'd Cinderella: Bad Boy Billionaire Boss Office Romance by Cassandra Bloom (79)

Chapter 10 (Leo)


I hoped my little detour wouldn’t cost me Elaine’s life. I knew Anthony would play dirty – he always did. On the back seat of my car was an arsenal of guns as well as my old bulletproof vest. It felt like I was gearing up for war once more, only this time, I wasn’t fighting a group of terrorists, I was going after an old-time friend. A friend I once trusted with my life.


On the highway, I was going almost double the speed limit, whizzing by cars and tractor trailers, hoping I didn’t run into any cops on the way.


I tightened my grip on the wheel, thinking about Elaine.


The mere thought of her with that man made my blood boil. If he had so much as laid one finger on her, he was as good as dead. My anger rose to exponential levels and I had to take a deep breath to keep from exploding.


She was okay. She had to be.


Approaching the docks, I slowed down, parking my car up the street so he wouldn’t hear my approach.


Anthony was clever. Taking her to my private dock so no one would find him. Using my own property against me. My own technology. The note he had left me was on the dashboard.


How long had he been spying on me? How long had he been planning his revenge?


I always knew Anthony was vindictive, but I never thought he would take it this far.


In the distance, I heard what sounded like a scream. I nearly bolted in that direction, prepared to fight tooth and nail for Elaine’s sake, but I wasn’t about to charge in there unarmed. Such reckless actions would just get me killed and that wouldn’t help anyone.


I put on the vest over my suit and grabbed my automatic. It felt strange holding a gun after all these years. Honestly, I didn’t think I would ever need one again.


I then grabbed my other weapons, clipping them to my vest before I started down the private road, keeping to the shadows so Anthony wouldn’t be able to spot me.


“Help! Help!” Elaine’s pitiful cries echoed, ripping a hole right through my heart.


I stopped, trying to pinpoint the sound.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a bit of movement coming from the prow of my boat. Anthony’s tattooed back came into view and as I tiptoed closer, I saw that he was hovering over her, about to make a move.


“Please! Someone!” Elaine continued to call out, her voice desperate.


Knowing he would be distracted, I rushed forward, moving onto the dock and pressing myself against the side of the boat. I listened for footsteps, but it seemed he hadn’t noticed me.




Trying to be as silent as possible, I edged toward the back of the boat, climbing onto the deck. Through the captain’s cabin, I could see Anthony fondling one of her breasts. My rage grew out of control and I could no longer think rationally. I rushed forward, tackling him to the ground. The knife he held in his hand skidded to the edge of the deck.


I was just about to pin him down when he slammed his fist into the side of my face. For a second, it felt like my jaw had dislocated, the taste of copper already overwhelming my taste buds. I staggered to my feet as Elaine screamed and squirmed in her bondage, trying to free herself.


With my vision still blurry, I pulled out my sidearm, determined to end this right here and now. Before I could get my finger on the trigger, he kicked it out of my hand, causing it to fall overboard.


“Fight me like a man.” He growled, throwing another punch in my direction. I ducked just in the nick of time, sweeping his feet until we were both on the ground. His legs wrapped around my waist, keeping me trapped.


Before I could stop him, he managed to wrap his hands around my neck, squeezing harder and harder. The look in his eyes was one of pure hatred.


I tried to grab his neck, but it was just barely out of reach. To my left, I noticed his knife and tried to grab it, but without success. I was starting to get lightheaded from the lack of air, but Elaine’s screams reminded me that I wasn’t just fighting for my own life – I was fighting for hers as well.


I strained my arm span and grabbed the knife, jabbing it into Anthony’s forearm. It was so sharp and deadly that it pierced right through his flesh.


He cursed loudly, letting go of me. I coughed, rubbing my neck as he pulled the knife out of his arm like a madman.


Was this man made of steel?


He lunged toward me, knife in hand, determined to kill me. I grabbed his arm and flung him into the captain’s cabin with a spin. The glass shattered and he fell onto the control panels. I pulled out my combat knife from its holster and rushed to Elaine’s side, hoping there was enough time to get her free before Anthony could get his bearings.


I had almost finished cutting through the rope around her wrists when I heard Anthony clear his throat, getting my attention.


When I looked up, he was pointing a gun right at my head. “One more move and you’re dead meat. And after that, I’m going to have some fun with this sweet piece of ass here.”


I held up my hands, but not before subtly leaving the knife in Elaine’s hand, hoping she could free herself. “Okay Anthony, you win. Just tell me what you want and we can talk this through.”


He laughed, guiding me toward the bow, turning his back on Elaine, almost as if he had forgotten about her. “You really think that I want to talk to a man like you?” He pressed the barrel against my forehead. “I’m done talking. It’s time I get the justice our comrades deserve. The comrades you killed.” He growled, cocking the gun. “For years, I was stranded in that wasteland, because everyone thought I was dead. Well, now I’m back and I’m going to make you pay for everything.”


