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Secret Romeo: The House of Morgan by Victoria Pinder (19)

Pilar circled the small party and ensured her guests were taken care of while the love of her life sat with their son and talked like no time had passed.

For once life was good. The Christmas music in the air didn’t make her cold or lonely anymore. The cheerful tunes reverberated in her heart. “Pilar,” Luke called, “there are more people at the door.”

Since she was closest, Pilar put the wine bottle she’d carried down and adjusted her silver and blue dress. Samuel motioned that he’d get up, but she passed him and patted his shoulder while she said, “I’ll get it Samuel. Please stay with Rafe and Brandon.”

She flitted to the door as her heart was filled with happiness. She flung it open to greet more smiling faces of people she intended to see later today.

Isabelle walked in first and kissed both of her cheeks while she said, “Pilar, since you had half my children this morning, we hoped we could crash your suite to say Merry Christmas.”

Luke and Elizabeth had married her children and her house was now fully absorbed into the House of Morgan. She welcomed the original Morgans that she’d watch grow up. She patted John on the back but said to all of them, “Come in. You’re always welcome here.”

The last to enter was Peter but his wife was missing. Pilar glanced around the hall in search of her, but then closed the door behind Peter with foreboding. “Peter, mi’jo, where is Belle?”

Peter urged her to the side, bypassing the party, and she followed. They walked onto the balcony and Peter closed his eyes in silent anguish. “Belle left me. She left our wedding ring on the bed with a note.”

Pilar’s gaze narrowed. She swallowed, unsure how happiness had just evaporated for the dear boy when her world was fabulous. She massaged his shoulder. “What do you mean exactly?”

Peter placed his hand on his temple like he was embarrassed to say anything, but he took a breath and said, “She said she thought the Jennifer thing would end, but she can’t continue to live her life with another woman always in the background. Pilar, I did everything I could to show Belle I loved her and only her.”

The words made no sense. Peter crashed onto one of the patio chairs and she loomed over him until she took the seat opposite him and sorted out her rapid thoughts. Belle and Peter were so in love. Jennifer hadn’t ever gotten past that wall until now. Memories played in her head, as she worked in their household every day, and realized what must have happened. She patted Peter’s knee. “Belle wanted a child of her own. I saw her crying many times that she couldn’t give that to you.”

Peter glanced at her like he’d just been struck in the face with a wooden bat. “I never asked her-”

“She wanted a baby and she couldn’t,” Pilar interrupted him and as she talked she prayed she could help him be patient with Belle. “She’s blamed herself for a while now. I’m sure she’ll come back to you soon. She loves you.”

Peter massaged his chin, the rare habit he’d gotten from his father, but then stopped when he said, “If I get my child from Jennifer, Belle can be a mother.”

Pilar crossed her arms. One person’s happiness didn’t need to cause another one’s pain. She shook her head. “Peter, don’t speak like that. Jennifer and you now have to figure out a difficult situation.” And she didn’t know that Belle would be happy raising another woman’s baby. “Jennifer wasn’t always this bad.”

“She stole…” Peter’s voice trailed off and then he saw all the people inside her suite. He offered his hand to help her stand while he stood and said, “I’m sorry. I forgot you love everyone. Merry Christmas, Pilar. You’ve always listened to me and I just monopolized you again.”

She ignored his offer of help as she wasn’t an invalid. Instead she hugged him and said, “It’s okay.” She led the oldest Morgan inside, keeping his hand in hers. “Peter, come and meet my Samuel again. He remembers.”

They walked over to Isabelle and Samuel who now talked while nearby Rafe played with his son and his newest train set. Peter said, “Mom. Mr. Soliz.”

Samuel offered his hand. “Call me Samuel as you always did, Mr. Morgan.”

Peter shook it with warmth. “And call me Peter. Sorry—I just needed a moment with Pilar.”

Most of the people she loved were happy and here. Peter and Samuel shaking hands was another of Mitch Morgan’s sins washed away.

Samuel said, “It’s okay. Isabelle and I were trading notes on what happened that day and how I saw your father’s security team kidnap her. She was also telling me that returning to her family was the best blessing because she found her children were happy.”

