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Seen: An Omegaverse Story (Breaking Free Book 2) by A.M. Arthur (7)


A solid week in the apartment, and Kell was both thriving and going a little stir crazy. He’d gained several pounds, thanks to the big, healthy meals he cooked for himself and Ronin, and Ronin had rented a treadmill for the living room, which gave Kell better exercise than pacing. On the days Ronin was gone doing his lawyer stuff, Kell spent his time out on the balcony, enjoying the sunshine and reading from the variety of library books Ronin brought for him.

Kell longed to take a simple walk around the block, but his stunning understanding that Senior Iverson wanted him dead kept him firmly indoors. Safe. And some combination of the heat block and getting a good night’s sleep had Kell’s mood soaring. He missed Braun like crazy, but he always missed his brother, and he used to go months without speaking to him. Kell could survive a few more weeks.

His good mood also had everything to do with Ronin. After describing three years of hell, and saving the worst of it for last, Ronin had run. He’d run so his anger didn’t turn on Kell, and he’d understood that. The sweaty man who’d returned to him had been so kind, so affectionate, that Kell had fallen for him completely.

And that kiss.

That kiss was everything. It said, “I see you,” and “I value you,” and “I won’t overstep with you.” Kell had never in his life felt so treasured and desired, and not even Ronin’s thick erection had broken the spell of affection that had grown around them.

They hadn’t kissed again, but they did share hugs and casual touches, which were wonderful. Kell felt like a person, not a hole, and he wanted to hold onto that feeling for as long as possible.

He was on the last chapter of a particularly good mystery novel when the doorbell rang, startling him into nearly falling off the balcony lounge. Ronin wasn’t due home for at least another hour, and he wouldn’t ring the bell, unless he’d forgotten his key. Kell stood and crept slowly across the living room to the front door.

The bell sounded again, and his heart nearly beat out of his chest as he put his right eye to the peek hole. A tall man stood in the hall with a six-pack of beer in his hand. Casual clothes, good-looking.

Maybe he has the wrong apartment.

Kell kept his eye glued to the peek hole until the man shrugged and turned to leave. Then Kell flew across the room for the landline and called Ronin.

It rang for so long he feared voicemail, and then, “I’m here.”

“Thank goddess, someone was ringing the bell just now,” Kell said.

“What? Who?”

“I don’t know, I didn’t recognize him, but he had beer, which was weird. I waited until he left to call you, so he didn’t hear me.”

“Can you describe him?”

“Um, your height, I guess. Dark hair, good-looking. Generic. Probably alpha, but I couldn’t get a scent through the door.”

“I met someone who lives in our building at the gym last week, but I didn’t tell him our apartment number.”

“Oh. Well, I guess that explains the beer.”

“Maybe. Keep the door locked. I’ll be home soon.”


Kell paced the length of the apartment until he heard the tell-tale sound of Ronin’s key in the lock. Ronin shut and locked the door behind him, dropped his briefcase, and swept Kell into a warm, generous hug. All his anxiety from the unexpected guest settled as Ronin held him tight in his big, muscular arms.

“I checked with the main office,” Ronin said. “It apparently was the man I met. He inquired about me at the front desk. I’ve since corrected them about telling anyone which room number is mine.”

“Oh. Why did this guy want to see you?”

“I don’t know.” Ronin’s hand rubbed relaxing circles on his back. “I think he’s lonely. He’s here for another month, doing work for the constabulary, and he misses his omegin.”

“The constabulary?”

“Yes. Apparently, they’re embracing modern technology and installing a DNA forensic unit.”

Kell had read about the rise in DNA samples in independent labs helping to solve crimes, but he hadn’t realized it had become so popular. “I don’t suppose this is good news for my defense in any way?”

Ronin pulled back to smile down at him. “No, but it’s also not a detriment, either. Your DNA would be expected to be all over both Krause and the bedroom.”

“Right. Any idea about the trial date?”

“Yes, actually. It’ll start on the first of next month.”

“So a little over a week?”

“Correct. I also had an interesting moment today regarding your case.”

“Good interesting?”

“I think so. The chief prosecutor came to me today to make a plea deal.”

Shock rolled down Kell’s spine. “They never offer deals on murder cases.”

“I know, and it caught me off-guard. Even though I had no intention of taking it, I listened to his offer, and then I turned it down.”


Ronin pressed a gentle, shushing finger to his lips. “No. You are not serving a single day in prison, I promised you that.”

Kell bit Ronin’s finger, who snatched it back with surprise. “Then how is this good interesting?”