The barrel was pressed so hard against my skin that I was sure it was leaving an indent. My heart was beating fast, but I looked him straight in the eye. Yes, I had made a mistake. A big mistake. And I never forgot about it. But I also paid my debt. I had served five more years after that incident, never again cowering at the sound of a bomb. I came back to the states and started a company that developed high-end military drones that could navigate without a human pilot.


I owed this man nothing.


I was just about to attack him when I heard the sound of heels clicking against the boat’s deck. I was sure that Elaine was running to safety, but instead, she was running right toward us, knife in hand, jabbing it into Anthony’s side.


“Son of a bitch!” He howled, backhanding her with the gun, throwing her to the side. He pointed the gun at her fallen figure, about to shoot when I charged at him. The gun went off, thankfully missing her.


We grappled for it. Finally, I managed to grab it, so blinded by rage that I couldn’t even be bothered to shoot him. Instead, I kept hitting him with the butt of the gun, over and over and over again, until he was lying in a pool of his own blood.


Eventually, Elaine pulled me off him, holding my arm gently. “You’re going to kill him…” She whispered. I looked down at the bastard and I had a feeling that he deserved to die, but maybe, he would be better off rotting in jail. That way, his suffering would last a lifetime.




After spending a few hours at the hospital, we were discharged without any major injuries. It was a miracle, really.


“Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked her, gently touching her bruised cheek. “I should’ve killed him for what he did to you.”


She had my blazer around her shoulders, covering up her lack of shirt. She smiled slightly before placing her hand on mine. “You saved my life… there’s no telling what would’ve happened if you hadn’t shown up.” She stopped and pulled me closer before her lips pressed against mine.


It was the sweetest kiss I had ever experienced. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her even closer. Deep down, I felt a stirring of emotions like nothing else before. Usually, when I kissed a woman, all I felt was lust and desire, but now, there was something more.


Was this love?


We pulled away and I looked into her eyes, feeling like I could search their depths forever. With my thumb, I caressed her cheek ever so slightly.


“Come on, let’s go home.”


She nodded, taking my hand in hers. Together, we walked out to the car. I opened the door for her and helped her inside in my usual manner.


Once I got in the driver’s seat, I turned on the music and drove off toward my home. Elaine had never seen it before and I hoped she would like it.


During the car ride, we were both relatively quiet, probably thinking over what had just happened.


Elaine kept fidgeting in her usual nervous manner. I reached over and grabbed her hand, lacing her fingers with mine. “There’s nothing to worry about. Anthony is in custody and he can never hurt you again.”


She looked over at me. “It’s… not that… I just can’t believe I stabbed someone. It’s like… I know my hands are clean, but they still feel like they have blood all over them.”


“What you did was extraordinarily brave. I don’t know if I would’ve been able to do the same thing in your position.”


She bit her lip. “Do you really think so?”


“Of course, you risked your life.”


“Only because I thought you were going to die…” She whispered.


I squeezed her hand. Never before had a woman cared about me this deeply. I would be a damn fool to ever let her go.


Elaine was starting to look tired, her eyelids drooping, probably an effect of the painkillers they gave her.


However, as soon as we got off the highway and into my part of town, her eyes widened, her expression changing to one of pure amazement. When I turned onto my street, her eyes nearly bugged out of her head.


“You… you live here? This place is like a palace!” She exclaimed, inching forward.


“What did you expect? I’m a self-made billionaire. It’s not like I would still be renting an apartment.”


“I know… I just didn’t think… Actually, I don’t know what I thought… but this… wow…” She seemed to be struggling for words as her nose practically touched the windshield.


I chuckled at her reaction, pulling into my four-car garage.


She still had this dazed look on her face when I pulled her out of the car and into the main part of the house. “I think we should grab a nap. We’re both tired and the doctor said you might be a little drowsy from your medication.” She nodded, staring at everything with awe. “Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of time to drool over the crown moldings later.” I teased.


Before she could answer me, I grabbed her in my arms, carrying her bridal style up the spiral staircase.


“Whoa!” She squealed before she wrapped her arms around my neck, her fingers tangling in my thick hair. “You’re strong.” She giggled.


“Of course I am.” I winked at her.


Soon, we were on the top floor. I carried her down the hallway to the master bedroom, pushing the doors open with my foot. The light from the hallway seeped into the room, illuminating some of its features from the four-poster bed to the ornate wallpaper and lavish Persian rug.




I chuckled before gently lying her down on the mattress.


“It’s like laying on a cloud…” She moaned, closing her eyes.


