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Seeing Double (A Heartbreaker Novel Book 1) by Tamra Baumann (16)

Chapter Sixteen

Dani and Sara sat on the couch in the guesthouse, chocolate sundaes in their hands, waiting for the six o’clock news. The station had sent out a teaser saying Michael was making a statement, and they had the exclusive story.

When Dani glanced down at her treat, her stomach roiled, so she set it on the coffee table without taking a bite. What was Michael going to do? It had been so stupid to tell him her secret in a public hospital, but the timing had seemed so right. She’d never make a mistake like that one again. And she’d never lie to him again. If he’d ever forgive her.

Now her mother’s happiness lay in Michael’s hands. And if Annalisa was unhappy, then everyone was going to be unhappy.

The front door opened, and her mom and grandmother breezed in. Her mother raised a brow. “Ice cream this close to dinner, ladies?”

“Dani said I could choose what we were having, so this is dinner. Want one?” Sara licked gooey chocolate from her spoon.

Eva chuckled and sat on the arm of the couch. “You bet.”

Her mother slipped between Dani and Sara and let out a long sigh. “What the hell? This is probably the end of my career anyway. Make mine a double, honey.”

“Woo-hoo! Mom’s gonna eat carbs. I should video this.” Sara raced to the kitchen.

Dani slid her sundae toward her grandmother. “You can have mine. I can’t eat.”

Eva’s eyes lit up. “Well, I for one have an iron constitution, so I’ll be happy to take it off your hands. Besides, I have confidence in that boy. He’ll do right by you.”

Her grandmother hadn’t seen the way Michael had looked at her in the hospital or she’d never have been so sure.

When Michael’s image appeared, Dani’s heart broke a little more. He was so handsome, even with the big, ugly bruise over his right brow. But his green eyes were hooded and solemn, which probably wasn’t a good sign.

Sara jogged into the living room and handed their mom a sundae just as Michael was introduced. “God, he’s so frickin’ hot. Why do you get all the best-looking ones, Dani?”

Dani shushed her, just as the anchorman asked Michael, “So, Mr. Reilly. Nurse Wright claims to have overheard a conversation between you and Ms. Botelli that indicated that she and her mother might have committed a crime on behalf of the mayor and that they have some sort of tie to the occult, or fortune-telling. Is that true?”

Dani held her breath, waiting for the ax to fall.

Michael cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. “Nurse Wright overheard a man high on painkillers having an argument with his girlfriend. It was a personal matter between Dani and myself that I’m not willing to discuss except to say that it was about a breach of trust. I’m sure Ms. Wright believes she’s telling the truth, but she misinterpreted the meaning of our conversation.”

The anchor frowned. “Mr. Reilly, let me ask you directly. Are Annalisa and Dani criminals?”

“Criminals?” Michael laughed and held up his hands. “Hey, I’m a lawyer and know the consequences of slanderous name-calling. I’d never call them that.”

“Ms. Wright claims you both used the words crime and special powers multiple times in the portion of the conversation she overheard.”

Michael laughed again, looking so confident that Dani grinned right along with him.

“John,” he said and leaned closer to the anchor as if sharing a juicy secret. “I can assure you that I don’t have any psychic powers, although I find most women expect men to have some of that. We’re supposed to know what they’re feeling and thinking all the time, and when we don’t have a clue, they go ballistic.”

The anchor nodded in agreement. “But what about the committing-a-crime part?”

“Dani and I were having a communication issue, so while I don’t recall the exact context of our conversation, partly because of the pain pills, I do recall us talking about a crime. The whole conversation is still a bit fuzzy. I guess it’s possible we were talking about her mother and a part in a movie?”

The anchor looked downright mad at losing out on the biggest scoop of his career. “If this is all as you say, then why haven’t Dani or Annalisa made any attempt to clear the matter up?”

“I’ve read accounts that Annalisa is out of the country. I’m sure when she gets wind of the situation she’ll have herself a good laugh. Besides, don’t aging celebrities like Annalisa think any publicity is good publicity?”

“Ouch!” Annalisa slapped her sundae on the table. “I’m going to box his ears for that one—right after I give him a big kiss.”