“Because it means Senior Iverson is scared of this trial. No one else has reason to pressure the senior prosecutor to offer a deal, and the only reason to do so is to avoid a public trial and having Senior Iverson’s dirty laundry aired out by the media. He’s scared of you.”

“But I’m just an omega.”

“An omega with a compelling and horrifying story to tell. And it’s unlikely that the prosecutor has any idea of what you’re going to say about the Iversons, other than what we’ve shared about Baby Branson and your physical injuries the day Krause died.”

Injuries Kell still couldn’t bring himself to ask about, because he wanted to remember, damn it.

“He’ll be completely thrown off guard in terms of doing his cross-examination,” Ronin continued, mindless to Kell’s inner monologue. He sounded positively smug about how everything was going, so Kell trusted him that this was a good development. “So we’re going ahead with the trial. The prosecution is satisfied with the work of the investigators, and I’ve spoken to everyone I need to speak with, except Scully, who has been served. If he doesn’t appear, he’ll be jailed.”

“I hope he appears, then. Jail sucks.”

“Yes, it does, little one.”

Kell sank into Ronin’s chest, selfishly giving in to the offered support. He quite enjoyed Ronin’s hugs—until the doorbell startled him for the second time that day.

Ronin growled, then let go. Kell expected him to approach the door, but he went into the kitchen instead. Reached up to the cabinet over the refrigerator and took something small and black out of it.

A handgun.

Kell shrank from the weapon, watching as Ronin approached the door with it. He looked through the peek hole. “It’s Jin,” Ronin said softly. “The man I met in the gym. With beer.”

“He must think you’re home now if he came back.”

“Yeah.” Ronin nodded toward the balcony, so Kell skittered out of sight. Ronin tucked the gun into the back waistband of his slacks, and then opened the apartment door. It opened toward Kell, which blocked him from view of the hallway and the stranger outside. “Jin, hello.”

“Hey, man, sorry to show up like this,” Jin replied, his voice muffled, but still audible.

“It’s quite unexpected, considering I never gave you my apartment number.” The anger in Ronin’s voice rolled across Kell’s skin in an appealing way. His alpha was protecting him.

Not my alpha.

“I apologize, I asked at the front desk. I was feeling particularly lonely today, and I thought maybe you’d be up for a beer and some conversation.”

Kell could still see Ronin’s profile, and he seemed torn between sympathy and his duty to protect Kell’s identity.

“Not today, man,” Ronin replied. “I’m in the middle of something important with a friend.”

“Oh, no, I get it. That makes sense. When I saw you in the lobby a few minutes ago, you were hauling ass to the elevator. Probably why you didn’t hear me call your name.”

“Yeah, probably. Thanks for the offer, though.”

“Sure thing.” Jin sounded so disappointed that Kell nearly yelled out that he could stay. “See you around.”

Ronin shut the door, his expression clearly unhappy. Kell went to the bigger man and wound both arms around his waist. “I hated sending him away,” Ronin said. “He seemed genuinely down.”

“I know. So did I.” His fingers brushed the butt of the gun. “When did you buy a firearm?”

“Last week. Tarek helped me procure it in case anyone discovered where we live.”

“Oh. Okay.” Kell wasn’t entirely comfortable having the weapon in the apartment, but he did understand the need for it. “Thank you for keeping me safe.”

“You don’t have to thank me for that.” He pressed a soft kiss to the top of Kell’s head. “Not ever.”

“Yes, I do. You’re in a strange province, far away from your friends, family, and co-workers, and all because of me. You do all the shopping, because I can’t leave the apartment. You bring me books and movies and games. You’re perfect.” Kell blushed to the roots of his hair. “So yeah, um, thank you for everything.”

“You make it easy, and I don’t simply mean that as an alpha who’s happy to treat his omega well. I mean it as a man who truly enjoys your company and who wants to make sure you have everything you need.”

His omega. He thinks of me as his.

Kell didn’t know what to do with that, because his gut reaction to Ronin was that he was Kell’s alpha. Kell trusted him, deep down, and he trusted very rarely these days. But Ronin was his lawyer, Kell was going on trial for murder, and everything about them having a relationship was inappropriate.

But that didn’t stop Kell from wishing. Wanting.

Ronin seemed to be on the same train of thought, because his entire face softened. His dark eyes glittered with something lively and wonderful, not dangerous and predatory. Ronin traced the knuckles of one hand down Kell’s cheek, and Kell had no fear that loving gesture would turn into a slap.

He won’t hurt me.

