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Seducing Lauren by Kristen Proby (12)




She’s gorgeous when she’s asleep. For the first time since I’ve begun staying with her all night, she’s still asleep when I wake up, and it is a sight to behold. She’s curled on her side, facing me, her hands tucked under her chin. She’s breathing deeply as I gently brush her hair off her cheek and kiss her forehead.

I want nothing more than to pull her under me and wake her up with my cock inside her, but unfortunately, that’s not in the cards for this morning.

I have a surprise.

I move gently, careful not to wake Lo, pull on my jeans and T-shirt, and pad down to my car to pull the poster-size prints along with my tools out of the back of my Jeep.

I hope she likes this. It could go either way.

As carefully as possible, I hang the three pictures on her office wall and stand back to admire my handiwork. Whoever did these covers is an amazing artist.

Now to go get her.

She’s still curled up on her side when I walk back into her bedroom and crawl onto the bed. I wrap my arm around her, lining my body up with hers, and kiss her cheek, breathing her in.

“Wake up, sweetness.”

“Mmm.” She wiggles closer to me, snuggling against me.

She’s so fucking sweet. “Hey.” I push my hand into her soft auburn hair and gently caress her scalp. “You need to wake up.”

“Okay.” She sighs and wraps her arm around my waist and goes right back to sleep.

“I know you’re sleepy, but I have something for you, baby.”

“Sounds good.” She grabs on to my back and then frowns and opens those amazing blue eyes. “Why are you dressed?”

“Because I have something for you.” I grin.

“Do I have to get out of bed?”

“Yes.” I chuckle and kiss her forehead. “Come on.”

“Why don’t you get undressed and we’ll try out that whole morning-sex thing you’ve been talking about?”

“Very tempting, sweetheart.” So fucking tempting.

“Okay.” She rolls to her back and stretches, yawns, and flutters her heavy eyes. The blankets fall, revealing her pink-tipped breasts, and I can’t resist leaning over and kissing one hard nub. “Keep that up and we’ll stay here.” She sinks her fingers in my hair.

“Fair enough.” I pull away. “Let’s go.”

She takes my hand as I help her from the bed, and I wrap my white shirt around her, buttoning just the middle two buttons.

“No naked today?”

I laugh as I guide her down the stairs to her office. “I get distracted when you’re naked.” When we get to the doorway, I hold my hands over her eyes and guide her inside.

“Surprise,” I whisper in her ear, and pull my hands away. Her hands cover her mouth as she turns a half circle, gazing at all three of her covers blown up and framed, hanging on her wall.

“When did you do this?” She turns to me and watches me with wide blue eyes.

“I had them made yesterday after you left my office, but I hung them this morning.”

“I can’t leave them up.”

I step to her and tip her head back to look up at me. “Yes, you can. This is your home, Lauren, and you should have these on your wall. No one but you and me comes in here anyway.”

“Why did you do this?” she whispers.

“Because I saw you looking at my diplomas on my office wall. You need to have these on display. It’s a big deal, Lauren. Be proud of yourself. God knows I’m so fucking proud of you I’m bursting.”

She jumps in my arms, wraps those long-as-hell legs around my waist, grips my face in her hands, and kisses the fuck out of me. I plant my hands on her ass and carry her over to the wall, where I can support her with my body and I can touch her freely.

“I want you, right now,” she murmurs against my lips. Her hands are clenched in my hair, holding me still so she can continue to plunder my mouth with her own.

I let her set the pace. She’s circling her hips against mine, pushing her naked pussy against my crotch, and my eyes roll to the back of my head.

I swear to God, her lithe body is going to fucking kill me.

She grips both sides of the shirt she’s wearing and yanks hard, ripping the buttons free. “God, I can’t get close enough to you.”

“I fucking love your body,” I growl, and pull a nipple into my mouth, tugging with my teeth, rolling my tongue over it.

“Shirt off,” she orders.

“I kind of like this sexy bossy side to you, sweetness.”

Her eyes are hot as she watches me jerk my T-shirt over my head and toss it aside.

Just when I thought I couldn’t get any harder, she leans down, bites my shoulder, and makes me want to come out of my skin.

“I love your tats.” She grins and traces the yin and yang with her fingertip.

“I’ve noticed.” I laugh and plant my hands on the globes of her ass, hitching her up higher. I pull one hand around to her clit and then slide two fingers easily inside her. “You’re so fucking wet, sweetheart.”

“I want you right now, Ty.” She leans in and kisses my ink, and I almost come right then and there.

I push my jeans down my hips and thank God that I didn’t throw on any underwear as I position the head of my cock at her entrance and slide home.

“You feel so damn good, baby.” I bury my face in her neck and push and pull, over and over, increasing speed, losing myself in her warmth, in her amazing body.

Her legs and her pussy tighten around me and I know she’s about to come. Her chest rubs over mine, sending electricity straight down to my cock, and I’m right there with her.

“I’m gonna come,” she whispers.

“Look at me.”

She opens her eyes and pins me in her hot, blue stare as we ride each other in a torrential storm of lust and pure, unadulterated passion.