The anchor asked, “But what about Dani Botelli? Why hasn’t she stepped up to put a stop to all the rumors about her? A statement through the publicist, at least, denying it.”

Michael grew sullen. “I ended our relationship yesterday. I’m sure she’s angry and upset with me—and the situation—not worried about some silly rumors.”

That wiped the grin off Dani’s face. He’d made it sound so permanent.

When the anchor opened his mouth, Michael raised a hand and cut him off. “That’s all I’m going to say on the matter, and I’d like to ask the media to leave the Botellis and myself alone now. Thank you.” Michael tugged off his microphone and stood, ending the interview.

Dani squeezed her eyes shut to stop the tears that threatened. Michael’s statement should put an end to the rumors. The press had only an unsubstantiated statement from a nurse that had grown legs because it was a slow news day.

She was grateful for the way he’d handled it, but she wished she hadn’t seen the anger and hurt in his eyes that only someone who knew him as well as she did could see. It didn’t bode well for a future relationship with him. She’d always feared he’d be unable to accept her, let alone love her, if he ever found out the whole truth about her.

Annalisa sighed. “Well, he didn’t lie exactly, but he didn’t tell the whole truth, either. I’m glad he’s one of my lawyers. He’s damn good.” Annalisa gave Dani a quick hug before she rose. “I’ve got to call my agent. Suddenly playing a colorful aunt has some appeal.”

Sara jumped up and ran for her cell phone. “Awesome. This means I have a get-out-of-jail-free pass for tonight. Dani, let’s do girls’ night tomorrow. I’ve got a date. Mom and Grandma, are you guys in?”

“Sure,” they said in unison. Her mom and grandmother exchanged a glance before her mom said to Eva, “I’m going be here to keep you in line, Mother, so get that unholy gleam out of your eyes. There are some things the girls need to learn about men all on their own.”

Dani forced a smile and glanced at her watch. “Sara, you’ve been here for half a day and you already have a date?”

Her sister beamed a mischievous grin. “Remember geeky Rick Johnson who always had a crush on me?”

Dani conjured up a pimply kid with braces and glasses. “Yeah?”

“He grew out of the geeky part. He now owns his own software company, and he ditched the glasses. He’s almost as cute as Michael.” She turned to their mother. “Hey, Mom. I saw a kick-ass Porsche in the garage. Can I borrow it? I’m supposed to meet Rick for drinks in an hour.”

“You have to ask your sister. The Porsche belongs to her. But what happened to the days when young men picked young women up at their front door?”

Sara rolled her eyes. “What? Are you kidding? What guy wants to come here and have his mind read by some crime-committing aging celebrity fortune-teller?” Sara grinned and kissed Annalisa’s cheek before their mother could reply.

Eva snorted out a laugh, and Annalisa turned on her. “They both get their bad attitudes from you. Now, if you’ll all excuse me, I have to call my plastic surgeon, too. Sara has given me a complex.” She marched out the door, and Sara turned her big puppy dog eyes on Dani. “So, can I use the car?”

“The car doesn’t belong—oh, whatever. Yes, you can borrow it.”

“Thanks, and don’t wait up. Night, Grandma.” Sara streaked out the door.

Her grandmother wrapped her arm around Dani’s shoulder and remained silent while Dani sent a text message to Michael to thank him for the press conference.

After Dani laid the phone on the coffee table, Grandma said, “I wish I could tell you things between you and Michael will get better honey, but I can’t.”

Dani blinked back her tears. “Yeah. But you and mom must’ve known about Michael. Both of you practically shoved me into bed with him so I could see the scar.”

“We only saw snippets of things we knew must’ve been slated to happen soon. But we were hoping.” Her grandmother sighed. “I think it’s supposed to be this way, sweetheart. I mean, there has to be a limit to how far in the future we can see. Who’d want to know on their wedding day that they’d be getting a divorce in a few years? Like you and Jake? Or worse, who’d want to know the day they were supposed to die? I think God made it all work this way on purpose, for those like us.”

Dani glanced at the phone on the table, wishing for a response from Michael. “Probably.”

But it sucked sometimes.

Her grandmother was quiet for a moment, seemingly deep in thought. “Well, I guess it’s just you and me tonight, kiddo. Want to watch a movie with your old grandmother?”