I crawled in beside her, wrapping my arms around her body and pulling her close. We were both so tired that we didn’t even care that we were fully clothed. The second the duvet came over us and we cuddled together, we fell asleep almost instantly.




I woke up long before Elaine. The sight of her beautiful face as the first thing I saw in the morning was definitely something I could get used to. I couldn’t resist leaning forward and planting a little kiss on her cute pink lips.


She was so tired that she didn’t even stir.




With lustful thoughts already running through my mind, I started to take off her clothes, piece by piece, trying not to wake her. Soon enough, she was completely naked, her perfect body on full display before me. I ran my hands along her curves, feeling like I could just take a bite out of her. She was so perfect.


I kept the duvet over her so she wouldn’t get cold before I started to undress myself. I was about to give her an experience she wouldn’t soon forget. I gathered up the items I would need, placing them on the nightstand.


“Hmm…” I rubbed my chin one more time, feeling like I had forgotten something when it suddenly hit me.




I grabbed the bottle and ran downstairs, popping it into the microwave so it would be nice and warm on her skin.


When that was also on the nightstand, I got back on the bed, pulling the duvet back. I took a moment to admire her body, from her perky breasts to her wide hips. I licked my lips, knowing I was about to have a fun morning.


Gently, I tied a silk scarf around her wrists, tying them to the headboard. I thought about blindfolding her, but after the experience she had just gone through, I thought it might be better if she saw me when she woke up.


I then grabbed the thin leather collar she had worn to the military ball and wrapped it around her slender neck, locking it into place. I don’t know why, but it made her look so much sexier. I had to resist the urge to plunge into her right then and there.


With her still asleep, I grabbed the oil and dripped some onto her chest, starting to massage it into her skin, until her flesh was all nice and tender.


I took her nipples between my fingers, twisting and rolling them back and forth.


Elaine started to moan in her sleep, her hips lifting into the air as her body started to beg for it. I grinned to myself, continuing to toy with her breasts as my other hand slid down to her thighs, getting them nice and slippery.


When I thought she was on the cusp of waking up, I grabbed a pair of nipple clamps and snapped them around her hard little nubs.


Her eyes shot open and for a moment, she looked scared before she locked eyes with me and her whole body relaxed.


She tested her bondage, her hands wrapping around the silk scarf. I hadn’t tied it all that tight so if she really wanted to break free, she could do so.


“Leo… what’s going on?” She asked, her voice a soft husky purr.


I didn’t answer her. Instead, I pulled on one of the nipple clamps.


Her reaction was perfect. Her eyes widened, her back arching ever so slightly, her lips stuck in a cute little ‘O.’


I kept tugging on the little chain until she started to squirm. I moved down to her thighs, rubbing in some more oil. “I’m sorry but when I saw you sleeping by my side, I just couldn’t control myself. You’re just too sexy to resist.” I said, my hand moving closer and closer to her pussy.


Naturally, she spread her legs for me.


I grinned, running my finger along her already wet slit, giving her exactly what she wanted. She moaned, tilting her head back into the pillow. I teased her a bit more, my finger pressing against her eager hole before I pulled away. I wanted to keep toying with her, but at the same time, I simply couldn’t ignore the pure lust and desire that coursed through my veins.


With my hands on her hips, I pulled her toward me so her body was fully stretched and vulnerable before me. My tip pressed against her tight little pussy, teasing her with it for a moment before I thrust forward, penetrating her.


Once I felt her silky, wet folds around my cock I just couldn’t help myself. I started to pound into her hard, so hard that the bed began to rock. She screamed with pleasure, begging me for more so I gave her just that, rocking her whole world.


I filled her every inch until my cock was throbbing with pleasure. Occasionally, I would lean down and tug on her clamps, making her howl even louder.


As she reached her orgasm, her pussy tightened even harder around me, pulling me into a vice grip, threatening to milk me for every last drop. I held her tighter, my fingers digging into her flesh for leverage as I slammed into her harder than ever, my balls slapping against her.


The sounds of our ecstasy swirled around the room, getting louder as our passion intensified.


“Leo!” She screamed my name and soon enough, it was too much for me to handle.


Growling, I pinned her down, dominating her before my lips smashed into hers. With one last thrust, I forced myself balls-deep inside of her before I exploded, filling her up with my hot sticky cum.


The euphoria that rushed through me was like none other. I collapsed on top of her, instantly taking her into my arms and pulling her close, our bodies locking together like two puzzle pieces.


I unwrapped the scarf from her wrists and gently took off her clamps, eliciting some soft mewls from her lips.


She looked at me with a bright smile on her face before she cupped my cheeks and kissed me, all her passion, lust, and love pouring into me.


In that moment, neither one of us needed to speak a word. We both knew that from that moment forward, we would be inseparable.




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