Kell parted his lips and tilted his head, inviting Ronin to kiss him again. Ronin stared at his mouth, clearly torn about how to proceed. Anything physical, beyond that first chaste kiss, crossed a big line between them, and Kell wasn’t sure what he was ready for. All he knew was that for the first time in years, he craved the physical touch of an alpha—one he instinctively trusted to care for him, mind, body and soul.

Ronin pressed his forehead to Kell’s, their warm breaths mingling. He smelled like coffee and mint and safety, and Kell wanted more. “Please,” Kell whispered.

“I can’t, little one.” Ronin curled that steadying, calming hand around the back of Kell’s neck. “You have no idea how much I want you, but I can’t. If I start kissing you, I may not be able to stop, and you aren’t ready. The doctor said you aren’t ready for a heat, much less the preparation and friction of regular sex. I won’t let myself hurt you.”

Gratitude slammed into Kell’s chest, and he hugged Ronin tight, so happy that one of them was able to think clearly, when they were both swamped by each other’s scent and faint pheromones. Faint since they were both on suppressants now.

“Let’s sit a while and enjoy each other’s company,” Ronin said.


At first, they sat side-by-side on the couch, with one of Ronin’s arms slung across Kell’s shoulders. That lasted for about thirty seconds, before Ronin hauled Kell into his lap, and Kell went willingly. The erection beneath him didn’t bother him in the least—Ronin had been hard, and he’d still resisted giving in and taking what Kell would have freely given. He snuggled up to Ronin and allowed himself to be held for a very long time.

By his alpha.

* * *

Ronin stood on the balcony with a beer in one hand and gazed out at the lights of the city still blazing bright, despite it being after midnight. Kell had gone to sleep hours ago, but Ronin was restless. Not only because the trial began in another week, but because of the man sleeping only twenty feet away.

He hadn’t meant to let “my omega” slip out, and he also didn’t regret it. Kell’s eyelids had fluttered, but he hadn’t disputed the comment. No, he’d looked at Ronin like he hung the moon and stars, and then he’d silently asked to be kissed. Ronin had been tempted. So tempted, as his blue balls could attest, but he’d somehow kept his wits and turned Kell down. And Kell’s physical condition was only part of it.

Kell wasn’t ready to start something with another alpha, not even one he seemed to worship for protecting him, and whom he trusted with his body. The stress of the trial had yet to begin, and while Ronin would be there to comfort him at night, they needed to maintain an air of professionalism in court. If Ronin took him now, he’d snap and growl at anyone who came within two feet of Kell, including the judge, and that would be bad.

Blue balls were easier.

And Kell hadn’t seemed upset about being turned down. Not relieved, either, simply at peace with the decision Ronin had made for them. Kell was so used to being talked down to, told what to do, and not given a choice that he was automatically deferring big decisions to Ronin.

They’d have to work on that. Ronin wanted a willing partner, not a slave.

His phone rang, and Ronin jerked to instant alert. No one called at such a late hour simply to chat except for—yep. He let out a sigh of relief and answered the call. “Omegin.”

“My lad, how are you?” His omegin’s deep, strong voice had barely roughened with age. Misha Cross had raised his six children with an iron fist and a great big heart, and he’d made sure his two alpha sons knew how to treat an omega.

“Anxious and confused, but you probably knew that,” Ronin replied. Omegin had an uncanny knack for knowing when one of his kids was in trouble or feeling poorly.

“Figured as much. Your father mentioned you were in another province for a murder trial.”

“I am, down in Sansbury Province.”

“That’s quite a distance.”

“It started as a favor for my old college roommate. You remember Tarek Bloom.”

“Of course. Strapping young lad, as I recall.”

“Yes, well, he’s a constable up here, and he’s recently found his omega. But his omega’s older brother Kell, also omega, has been accused of murdering his horribly abusive alpha.”

Omegin drew in a sharp breath. “Damn, that’s terrible. You’re defending this Kell, I presume?”

“I am.” Ronin let out a long, heavy sigh. “Kell’s my omega. I know it down to my bones, and I’m almost positive he knows I’m his alpha. He never bonded with his late alpha; he was practically sold off by his own father.”

“So are you anxious because you think they’ll convict Kell and you’ll lose your omega?”

“That’s part of it, but I have to believe with my whole heart that they’ll find him not guilty. Some of the things Kell suffered…Omegin, he’s so broken, but he’s also incredibly strong. And somehow he trusts me, which is a beautiful thing in its own right, considering he’s spent the last three years in a literal hell, hurt by every alpha who came near him.”