“Yep. But we’re not watching anything romantic and sappy. It’ll just depress me more. I need some action. Maybe a classic like Die Hard, Indiana Jones, or Rambo?”

“Definitely Rambo. It reminds me of Jerry. Where is that hot bodyguard of yours anyway?”

Dani shook her head and flipped through her DVDs. “He’s taken, hotty69. You’ll have to settle for the movie.”

Michael turned the six o’clock news off and walked to the kitchen, thankful the whole ordeal was finally behind him. Before he made it to the freezer to pick out his dinner selection for the evening, his phone chirped, indicating a text message. Maybe it’d be Julia, telling him she found the key to Ron’s apartment.

Ron always played golf on Friday mornings, so Michael hoped they could go to the apartment, find the computer and passwords he used, and transfer the funds back to the new account his mom had just opened. And even more, he hoped he’d be around to see Ron’s face when he figured it all out.

He opened the message, but it wasn’t from Julia. It was from Dani, and it simply said, Thanks.

Before he could figure out how he felt about that, his phone chirped again. The new message was from Jake. I guess you’re not a prick. Just narrow-minded.

He smiled. That was as close to an apology as he’d get from Jake.

Michael turned his attention to the freezer and chose a garlic chicken and pasta dinner. After programming the time into the microwave, he stared at his phone, pondering if he should reply to Dani’s message.

Probably not.

The microwave beeped, pulling him out of his trance, and he quickly yanked his meal out, tossing it onto the counter before it could burn his fingers. He gingerly pulled the plastic off, careful to avoid the hot steam, and then poured himself a glass of milk. With nothing to do until his meal cooled off, he picked up his phone and replied to Dani’s message. You’re welcome. Take care.

Then he tossed his phone aside and stared at his uninviting meal.

He lifted his fork and forced himself to take a bite. The food tasted like crap, but he needed to eat something, so it’d have to do. Between the hospital food and his freezer, he hadn’t had a decent meal all week. It wasn’t hard to ignore the meal and let his mind wander back to Dani.

She’d told him it had hurt her to be around him when they were in their teens. It made sense. It’d be miserable to know someone you loved was going to marry someone else before it happened.

Shaking his head, he shoved another bite into his mouth, trying to block the sound of Dani’s low, smoky voice telling him that she loved him. She’d loved him for over twenty years. But was it true? Could he trust her not to leave him again?

Once a liar, always a liar?

He was so deep in thought that when his phone chirped again, he jumped. This time it was Julia.

Found key. When do u want to go?

Michael smiled in anticipation. He felt like kicking someone’s ass, and it might as well be Ron’s. 9:00 a.m. tomorrow?

He finished off his dinner, looking forward to Julia’s reply. When the phone sounded, he snatched it up.

Miss u.

The sender’s name showed “Dani”—not that he hadn’t figured that out already—and his stomach had sudden thoughts about rejecting his lousy dinner.

Nope, he wasn’t going to do it. He’d leave things as they were and just ignore her. Ending things for good was best.

Another text came in, this time from Julia. Gr8, see u then.

After dinner, Michael tried to watch a movie, but Dani’s message kept him from enjoying it. He spent the whole time convincing himself that it was right to make a clean break. And in time he’d forget about her and move on. Just as he’d done before.

He finally switched to a book on his e-reader, but then ended up tossing it aside. After a glance at his watch, he was thankful it was nearly nine thirty, and he could justify going to bed since he was supposed to be recovering.

After flopping from side to side in his tangled sheets for two hours, he stomped to his darkened kitchen and yanked his phone from the charger cord. When he pressed the keys, the light created a halo of blue around his hand, illuminating the keyboard as he replied to Dani’s message.

It was a mistake, but his fingers typed the two lines his heart told him to write.

When he was done, he slid under the covers, instantly falling asleep.

Dani was awoken by the ringing of her cell phone. She reached out to find it, hoping it’d be Michael, disappointed when it wasn’t. “Hi, Julia.”

“Hey, Dani. I saw that crap about you guys on the news last night. God, the press will report anything no matter how ridiculous it is, just to get ratings. But I’m sorry about you and Michael. I thought when Emma said, ‘Dani cry,’ she meant when we left, but she was talking about before that, wasn’t she?”