Pilar’s skin had to be glowing because inside her heart she beamed with eternal happiness. She never spoke about her feelings but having Samuel in her life again felt like living in a loving cocoon where nothing might ever harm her.

Isabelle smiled and added, “Samuel said he’s lucky because he returned to a beautiful wife who’d raised two children into wonderful adults.”

Again her entire body tingled with delight as she tugged at her necklace. “You said that, Samuel?”

Samuel hugged her waist and kissed her cheek. “You were my beacon of light to come home to, mamacita. I cherish that you accepted me back without question.”

She let her arms rest on his chest as she glanced up at him, immediately feeling they were completely alone. “It’s simple. I love you, Samuel.”

“Good, because I love you.” He claimed her lips in a kiss.

Steam grew inside her and she wanted nothing more than to drag her husband to bed and forget about the party.

“Papa,” Valentina’s voice pierced through her bubble, reminding her that they weren’t alone. She took a breath as the kiss ended and Valentina asked, “If you are moving to Miami, is there a place for me?”

Pilar tapped Samuel’s still muscular chest to let him know she’d answer right before she said, “Absolutely, mi’ja. You are welcome in my home always, and one day I hope you accept me as your second mother.”

Valentina nodded and stayed next to Caro. However she kept her head down a little and said, “It will be strange not to return to Italy to say goodbye to my friends and close the ristorante.

Samuel met her gaze. All her life, she’d wanted to travel, but she never had. She’d go to Italy. She squeezed his hand and hoped he understood her.

He held her tight, met her gaze and when she nodded, he glanced at his daughter and said, “We can go back to take care of our house and business. I want to show Pilar and our family where we lived.”

Valentina clapped her hands together briefly. “And I can say goodbye to my friends! We have amazing hotels near our home.”

Peter Morgan then added fast, “We can all take the Morgan plane together.”

Her heart stopped. This was about what he’d just said concerning Jennifer’s baby and Belle. “Peter, don’t.”

“Jennifer is pregnant with my child, Pilar,” Peter said, and everyone quieted at this blatant truth.

The Christmas song ended and Joy to the World started. Pilar knew she’d never interfere, but her family could be there to help. She met her son’s gaze and then broke the silence when she asked, “Rafe, could you and Elizabeth come along? I know Caro and Luke are going on their honeymoon.”

“To Italy, Mom.” Caro held her husband’s hand. “I told you I always wanted to go there. We can take a day and visit with the family—say, on New Year’s?”

Rafe whispered with his wife.

Caro was always a rock to her so Pilar said quickly, “Sounds wonderful, Caro, thank you.”

“Mom, we want to go,” Rafe said. “Matthew is filming a movie there so he’s going as well.”

Peter spoke to the others and added, “John, Alice, Victoria, and Colt are coming too.”

She’d see Samuel’s home in Italy with her family, then bring him and his beautiful daughter home with her.

Someone knocked on the door. “Mamacita?” Samuel opened it wide. “Who else do you know?”

She laughed and said, “Fiona, Mitch, Tess, Galen, Natalie, Damien, Serenity, Catherine, and Axel, come in. We’re all talking about Italy for New Year’s.”

“We’re in as we were talking about stopping in Paris as a family for a few days—thanks for letting us crash. Italy is close enough to catch up there.” Fiona spoke for her branch of the family, who didn’t argue. As they all came inside, Fiona hugged Isabelle and said, “We wondered where you’d all gone.”

Pilar joined her two best friends, dragging Samuel with her as she said, “Every one of you is always welcome.” She took her husband’s hand and said, “Samuel, this is-”

“Fiona Dupree and her children.” Samuel kissed her hand.

Fiona’s hand fluttered to her heart as she laughed, “You remember me?”

Samuel nodded. “You always sent me dinner when I drove Mitch Morgan Senior to you.”

Fiona hugged her and Samuel both as she said, “Welcome back Samuel. Pilar missed you.”

Samuel’s brown eyes met hers and he kissed Fiona’s cheek. “Good, because I am lucky to spend Christmas with my family again and that now seems to include all the Morgans I’ve ever met.”

“We are one family now that Mitch is gone,” Pilar said, and every Morgan and Soliz laughed.

For once Pilar felt on top of the world. She had her family together and the Christmas lights that twinkled made it seem like all her dreams had come true.