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SEAL's Virgin: A Bad Boy Military Romance by Juliana Conners (128)


A Few Days Later


I try to stand still on stage, straight up with good posture, and not to wiggle and squirm too much. I do my best to follow everything that Sheridan taught us earlier, to a T.

“I can’t believe there’s, like, a real live Madame here,” Stacy had said when we arrived at the club and were told that we would be trained in how to give the men– who the club calls clients– what they want.

I’m so glad Stacy agreed to come with me— “You know I’m always down for an adventure,” she’s said, and then added, “and, I’d do anything to help your mom. She’s such a sweet lady.”

I appreciate her support and I also appreciate her humor. But “Madame” really is the perfect name for Sheridan. She had explained to us that we have the option of auctioning off anything that we choose, from a coffee date full of flirty banter or just serious discussion, to the whole shebang, which obviously means sex although “Madame” Sheridan can’t say it. Just like she can’t call herself a Madame.

There are laws this club has to skirt, to keep everything looking as if it’s on the up and up. But Sheridan is good at making things clear to us without having to spell it out.

“You’ll be surprised at the things that some of these clients want to bid on,” she’d said.

“I wouldn’t be,” I’d whispered to Stacy.

“Yeah let me guess,” she’d said back. Some have foot fetishes and others want you to moo like a cow.”

I’d raised an eyebrow at her but had tried to hold back my shock. I was thinking they would just want sex but her words showed me I had no idea what I could be in for.

“This Miami location of our club is new, but one thing we quickly found out is that the clients here have the most eccentric and unique requests,” Sheridan had continued.

“Maybe they’ll want two cows,” I’d giggled to Stacy. “A mooing menage.”

We’d had to stop ourselves from laughing out loud because Sheridan had been glaring at us.

But now, up on stage, I’m not laughing. I’m nervous, thinking of all the things I don’t even know about, such as what some of these men might want me to do in exchange for the money they’re about to bid on me.

I had already told myself that I’d do whatever paid the most— for my mom’s sake. But I’d stupidly assumed that would mean “only” giving up my virginity. But once I’d arrived and heard Stacy’s comments, I realized it could mean something much worse.

“I hope the guy who takes me wants to tie me up and make me his slave,” she’d confessed to me, before we had to come on stage.

What?” I’d been astonished, but she’d just laughed.

“Oh you know, just for something new and different,” she’d shrugged. “I figure Sheridan meant that these guys were into kinky things and I’m down for that.”

I only wish I could be as confident and ready for anything as Stacy always is. I can’t even believe I’m up here. As I scan the crowd, I notice a tall, handsome man who is nearly being pushed along to his seat by two other guys. He doesn’t look very happy to be here.

He looks up at me and catches my eye, and I nearly blush. His eyes are sea blue and he is the picture of perfection. He even has dimples.

“What the hell is someone like that doing here?” I turn around to whisper to Stacy, but I realize too late that Sheridan has placed her at the other end of the stage.

Sheridan nods her head at me from behind the curtain as if to say, tsk, tsk, tsk you didn’t think I’d let you two stand together on stage and cause a distraction like you did earlier, do you?

I bow my head in embarrassment because she’s right— we had been causing quite the ruckus and that’s no way to behave at an event such as this. By the time I look back at the handsome mystery man, he’s taking a seat between his friends and he’s no longer glancing at me.

I can’t believe he would need to buy anything from any woman. I bet women flock to him like geese. I know I wouldn’t kick him out of bed, as the saying goes, even though I don’t even have experience with that saying and couldn’t kick anyone out of bed since no one has ever been in my bed.

Then it dawns on me that he could be in my bed— figuratively speaking, of course. He could be my very first time.

I stand up straighter and hitch my boobs up a bit. I hope he likes full- figured girls because I’m sure showing off all my best assets. It must work, because he looks up at me again and grins. I can’t believe it. Maybe he’ll actually bid on me.

As the bidding begins, I can’t take my eyes off of him. He sits higher in his seat than the men around him, because he’s tall and broad-shouldered. There’s no mistaking him in any crowd, even this one. Sure, most of these men are gorgeous, and look like they have a lot of money, but he is still one of a kind. I can see his biceps from here. All I want is for him to take off his shirt and let me get a look at his pecs…

“And now we’re moving on to the lovely Veronica,” Sheridan says, winking at me, although the slight glare in her eye reminds me to behave.

I swivel my head around to catch Stacy’s eye, and she flashes me her tradeisaac grin and a thumbs up sign, as if to say, good luck.

My heart races as Sheridan continues. I’m begging the handsome mystery man to bid on me and not let some of these less intriguing guys take me.

“This is Veronica’s first time here,” Sheridan says. “And it will be her first time in many different ways.”

I hear rustling and grumbling among the crowd as the men realize I’m a virgin. During training, Sheridan had asked what important assets we had wanted to stress, and I made sure to highlight this fact since I assumed it would get the highest bids.

“Very nice,” Sheridan had said, obviously impressed.

Now, she flaunts this fact as if I were a peacock displaying my colorful feathers.

“Veronica is guaranteed to never before have been… of service to any client or anyone else for that matter,” she says. “And that is a money back guarantee.”

It takes all my willpower not to look at Stacy and laugh. How exactly would they be able to tell? Am I going to be subject to a virginity exam?

“Lovely,” says a man in the front row. “I would like to place a bid for not only Miss Veronica’s company at dinner but also I would like to spend the entire evening with her.”

The way he says “entire evening” lets me know— just in case there’s any doubt— what exactly he’s talking about.

“Veronica, what he is bidding on including stretching out the entire evening and make it last a very long time,” Sheridan says. “Do you understand?”

I nod, because if I open my mouth I just know I’ll crack up laughing and get kicked out of this nice event. Of course I understand.

But when I look back at the man in the front row— who is dumpy compared to the mysterious mystery man— I realize this is no laughing matter.

Please, I try to mentally signal to the man a few rows behind him— please save me. Please bid higher than whatever he bids.

If he doesn’t save me, then this is going to turn out to be even worse than I thought.