Dani cleared the lump from her throat. Emma saw more that she let on, evidently. “Yeah. Michael and I had a misunderstanding.”

“Well, it just so happens I’m supposed to meet Michael at nine at the apartment Ron meets all of his women. I’m going to let Michael in so he can check out Ron’s computer and hopefully transfer the money back. Do you want to do it instead? Would it give you guys a chance to clear things up?”

She could have kissed Julia. “Thanks. That’d be great. Give me the address, and I’ll meet you at eight forty-five.”

Dani scribbled the address down, then hung up. As she was about to lay her phone down, she noticed a text message waiting. It was from Michael.

Her heart lurched before she pressed the button to summon it on the screen. Can’t deal with this now. Then she read the next line. Maybe I’ll call you in a few weeks and we’ll talk.

Maybe? In a few weeks? That wasn’t especially encouraging, but at least he hadn’t ignored her completely. She was going to have to take the initiative and make the most of her time with him at Ron’s apartment.

Something Mrs. Wilson said the day before had her racing to her mother’s kitchen. One thing Dani could make better than anyone else, even Mrs. Wilson, was stuffed cinnamon rolls, and she had just enough time to make a batch. Hopefully, they’d still be warm when she met Michael.

They were his favorite, and while it might not do any good, she was desperate and willing to try anything.

As she grabbed the items from the pantry, thankful her secret ingredient was there, too, she mentally chose an outfit that would make any man with a pulse sit up and beg. If that didn’t work, one thing was for certain: Michael always enjoyed a good fight, and she was going to give him one.

Michael’s stomach sank when Dani strode across the parking lot at Ron’s apartment with an overly bright smile, a silky shirt that showed an intriguing amount of cleavage, and a suspicious bag in her hand. “What are you doing here?”

Dani thrust the bag toward him. “It seems Julia has a matchmaker’s heart. She wants us to make up.”

He glanced at the bag but knew by the sweet aroma what was in it before he opened it. Memories of munching on the delectable treats he used to beg Dani to make for him rushed back and hit him in the gut. His hungry gut. Tearing the bag open, he took a huge bite of one of the decadent sweet rolls and moaned. “God, I used to love these.”

“You used to love me, too,” Dani murmured.

He studied her as he finished off the first roll, then plunged his hand into the bag for another. He wasn’t going to be bought by a bag of rolls, no matter how damn good they were. And he wasn’t going to be manipulated by two scheming women. “I appreciate the rolls, Dani, but do you have the key? I’m in a hurry.”

Instead of handing it over, she ignored him and led the way to the stairs.

Resigned to the fact that she wasn’t leaving, he followed her. He’d just ignore the sinful scent Dani’s perfume left in her wake. And why the hell did she have to wear a tight skirt that made her ass look so tempting? If she was trying to kick his butt, she was doing a damn good job of it.

She obviously wanted to play games, and that was fine with him. He could give as good as he got. As she slid the key into the lock, he leaned close and whispered, “You look nice. Got a hot date later?”

Dani scowled at him before she violently kicked the door open. “No. Work.” She lifted her chin in that snotty way of hers that he adored, then marched inside.

Score a point for him. “You really should’ve rung the doorbell. How did you know Ron wasn’t here?”

She turned and crossed her arms under her impressive cleavage. “I’m a freak, remember?”

He’d been messing with her for showing up uninvited with a bribe; he hadn’t meant to hurt her. “I don’t think you’re a freak, Dani. Let’s get on with this.”

Dani shook her head. “I called his secretary and found out he was playing golf.”

“Yeah. He usually does on Fridays.” They crossed through the living room, decorated in dark leathers and glass, toward the hallway. Dani followed close behind as he turned into a bedroom. It was the master, and it held an enormous bed with a mirrored ceiling above it. Across the room hung a huge flat screen television with a video camera perched along its side, presumably to make his own movies. Michael turned and met Dani’s gaze.

She slowly shook her head. “He’s a frickin’ perv.”

“Yep.” Repulsed, especially on his mom’s behalf, Michael turned and crossed the hall to the second bedroom. Dani didn’t follow. The sounds of drawers opening and closing in the master drifted his way.