“You haven’t acted on your feelings, then?”

“No. Other than one kiss and a lot of cuddling. I’m scared of hurting him.”

“Then you won’t, and I say this not only as your omegin, but also as an omega who suffered before I met your father. The fact that you care so much about not hurting him is why you won’t. You’ll probably be more gentle than he wants, but that’s what will make it perfect.”

Ronin closed his eyes. “You make it sound so easy.”

“Believe me, son, it’s not. And your circumstances aren’t exactly giving you an opportunity to act on your feelings.”

“Actually, they are.” Ronin explained the court agreement on custody. “He’s sleeping right now, but I can’t seem to relax.”

“Then my suggestion? In the morning, sit down with your omega and explain everything. Tell him how you feel and what you want, and then let him decide. He may say he isn’t ready to choose you or not until the trial is over. Or maybe he’s waiting for you to make the first move.”

“I want him to choose me so badly it hurts. But we have another issue coming up. He’ll heat again in less than three weeks, and it will likely happen in the middle of trial.”

“Oh dear, that is a problem. Unless he does choose you, and then you’re in the perfect position to help him.”

“How can I expect him to want to mate with me after what he’s been through?”

“Because he trusts you, love. If he knows in his heart and soul that you’re his bondmate, then he’ll trust you to mate with him, and to protect him for the rest of your lives. Believe me.”

Ronin’s mind drifted back to an earlier confession. “What did you mean when you said you suffered before you met Father?”

Omegin was silent for several moments. “I was the youngest of my siblings, and by the time of my first heat, my own omegin had passed on. My father had a low opinion of omegas, and he thought my agony was ridiculous. He threatened to bring someone over to shut me up, if I didn’t quiet down, and of course, my body was in such a state that I couldn’t stop anything that was happening. So he followed through with his threat.

“An alpha I didn’t know came into my room with a box of condoms, and he didn’t leave until the heat ended.”

“Fucking hell,” Ronin blurted out. “I’m so sorry.”

“It is what it is, and it was a long time ago. Fortunately, I met your father not long after, and we mated during my next heat. We also conceived your eldest brother.”

Ronin glared out at the city, his free hand curling tight around the banister. “I hate that your father did that to you.”

“It’s the past, love. I have since lived a long, happy life, and I have six beautiful children to dote on, as well as eighteen amazing grandchildren. It’s all I ever wanted. What is it you want?”

“I want Kell. But he nearly died giving birth to his first child, and I don’t want to risk his life again by asking for children of our own.”

“Then make sure you tell him that. It’s in an omega’s nature to want to please his alpha, and many are raised to believe that the very best pleasure is reproduction. Assure your Kell that you don’t expect that from him. I’m certain it will go a long way toward soothing his fears over accepting you as his alpha.”

“I’ll tell him, then, I promise. Omegin, I can’t wait for you and Father to meet him.”

“I’m already looking forward to it. I can hear your affection in your voice. And if I can hear it, then I’m certain it’s obvious to your omega when you simply look at him.”

“I hope so.”

“I know so. Has this talked helped at all?”

“It has, thank you. As awkward as it might be, I do need to sit down and tell Kell how I feel and what I want. Hopefully he wants me, too.”

“How could any omega resist you? You’re as handsome as your father, and you’ve got my stubborn streak. Go with your gut, all right? And you catch your omega’s heart.”

“I’ll do my best. Thanks for calling.”

“Anytime, love. If you boys need anything, we’ll be there in a heartbeat.”

“I know. I love you.”

“Love you more. Bye now.”

Ronin hung up, more clear-headed and calm now that he’d spoken to his omegin. The man always knew what to say to make his children feel better about any situation.

He entered the apartment and secured the balcony doors behind him. On his way to his room, Ronin stopped cold outside of Kell’s. Kell had left his door open for the first time since moving into the apartment. The simple action spoke to the level of trust Kell had in Ronin, and he held that close to his heart, along with hope that Kell might want more with him.

He stepped closer and peered into the dim room. On the bed, Kell rolled beneath the covers, his body twisting from facing away from the door, to facing the door. Facing Ronin. Still fast asleep, he’d reacted to his alpha’s presence. Ronin longed to go inside, slip into the bed, and sleep with his omega in his arms. Kell would likely cuddle up to him just as instinctively.

But Ronin had promised never to enter Kell’s room without permission, and he would abide by that promise.

Tomorrow morning, Ronin would stop tip-toeing around what he wanted. He’d tell Kell the whole truth, and then he’d accept the consequences.

No matter what choice Kell made about them.




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