She bites her lip and bears down, groans, and shivers, coming over my dick, in my arms against the wall, sending me over the edge right along with her. I can’t stop rocking against her as my body continues to come endlessly inside her.

“You do things to me that I’ve never felt before,” she whispers as she rests her forehead on mine. “It scares me a little.”

“It scares me a lot, but you’re stuck with me, sweetness. You’re mine, do you understand?”

She offers me a small smile and drags her fingers down my cheek. “I get it. It’s not such a bad deal.”

“So glad you approve.” I pull out of her as she slides down my body. “I have to get to work.”

I don’t want to leave her, but today is a court day, and I don’t have a choice.

Jesus, Sullivan, grow a pair. You can survive without her during the workday.

She grins and pulls my shirt closed over her breasts as she licks those plump lips of hers, made even puffier from our rough kisses.

“I have to work too.” She turns back to look at the book covers hung on her wall. “They look so beautiful.”

“Is it okay?” I ask hesitantly.

“That you did this?”

I nod.

“It’s obviously okay, Ty. I just attacked you.”

Every Tuesday night from mid-May to mid-October, Cunningham Falls hosts a farmers’ market in Frontier Park. Local farmers and businesses set up tents and tables to display everything from fresh seasonal flowers to jellies and jams and handmade crafts.

In the center of the park is a temporary stage where musicians set up and play for the evening as well.

“Oh, God, these brownies are to die for,” Lauren moans as she nibbles on a sample from Mrs. Blakely’s booth. “I’ll take four.”

“There are only two of us,” I remind Lo with a laugh.

“These are all for me. If you want some, get your own.” She elbows me in the side and tucks her wrapped baked goods tightly to her chest.

“I had no idea you were so selfish.” I tug her hair back from her face and bend down to kiss her cheek as we walk past the next table. “I bet I could talk you out of one of those brownies.”

“No way.” She giggles up at me, her big blue eyes shining in the cool fall air. She’s wearing an orange vest over a long-sleeved, gray T-shirt and jeans. Nothing fancy at all, yet she completely takes my breath away.


“I don’t see how. These brownies are my favorite.”

I wrap my arm around her waist and tuck her against me as we walk and whisper in her ear, “If you’ll give me a brownie, I’ll bury my face in your pussy and eat you out until you can’t remember your own name.”

Her jaw drops and her breath catches and then she smiles up at me. “I guess I could part with one.”

“You’re so generous.” I kiss her temple as she laces her fingers through mine and leads me eagerly to a vendor selling fresh apples and apple cider.

“I need some of these.” She grins at the man, Lane, behind the table. “We’ll take three pounds, please.”

“Sure thing. Hey, Ty.”

“How’s it going, Lane?”

“Can’t complain.” He measures the apples and then passes the bag to Lauren, but I reach over and take them before she can.

“I’ll carry the heavy stuff.”

“Yes, three pounds of apples is just too much for my fragile frame to carry.”

“You guys should come check out the pumpkin patch this weekend,” Lane says.

“It’s opening already?” Lo smiles wide and claps her hands. “I love fall. This is my favorite time of year.”

“Yep, we open this weekend. There will be hay rides and the corn maze is ready too.”

“No haunted house this year?” she asks, disappointed.

“It’s there. Gorier than ever.”

“Yes!” She fist-bumps Lane and grins over at me. “I enjoy Halloween.”

“So I see.” I smile as we wave at Lane and carry on. “I take it we’ll be at the pumpkin patch this weekend?”

She nods and grins. Her cheeks are pink from the cold air.

“Are you too cold?” I cup her cheek in my hand.

“No, I’m just right. We should invite Jill to come with us to the pumpkin patch.”

“Yeah, that’s exactly what I want to do, take my little sister along on a date.”

Lo slaps my arm and scowls at me. “Be nice. It’s the pumpkin patch, not a date.”

“Easy, slugger.” I offer her my most charming smile. “Every day is a date with you.”

“That was really cheesy, Ty.” She rolls her eyes.

“A bit too much?”

“Just a smidge.”

“Oh, hey, Lauren.” Our heads turn to see Jack, holding hands with Misty, Lo’s former friend and the bitch of all bitches.

I look down at Lo to catch her reaction. Her eyebrows climb on her forehead and then she pastes a fake smile on her lips. “Hello.”

“I was sorry to hear about your pool.” Jack’s lips curl, evidence that he’s not sorry at all. “I know how much you love it.”

“Aww, poor Lo can’t swim.” Misty offers a fake pout and then the two laugh together.

“It can be fixed.” Lo shrugs and tilts her head, watching them scornfully. “You both look like you could use a swim. Have you gained a few pounds, Misty?”

Misty gasps and glares at Lauren. “You know I work hard every day to stay in shape.”

“Don’t worry, baby”—Jack wraps his arm around Misty—“she’ll get what’s coming to her.”

“Are you threatening her?” I step toward him and get in his face, nose to nose.

“Ty, it’s okay.” Lo pulls on my arm.

I stand firm. “No. It’s not.”