The second bedroom held file cabinets and a desk with a computer on it. He slid into the leather chair, hit the “Power” button on the computer, then called out, “Would you stop snooping and get in here? I might need help with these passwords.”

After a few minutes, Dani appeared in the doorway. “Ron could open his own sex shop. I’m going to need my hand sanitizer after we leave. It’s disgusting.”

“Quit touching things and you’ll be fine. We don’t want to leave fingerprints and get busted for breaking and entering.” With that thought, he abruptly raised his hands from the keyboard and rubbed the back of his stiff neck, contemplating. Maybe he shouldn’t be doing this. Was it wrong to protect his mother from a man who played dirty?

Dani moved behind him, nudged his hand aside, and rubbed at the tension in his shoulders and neck. “We aren’t doing anything wrong. Your mother asked you to help her move the money, not steal it. You’re just putting it in an account so the lawyers can divvy it up fairly. Ron was the one who did your mother wrong by hiding it.”

Trying his best to ignore her soothing touch, he turned and met her gaze. “Did touching me just now let you read my thoughts?”

“No.” She rolled her eyes. “It was written all over your face. Unfortunately, I know you too well, Michael.”

Dani whispered soft curses under her breath at him for jumping to conclusions about her as she continued kneading his sore shoulders. He nearly wept with joy when his muscles stopped burning and finally loosened. He hadn’t realized how tense he was. But he had to fight a grin as she kept up the quiet muttering. It wasn’t easy to make her that mad.

She gave his shoulders one last squeeze. “There, is that better?”

He rolled his head back and forth. His shoulders and neck were as pliant as putty. “Yeah, thanks.”

“Good.” She gave him a light smack upside the back of his head. “That was for the ‘got a hot date’ comment.” Then she began digging through desk drawers.

“Hey, I’m recovering from a serious head injury here.”

“Keep it up and I’ll give you a more serious head injury, buddy.”

He chuckled as he turned his attention to his phone and pulled up Ron’s account numbers. As he searched the computer for financial sites, he clicked on the Internet connection and then tapped the “Down” arrow on the “Search” bar. A list of sites Ron had recently visited appeared.

He blew out a low whistle. “You think is where I should start looking? Or perhaps”

Dani shook her head as she searched through the hanging files in the credenza behind the desk. “I guess his home movies aren’t enough. Let’s just hope he hasn’t spent all of your mom’s money on porn sites.”

Michael slipped his hand inside the bag and grabbed another cinnamon roll as he scrolled through the long list of smut. Finally, he found a financial website that Julia had sent information about.

He finished off the roll and waited as a screen for an overseas banking institution loaded. Feeling full and content, he said, “Thanks for the rolls, Dani. And the shoulder thing. You could make a living as a chef or a masseuse if the Realtor thing doesn’t work out.”

“Or a gangster, right?”

He turned and stared into her eyes, hating the pain he’d put there. “I shouldn’t have said that in the hospital. I was hurt and wanted to hurt you back. I apologize for that. But I was sincerely thanking you for the rolls, Dani.”

She grunted, then slammed a file drawer shut. “You’re welcome. Are you gonna share?”

“Sure, go ahead.” He didn’t miss the soft swell of breasts rising over black lace that appeared before him when her shirt gaped as she reached across the desk for the last roll.

She was definitely trying to kick his ass. And it was working.

As badly as he wanted to reach out and touch, he wouldn’t. Instead, he turned his attention to the task at hand.

After he navigated to the home screen on the banking site, a screen appeared asking for an account number. He picked the one from Julia’s list that matched the site and typed it in. Then he tabbed down to the next box and typed in the password. A loud beep announced the password was invalid.

“Damn. He changed it.”

Dani leaned over his shoulder. “Try Studman10.”

“That’s sick.”

“Just type it in.”

He did, and the screen moved on to the next one.

Amazed, he turned and stared into her exotic eyes. “Did you do that with your power thing?”

“No.” She held up a piece of paper. “I found a file marked ‘Passwords.’”

He barked out a laugh before he snatched the paper from her hand. “You might’ve mentioned that fact earlier. Let’s get this done and get out.”

Michael transferred more than $500,000 from the first account. After he’d emptied it, a message appeared saying that a confirmation e-mail would be sent to the designated address. That meant Ron was going to figure out what had happened quickly.

He turned to Dani. “Ron’s going to rupture an artery when he sees what we’ve done. While I finish up here, will you please call my mom and ask her to send an e-mail to Ron, explaining she hasn’t spent the money but just moved it. And tell her to pack a bag. She needs to be out of the house when Ron gets home tonight. She can stay in my girls’ room if she’d like.”

While Dani called his mom, he finished emptying the other accounts. By the time he was done, he’d moved more than $5 million.

Dani tucked her phone into her purse. “Your mom just sent the e-mail, and she’s packing as we speak. I invited her to my house for a girls’ night tonight and told her she could stay with us or at your place. She’ll let you know what her plans are when she decides.”

“Girls’ night? My mother doesn’t—” The scrape of a key in the front door shot panic through him. “Shit. He’s here.” He quickly hit the “Power” button on the computer, snagged his things, then wrapped his arm around Dani’s waist, pulling her along with him into the closet. He’d just barely pulled the door closed when Ron called out, “Make yourself at home, honey. I just need to check my e-mail. Hopefully, all’s quiet at the office, and we’ll have a little more time.”

A sultry, young woman’s voice said, “You’re checking your e-mail? Now?”

Ron sounded distracted when he said, “It’ll just take a—” He was cut off, and the desk chair groaned with what Michael could only guess was her added weight on Ron’s lap.

He whispered to Dani, “Not again. Why do we always end up listening to other people having sex?”

Dani’s warm breath tickled his ear as she moved closer. “That’s what you get for being so mean to me. Text your mom and have her call him. That ought to break things up.”

“Good idea. And I’m not being mean. We’ll discuss it later.” He grabbed his phone and furiously tapped in the message as the moans in the office got even louder. And more disgusting.

Dani hissed, “This is grossing me out.”

“Let’s just hope my mom gets the message. Soon.”

He quoted football stats in his mind to block out the noise, praying his mother would hurry. He wasn’t sure he could stand another minute without busting out of the closet and making a run for it.

When a phone rang, he and Dani glanced at each other in the dim light and grinned.

Ron said, “That’s my wife’s ringtone. I better take it.”

“What? No. Call her back later.”

Ron groaned. “I would, except she’s busted me one too many times lately. I don’t need any more complications. I’m supposed to be on the golf course, so I can’t say I was in a meeting. I’ll get rid of her.”

“Fine. But hurry.”

Ron said, “Hi, honey.” There was a long pause, then the sound of tapping computer keys. “Why can’t you just tell me what the e-mail says? Maeve—”

He let out a low curse. “She hung up on me. I’m supposed to read some e-mail.” A few more keys tapped, and then he screamed, “What the hell? Oh my God. How the hell did she do this? Get off me.” The sound of the girl’s feet hitting the floor had Dani’s hand whipping up to cover her mouth. Her shoulders shook with laughter beside him, and it was all Michael could do to contain his own.

“Hey! What was—” the girl complained, but Ron cut her off.

“Get out. I have to go to my office to deal with something. Now!”

“You’re an asshole, Ron.” The sound of the front door slamming sounded while Ron banged drawers open and shut. Finally, after a few minutes of muttered curses and plans to call his broker and accountant, the front door slammed again.

After five minutes of silence, Michael slid the door open and stepped out. He grabbed Dani’s hand and pulled her along with him. “Let’s go.”

Dani laughed like a loon as he led her down the steps. When they were by her car, she finally managed to get herself under control. She said, “Ron’s finally going to get what he deserves.”

“Yeah.” He studied his shoes for a moment, searching for the right words. Nothing profound popped into his mind, so he met her expectant gaze again. “Thanks, Dani.”

He should do it now. Just end things so he could move on and find a sane woman. “I’ll call you later. After I’ve had time to think.”

So, he’d do it later. Or, even better, he’d do it on the phone, when he wasn’t staring into those bewitching eyes. Her spell had already started casting wishes and wants into his mind again. But he wasn’t going to cave.

Before he could step back, she stood on her tiptoes and laid her mouth on his.