“You might want to listen to her. There are a lot of people watching, and I’ll press charges if you so much as touch me.” Jack’s eyes are crazy, staring into my own. I back away from him, and just as we’re about to walk away, Jack just can’t keep his mouth shut.

“So”—Jack looks over at me and looks me up and down scornfully. I want to punch him so bad I can taste it—“how does it feel to fuck my sloppy seconds?”

Lo’s grip on my hand tightens and I want with all of my being to tackle this smug-faced motherfucker to the ground and make him bleed, long and hard. To feel the satisfaction of my knuckles breaking his nose.

But I can’t. The last thing I need is this pussy pressing charges for assault.

Misty has begun to laugh, finding Jack to be the funniest thing she’s ever seen.

Lauren’s eyes glimmer as she turns them to Misty and, steady as can be, says, “I could ask you the same question.”

Atta girl. I smile down at her and kiss her temple.

She grins up at me. I’m relieved that despite being afraid of Jack in the past, she doesn’t allow him to bully her.

“Also, I do believe you’re violating the protection order that I filed. I know you received it. You’re not allowed to come near me, or my property.”

Both Jack and Misty lose their smiles and glare at both of us.

“You used to be so much better than this,” Misty spits out.

“Better than what?” Lo asks.

“Better than the bitch you are now.” Misty flips her hair behind her shoulder.

“No, I was a doormat before, Misty. I’m never going to be that again.”

“Just pay me my money,” Jack sneers. “I don’t give a shit about anything else.”

“Wow, you two are just perfect for each other,” Lo murmurs. “But then again, assholes should stick together. We have better things to do than waste our time with you.” She looks up at me and grins. “Let’s keep shopping.”

“After you.” I kiss her hand and follow her around a pissed Jack and Misty toward the heart of the market, where a band is set up on the stage, playing country music.

“I feel nothing for him.” She sighs. “It’s sad to me.”

“It is?”

“Yeah. I once loved him with everything in me, and now when I look at him, I feel just . . . emptiness. Nothing.” She shrugs and glances up at me with worried eyes. “How is that possible?”

“It’s not just a matter of falling out of love with someone, Lo. He is cruel to you. I suspect he has been for a long time.”

She just nods, and I want so badly to march back there and beat Jack bloody.

Instead, I pull Lo close to my side, my arm wrapped around her back and hand resting on her hip. We nod and wave at the people we know, and Lo buys a jar of huckleberry jam before we walk closer to the stage.

“I love this song,” she murmurs with a small smile.

“Blake Shelton fan, are you?”

“Have you seen his dimples? He’s hot.” She shrugs and bats her eyes up at me.

“Come on, smart-ass.” I tug her to the grass before the stage, set our bags down, and pull her in my arms. We sway back and forth and she begins to sing along under her breath, more than a little off-key, to “Mine Would Be You.”

“Mine is you, Lo.” I kiss her temple and ignore the stares and smiles of our community as they watch us dance across the grass.

“Everyone is watching,” she murmurs, but doesn’t pull away.

“I don’t give a shit. Let them watch.”

She relaxes her tall, lean body against me and the music carries us away. Before long, other couples, young and old, join us.

When the song ends, Lo cups my face in her hands and pulls me down for a soft kiss, which shocks the shit out of me, but I definitely don’t complain or try to pull away.

“Let’s go home.”

I grab our bags and Lo takes my hand, leading me toward the bridge.

“It’s dark, sweetheart.”

“The city installed lights over the bridge. There were too many kids getting into trouble at night, so it’s all lit up now.”

“How do you know this?”

“It’s my bridge.” She shrugs as we follow the path to the bridge, walking side by side and hand in hand. When we get to the center of the bridge, she stops and looks over the side; her hair fans around her face and she takes a long, deep breath. “I love it here.”

“Me too.”

She glances up and smiles. The music from the band in the park drifts to us in the cold fall night. “You’re not looking at the water.”

“I’m looking at exactly what I love about it.”

She sobers and turns to me, presses her body to mine, from her chest to her knees, and loops her arms around my shoulders, staring up at me. “You say the sweetest things.”

“I’m just being honest, sweetness.”

She shivers as my lips meet hers, not moving, just resting lightly against hers. Finally, I nibble to the corner of her mouth and hug her close as the band begins to play a country duet. I slowly begin to sway back and forth, unable to stop myself.

Lo’s body was meant for mine, and when she’s pressed up against me like this and music is playing, I can’t help but move my body with hers.

“You must love to dance,” she murmurs softly.

“I never cared about it either way until you. Now I can’t seem to stop dancing. Or, maybe you just feel incredible against me and this is as close as we can get to sex with our clothes on.” I grin down at her. Her face is bathed in moonlight and soft light from the streetlamps, making her eyes and hair shine, and I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen anything else so fucking beautiful in my whole life.

“This is a really great bridge,” Lo whispers against my neck as she rests her head on my shoulder and gives herself up to the song.

“Don’t you wanna stay here a little while?” The words float around us, and for now, on this bridge, in this moment, I feel Lo letting go. Trusting me.

No, I don’t want to stay here a little while. I want to stay forever.




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