The power and need in their kiss pulled him under fast and swift. His heart ached for her, and he had no choice but to drown in the sweet pain. If only for a few more moments.

How could he live the rest of his life knowing what this was like? To be pulled to someone like the tide to a rocky shore? Because rocky was what life with Dani would always be. It’d never be smooth sailing.

Did he want smooth sailing? Or did he want to feel the way that only Dani had ever made him feel? Content and . . . no, he needed to end the kiss.

He didn’t have to, though, because Dani slowly lifted her lips from his. She stepped back and cocked a brow. “Think about that, Michael.” Then she turned and pressed her car’s remote.

She’d almost made him cave with that move, but he needed to be stronger than that. “Dani?”

“What?” Her eyes shone bright with unshed tears when she met his gaze.

“Come here.” Dani wasn’t the type to use her impressive cleavage to influence men and would never walk into her office looking like that on purpose. She’d made an exception for him.

Dani walked back to him, her chin tilted high as she met his steady stare.

He lifted his hands, letting just the back of his fingers gently brush against the deep V of her breasts before he slowly fastened two of the open buttons on her soft blouse. “This shirt was a nice move to show me what I’m missing, but it’s not professional for the office. Have a pleasant day at work.”

Her mouth gaped before a low growl emitted from deep within her. Defiantly, she yanked opened the top button, as he knew she would—that’s why he’d buttoned two—and then she marched to her car. “Really? Professional advice after you just kissed me like that? Why I love you is beyond me, Michael Reilly. You’re such a—” Her curse was cut off by the slamming of her car door.

He sent her a wave as she backed out of her parking space, nearly taking his toes with her. She started toward the exit but suddenly slammed on her brakes and rolled her window down.

When she met his gaze with narrowed eyes, his stomach clenched with anticipation of her next move. It’d no doubt be a scathing tongue-lashing. He probably deserved it for kissing her back like that, encouraging her. But it couldn’t be helped whenever he kissed Dani.

Instead, she shot him the finger and then tore out of the parking lot.

She’d gotten in the last word after all.

He smiled.

Did he want the drama that came along with Dani? The fun, the excitement, the way he felt whole when he was with her? Even though she came with a price, he’d felt alive again after many years of just going through the paces of life, because of her.

God, what was he going to do about Dani?

“He buttoned up your blouse?” Zoe rolled on the floor with laughter, nearly knocking over her drink. “Did he at least cop a feel while he was at it?”

Girls’ night was in full bloom in Dani’s living room, and they’d all had enough to drink to float a boat. “It’s not funny. And of course he copped a feel. He’s a guy.” Dani turned to her mother for support. “He was being such a jerk.”

Her mom shook her head. “I saw what you were wearing when you came home from work today. You weren’t playing fair yourself, honey.”

Dani shrugged a shoulder draped in a football jersey that just happened to be a replica of the one Michael had worn when he was on the Cowboys. “That’s beside the point.”

Sara rolled over and laid her head on Dani’s shoulder. “I’m on your side, Dan. Even if they aren’t.”

“Thanks, kiddo.” When Sara yawned and closed her eyes, Dani feared her sister was out for the night. She’d probably just have to leave her on the floor where she lay.

Then her grandmother said, “The cinnamon rolls were a nice touch. But where you really screwed up was when you were alone with him in that closet.”

“Mother.” Annalisa let out a small warning growl.

Grandma ignored her. “Seriously, you should have jumped his bones and shown him what’s what.”

Zoe snorted out a laugh and crawled next to Dani and Sara on the floor. “It really would have been perfect. You guys did it the first time in a laundry room, then a shower. Why not the closet?”

Dani sent Zoe the evil eye. “Remind me not to tell you this stuff anymore. You have a big mouth.”

Sara’s eye’s fluttered open. “I’ve never done it in a laundry room. I’m gonna have to try that.” Then her lids slammed shut again. Just when they all thought she was asleep, she said, “How about you, Grandma? Ever done it in a laundry room?”

“They didn’t have laundry rooms when I was young enough for that nonsense. We did it in the basement. That’s where we used to do laundry.”

Zoe chuckled and took another hit from her glass. “How about you, Annalisa? Has a big, famous star like you ever done it on the washing machine during the spin cycle? That’s the best way, you know. It adds a little extra punch.”

Dani whipped her head toward Zoe, making herself dizzy. “What? You’ve never told me about that one. You’ve held out on me, and as your punishment, I’m gonna call your hubby right now and get the details.” Not that she’d actually do it; she was just teasing her.

Zoe’s husband always cringed whenever anyone talked about sex. He managed to be a macho hunk and incredibly sweet at the same time. Kind of like Michael, now that she thought of it.

To keep her threat real, she searched for her phone on the coffee table, digging around all the leftover snacks they’d grazed on. Suddenly she found herself pinned under Zoe’s long body. “Don’t you dare tell Will I told. He’ll kill me.” She grabbed Dani’s phone and put it in her back pocket before she rolled off her. “It was that last daiquiri’s fault I let that slip. So how about it, Annalisa? Ever done the washing machine boogie?”

Her mom’s lips tilted into an evil grin. “Large appliances aren’t nearly as effective as smaller ones in that department, ladies.”

Zoe and Eva laughed hysterically while Dani groaned. “God, Mom. Have another drink, why don’t you? Then you can really loosen up.”

Sara suddenly sat up and joined the living again. “Hey, speaking of Mom, could I have a Porsche like Dani’s, please?”

“No. Your sister earned hers. You haven’t.”

“Earned it? What does that mean?” Sara blinked in confusion.

Her mom leaned down and kissed Sara on the top of the head. “You need to get a job and become a responsible member of society, like your sister. Then you’ll have earned a Porsche.” Annalisa sent Dani a wink.

Her mom’s comment, along with all the alcohol she’d consumed, made Dani feel warm and gooey inside. Maybe she’d finally earned a little of her mother’s respect.

Sara frowned. “When did this new rule happen?”

“Yesterday, when I thought I was never going to work again. I think I just grew up, too.” Her mom let out a long sigh, then drained her glass.

Before Sara could argue, a phone rang. Confusion creased Zoe’s brow for a moment before she realized she still had Dani’s phone in her back pocket. When she tugged it out and read the display, she grinned. “Well, speak of the devil. It’s Michael.”

Dani leaped for the phone, but Zoe held it high over her head. “Maybe I should tell him what I think about the way he’s treating my best buddy?” Zoe sent her a mischievous grin. “You’ll thank me for this later.” She punched a button and said, “Hey, bonehead, how’s it going?”

“Dani?” Zoe had hit the “Speaker” button so they all could hear.

She reached for the phone again, but Zoe had arms as long as a six-foot-three basketball player’s, so Dani called out, “No, it’s my inebriated ex–best friend.”

Michael didn’t miss a beat. “Oh, hey, Zoe. Is my mom there?”

Only because Zoe was so wasted and had let her guard down was Dani able to snatch the phone back. But she was too drunk to figure out how to turn the speaker off. “No, she called earlier and said she’d made other plans. Why?”

“I can’t find her. I’ve called her cell, but it goes directly to voice mail. When she hadn’t called to let me know what her plans were, I went to her house, but no one is home. I’m worried about her, Dani. What if Ron’s done something rash?”

That sobered her up a bit. “Is her car there?”

“No. Both of their cars are gone, and Ron wasn’t at the office when I drove by a while ago. Can you remember exactly what she said when she called earlier?”

Dani closed her eyes, begging her foggy, drunk mind to focus. “Um, just that she wasn’t in the mood for fun, maybe next time, and that she was going away for a few days. She didn’t tell me where.”

He was quiet for a few beats. “Why wouldn’t she have called me? I know she’s distracted and upset about the divorce, but it doesn’t make sense.”

Annalisa called out, “Maybe we can help. We’ll be right over, Michael.”

“Dani, are any of you sober enough to drive?”

“No.” They could barely walk, much less drive. “But my mom’s an aging celebrity who loves any attention she can get, so she has a big, shiny chauffeur-driven car.”

Michael groaned. “I was going to apologize for that. I just haven’t gotten to it. Sorry, Annalisa.”

Her mom was obviously way drunk because she just grinned stupidly before she slid off the couch. “I know you didn’t mean it, honey. Don’t worry, we’ll be right there.”




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